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Offline namida

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Lemmings Plus DOS Project
« on: November 26, 2009, 11:07:52 AM »
Lemmings Plus Games Index
Lemmings Plus DOS Project
A Lemmix-based pack of 150 levels using the official graphic sets. Lemmings Plus DOS Project mostly stays true to the original mechanics, even including glitches, but did introduce the staple Lemmings Plus feature of having non-timed bombers.
(Topic) | (Download)

Lemmings Plus II
A Lemmix-based pack of 100 levels + 5 secret levels using five new graphic sets. Introduces the concepts of Frenzy and Gimmick levels, as well as secret levels; though the engine is a modified version of traditional Lemmix, not NeoLemmix.
Has a bonus pack of 30 levels + 2 secret levels focusing on repeats and gimmick/frenzy levels.
(Topic) | (Download) | (Download Bonus Pack)

Lemmings Plus III
A NeoLemmix-based pack of 60 levels + 9 secret levels using four new graphic sets. Lemmings Plus III is the first pack in the series to use the NeoLemmix engine.
Has a bonus pack of 35 levels + 7 secret levels focusing on repeats and gimmick levels.
(Topic) | (Download) | (Download Bonus Pack)

Holiday Lemmings Plus
A small NeoLemmix-based pack of 12 levels exclusively using the Christmas graphic set. Holiday Lemmings Plus is the first pack in the series to use the new NeoLemmix skills and vertical scrolling.
(Topic) | (Download)

Lemmings Plus Flashbacks
An NeoLemmix-based collection pack featuring 32 of the best levels selected from Lemmings Plus DOS Project, Lemmings Plus II and Lemmings Plus III.
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Lemmings Plus Omega
An NeoLemmix-based pack of 135 levels using the Lemmings Plus II and Lemmings Plus III graphic sets. It is the last entry in the Lemmings Plus series.
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The Lemmings Plus DOS Project is a pack of 150* DOS/Lemmix levels, sorted into 5 difficulty ranks - Mild, Wimpy, Medi, Danger and PSYCHO.
Mild is mostly comparable to Tame. It contains levels that are short and simple (although in general, most levels in this pack are short).
Wimpy is comparable to Fun/Tricky, containing slightly more complicated easy levels as well as a few simple puzzles.
Medi is comparable to Taxing, containing a few difficult x-of-everything levels as well as some good puzzles.
Danger is comparable to Mayhem or ONML - it's where things get hard.
PSYCHO is mostly in a class of its own (Sunsoft, maybe?). It's a HUGE jump from Danger.

* 95 unique maps. Like the original game, it has repeats, including a "once per difficulty rank" level (but I think you'll find No Salvation to be FAR more interesting than We All Fall Down).

Of course, all ranks have levels that are harder than most of that rank, and ones that are easier than most. For example, Mild 26 and 30 are HUGE jumps in difficulty from the rest of Mild (although still pretty damn easy), and Danger 22 could easily have made it into PSYCHO. For examples of the reverse, the first few levels of Wimpy are easier than some Mild levels, and PSYCHO 14 is more a Medi (or *maybe* Danger) type level. This is mostly intentional, to give easy breaks as well as sudden challenges.

All my Lemmings-related downloads have been moved to DropBox. The Lemmings Plus DOS downloads are here.

Version updates:
V1 - Initial release.
V2 - Fixed a problem with fall distance. (Player update only, levels remain as is.)
V3 - Fixed a problem with level codes. (Player update only, levels remain as is.)
V4 - Incorporated all recent ccexplore updates to Lemmix Player. Also made modifications to several levels, some are name changes or purely aesthetic, some are backroute fixes. Levels modified are Mild 20, Mild 26, Wimpy 7, Wimpy 15, Wimpy 20, Medi 6, Medi 13, Danger 20, PSYCHO 8, PSYCHO 23, PSYCHO 26 and PSYCHO 29. This includes, at last, a fixing of the major backroute on PSYCHO 23 "Death Row"!
V4a - A minor fix on PSYCHO 9 "Coalburner", to do with steel areas.
V5 - More backroute fixes on PSYCHO 8 and PSYCHO 23, and the difficulty has been knocked up on PSYCHO 9 and PSYCHO 27.
V6 - Bombers are no longer timed, they now explode instantly. (They still have the Oh No animation where applicable.) This does not extend to use of the nuke. I feel this is a long overdue change.
V7 - Several of the overly annoying or pointless levels have been replaced with better ones, in most cases completely original. Replaced levels are Wimpy 12, Medi 8, Medi 16, Medi 21, Danger 17 and Danger 21. In the case of Danger 17 (fixed), it has been replaced with its own repeat version (PSYCHO 27), which has in turn been replaced with a new level. Also, more backroute fixes on the backroute-infamous PSYCHO 23.
V8 - Updated to a newer version of the Lemmix player.

Cheat codes of the form of typing in, eg, "MILD20" to access Mild 20, can be enabled by entering the code NIGERFAGOT (it was changed to this in, I believe, V5; if you're playing an older version, try CHEZBURGER). Pressing 5 to skip levels is also enabled by this code in V8, while in V4 - V7, it is always enabled (V1 - V3 did not support it at all).

Level name references
Code: [Select]
Many names are just random, but for those that have meanings relating to the level (other than to its design), or referencing other things:

Mild 1 "Just Walk!" - An obvious reference to Fun 1 "Just Dig!"
Mild 8 "Wish you had them?" - Also obvious, a reference to the absence of bashers in the level.
Mild 10 "Take Your Time..." - A hint not to assign climbers too quickly.
Mild 13 "Take A Shortcut!" - Referencing just building across the gap as a possible solution.
Mild 14 "Let's Go!" - This one should be obvious.
Mild 17 "Crying Over Spilt Lemming" - From the saying "Crying over spilt milk"
Mild 22 "Blow Down!!!" - A reference to the use of bombers in the level.
Mild 24 "With A Little Creativity..." - A reference to digging under the steel.
Mild 28 "The Descending Pillar Scenario" - A reference to Taxing 11 "The Ascending Pillar Scenario"
Mild 30 "You Just Lost The Game!" - See

Wimpy 4 "You Spin Me Right Round" - right round like a record baby right round round round
Wimpy 8 "(Also they are ninjas.)" - A reference to the "My Black Kid" song from Family Guy
Wimpy 13 "A Magician Would Be Handy" - A reference to Tricky 3 "A Ladder Would Be Handy"
Wimpy 19 "Whether You Lem It Or Not" - A play on the phrase "Whether you like it or not"
Wimpy 20 "A Snowplow Would Be Handy" - Another reference to Tricky 3
Wimpy 22 "Fast enough?" - Somewhat a hint at the level.

Medi 7 "Leap of Faith" - A hint at the solution.
Medi 9 "The Dukes Of Lemmingsville" - A reference to The Dukes of Hazzard (despite me knowing pretty much just the name)
Medi 10 "Bob's Mistake" - It's the name of a waterslide at a semi-local waterpark.
Medi 15 "Shooting Star" - A somewhat subtle hint to use falling bombers.
Medi 17 "Six Feet Under" - An expression referring to death, used as a play on the earlier version being "The Graveyard"
Medi 18 "Going Under" - A hint at the solution.
Medi 24 "Eye of the Lemming" - A play on "Eye of the storm"
Medi 25 "Chain Reaction" - It's a horrible pun.
Medi 27 "Take A Dive" - A reference to Fun 1 from 3D Lemmings, also titled "Take a dive"

Danger 6 "Alternative Logic" - A slight hint at the solution.
Danger 11 "The Warp Room" - A reference to Crash Bandicoot
Danger 12 "When Life Gives You Lemmings..." - A play on "When life gives you lemons"
Danger 28 "Steps" - A hint at the solution.

