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Topics - Akseli

Quote from: Nepster on August 13, 2018, 03:52:33 PM
That's a very interesting question. There might be a good solution to this by checking for water before checking for solid terrain, but I would have to look at the precise implementation to determine what can actually be done without negative side-effects. Please make a forum thread regarding this issue.

- Assign a lemming swimmer and climber skills.
- Dig a hole that ends in water and will be fatal fall distance from top to bottom, digger turns into a swimmer and climbs up the wall.
- When swimmer falls in this hole, the water should save him, but depending on the exact height of the fall he might splat.
Lemmings Main / Lemmings References
March 02, 2014, 07:47:22 PM
I've been thinking of this topic for a long time already, and I don't know why it doesn't exist yet. So, post here Lemmings references that you have encountered or will encounter! References can be more or less stupid, fun, vague, anything. :)

The idea of this topic comes remotely close to the topic Lemmings spotted in real life!. Please note though that you are allowed to share here pretty much every Lemmings related reference you'll find from games, music, literature and any kind of popular culture, just for examples.


Here's one that has been posted in a Finnish site where people upload random pictures:

Suomalainen työura = Finnish career
Poliisi = police
Verottaja = tax collector
Eläke = pension
Nuori ja osaava työvoima = young and competent labour
Sossu = social welfare office
Halpa viina = cheap booze

This picture has been posted at least in kuvaton and riemurasia.

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The question #97 in Impossible Quiz Book Chapter 2 game has a Lemmings reference. :)
Look for time 10:14 - 10:16.
So that I can say I've released even one level pack. Plus level packs suddenly coming out of nowhere is cool.

It can't hurt to try out designing a few levels, can it?" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" /> Level designing can be pretty fun and rewarding if you have some good ideas and people playing them.

...level, considering it's his very first. I hope you make more Akseli!" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />

I'm not sure if I would have ever made even one single level without a contest like this. And I'm really excited to see what kinds of solutions other people will find for my creation. I think I'm starting to understand the allure of making own levels more than ever.

And some more comments outside the forums something in the style of "How on Earth haven't you made levels, dude!?!?!?".

Yeap and it really seems to make sense starting a topic for a level pack rather than putting everything in Lemmix Level Pack Topic." alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />

Recently I really realized how there's much less interest in level designing in the Lemmings community than I thought. I think "Lemmings Community Compilation Levelpack" topic was the last bit when I figured out that surprisingly few seem to be really interested in the level designing scene/has played many custom levels/are willing to discuss about these. This issue doesn't at least spark my level designing appetite too much, and I'm not sure if/when I'm going to make more levels. But now I have created even one single pack, so I can taste what it's like to create levels myself, not just to play others' ones.

My levels in this pack focus on tricks. Some of them I've discovered entirely myself, and some of them I've got inspiration from Clam's trick topic. One level uses a glitch, but I think it's somewhat obvious which one it is. I don't know if most of these tricks are used in older levels already. Highly probably they are, and you can mention it if you find my levels similar than some older levels. But it's of course very nice if there's even one single level which could offer you something that you haven't experienced in Lemmings before.

Naturally, I'd like to hear any kind of thoughts which come to anyone's mind about my levels. Are there flaws in my levels, which kind of, does something look ugly, is the difficulty curve solid etc. I'd like to hear which levels are your favourites of these, but also which levels are your least favourites. Also, which levels you considered the hardest, which the easiest and so on. You can rank my levels in these kinds of orders if you like.
I'd guess that the most annoying issues in my levels are going to be executing the solutions. Like I said, they use tricks, and these need precision. I'd recommend to utilize fast forward and save states as much as you like. Of course I'd like to hear which other details annoy in my levels. And if there's actually something you like about. Please don't hesitate to give any kind of feedback, I'll appreciate everything.

The first level I saw in my dream when I was 11 years old. It looks very simplistic, but at least for now I don't want to add any decoration there, because the level was exactly like that in my dream. I'm surprised that the level actually works well.
The third level is a tribute/gift/something for some of my favourite level designers. In a neat puzzle game called "" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">Laser Tank" there were people who made this kind of tribute levels for their "role models"/level designers they honoured particularly in that game. I liked that idea a lot. Tricks needed in this level aren't discovered by me.
The fifth and the ninth levels are familiar from level design contests.
I tried to order the levels by difficulty (tell me your opinion!). I'm a bit worried if two certain levels resemble each other too much." alt=":-\" title="Undecided" class="smiley" />

I think I'll upload this pack to the Lemmings Level Database after fixing possible backroutes and such.
I hope you enjoy playing this! Or at least try not to break down in tears when playing my levels, if they're so awful haha." alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" /> And yes, I'd very much like to see your solutions for my levels.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If you have problems with setting up Lemmix, take a look at here.

Some hints for using Lemmix smoothly:
My levels are meant to be played in 'Custom Lemmings' viewer style. To change the viewer style, right click with the mouse on the window where levels are listed and choose 'Change viewer style...' and choose 'Custom Lemmings'.
When playing a level, you can save a replay by pressing 'u', and a replay file will appear in the Replay folder. To view a replay, press Shift+R.
You can save the current state by pressing Ctrl+F1, and load the latest saved state by pressing Shift+F1. Fast forward works by pressing 'f' and game will jump 10 seconds by pressing the Spacebar. Just to ease your playing experience." alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />

If you want to send your solutions me privately (which is recommended), you can send them in my e-mail: juhoakseli[at] or link them me (with speedyshare or dropbox, for example) in a personal message.

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EDIT 1: The second version of the level pack is out now! Fixed levels 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8!

EDIT 2: The third version of the level pack is out now! Fixed again levels 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7!

EDIT 3: The pack is even more updated and at last available in the" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">Lemmings Level Database!
Level Design / List of rating names in level packs
April 30, 2013, 04:10:08 PM
As probably some of you have noticed, I like making lists. :P I find them fun, efficient and informative. Just let me know if you're already tired of my lists and then I probably won't spam these anymore. :D
Here's a list of ratings I've encountered in Lemmings games:

Ratings of the official games:

Original Lemmings and Lemmings 3D: Fun, Tricky, Taxing, Mayhem
Oh No! More Lemmings: Tame, Crazy, Wild, Wicked, Havoc
Holiday Lemmings: Flurry, Blizzard and Frost, Hail
Other ratings: (Present, Sunsoft)

User made ratings:

92Dexter11's/∫tan x dx's LemRunner: Jungle World, Gear World, Mona World, Wacky World, Industry World
92Dexter11's/∫tan x dx's Lemmings Faithful: Simple, Tricky
92Dexter11's/∫tan x dx's Renaissance Lemmings: Vitruvian Lemmings
Apjjm's Aqualems: Coastal, Bathyal, Abyssal, Hadal
Apjjm's Lemmings Quartet: Quartet, Extra
Armani's Lemmings Halloween 2023: Festive, Funeral
Armani's Lemmings Uncharted: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Aquarius
Armani's Xmas Lemmings 2021: Retro, Avant-Garde, Bonus
bsmith's level pack: Vanilla, Chocolate, Neopolitan
Calamity's GrentLems: Breezy, Stormy, Savage, Treacherous
Clammings: Humane, Arcane, Insane
Colorful Arty's SubLems: Newbie, Sweet, Scary, Chaotic, Insane, Hellish, (Retro)
Colorful Arty's ArtLems: (Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, NeoClassical, Romantic, Modern)
Crane's Holiday Lemmings '16: Xmas
Crane's Lemmings Cranium: Cute, Curious, Cunning, Challenge, Chaos
David's DavidLems: 100 metres, 200 metres, 400 metres, One minute
David's The Lemmings Have Grown: Morning Walk, Fast Walk, Running, 100 Metres, 400 Metres, Marathon
DireKrow's The Krow Files: File A
Dodochacalo's DoveLems: Plain, Coward, Devilish, Maso, (Bonus)
Duuddu's An unnamed level pack: Normal
Duuddu's A Master Degree in Lemmings: Learning, Studying, Teaching
Duuddu's Godlems: Easy, Medium, Hard
Duuddu's Lemmings Surges, Unusual Lemmings: Easy, Normal, Hard
Flopsy's Disk Drive: Deep Cuts, GGF Extras, GGF Special Stages, LemLine, Other Levels
Flopsy's Lemmings: Gotta Go Fast: Rose, Shield, Ring, Sneaker, Emerald, Super Sonic, Chilli Dog, Encore), Toolkit
Flopsy's SebLems: Paradise, Bittersweet, Revolution, Stormy, Murder, Rapture, (MegSEBytes, Unrequited, Deep Cuts)
Giga's Lemmings Platinum: Cakewalk, Doosy, Fragle (Fragile maybe?), Careful, Dangerous
GigaLem's Festival Millas 2018: Malamig, Serbidora, Mayelo, Artiko
GigaLem's Festival Millas 2019: Leng, Rutou, Beiji, Binghe
GigaLem's Festival Millas 2020: Raku, Odori, Geki, Oni
GigaLem's Festival Millas 2021: Rat, Dog, Tiger, Ox, Dragon
GigaLem's Festival Millas 2022: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
GigaLem's Festival Millas 2023: Economy, Premium, Business, First Class
GigaLem's Freedom Planet 2 Graphic Set Sampler: Sample Levels
GigaLem's GigaLems: Warm, Hot, Boiling, Scalding, Scorching
GigaLem's Holiday GigaLems 2015: Very Merry, Ba Hambug, Naughty, Sub Zero, Hypothermic
GigaLem's Holiday GigaLems 2016 "The Harsh Winter": Snuggly, Shivering, Frigid, Glacial, Krampus
GigaLem's Holiday GigaLems 2017 Cancelled Prototype: SugarPlum, Cuddly, Festive, Biting, Gelid, Scrooge
GigaLem's Resident GigaLems: Kneedeadnthedead, Theshoresofhell, HellonEarth, Thyfleshconsumed, Norestfortheliving, Ahorriblenight
GigaLem's Resident GigaLems 0: Silent, Eerie, Ghastly, Phantasmal, Abandoned
grams88's Nuked Lemmings: 1
grams88's Ski Sloped Lemmings: Blue Slope, Red Slope, Black Slope, Orange Slope
Gronkling's Lemmings Evolution: Amoeba, Fish, Amphibian, Reptile, Rodent
Gronkling's GAP 1: Rodents: Easy, Hard
IchoTolot's Lemmings Reunion: I'm Too Young To Die, Hey, Not Too Rough!, Hurt Me Plenty, Ultra-Violence, Nightmare!
IchoTolot's Lemmings United: Pacifism, Neutrality, Tension, War, Genocide, (Bonus)
Insane Steve's World: Peaceful, Difficult, Menacing, Chaotic, Hopeless
jkapp76's The Blizzard of Lemm: Sleet, Snowfall, Drift, Whiteout
kaywhyn's Lemmings Memories: Rankings to be determined! :P
kieran millar's Abandoned Zone: Abandoned
kieran millar's Quest From Kieran: Fun, Also Fun, Hard But Still Fun, Not Fun
LB999's Classical Lemmings: Under Earth, Desert Pillars, Roman Marble, Crystal Underground, Doomed Fire, Building Blocks, Crystal Rocks, Snowy South, Bubbly Factory, The Final Judgment
LemFan's BadLems: Easy, Moderate, Hard, Unbearable
LemFan's ColdLems: Normal, Offputting, Strange, Unalike
LemFan's LemFanLems 1: Easy, Medium, Difficult, Brutal, Chaos, Clueless
LemFan's Lemmingshades: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Pink
LemFan's Lemmings Obliterated: Pathetic, Reasonable, Depressive, Annoying, Hellfire
LemFan's Lems One: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Chocolate
LemFan's NumLems: Easy, Medium, Difficult, Ridiculous, Craziness
LemFan's OddLems: Madness (5th and final rank after the standard L1 ranks in the same order)
LemFan's Pack 1: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Fiendish
