In what order should I play the Lemmings 2 levels?

Started by 607, March 29, 2015, 02:09:42 PM

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Hi, it's me again!
I've got started with Lemmings 2 (off-topic: in the original Lemmings I'm stuck at Lend a Helping Hand), and I'm not quite sure in what order I should play it.
I mean, the first two games had clear order with the different difficulties and numbered levels, but this isn't as obvious.
Could you advise me on what to do?


Hi 607

That must be the (Lemmings 2 the tribes), This is one that you can play in any order as it allows you to switch about between which of tribes to play. The beach lems tend to be a good one to start with but in all honesty I wouldn't say there is an order as such. (What ever tribe you feel like trying out first go for that one and if you get stuck try another tribe in the meantime.


Okay, thank you! That's what I was doing, but I was wondering if there was a set increase of difficulty between separate tribes or something. So, if I understand well: every separate tribe starts out easy and gradually gets more difficult. Is that correct?


Exactly.  :)

Some Tipps for Lend a Helping Hand:

Digging under the steel is essential to get the goups together.

A small Lemming worker group ~5-10 is perfect for building job, since you need a few blockers to avoid the traps. Though without replay system and directinal selection the building part can be very frustraiting. Use edges to start building can be helpful


Or you can...

avoid the traps altogether by going out the left or right side of the level and building up.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


And how about the training? I had decided to skip it, because I thought it would be spoiling. But now, when I play a level, I don't even know half of the tasks/skills yet :P But I suppose you could learn how each task works in the level itself too. What do you recommend?

Also, I beat Lend a Helping Hand...., without the tips. My reaction(not that spoiling):
Wow, how did I ever not see that for such a long time? From this level, I learnt that when a tactic doesn't work, you shouldn't always just alter it a bit, sometimes you should try to do the whole level over. And sometimes you'll find a much better way. But seriously, I was thinking way overcomplicated :rolleyes: (oh wait, that emoticon doesn't exist here)


I never had to use the practice levels when I played Lemmings 2.  Unlike Lemmings 1 where it starts with levels specifically designed to help you learn specific skills, the 4 practice levels in Lemmings 2 are just basically generic playpens for you to fumble around with whatever skills you want.  I don't think it'll likely be much more helpful than fumbling around in the actual level you are trying to play. ;)  It's also kind of a pain to go to them as you have to exit back out to the main menu to get to the practice levels.  Finally, if I recall correctly, none of the practice levels help you with non-skill elements in the game like swinging chains or gas switches.

Still, no harm trying the practice levels if you don't feel like you're understanding some skill from within the level you are playing.

And finally if you need a reference, here's a webpage describing all 50 or so skills (plus other non-skill game elements) in Lemmings 2:


One of the skills I found hard getting used to was the bow and arrow.

I remember having trouble with the save game feature as everytime I went to save the game it was not allowing me to but a way by this is if you are using the Atari St emulator you can use the (save memory snapshot) feature which is very helpful.

You must be onto (The prison level) in the original lemmings.  :thumbsup:


Quote from: grams88 on March 31, 2015, 08:57:44 PM

You must be onto (The prison level) in the original lemmings.  :thumbsup:
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to go off-topic like this, please tell me if I'm not. I just don't know what I'd need to do otherwise, as creating a separate topic for this would seem a bit weird.
I actually beat the prison first try. There was an oversight in my strategy, but because the minimum save requirement wasn't at all harsh, I managed to improvise and still get it :laugh:


We don't really have hard-and-fast rules here. Just use common sense and you'll be fine; we certianly aren't going to warn / ban you for something as minor as creating two topics.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Quote from: namida on April 03, 2015, 11:28:41 AM
We don't really have hard-and-fast rules here. Just use common sense and you'll be fine; we certianly aren't going to warn / ban you for something as minor as creating two topics.
A "rule" I'd like is "Don't go off-topic unless the topic creator doesn't mind.": which I am myself, and I don't mind ;)


Hi 607, Hi everyone

How are you getting on with the Lemmings two tribes and how far are you on the original lemmings? I do notice that a lot people tend to play the beach levels first but I think that's because if you click on the (play game) I think it's called takes you to the beach levels. :8()::8():

I would personally recommend the practice levels because you have so many skills and there might just be a couple of skills we have not quite mastered yet. I think a lot of people struggle with the twister, others are very good with the twister. I used to find the superlem one a hard one to master especially if you fly through tiny spaces.


I don't know why the 'Beach' tribe is set as a first one to play. Is it accidental or intentional? Isn't it the most logical to start with the 'Classic' tribe (assuming you just finished the original game)?


