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Messages - David

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NeoLemmix Levels / Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings Halloween 2023
« on: July 21, 2024, 07:44:40 pm »
Thank you for your explanations. I'll say it again, there are a lot of excellent puzzles in this pack, and I also learned a few tricks. :thumbsup: I'll look at the intended solutions when I've finished it. If I really can't solve Festival 13, I might ask you for a hint, but I would rather do it without help. ;)

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NeoLemmix Levels / Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings Halloween 2023
« on: July 21, 2024, 02:21:47 am »
Hi Armani,

Here are my replays of Funeral rank and the first 12 levels of Festival rank. :scared::scared::scared: For now, I'm stuck at level 13 of Festival rank. This pack is really good :thumbsup:, you probably spent a lot of time creating, and refining, each puzzle/level. And it’s a good challenge for me. ;)

Festival rank:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Funeral rank:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

If I ever manage to solve Festival 13 and the following levels, I will post my replays here. But I'm not sure I'll be able to finish the pack. :scared::evil:

Hi kaywhyn,

My first pack was a mishmash of everything I had done for years, since discovering Neolemmix. It was a bit messy. :D DavidLems is more accomplished. Since 2020, I have discovered and tried some level packs that have fed my imagination and I have listened a lot to the advice of players (including you) who tested my previous pack; in this pack, the level titles are in english, there are only two levels with a lot of builders, there is no unnecessary time limit, and the objects (unlock button and exit) are generally clearly visible. :P

Thanks for your feedback and for your compliments. I’m very happy that you enjoyed this pack and I didn’t think it would be so difficult (for you). Following your LP, which was exciting to watch :thumbsup:, I made little changes to about fifteen levels and swapped a few levels to better flatten the difficulty curve.

Generally, you found the intended solution, but for a few levels, you found an alternative solution (often more complicated).

1) 100 metres rank:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

2) 200 metres rank:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

3) 400 metres rank:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

4) One minute rank:

the rank seems to have been heavily inspired by the One rank of PimoLems, which I know David has played through back around the time he released his first level pack The Lemmings Have Grown

Yes, I used the concept of PimoLems' excellent rank One. ;)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Also thanks to Mobiethian who made a great logo for my pack! :thumbsup:

Thank you for this relevant answer kaywhyn. I really didn't think this pack would be so difficult! Anyway, you and Crane know how to gauge the difficulty of a level better than me. ;) I therefore choose "medium-extreme".

Honestly, i'd rate some of the "400 metres" levels as "Extreme" difficulty!  I'm having a bit of a playthrough myself after watching kaywhyn's "Let's Play".

Sorry Crane, I didn't see your message. ;) I just asked kaywhyn what he thought. I was thinking of putting medium-very hard, but since he seems to agree with you, I'll probably put medium-extreme. Thank you.

kaywhyn, I will provide detailed feedback soon.

Hi WillLem,

Thank you very much for letting me know. I fixed the issue. :thumbsup:
I'll probably update my pack once kaywhyn has solved all the levels.

Thank you very much Mobiethian. :D I am very happy that you like my level pack. There are some amazing level designers in this forum. I don't think I'm one of them but I've progressed quite a bit since my first pack. ;P

Sorry, I looked too quickly, I hadn't paid attention to the stair step at the exit. :-[ It's a brilliant alternative solution ! :thumbsup:
I really like your LP. ;) Moreover, you made me laugh with your mother's snoring. :D

Hi kaywhyn,

When you have finished my pack, I will update it and provide detailed feedback level by level. :D

I have already started to fix some issues (in about 10 levels). No backroute yet, but you have sometimes found alternative solutions close to the intented solutions. I'm also thinking about swapping levels because, like you said, some are too difficult. :devil:

--> Level 200 meters 4 has a HUGE PROBLEM: the solution you found doesn't work for me. ???

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Armani has found the intended solution. 8-)

edit by kaywhyn: Spoiler tagged a part of your post! ;)

Issue fixed. Thanks kaywhyn ! ;P

I can't wait to look at your solutions. But I don't think this pack will seem too difficult for you. You've already solved some (very) difficult packs, including Armani's Lemmings Halloween 2023 :evil::scared:, which I'm currently playing. It's not easy ! :D

NeoLemmix Levels / Re: [NeoLemmix] PoPiPack
« on: March 25, 2024, 09:23:29 pm »
Thank you Pieuw for your detailed feedback. :) To begin with, I would like you to give me some clues to solve (in another way) the levels Piquant 3 and Piquant 10, because these are the two levels which were the most complicated for me. I will send you a PM if necessary. ;P

NeoLemmix Styles / Re: Prince of Persia tileset : the palace
« on: March 25, 2024, 05:41:02 pm »
Thanks Pieuw. This game was released in 1989, it brings back memories for many of us. ;)

NeoLemmix Styles / Prince of Persia tileset : the palace
« on: March 24, 2024, 08:42:23 pm »
I present to you a new tileset. :thumbsup: This is the palace, one of the two settings of the game Prince of Persia 1. The other setting (the dungeons) has already been proposed by Proxima.

Here are 3 levels made with this tileset:

First steps

The pillars of success (you can take a nap on soft pillows! :laugh:)

Magical arches (you can meet the princess! :lix-cool:)

As an attachment, you can download the tileset (davidz_persiapalace) and the 3 levels.

A quick word to Proxima, if you read this post ;) : I improved the locked exit that I had created and that you had put in your proxima_persia tileset (I added the stairs) and I also improved how the unlock button works. If you want, and if you think it's good :P, you can integrate these two modifications into your tileset. You’ll find the locked door and the unlock button attached.

NeoLemmix Levels / Re: [NeoLemmix] PoPiPack
« on: March 24, 2024, 03:56:34 pm »
Pieuw, I finally solved Piquant 3 (see replay) :thumbsup:. However, I didn't use the kaywhyn trick and I didn't use the climber skill. So I think this is a backroute. :( I’ll be curious to know the intended solution. For me, this is the hardest level in the pack.

I didn't think there were so many backroutes in my solutions. In fact, as you specified that the progression curve was not "smooth", I wrongly thought that the difficulty was quite random. So, I wasn’t surprised to find rather easy levels in the last rank, and vice versa. Indeed, some levels in the first rank seemed quite difficult to me (Prosaic 7, Prosaic 8, and especially Prosaic 10).

My solution for Piquant 10 is therefore a huge backroute! :lem-shocked: It took me many hours to solve this level. Again, I would be curious to know what the intended solution is. It was, with Piquant 3, the level that was the most difficult for me to solve.

Regarding Pompous 7, I didn't think my solution was a backroute either. I found this level pretty awesome, and it took me a lot of attempts to find a coherent solution. :(

NeoLemmix Levels / Re: [NeoLemmix] PoPiPack
« on: March 23, 2024, 03:17:09 pm »
kaywhyn: Thank you for confirming that this level is solvable. ;) I understand the technique you're talking about, but I still don't know how to go about it. I'll try again.

Pieuw: The compliments are deserved. :thumbsup: And I agree with you, there are no "fiddly techniques" in your levels.

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