LF meetup, Leeds, Sat 5 August

Started by Proxima, July 29, 2023, 09:20:40 PM

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As a reminder, we decided on a meet-up in Leeds on 5 August, which is next Saturday. I'm starting a new topic so that we can keep track of who is definitely coming, so that on the day we know when we've got everyone.

Unfortunately it looks like it might be raining on the day, but I'm sure it will still be great to see everyone and we can have a good time.

The plan is to meet at 11:30 on the main concourse of the railway station, then when everyone has arrived, go for lunch together. There is a Wetherspoon's at the station, so we could eat there unless it's too crowded -- quite possible on a Saturday -- in which case there are plenty of places nearby.

After lunch we could walk around town and chat if the weather is okay; if not, maybe we could establish a base at the Waterstones bookshop? I would be happy to take any other suggestions if anyone has ideas.

Ste Woz Ere
∫tan x dx
Crane (confirmed on discord)


I'll be there, happy to go along with whatever happens on the day :thumbsup:

Ste Woz Ere

I should be there, where exactly on the concourse shall we be?
Tribes of Steel - a whole new Lemmings 2 game! (120-level pack)
Currently a WIP - all tribes are complete, testing and feedback is welcome!

∫tan x dx

This sounds fine to me! I'm one of the Leeds crew, so it's easy for me regardless :P


I should be there also. Unknown if Lucia will be accompanying me though.


I've just bought my train ticket, so I should be there as well.

My ticket says I should arrive at 11:32am. So please wait a little so I can find all of you. :)


Quote from: Ste Woz Ere on July 30, 2023, 07:20:24 PM
I should be there, where exactly on the concourse shall we be?

Good question - anyone know the layout of the train station? Is there a cafe or bar big enough to use as a meeting place?


I have a suggestion for activities. Could we perhaps visit a few shops which might be of interest, like there's a Forbidden Planet and Lego store in Leeds.
Obviously those would be my choices of shops to visit, other suggestions are welcome.
Or if that would mess too much with the flow of the day then I'll just arrive early and visit those places before meeting you guys.


Excellent idea -- and the Lego store is in the Trinity Centre, a huge shopping centre that we could hang out in for a long time, there are lots of options for food.


Train tickets have been purchased. See you on Saturday. :)
SEGA Master System version
100% on 110/120 levels (92%). Other levels [Lemmings lost]:
Fun 03 [3], 06 [2], 18 [5]   
Taxing 19 [5], 27 [1], 28 [3]
Tricky 15 [5], 17 [2]
Mayhem 19 [7], 26 [10]

∫tan x dx

I'm not sure this has been discussed elsewhere, but shall we meet outside of the WHSmiths in the train station?
For those not familliar with Leeds, it's just on the right after the ticket barrier - you can't miss it :)

And what time do people expect to be arriving, trains permitting?


Quote from: ∫tan x dx on August 04, 2023, 03:17:11 PM
shall we meet outside of the WHSmiths in the train station?

Sounds good enough to me, but a sit-down cafe might be better in case people are waiting a long time for others to arrive.


The WHSmith is a good meeting-place; you can't miss it, regardless of whether you're coming from the trains or from the main entrance.

Meeting in a cafe first of all could be awkward for the first ones to arrive, so I suggest that just in case trains are late and arrivals end up spread out, we agree on two meeting places: at 11:30 outside the WHSmith and if we are still waiting for people at 11:45, we move to the Wetherspoon's (near the back exit from the station, just go past the ticket offices and continue to the exit) and then people can have coffee and sit down while waiting. If the Wetherspoon's is full, there are other cafes including a Starbucks nearby (I don't know what preferences people have :P ), and a couple of us could stay near the WHSmith to greet late arrivals.

Should have thought of this before, but my phone number is [removed], please make a note of it and text me if you know you will be arriving later or if you get there and can't find us.

Crane has confirmed on discord that he is joining us, so I am now expecting eight in total (nine if Lucia joins).


Quote from: Proxima on August 04, 2023, 06:37:18 PM
(nine if Lucia joins).

She won't be coming sadly, she was planning on coming but then something came up and she is currently away.

So you'll have to make do with me!


I've already arrived outside the WHSmiths on the station concourse. I'm holding a Lemmings plush to help people find me.


Back home now. Had a great time. A couple of group pictures were taken and should be posted soon.

