[DISC] NeoLemmix>SuperLemmix Levelpack Compatibility

Started by WillLem, May 01, 2023, 01:35:10 AM

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Is there any physic changes in SLX as opposed to NL?

I'm asking because on analysing the same sets of replays using the replay manager on NL and SLX, I'm getting different results usually the replay being successful on NL and failing on SLX.

Is there any tasks which are taking a frame longer or shorter in SLX when compared to NL?


Quote from: Flopsy on November 07, 2024, 11:29:24 PMIs there any physic changes in SLX as opposed to NL?

AFAIK, all physics changes are listed in the OP. I've now gone through the skills and added a few more.

In most cases, it's best just to watch through the replay and see what goes wrong. I realise that might take a while with a pack as large as SEBLems, but note that as of 2.8 it's possible to watch a folder of replays in bulk without having to manually load each level and replay, like so:

1) Perform a Mass Replay Check using the Replay Manager (be sure to append the results to the filenames).
2) Add all failed replays to a single folder.
3) Use the Playback Mode to watch through that folder of replays; it will cycle through them automatically (although you may have to hit "Esc" to cancel out of a replay that doesn't end by itself). Choose to auto-skip Preview/Postview screens to make this process even quicker.

Another option is to right-click on any .nxrp file and file-associate it with SuperLemmix. Then, you can click on any replay file and watch it without having to manually load the level and replay.

The above should massively speed up the process of checking through the replays!

For quick reference though, the physics have changed for the following skills:

Jumper / Shimmier / Slider / Bomber / Builder / Laserer. Check the OP for specifics.

Also note that some skill assignability has been changed (e.g. Shimmiers can be assigned to Climbers at any time), but this shouldn't affect existing NL replays as skills are now assignable in more cases rather than less.

The tops and sides of levels may also affect skill actions; check any levels that require activity near the extreme edges.

Quote from: Flopsy on November 07, 2024, 11:29:24 PMIs there any tasks which are taking a frame longer or shorter in SLX when compared to NL?

The Slider now has the "Dangler" state, which adds 16 frames to any Slider action that doesn't result in immediately transitioning to Walker. The Laserer range has been increased considerably, which may also add time to this skill action.

Bombers also now bypass the "Oh No!" phase when Climbing or Sliding, so the crater happens sooner (but in the same place).

If I think of anything else in the meantime, I'll add it to the OP and give you a heads up on Discord.


Quote from: WillLem on November 08, 2024, 01:51:09 PMThe QuickMod tool only needs to correct Orig/OhNo exits because no others are affected.

sorry for having again a question here... the option to update the exit positions for the Orig/OhNo, do I have to do this in QuickMod to use those levels correctly, or has everything been corrected already in the Superlemmix included original levels? Or for what exactly this option is in QuickMod?


Quote from: littbarski on November 09, 2024, 11:13:29 AMsorry for having again a question here... the option to update the exit positions for the Orig/OhNo, do I have to do this in QuickMod to use those levels correctly, or has everything been corrected already in the Superlemmix included original levels? Or for what exactly this option is in QuickMod?

The QuickMod tool is really intended for level pack authors/maintainers to fix/edit their own levels, rather than for players to edit other people's. Of course, it can used that way, but it certainly isn't expected or intended that players will need to use the QuickMod tool to fix/edit a pack that someone else has released.

If something has been "officially" released (such as the levels included with SLX), they most likely will have already been fixed and so you don't need to do anything.

In the event that a pack has been released and is broken, the best thing to do is report it (either in the pack's topic or on the SuperLemmix board) and give the author a chance to make the fix themselves and re-release the pack. That way, it's fixed for everybody.

I would advise always checking with the level pack's author/maintainer before doing anything with their levels anyway, just in case.

Of course, if you want to use the QuickMod tool to make custom edits to a pack for your own purposes, and don't intend to release the edited pack publicly, that's up to you. But you should never need to use it to make a pack functional in SLX unless you're the author/maintainer.

I hope that explains it! Let me know if you have any other questions; don't worry about asking, that's what the Forums are for and it's always best to be sure, so you're absolutely doing the right thing by asking. :thumbsup:

EDIT: I've now added some guidelines to the QuickMod tool page which will hopefully help avoid confusion in the future.


thank you, yes that explains it very well!
I am glad of course that the levels work that way already with the delivered Superlemmix version, no problem and no need to change anything for me here.

Well, I just still don't know for what the exit option Orig/Ohno was useful, what it usecase is?


Quote from: littbarski on November 09, 2024, 03:48:02 PMWell, I just still don't know for what the exit option Orig/Ohno was useful, what it usecase is?

Some of the exits had empty space at the top of the image, so that when assigning a lemming cap the number would appear way above the exit, like this:

This can be fixed by changing the DIGIT X & Y values in the exit's .nxmo file, which I originally did to fix all such cases. However, I found that it was causing other issues whenever "Gadget.Top" (i.e. the topmost pixel of the Gadget) was being used throughout the code.

So, I decided to go ahead and edit the .png files themselves to remove the empty space.

Doing this changed the position of the exits relative to their original position within a level. So, for example, any levels using the ohno_brick exit would have the exit appear 13px higher than its original position:

This is because, although the empty space has been removed, the Gadget's "Top" position is still the same. The QuickMod tool goes through all levels, checks whether that specific exit is used in any level, and moves it down 13px. The same goes for all other affected exits, although some of the locked exits actually appear lower than they did originally, because secondary animations (such as the spinning red triangle on the Bubble exit) have also been accounted for as part of the exit's "Top" position (so, something has been added rather than empty space being removed).

In case anyone's interested, here's a list of which exits are affected, and the apparent difference in position:

ohno_brick exit appears 13px above original position
ohno_bubble locked exit appears 8px below original position
[ohno_rock exit appears 6px above original position
ohno_rock locked exit appears 8px below original position
ohno_snow exit appears 5px above original position
orig_crystal locked exit appears 8px below original position
orig_dirt locked exit appears 3px below original position
orig_fire locked exit appears 24px below original position

The QuickMod tool goes through all levels, searches for these exits, and automatically makes the necessary corrections to the Y-Position. That's why it should only be done once per pack - if performed again, the exits will be moved again!

Hope this helps :lemcat:


The latest version of the SLX QuickMod Tool can now convert between Super and NeoLemmix in either direction.

The conversion option automatically corrects all water objects and exit positions for both platforms (depending on which is selected).