PSYCHO 3 "Express Lane" - A reference to the 12 items or less lanes at shops, notice the 12 lemmings, and 12 skills?
PSYCHO 4 "Think Outside The Square!" - A hint to literally go outside the level's sides
PSYCHO 7 "Turn Back With Care" - Probably the vaguest description possible of the majority of the solution
PSYCHO 10 "What Did You Expect?" - A reference to it being a bomber timing level originally
PSYCHO 13 "Go High Go Low" - A hint at having to use both the top and bottom parts of the level.
PSYCHO 26 "Oblivion" - Originally, this level was named after Anima's overdrive (from Final Fantasy X)
PSYCHO 30 "Hellfire!" - Similarly, this one was Ifrit's reccuring attack in the Final Fantasy series
My Lemmings projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)

Offline namida

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Re: Lemmings Plus DOS Project - Downloads
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2009, 11:23:35 AM »
100%-ability List
Warning: Some possible %s may spoil solutions, read at your own risk.
Also, these are my own results only. You may be able to beat some.
-= Mild =-
Totals: 1 required, 1 impossible, 28 optional

Mild 1 "Just Walk" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 2 "Be Careful..." - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 3 "Heading on in..." - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 4 "In The Style Of..." - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 5 "The Graveyard" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 6 "The Cells" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 7 "The Staircase" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 8 "Wish you had them?" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 9 "Tricky Hit" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 10 "Take Your Time" - 100% is required.
Mild 11 "Cliff Climber Lemming" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 12 "On The Pier" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 13 "Take A Shortcut" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 14 "Let's Go!" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 15 "On The Other Side" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 16 "Farewell, My Lemming" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 17 "Crying Over Spilt Lemming" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 18 "Dying Not Reccomended" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 19 "Up To Where We Go" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 20 "25909" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 21 "Falling Away From Everything..." - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 22 "Blow Down" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 76%.
Mild 23 "Step Softly" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 24 "With A Little Creativity..." - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 25 "Across The Ditch" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 26 "No Salvation" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 27 "The Quarantine" - 100% is possible, moderate.
Mild 28 "The Descending Pillar Scenario" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 29 "We All Die Someday" - 100% is possible, easy.
Mild 30 "You Just Lost The Game!" - 100% is possible, moderate.

-= Wimpy =-
Totals: 4 required, 2 impossible, 24 optional

Wimpy 1 "Lemming Net" - 100% is possible, easy.
Wimpy 2 "Lucky Charm" - 100% is possible, easy.
Wimpy 3 "Just For Fun" - 100% is possible, moderate.
Wimpy 4 "You Spin Me Right Round" - 100% is required.
Wimpy 5 "Get Together" - 100% is possible, easy.
Wimpy 6 "Two Pathways" - 100% is possible, easy.
Wimpy 7 "No Salvation" - 100% is possible, moderate.
Wimpy 8 "(Also they are ninjas.)" - 100% is possible, easy.
Wimpy 9 "It's a thin line!" - 100% is possible, easy.
Wimpy 10 "Labyrinth of Despair" - 100% is possible, easy.
Wimpy 11 "The Flagpole" - 100% is possible, easy.
Wimpy 12 "Russian Rescue" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 98%.
Wimpy 13 "A Magician Would Be Handy" - 100% is possible, moderate.
Wimpy 14 "Head East or West?" - 100% is possible, easy.
Wimpy 15 "Just When You Think You Know!" - 100% is possible, hard.
Wimpy 16 "Lemmings on Stilts" - 100% is possible, easy.
Wimpy 17 "No Need To Worry!" - 100% is possible, easy..
Wimpy 18 "Down The Wall" - 100% is possible, easy.
Wimpy 19 "Whether You Lem It Or Not" - 100% is possible, easy.
Wimpy 20 "A Snowplow Would Be Handy" - 100% is possible, easy.
Wimpy 21 "One Step At A Time" - 100% is required.
Wimpy 22 "Fast Enough?" - 100% is required.
Wimpy 23 "It's A Strange Land" - 100% is possible, easy.
Wimpy 24 "Up, Down, Round & Round!" - 100% is possible, easy.
Wimpy 25 "Down With The Lemmings!" - 100% is possible, easy.
Wimpy 26 "Saviour" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 98%.
Wimpy 27 "Ready, Aim, Fire!" - 100% is required.
Wimpy 28 "Get up, up, up!" - 100% is possible, easy.
Wimpy 29 "Only One Place To Go" - 100% is possible, moderate.
Wimpy 30 "Counterlogical" - 100% is possible, easy.

-= Medi =-
Totals: 5 required, 9 impossible, 16 optional

Medi 1 "Secret to Success" - 100% is possible, easy.
Medi 2 "The T Level" - 100% is possible, easy.
Medi 3 "The Box" - 100% is possible, moderate.
Medi 4 "Getting There..." - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 96%.
Medi 5 "Safety Blast" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 96%.
Medi 6 "Fallen" - 100% is required.
Medi 7 "Leap of Faith" - 100% is possible, easy.
Medi 8 "Cavern of Chills" - 100% is possible, easy.
Medi 9 "The Dukes of Lemmingsville" - 100% is possible, easy.
Medi 10 "Bob's Mistake" - 100% is required.
Medi 11 "The Long Road To Lemming High" - 100% is possible, hard.
Medi 12 "Step Up!" - 100% is required.
Medi 13 "No Salvation" - 100% is possible, moderate.
Medi 14 "All Roads Lead To Home" - 100% is possible, moderate.
Medi 15 "Shooting Star" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 95%.
Medi 16 "The Oddstack" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 97%.
Medi 17 "Six Feet Under" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 93%.
Medi 18 "Going Under" - 100% is possible.
Medi 19 "Force Field" - 100% is possible, easy.
Medi 20 "The Diving Board" - 100% is possible, easy.
Medi 21 "As It Burns Away..." - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 96%.
Medi 22 "Lemming Entertainment Center" - 100% is possible, hard.
Medi 23 "This Is..." - 100% is required.
Medi 24 "Eye of the Lemming" - 100% is required.
Medi 25 "Chain Reaction" - 100% is possible, moderate.
Medi 26 "Overheat" - 100% is possible, easy.
Medi 27 "Take A Dive" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 98%.
Medi 28 "Way Up High" - 100% is possible, hard.
Medi 29 "Lemmingsense" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 95%.
Medi 30 "Consider Everything..." - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 98%.

-= Danger =-
Totals: 11 required, 11 impossible, 8 optional

Danger 1 "Inside Outside" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 93%.
Danger 2 "Metal Lands" - 100% is required.
Danger 3 "Backdraft" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 90%.
Danger 4 "In The Life Of A Lemming" - 100% is possible, moderate.
Danger 5 "Some Kind Of Lemming" - 100% is required.
Danger 6 "Alternative Logic" - 100% is required.
Danger 7 "Unholy Staircase" - 100% is required.
Danger 8 "With A Quirk Or Two" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 96%.
Danger 9 "Wall of Wisdom" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 81%.
Danger 10 "Keeping On Track" - 100% is possible, hard.
Danger 11 "The Warp Room" - 100% is required.
Danger 12 "When Life Gives You Lemmings" - 100% is possible, moderate.
Danger 13 "Breakthrough" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 98%.
Danger 14 "Death In All Directions" - 100% is possible, hard.
Danger 15 "Circular Wavelength" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 97%.
Danger 16 "Grounded" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 90%.
Danger 17 "Perfectionism" - 100% is required.
Danger 18 "The Buildo Station" - 100% is required.
Danger 19 "Antigravity" - 100% is required.
Danger 20 "No Salvation" - 100% is possible, moderate.
Danger 21 "It's The Latest Craze" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 95%.
Danger 22 "Die the Death of the Damned" - 100% is required.
Danger 23 "Lair of the Fallen Lemming" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 98%.
Danger 24 "Find A Way Out!" - 100% is possible, easy.
Danger 25 "Use The Pen!" - 100% is required.
Danger 26 "So that's the plan..." - 100% is possible, hard.
Danger 27 "The Deadly Climb" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 40%.
Danger 28 "Steps" - 100% is required.
Danger 29 "Pipeline Problem" - 100% is possible, VERY hard.
Danger 30 "The Hideout" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 98%.