LemFan's Pack 3: Breakfast, Lunch
Lemmings Redux: Gentle, Quirky, Zany, Manic, Lunatic
mantha's Lemmings Allsorts: All Sorts
mantha's Lemmings All the Styles: Start, Middle, End
mantha's Sammings: Snow, Pillar, Bubble, Marble
mantha's Sammings 2: Circus, Casino Night, Jade, Chalkboard, Castle, Leminas
Martin Zurlinden's MazuLems: MazuLems, Extra
Master88's Lemmings World: Noobie Tour, Advanced tour, Genius tour, Intense tour, Hopeless tour
Master88's Custom Neolevels 1: LOL, YOLO, OMG, WTF
Master88's Custom Neolevels 2: Easy Roadtrip, Medium Miles, Tricky boardwalk, Suffering Hellthrough
Master88's Custom Neolevels 3: Training Zone, Rocky Road, Chaos Core, Millennium Mayhem, Millennium Mayhem Special
Mobiethian's Lemmings Heritage: Smooth, Bumpy, Rugged
Mobiethian's New Worlds: Breezy, Windy, Stormy
Mobiethian's/Armani's Holiday Lemmings 2024: Night, Daytime
mobius' Mobilems (2022): Friendly, Flapdoodle, Brouhaha, Heinous
mobius' MobiLems II: Cake, Crafty, Madness, Grueling
namida's Lemmings Plus I: Mild, Wimpy, Medi, Danger, PSYCHO
namida's Lemmings Plus II: Nice, Cheeky, Sneaky, Cunning, Genius
namida's Lemmings Plus II Bonus Pack: (Trial, Challenge, Reverse, Flight, Rush)
namida's Lemmings Plus III: Timid, Dodgy, Rough, Fierce
namida's Lemmings Plus III Bonus Pack: (Breather, Rehash, Moonwalk, Teamwork, Party, Secret)
namida's Lemmings Plus IV: Smooth, Bumpy, Twisted, Insane
namida's Lemmings Plus V: Blissful, Touchy, Edgy, Unruly, Outrageous
namida's Lemmings Plus VI: Sane, Loopy, Manic, Delirious
namida's Lemmings Plus Omega: Breezy, Puzzling, Perplexing, Mental, (Playtime)
namida's Lemmings Plus Omega 2: Fluffy, Coarse, Spiky, Sharp
namida's Lemmings Plus Alpha: Mutilation, Decimation, Obliteration
namida's Holiday Lemmings Plus: Glimmer, Arctic
namida's Lemmings Plus Flashbacks: Easy, Medium, Hard, Extreme
namida's Doomsday Lemmings: Outbreak, Plague, Apocalypse
namida's NeoLemmix Introduction Pack: (Mechanics, Skills, Objects)
Nepster's NepsterLems: Comet, Moon, Planet, Sun, Neutron Star, Black Hole
Nessy's Lemmings Migration: Painless, Irritation, Headache, Migraine
Nessy's Lemmings Destination: Helium, Neon, Argon, Xenon, Radon, (Synthetic, Fallout)
Niesch's All You Need Is Lemmings: All You Need Is Lemmings
Niesch's Long Live Lemmings and Yippee! More Lemmings: Bonus (5th and final rank after the L1 ranks in the same order for each of these packs)
nin10doadict's Lemmings Squared: Simple, Moderate, Tough, Scary, Brutal
nin10doadict's Casualemmings: Calm, Perky, Twitchy, Hyper, Troll
Pieuw's PimoLems: Calm, Windy, Stormy, Hurricane, (Pickaxe, One, Special, Extra)
Pieuw's/Dodochacalo's Fiat Lem!: Incipio, Proficio, Scando, Impero ("I begin," "I progress," "I climb up," "I rule")
Proxima's GemLems: Amethyst, Topaz, Sapphire, Diamond
Revenge of the Lemmings (2022): Picnic, Devious, Frenzy, Pain, Carnage, Armageddon
Ron Stard's Rodents: Amusing
Ryemanni's Lemmings Halloween 2017: Trick or Treat
Ryemanni's Raylems: Tender, Spicy
Shmoley's Shmolems: Learning, Simple
Solus' Xmas Lemmings 2024: First Advent, Second Advent, Third Advent, Fourth Advent
SQRon188's Assorted Gubbins: Compilation, Assorted Gubbins
SQRon188's Snack Pack: Palatable 
Strato Incendus' ParaLems: Harmless, Disturbing, Disgusting, Abhorrent, Demented
Strato Incendus' Pit Lems: LOL, ROFL, WTF, OMFG, FML
Strato Incendus' Lemmicks: Basic, Moist, Circular, Consequential, Twisted, Whimsical, Eternal, Ephemeral, Hasty, Cosmic, Suicidal, Bedlam, Nostalgic
Strato Incendus' Lemmings Hall of Fame: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum
Strato Incendus' Lemmings Open Air: Soft, Loud, Heavy, Hardcore
Strato Incendus' Lemmings World Tour: Amateur, Professional, Diva, Rockstar, Legend, (Encore)
Turrican's Mike's Lemmings Version 2: Sun, Pollux, Arcturus, Rigel, Bonus
tan x dx's Integral Lemmings: Epsilon, Delta
WaffLem's LemmingBytes: Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte
weirdybeardy's Lemmings in WeirdyLand: Guff, Drivel, Blather, Vexing, Daft
WillLem's FestiveLems: Santa, Satan, Bonus
WillLem's God Save The Queen: God Save The Queen
WillLem's Lemminas: Magical, Sensational, Tricksy, Pandemonium
WillLem's Lemminas II: Teal Kingdom, Honey Land, Slush World, Crystal Planet, Classic Dimension
Yung's First Level Pack: Calm, Decent, Suspicious
Zemmings Complete: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Bonus, Amiga