Well the only thing I can come up with for Beach being first is it is the first Tribe when they are all listed alphabetically.

The first level of Classic Tribe is called Do You Remember? which would have been a great first level and tribe to default to. I guess they picked a non Classic tribe so the game starts off with newer aspects rather than having 10 levels of Classic lemmings on the same graphic set!

I've not personally played the tribes properly yet but whenever I watch playthroughs on YT, they usually just start at a random tribe and just go through the map in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction.

I'd be more of purist and I would pick a tribe I like followed by a tribe I dislike and so forth so the experience is up and down rather than all up then disappointment at the end. I'm not saying I dislike many tribes but I'd rather they were out of the way ASAP.

Probably say my bottom 3 tribes are Circus, Polar and Space. I like the look and music for Circus but the levels just don't play well. Polar and Space are just bland and boring for me personally.
Top 3 tribes are Cavelems, Highland and Sports.


I think Circus Tribe is easier than the rest, while Sports is, at least for me, the hardest. Its final level, "Take Up Archery", is probably the hardest level of the game, along with a Space level called "Odyssey".


There's a walkthrough for Genesis Lemmings 2 on GameFAQs, and the author ranked the tribes' difficulty as follows:

beach    1/5

medieval 2/5
outdoor  2/5
shadow   2/5

circus   3/5
egyptian 3/5
highland 3/5
polar    3/5

cavelem  4/5
classic  4/5

space    5/5
sports   5/5

Obviously just one guy's opinion, and the fact is, within each tribe, later levels will tend to be harder than earlier levels, so the last level of an "easy" tribe you may still find more difficult than first level of a "difficult" tribe.  I do agree with the assessment that Classic and Sports definitely have some of the more difficult levels.  "Odyssey" (Space 8) is also amongst the difficult ones.


The classic was very hard I thought as I was not too sure how many lemmings to save as a lot of the levels in the classic tribe you are sometimes allowed to lose a couple of lemmings.

Even though I think the classic is the hardest in my opinion I agree with the author that Ccexplore was mentioning about as I feel that last level in the sports one is a very hard one and would probably overall be the hardest. It's interesting seeing what others think is the hardest level, I think most often a lot would mention the sports one.


I'll be starting my Genesis L2 Tribes version playthrough next week as I finished Lemmings Paintball last night (God those last 3 levels on Mayhem took forever!).

I'm willing to come away from that with my thoughts on what the most difficult tribes are and what I thought the most difficult level was. Despite the Sport levels being hard, I like the graphic set a lot.


I haven't actually played in a long while, but if I ever play it again, I'll keep in mind those things.

Quote from: grams88 on April 05, 2016, 10:48:17 PM
Hi 607, Hi everyone

How are you getting on with the Lemmings two tribes and how far are you on the original lemmings? I do notice that a lot people tend to play the beach levels first but I think that's because if you click on the (play game) I think it's called takes you to the beach levels. :8()::8():

I would personally recommend the practice levels because you have so many skills and there might just be a couple of skills we have not quite mastered yet. I think a lot of people struggle with the twister, others are very good with the twister. I used to find the superlem one a hard one to master especially if you fly through tiny spaces.
Hm, I don't think the practice levels are all too useful. When I was younger, I only played the practice levels and nothing else, so now I chose to start with the real levels right away. If I don't know what a skill does, I can simply try it anywhere in the level where it appears in, and then restart.


Just thought I'd post to state that the first video of my Lemmings 2 Tribes Genesis port playthrough is up on my channel on Youtube now

I'm currently playing through the Egyptian tribe as requested by grams88 :thumbsup:

I'm now looking for suggestions on what tribe to do next, I'm completely open to having my entire playthrough done by request :P


Quote from: Flopsy86 on April 13, 2016, 02:45:30 PM
Just thought I'd post to state that the first video of my Lemmings 2 Tribes Genesis port playthrough is up on my channel on Youtube now

I'm currently playing through the Egyptian tribe as requested by grams88 :thumbsup:

I'm now looking for suggestions on what tribe to do next, I'm completely open to having my entire playthrough done by request :P

Highland tribe is similar in difficulty, I think


I've always thought Egyptian to be the easiest.  Sports is pretty hard, though, if you're going for Gold ratings.

Currently based on some issues I've been having with the FIRST LEVEL in Sports, I'm not sure Gold rank is possible on the DOS version, unless the issue I'm having turns out to be DOSBox being stupid.