-= PSYCHO =-
Totals: 8 required, 18 impossible, 4 optional

PSYCHO 1 "Variety Day" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 90%.
PSYCHO 2 "The Parking Lot" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 98%.
PSYCHO 3 "Express Lane" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 91%.
PSYCHO 4 "Think Outside The Square!" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 73%.
PSYCHO 5 "Lightspeed Lemming" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 91%.
PSYCHO 6 "The Bulldozer" - 100% is possible, easy.
PSYCHO 7 "Turn Back With Care" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 97%.
PSYCHO 8 "Snowed In!" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 90%.
PSYCHO 9 "Coalburner" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 92%.
PSYCHO 10 "What Did You Expect?" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 96%.
PSYCHO 11 "Three Birds With One Stone" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 97%.
PSYCHO 12 "Not gonna work." - 100% is required.
PSYCHO 13 "Go High Go Low" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 98%.
PSYCHO 14 "Lemmerixo" - 100% is required.
PSYCHO 15 "Where Anything Goes" - 100% is required.
PSYCHO 16 "Crosswork" - 100% is possible, moderate.
PSYCHO 17 "Meeting Spot" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 90%.
PSYCHO 18 "Return of the T" - 100% is required.
PSYCHO 19 "A Perfect Nightmare" - 100% is required.
PSYCHO 20 "No Time To Die" - 100% is required.
PSYCHO 21 "KAMIKAZE!!!" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 93%.
PSYCHO 22 "Twins" - 100% is possible, hard and requires a glitch.
PSYCHO 23 "Death Row" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 93%.
PSYCHO 24 "Gone In A Flash" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 75%.
PSYCHO 25 "Bullet Lemming" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 98%.
PSYCHO 26 "Oblivion" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 95%.
PSYCHO 27 "No Time To Die (Part II)" - 100% is required.
PSYCHO 28 "To The End!" - 100% is required.
PSYCHO 29 "No Salvation" - 100% is possible, hard.
PSYCHO 30 "Hellfire" - 100% is impossible, highest possible is 98%.

Random Lemmings Plus DOS Project Trivia

- In a voteoff between all levels of LPDOS, the best level was voted to be Medi 6 "Fallen".
> > This level was then pitted against the LPII winner, Genius 8 "Panic Attack". At the time of writing this that vote has not yet closed, but Panic Attack is winning by a large margin.

- The name "Lemmings Plus DOS Project" was originally just a codename while the pack was in development. Due to lack of any better ideas, it stuck. The sequel packs also had codenames prior to an official name being chosen, those being "Lemmings Plus 5 Project" for LPII and "Lemmings Plus X Project" for LPIII. (LPIIB was always called "Lemmings Plus II Bonus Pack" from the beginning of development.)

- The first level in LP DOS to be made ever was Danger 11 "The Warp Room". It is in fact my oldest surviving DOS level, and possibly my oldest surviving level full stop (I'm not sure which is older - it or "Dialing 309 2000" from Lemmings Plus 1).
> > This other contender was remade for LP DOS but is not immediately recognizable from its source. The remake is Danger 22 "Die the Death of the Damned".

- The first level in LP DOS to be made specifically for it (other than remakes), as far as I remember, was the No Salvations - specifically, the Psycho 29 rendition of it "No Salvation V".
> > This original form of Psycho 29 was almost identical to the one present now. The only differences were 50 lemmings (required 98%), and the title was simply "No Salvation" - it had this title in the original release, in fact all the No Salvations were titled simply "No Salvation" until version 4.

- The first remade level from the Cheapo Lemming Pluses ever was, as far as I remember, Danger 14 "Death In All Directions".
> > "Death In All Directions" was in fact not originally a Lemmings Plus level. It originally came from my an entry in my side series, "Ultimate Challenge 2". This level was however re-used in Lemmings Plus 2; and remade for Jihoon's Lemmings Remake then reused in LP DOS.

- The first remade level specifically for LP DOS was, as far as I remember, Psycho 28 "To The End!".

- Every difficulty rank except Psycho has a level which gives you 20 of every skill. Psycho itself still has a level that gives you 20 of all but one skill.

- The highest total skills given to you in one level is 320, in Medi 11 "The Long Road To Lemming High". Prior to V7, it was 336 in Wimpy 12 "Life the Universe and Everything".

- There are two levels which do not give you any skills.

- On each difficulty rank, for each skill there is at least one level that has none of that skill.

- Prior to V7, there was a major Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference - Wimpy 12 "Life the Universe and Everything". Apart from the name, the level also had 42 lemmings, required 42%, gave you 42 minutes, had 42 of each skill and a release rate of 42. And - it was the 42nd level in the pack.
> > V7 removed this level but coincidentally snuck in a new reference. At the time of releasing it, I knew how many levels were (or were thought to be) impossible to 100% for each rank, but I never bothered to total them up. Had I done so, it would have come to 43. Very recently, I discovered a 100% solution to one of these levels (Psycho 22 "Twins"), thus meaning V7 has 42 levels where 100% is impossible (as far as I'm aware).
>> Due to Akseli finding a 100% solution to Medi 18, this is no longer true.

- The "key" level (I guess you could define this as like the level that I would promote as the key selling point if I were advertising it?) from each of the Cheapo Lemmings Plus packs were all remade for LP DOS - LP1's "Return of the T", LP2's "Lemmerixo" and LP3's "To The End!" (Psycho 18, Psycho 14 and Psycho 28 respectively). The last of these three was itself can be seen as being the key level of LPDOS as well, though due to it being a remake, some might prefer to consider No Time To Die the key level instead (technically NTTD is also a remake, but the pack it was from was never released so LPDOS is the first public version of it).

- Psycho has only one level that does not give you any builders.
> > However, it has two other levels that give you builders, but they would not be used in most solutions.

- Prior to V7, Mild 18 "Dying Not Reccomended" had a repeat at Danger 21, titled "Phase Rotation Syndrome". This level still exists in the datafiles.
> > Due to this replacement, Mild 18 is the only level which uses oddtable but does not have a repeat nor is a repeat itself.

- I personally consider the 5 hardest levels to be (from hardest) Psycho 28 "To The End!", Psycho 27 "No Time To Die (Part II)", Danger 22 "Die the Death of the Damned", Psycho 20 "No Time To Die", and Medi 16 "The Oddstack".

- The zapper traps in the crystal and bubble sets are the only triggered traps which are never used in LP DOS.

- The shortest gap between a level and its repeat is 10 levels, between Mild 26 "No Salvation I" and Wimpy 7 "No Salvation II". If you exclude No Salvations, it's 14 levels, between Danger 27 "The Deadly Climb" and Psycho 12 "Not gonna work.".

- The longest gap between a level and its repeat is 126 levels, between Mild 4 "In The Style Of..." and Psycho 11 "Three Birds With One Stone". (This even beats No Salvation I and No Salvation V's seperation.)

- Every first level of a difficulty rank either has a repeat or is one. This is also true for the last levels of Wimpy, Medi and Danger, but not for those of Mild or Psycho, which both finish with a unique level.

- The most you're ever given of a single skill is 50. There are two levels which have both 50 bombers and 50 blockers (Wimpy 25 "Down With The Lemmings" and Medi 5 "Safety Blast") and one level which has 50 builders (Wimpy 24 "Up, Down, Round & Round").

- Danger 24 "Find A Way Out" originally was going to have a repeat at Psycho 23, titled "The Framework", but it was overly plagued by backroutes. Ironically, the level that became Psycho 23 "Death Row" has suffered the same fate anyway.

- I'm not sure how I didn't notice it at the time, but Mild 15 is extremely similar to Fun 15 from the original lemmings.

- Two difficulty ranks have the same number of levels that require 100% as they do of levels where it is impossible to get 100% - Mild (with 1 of each) and Danger (with 11 of each).
> > Danger, in fact, has more levels that require 100% than Psycho does.

- Of all the first and final levels of ranks, the final level of Mild is the only one to use an ONML graphic set.

- Only two of the final 10 levels require 100% - Psycho 27 "No Time To Die (Part II)" and Psycho 28 "To The End!".
> > Two others of them are possible to acheive 100% on but do not require it - Psycho 22 "Twins" and Psycho 29 "No Salvation V".

- Mild 20 "Stairway To Infinity" and its repeat Medi 6 "Fallen" have undergone multiple name changes and aesthetic redesigns since the first release of LP DOS. However, the level has never been backrouted and the design of all functional pieces has never been changed; all changes were purely cosmetic.
> > The original name of Mild 20 was "25909", I don't remember the original name of Medi 6.

- There are only two times in the entire pack where there are three levels in a row with the same graphic set. These are Mild 19-21 and Medi 10-12, with fire and brick respectively.

- PSYCHO 11 and PSYCHO 28 share the same music (as is normal for levels 11 and 28 of any rank) and graphic set. Their easier versions also share the same music as each other, being levels 4 and 21 in their respective ranks.

- The number of lemmings (53) in Mild 25 and its repeat PSYCHO 15 does not have any significance or hidden meaning; it was chosen completely randomly, just to break the monotony of always having a "normal" amount of lemmings. Generally, other levels with odd numbers of lemmings have a reason for it (for example, Danger 18).
My Lemmings projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)

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Re: Lemmings Plus DOS Project - Downloads
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2009, 02:28:11 AM »
ok, I got this and am playing through Danger right now (on 13 aorn). I think I backrouted Danger 12, though -- my route uses only one builder and neither of the alcoves (though I guess if 100% is possible then it may not be one after all, and you say you like to put in stuff like that to throw players off so who knows). I also think Danger 11 may be possible with one fewer builder than given but I haven't tried that route yet, my route wasted a builder to get a climber in on time.

EDIT: Also got 90% on Backdraft

EDIT2: PSYCHO 27 has what I am almost certain is a horrific backroute. I beat it rather easily with 1 builder, 1 basher, and the diggers. Considering the easier equivalent is in late Danger, this may be a problem.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano

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Re: Lemmings Plus DOS Project - Downloads
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2009, 09:04:02 AM »
Danger 3: Replay please?

Danger 11: I'd like to see that, but as long as the route isn't too easy, it's not a major thing.

Danger 12: My 100% solution, and the intended solution, both use one of the alcoves, the other one is indeed a dud. Although it's not a huge thing, just out of interest I'd like to see your solution if you can post a replay.

PSYCHO 27: I'm well aware of that solution, it's the intended right-exit solution. See if you can find the left-exit solution too, of course - that one is a bit harder. That level's just meant to be a break - look at all the hard levels around it.

...wait, you got that far in PSYCHO yet got stuck on Danger 13? The trick on Danger 13 is VERY simple compared to some things in PSYCHO... or are you just not following the order properly? (That possibility is actually something that almost made me not release data files and only make a Lemmix player, you know!)
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Re: Lemmings Plus DOS Project - Downloads
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2009, 09:14:23 AM »
EDIT2: PSYCHO 27 has what I am almost certain is a horrific backroute. I beat it rather easily with 1 builder, 1 basher, and the diggers. Considering the easier equivalent is in late Danger, this may be a problem.

I noticed this too. It seems you haven't accounted for the wide trigger area of the brick exit ;)
(oops, crosspost. That's intentional? Seems unusual...)

Some of your percentages can be improved (I'm sure you expected this to happen), including an easy 100% on Wimpy 29. I'll do a proper run through these later.

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Re: Lemmings Plus DOS Project - Downloads
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2009, 09:19:16 AM »
Here's two of them. Danger 11 took a bit of fiddling though so I'll re-do that one tomorrow or Saturday.

EDIT: I didn't get stuck on Danger 13, I just stopped there. I didn't find it that hard after a bit of thought, actually.

but yea, I did sort of skip ahead in the levels a bit;  :(

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano

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Re: Lemmings Plus DOS Project - Downloads
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2009, 09:19:50 AM »
100% on Wimpy 29?!

...wait, nevermind. I worked out how you did that, and I wouldn't call it easy. It's pretty clever.

Awesome work on your 90% route to Backdraft, and I also found your solution to When Life Gives You Lemmings pretty clever. Not really a backroute, since it's of similar difficulty to the intended solution anyway (although almost a completely different method), but still a nice alternative way to handle the level. Here's my solution:
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Re: Lemmings Plus DOS Project - Downloads
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2009, 02:26:46 AM »
Challenge:  Mild 30 - 100%

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Re: Lemmings Plus DOS Project - Downloads
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2009, 07:37:16 AM »
I have a slight idea of how you may have done that, but I don't have time to try it out right now.
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Re: Lemmings Plus DOS Project - Downloads
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2009, 07:58:30 AM »
You're confusing your own difficulty ratings there.  ;)

That said, I found a 98% solution to Medi 30 (attached), 2 lemmings more than your stated record.

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Re: Lemmings Plus DOS Project - Downloads
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2009, 08:53:24 AM »
Ah. I was thinking all day about how it could work.

100% on Mild 30 can be done in several ways. It's challenging somewhat, but not overly hard. I've attached a replay of my favourite way, which is also a under-one-minute solution.
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Re: Lemmings Plus DOS Project - Downloads
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2009, 05:15:40 AM »
Obviously I don't expect much trouble with Mild, Danger or Medi (they're more fun levels which could also be interesting for challenges), but how are you guys finding Danger and PSYCHO? Any levels giving people trouble? =P

Also - anyone managed 100% on Danger 29 yet? It's VERY hard.
The code is YUPICIKERU for anyone who's wanting to skip to it in the player.
My Lemmings projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
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Re: Lemmings Plus DOS Project - Downloads
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2009, 09:25:02 AM »
I just found a MAJOR problem. The included Lemmix player was compiled from code I used to make players for fanpacks, which used the Custom Lemmings fall distance, therefore, that player has the wrong fall distance. I've fixed it and am reuploading right now, but unfortunately, you'll have to redownload (or test any borderline fall replays under Lemmix editor with DOS mechanics). While most levels are only slightly effected, the longer fall distance pretty much killed Medi 17.

Those not using the Lemmix player will be fine.

@Clam: Don't worry, I already tested your Medi 30 solution with the fixed version. It still works.
My Lemmings projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
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Re: Lemmings Plus DOS Project - Downloads
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2009, 12:58:47 PM »
I got a problem with passwords not working. I store passwords when I take a break but when I open up the game again I keep getting 'Incorrect code' and I can believe that I am writing down the passwords correctly. I am somewhere on the second skill level between levels 25 and 30.

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Re: Lemmings Plus DOS Project - Downloads
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2009, 02:06:43 PM »
According to the Lemmix website, in version 1.2 a bug in the levelcode system was fixed, so that "Codes after the 20th level work properly now."

It wasn't clear whether this means all levelcodes past the 20th level weren't working, or just that some of them might not.  Still, I'm guessing that the open-source version that namida worked off from was version 1.0 or earlier, so it probably still has that bug.  Either namida or I will email Erik to try to get the fix for this.

For now, you can use the cheat system instead.  Go to the levelcode screen and enter "CHEATCODES" to toggle "cheats enabled" on and off (you'll the text "cheats enabled" at the bottom of the levelcode screen when it's in effect, and the game remembers this setting across sessions).  When cheats are enabled, you can go to any level in any rating by entering the rating name followed by the level number in the levelcode screen (it won't usually be 10 letters/digits but that's fine).  For example, you should be able to jump to Medi 25 (say) by entering literally Medi25 for levelcode when cheats are enabled.