Dodochacalo's DoveLems: Plain, Coward, Devilish, Maso, (Bonus)
Dodochacalo's FranLems: Doux, Tordu, Corsé, Sadique (freely translated Soft, Twisted, Gutsy, Sadistic haha those who speak French can correct these)
MikauSchekzen's Mikau's Pack 1: Mild, Spicy, Spitfire, Inferno
mobius' MobiLems: Friendly, Flapdoodle, Brouhaha, Heinous, (OhNoMoreLevels)
Pieuw's PimoLems: Calm, Windy, Stormy, Hurricane, (Pickaxe, One, Special, Extra)
Community Pack - Revenge of the Lemmings: Picnic, Hootenanny, Frenzy, Pain, Carnage, Armageddon
timfoxxy's Fox Lemmings: Mild, Cunning, Wacky, Psycho

Lemmings for Windows/Lemmings 95:
Ji Hoon's Lemmings Remake: Heaven, Sky, Earth, Hell
Pieuw's Lemmings2007: Peace, Awkward, Artful, Insane

Insane Steve's notebook sets: Difficult, Menacing, Chaotic, Hopeless
piainp2's Lemmings Classic: Sain (Sane maybe?), Loopy, Madness, CHAOS!
Steaver's Lemmings Plus 1: Funny, Strange, Weird, Wacky, Insane
Steaver370's Lemmings Plus 2: Light, Neutral, Dark, Evil
Sunrise's Lemmings Plus 3: Daigoro, Kozuka, Wakizashi, Zanmato (ok, no idea for these..)

Clam: Flower, Humane, Arcane, Insane, (Flingsane)
Community Levelset: Lovely, Quirky, Cunning, Daunting, Vicious, Hopeless
Phil: Nudge, Pinch, Flick, Squash
Reloaded: Degu, Beaver, Porcupine, Capybara
RubiX: Pleasant, Sinister, Perplexing, Nightmare, (Aftermath)

Rating names that don't indicate difficulty compared to other rating names are in parenthesis.

Lots of nice rating names here! Let me know if you find mistakes and/or know some others. :P
For those who wondered: namida, Ji Hoon, Steaver, Steaver370 and Sunrise are exactly the same one person. (AFAIK :P)
It looks like that Insane is the most popular rating name (used five times in total). Mild, Cunning and Stormy were used three times. Breezy, Calm, Chaotic, Hopeless, Nightmare, Perplexing, Psycho, Quirky and Wacky were used two times.
My favourites are probably Awkward, Devilish and Hopeless. All four ratings of MikauSchekzen's and RubiX's packs are also really nice! :)


[Comment related to the original topic of this post: "As for what's suggested in this topic already, Carnage sounds excellent also in my ear for a very high tier rating name. And I pretty much agree with Proxima who said already that "Easy, Medium, Hard" are somewhat dull choices."]
Levels for other engines / Lemmini Level Pack Topic
November 20, 2012, 06:42:05 PM
A new levelpack topic for keeping Lemmix and Lemmini stuff separated. I don't expect much action here, because I guess here are very few people who even use Lemmini. However, here is a topic for Lemmini levels!

Here are Lemmini Troubleshooting and Lemmini keeps asking to extract files topics for technical questions related to Lemmini.

Here is the web site of" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">Lemmini.

For now, at least we can wait for Gronkling's upcoming levelpack, Gronklems7!