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Messages - IchoTolot

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 243
Contests / Re: Level Design Contest #30
« on: Today at 12:58:26 PM »
I will put the pack together next weekend and therefore delay the playing phase for 1 week (June 7th) - preparing the voting for LOTY 2023 at the same time turned out to be a bit more time consuming. ;)

So you got 1 more week for some more entries! :)

Yeah, that looks better now. :)

I also would call 3 30 acceptable as they do make the big 8.

V 3.9 is out!

Backroute fixes based on kaywhyn's replays:

- 3 14 (added steel)
- 3 18 (removed some terrain)
- 3 30 (1 builder is now a pick-up)

- 4 16 (changed a OWW)

It seems like you partly attached the wrong replays.

The ones for 3 14 and 3 18 are still failing and seem the be the old ones.

Maybe just attach the updated ones in an extra zip so that there is no switch up.

Contests / Re: Level Design Contest #30
« on: May 18, 2024, 09:20:41 PM »
As I just got my entries ready:

Another little reminder to keep working on your entries. ;)

NeoLemmix Styles / Re: Style updates topic
« on: May 18, 2024, 08:13:31 PM »
I think the styles from the following releases are missing in the current download:

Festival Millas 2022 - Release Thread:

New Styles - Lemmings Faithful:

NeoLemmix Main / Re: NeoLemmix V12.13.0-RC Released
« on: May 16, 2024, 07:48:02 AM »
I have just checked the intro pack and United and no replay breaks there.

In 2 of my "non-pack" single levels I needed replay fixes though due to the fixed basher slider bug like in eric's case - nothing major though.

- For interest: The 2 levels were former contest levels (both from #24): "Starstruck" and "Violent Changes"

V 3.8 is out!

Backroute fixes based on kaywhyn's replays:

- 3 14 (added steel and a trap)
- 3 18 (changed direction of a OWW)
- 3 30 (added an ice blower)

- 4 16 (added a OWW)
- 4 25 (extended a OWW)
- 4 26 (2 builders are now a pick-up)

General Discussion / Re: General Comings and Goings
« on: May 09, 2024, 06:17:47 AM »
I will be away for 4 days until sunday. :)

Contests / Re: Level Design Contest #30
« on: April 28, 2024, 02:15:11 PM »
Just a little reminder to keep working on your entries. :)

Contests / Re: Level of the Year 2023: Playing Phase
« on: April 17, 2024, 09:07:32 PM »
Updated the pack with Turrican's new version of the level.

Contests / Level of the Year 2023: Playing Phase
« on: April 14, 2024, 04:34:58 PM »
Alright, so nominations are now closed. Before we open the voting, we first offer a period to play the levels again, to familiarize yourself with those you haven't yet played and review those you have.

The list of nominated levels can be found in the nominations topic, I see no need to duplicate it here. It also contains information on where to find these levels outside of my compilation here.

Download links:

- NL Levelpack of all nominated levels.

All Lix nominations are attached to this post!

Every author with 3 or more levels in this category gets an own rank in the pack. At the end there is a mixed rank for the leftover levels. Extract the zip file inside the main NL folder.

- Music tacks

The custom music tacks of the nominated levels. Extract the zip file inside the main NL folder.

- Replay collection

Some gathered replays from a few of the nominated levels. As this was optional, only a part of the pack is covered here.

All styles should be accesible over the standard NL styles library!

Playing phase will end: May 31th 2024

General level feedback and solution replays can be posted here in the topic if you want! Have fun playing! :)

If there are any errors I've made in the collection, don't hesitate to inform me here! As a reminder: This pack is nothing more than an optional service I provide as an attempt to make all nominated levels more easily accessible.

Level Design / Re: What are some tips for making difficult levels?
« on: April 05, 2024, 09:22:33 PM »
Difficulty comes mostly from 2 factors in my opinion.

1.) The unexpected usage of tricks.
2.) Entropy. Or a bit more precise: Having many meaningful possible things to do with the limited resources you have.

To further explain point 2:
Let's say you have 1 builder and 1 water pit in the only path to the exit with no other workarounds. The builder is 100% locked in that position and is therefore no mystery. 
Having multiple possible routes where that 1 builder can really help you out on the other hand makes the choice unclear. Bonus points if the meaningful usage is even hard to spot in the first place (hidden in plain sight).
If this holds true for not only one but multiple skills (+ adding some unortodox trick usages) the level can quickly become a very hard nut to crack (if there are no glaring backroutes of course).

Contests / Re: Level of the Year: 2023!
« on: April 05, 2024, 08:07:33 AM »
The current nominations list I don't think contains all of the nominated levels... does it?

I went through all my pms and this should be the final list. I just double checked.

But of course, each person who nominated a level is free to check the list as well and pm me if I somehow missed an entry from them.

I need to wait a bit anyway for the authors to pm me their nominated levels.

Contests / Re: Level of the Year: 2023!
« on: March 26, 2024, 12:27:32 PM »
As I was just adding a few levels to the nomination list via some pms that have gotten to me:

1.) Another reminder to send me your nomination list even if it is just one level (I already got a few of those! :))
2.) I extended the deadline to April 4th due to me being away at the end of the month.

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