I posted about this issue in another thread, but to make it clear what I'm talking about:
QuoteFigured I'd post this in this thread instead of making a new one:

I've been trying to get golds on all the levels, but Sports 1 has been giving me a particular amount of trouble. I don't have access to my actual 486 right now, so it might be due to an emulation issue with DOSBox, but as far as I can tell, in order to minimize deaths the bomb must be used as early as possible.  However, for some reason the game won't let me use it for a few seconds after the first lemming gets back up, which, depending on how long specifically it takes, will either cause lemmings to end up in a position that makes the level unwinnable or kill 4 (you can only lose 3 to get gold, if I'm not mistaken).  The longer I wait, the more lemmings die. Any idea what causes this?  I've tried it several times so I'm fairly confident it's not just a fluke.  Spam clicking the spot where the lemmings land consistently results in the outcome where 4 lemmings die; waiting longer increases the number.  It looks like it should be possible to use the skill earlier but for some reason you can't (at least not in the right location).
Link to thread I actually posted this in:


I'd think if it was impossible (even only in DOSBox), it'd be well known by now. Perhaps that specific solution doesn't work on DOS?

By the way, welcome back to the forums! :)
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Maybe? Does that level have any alternative solutions? As far as I can tell the minimal skill count in it prevents anything else from working.

Here's a video of attempting the solution; the entire time the cursor is in the position where the bomb gets used, I am spamming the mouse button.  3 lemmings died, and one got stuck (he can't be freed because the two remaining flamethrowers are necessary to complete the level).  Most of the time 4 die.


I just looked it up on Youtube. Not only is it possible to save 57, it's possible to save 59. (Via a glitch it's even possible to save 60.)

I'm not familiar enough with L2 to know exactly how or why it works, sorry.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


I think the problem is, pointer is set on the stunned lemmings and they can't be selected to use the bomb. Try to put the pointer a little on the left and up to catch the first awakened lemming. Also may help to set the second lemming to use the flame thrower at the first obstacle, so the first one will get some time. It is possible to lose only 3 lemmings. I just tried and was successful after a few attempts. Two lemmings lost and one remain stuck on the screen, altogether 57 saved and that's enough for the gold medal.


Using the second lemming to use the first flamethrower seems to have done the trick.

Seems to take multiple attempts though. Must be some sort of RNG factor in there.


I would be very surprised if there was any RNG at work in a game like Lemmings. However, it's definitely extremely "chaotic" - a one frame difference to something at the start of a level could result in a huge difference to positions later, especially with the presence of fling exploders. This is especially visible in engines that have replay support, if the level is replayed after minor changes to it (which could be as simple as moving the entrance by a few pixels).
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


I'm currently at the middle of the Medieval tribe in Lemmings 2 on my Genesis playthrough on Youtube which is the 5th tribe in my playthrough (after Egyptian, Beach, Highland and Cavelems respectively).

I'm now currently taking requests for what my 6th (and possibly 7th!) tribe will be out of
Circus, Outdoor, Sports, Classic, Space, Polar and Shadow

Pick wisely :D


Hi Flopsy

I will vote or pick the Outdoor tribe for the 6th.  I was watching IchoTolot playing the outdoor tribe and it reminded how good the outdoor tribe is. :thumbsup: It's good seeing more playthroughs of the levels.

Enjoying your playthrough Flopsy. :thumbsup

The 3rd last level on the Medieval tribe can be done in two different ways from what I remember, With one of the solutions you don't need to use the balloon or the bottom part of the level but it does tend to be a much more trickier way to do the level.

Thanks to Ichotolot as well for doing a playthrough. :thumbsup:


Right, the next 3 tribes after Medieval then are

Shadow - requested by Proxima in IRC
Outdoor - requested by grams88
Circus - requested by IchoTolot in IRC

Still leaves Polar, Space, Classic and Sports for later on :thumbsup:


I noticed you have left three of the hardest one's such as the (Space, Sport ,Classic)


Ok, I have made a big jump in the game today alone. I've done 3 and a half tribes in one recording session and they all came out glowing Gold :thumbsup:

So I've now done Shadow, Outdoor, Circus and then went on and finished Polar as well in just over 4 hours :scared:

So now only Classic, Sports and Space remain.
Which should I play next?


These are very hard ones, I will nominate the classic tribe. :thumbsup:


Noooo, do Space next and Classic last. It would be a great way to finish off the game :)


I would also vote for classic next, as you said you already saw a few levels there.

+ I would vote Sports for last ---> "Take up Archery" would be the Finale ;P

So: Classic    Space    Sports     would be my vote.


When you finish Genesis port of the Lemmings 2 it will be great if you can make full playthrough of the Sega Master System (SMS) port. This will be the first playthrough of that port. You can play this one with the same emulator you are using for the Genesis version. Only bad thing is lack of the mouse support for the SMS version.