The meet started a little awkwardly as ∫tan x and I arrived and stood outside WHSmith for a while, both unsure of whether the other was one of the LF crowd :P but then we both noticed a nearby group of four with a Lemming plushie (although I recognised Flopsy's face before noticing the lemming). WillLem and kingshadow arrived within another five minutes and we decided, as I had scouted the Wetherspoons and it was packed, to head to the Trinity Centre. Flopsy was interested in the Lego store so we called there first, then lunch at a place called the Giraffe that I've been past many times but never tried out. It was a good choice -- I had their all-day breakfast and the sausages were especially good. We got to know each other over lunch and talked about maths, programming, Lemmings, and our various projects (I explained a bit about a DROD project I am currently involved with).

Then we wandered around the town centre, found a couple of interesting places I didn't know about at all (including a board game retreat and a geek store with an even bigger manga selection than Forbidden Planet). The weather had, surprisingly, held out all this time, but it started to rain and we decided to head to Waterstone's bookstore ("backrouting Leeds", as someone described the route we took). We stayed in the cafe there for the rest of the meetup, and pored over the Lemmings: The Ports book and Lemmings adventure gamebooks.

I'm safely home now (thanks to WillLem giving me a lift), and we're just waiting to hear whether everyone else got home safely :thumbsup:


I'm home too and it was a great day in Leeds overall, very happy with the fact that 8 of us met up today which is at least double any other meet up we've accomplished in the forum's history.

I got to the train station rather early and thought it was a good idea to hold my Lemmings plush to help everyone find me but Pooty and Crane were already there and didn't make themselves known to me for a while, Stewozere turned up a short while after that. We noticed Proxima and tanxdx over by the WHSmiths entrance and they eventually came over. WillLem and Kingshadow showed up not too long after that so it wasn't too bad getting everyone together :thumbsup:

We went to the Lego store almost immediately which I didn't expect, WillLem bought me a Sonic Lego minifigure keyring which I'm very thankful for, he's awesome. I also bought a new Sonic Lego set which released this month, the only one I wanted in the recent releases.
We then went for lunch at a place I've never tried and tried the Chicken Katsu curry which I had with chopsticks, didn't expect the chopsticks, nice touch! We split the bill evenly 8 ways.

We also went to 2 very niche stores which had a great board game community and manga collection. One of the stores had an art fair in the basement where we had the group pics taken.

Eventually we ended up in a cafe in the Waterstone's book shop, where I showed everyone my Lemmings Ports Book. A PDF of this book has been available for free online for a period of time but there was a special charm to holding the real deal book and looking at it around the table with the group. I also showed my 2 Lemmings adventure books.
We spent several hours in this cafe, which Stewozere had to leave about halfway through to get his train. Eventually after hours of programming talk, maths talk and puzzles, we all walked back to the train station.

Proxima, tanxdx, Crane and WillLem said their goodbyes and myself, Kingshadow and Pooty remained at the train station. I waited with Kingshadow and Pooty until they got their trains then went home myself. Great day overall, it was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed my first time in Leeds City Centre, everyone was very nice to me and I feel we have become closer as a community :lix-wink:


Thanks for the elaborate reports! Happy to hear you've enjoyed yourselves. Looking forward to WillLem's group picture.

Maybe one day, I'll fly from Germany to England for one of these meetings. :lix-grin:

-- Simon

Ste Woz Ere

Quote from: Simon on August 06, 2023, 03:34:46 PM
Thanks for the elaborate reports! Happy to hear you've enjoyed yourselves. Looking forward to WillLem's group picture.

Maybe one day, I'll fly from Germany to England for one of these meetings. :lix-grin:

-- Simon

That'd be cool, I wouldn't be the only one who speaks Lemmings 2 then :p
Tribes of Steel - a whole new Lemmings 2 game! (120-level pack)
Currently a WIP - all tribes are complete, testing and feedback is welcome!


Quote from: Simon on August 06, 2023, 03:34:46 PM
Looking forward to WillLem's group picture.

Here it is!

Left to Right: Pooty, Kingshadow, Proxima, Flopsy (below holding Lemming plush), tanxdx, Stewozere, Crane, WillLem

A great time was had by all, I think. The meetup was a great success for the Forums, it was wonderful to meet people in person and share a rainy day in Leeds :lemcat:

I definitely think we should have another before the Summer's out :thumbsup: