Author Topic: [SuperLemmini] WillLem's SUPERLEMMINGS & Xmas SUPERLEMMINGS!  (Read 20184 times)

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Offline WillLem

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So I had a bit of trouble with level 2 The Bubble Run whilst filming the playthrough, which falsely gave me the impression that it's possibly too difficult to be level 2. However, in hindsight it's probably because I was going for the most direct route, which is more difficult than other possible routes, and I was doing so whilst filming, and talking to camera.

I had another few goes at it this morning and beat it first time every time. There is plenty of time and plenty of skills to take pretty much any route you feel comfortable with, and the ending isn't as difficult when you're concentrating on it fully.

So, I'm fairly happy now that it's in its rightful place as level 2 :lemcat:

Offline WillLem

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For anyone who has downloaded or is thinking of downloading the SUPERLEMMINGS packs, please note that I have included a custom cursor graphic with both packs.

I've made it slightly thicker and a brighter green so that it's much easier to see; the thinner, darker default is sometimes quite difficult to quickly locate (even when you disable the "Classic Cursor" option), which is not what you want when playing at superlemming speed!

If you wish to use it (recommended), place the graphic in Resources/gfx/misc and it will override the default for as long as it's there. Want to switch back afterwards without moving or deleting the graphic? Simply rename it to something else (e.g. cursor2) and SL will ignore it, and revert to the default cursor.

It's also available here if you need to download it again.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2020, 04:03:10 AM by WillLem »

Offline ericderkovits

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Re: [SuperLemmini] WillLem's SUPERLEMMINGS & Xmas SUPERLEMMINGS!
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2021, 07:49:29 AM »
I wonder if anybody entered  "Mind the (Soup)er Lemming"  in the level contest for rule 1.

Offline Forestidia86

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Re: [SuperLemmini] WillLem's SUPERLEMMINGS & Xmas SUPERLEMMINGS!
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2021, 05:55:21 PM »
Played the first 3 Levels of Will-Lem' Superlemmings. I've attached replays, which were achieved without using pause etc..
Note that I'm used to builder queuing and all the other quality of life stuff like pause/frame stepping to put my opinion into perspective.

It is an interesting challenge but a frustrating one as well. Especially the standard slow edge scrolling got me into some problems, though I only now have realized that right clicking seems to make it faster. The levels look asthetically quite well and have a generous skill amount and time limit so far.

SUPERLEMMING Retuns/x.rpl (click to show/hide)

THE BUBBLE RUN/x2.rpl (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: October 08, 2021, 06:15:29 PM by Forestidia86 »

Offline Forestidia86

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Re: [SuperLemmini] WillLem's SUPERLEMMINGS & Xmas SUPERLEMMINGS!
« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2021, 06:39:17 PM »
Solved the further regular levels 4 to 9.
Generally the pack seems to be inspired strongly by the original levels, which entails imho sometimes the problems of the original designs as well. Sometimes the levels were a bit lenghty for the challenge for my taste but that was to some point made up by the fast speed, which means less waiting. It was nevertheless an interesting challenge as I mentioned before.

Cristiano Lemnaldo/x5.rpl (click to show/hide)

The SUPERLEMMING Lovers/x6.rpl (click to show/hide)

Mind The Soup(ERLEMMING)/x8.rpl (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: October 09, 2021, 11:27:24 PM by Forestidia86 »

Offline WillLem

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Re: [SuperLemmini] WillLem's SUPERLEMMINGS & Xmas SUPERLEMMINGS!
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2021, 11:52:07 PM »
Thanks for the replays @Forestidia86. I'll have a look at these soon and reply to your feedback :thumbsup:

Offline WillLem

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Re: [SuperLemmini] WillLem's SUPERLEMMINGS & Xmas SUPERLEMMINGS!
« Reply #21 on: October 13, 2021, 02:34:45 AM »
Quote from: Forestidia86
Played ... Will-Lem' Superlemmings. I've attached replays, which were achieved without using pause etc

Well done! And thank you for adhering to the spirit of the challenge :lemcat:

Quote from: Forestidia86
Note that I'm used to builder queuing and all the other quality of life stuff like pause/frame stepping to put my opinion into perspective
It is an interesting challenge but a frustrating one as well.

Noted. And yes, I can imagine that this pack was something very different for you in that case!

Quote from: Forestidia86
the standard slow edge scrolling got me into some problems, though I only now have realized that right clicking seems to make it faster

Indeed, holding the RMB whilst scrolling doubles the scrolling speed. The ability to toggle this some other way would be good, I'm hoping that hotkeys become a thing in SL at some point (I toyed with the idea of learning Java to implement some of the ideas I had but it's proved to be somewhat elusive so far, I think I'd have far too many problems trying to do it without help).

Quote from: Forestidia86
can get frustrating when one has to start over again

I know what you mean, and it's certainly valid feedback. However, I'd suggest that the whole point of this challenge is that it's execution-based. So, part of the challenge is to overcome the frustration of restarts; as your skill with Superlemming mode increases, these happen less and less often.

Quote from: Forestidia86
By accident I sometimes bashed in the wrong direction

It's absolutely fine to use Direction Select for this challenge. The only "rule", as such, is not to use the pause button. To be honest I'm very impressed that you managed to beat these levels without using the Direction tool, so you get bonus stars for that! :thumbsup:

Quote from: Forestidia86
SUPERLEMMING vs. The Space Lizards/x3a.rpl, x3b.rpl
This level seemed easier than 2/the bubble one and seems to have a broad variation of solutions

One of the things I love about this (and the original) level is the number of routes that are possible to take, it's one of the main reasons I chose to remix it for this pack. I like both of your solutions, you did a good job of dealing with that pesky tree when taking the top route!

Quote from: Forestidia86
Generally the pack seems to be inspired strongly by the original levels, which entails imho sometimes the problems of the original designs as well

Fair comment, many of these levels are remixes of L1 levels. I'm generally one of people who like the original designs as they are, problems and all. Some of the imperfections are what make those levels so endearing, particularly since they have been solved and resolved many many times since their inception all those years ago. Even when remixing the levels, I often deliberately try to preserve and recreate some of those imperfection, although I usually just end up making imperfect levels of my own! :crylaugh:

Quote from: Forestidia86
IcE PoPs! (40% save req.)/x4.rpl (45%), x4b.rpl (46%)
I actually don't know why this level is meant to be played pause free

Pressing pause allows the player to stop-start the level, and give extra thinking time not just for planning a route but for making assignments which must be performed quickly. It's about more than just figuring out a strategy, the challenge is to then execute it at speed. However...

Quote from: Forestidia86
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

This is a heck of a backroute!!! :forehead: I'm leaving it in there, see if anyone else spots it. Nicely done! :thumbsup:

Quote from: Forestidia86
The SUPERLEMMING Lovers/x6.rpl
The learning effect makes this level more manageable

I appreciate this comment; I took time to make sure that the levels increased in difficulty as gradually as possible, even with some breather levels in between some of the harder ones.

Quote from: Forestidia86
Mind The Soup(ERLEMMING)/x8.rpl
In my view the hardest level, an amalgam of two hard original levels

I would probably agree with this, although the one I struggled with most during my playthrough was actually level 2 The Bubble Run! Something about that end section kept catching me out and I had to keep restarting over and over, it was a real pain! Every time I've played it since then though I can usually beat it on the first attempt, so maybe it was because it was filming day or something, that's my excuse anyway ;P

But yes, Mind The Soup(ERLEMMING) is absolutely meant to be a difficult climax level, certainly the most difficult of the single-lemming levels. The Floater makes it somewhat easier though, I think. Also, the Climber can be used to enter the end section with the bowl of soup, so it's a bit less of a Builderfest ;)

Quote from: Forestidia86
GERONIMO!!!(60% save req.)/x9.rpl (61%)
This level was a nice challenge ... I didn't like so much that the middle crowd had to be freed since it wouldn't be nice to mess that up, which is possible. Furthermore it interferes with directly seeing how much are saved.

I see what you mean and I can sympathise; this level caused me considerable stress whilst filming the playthrough (I managed to catch 80% with Floaters and then messed up the final Builder! I had to take some time to calm down before I carried on! >:( :crylaugh:)

However, since the pack is intended to be execution-based rather than pure strategy, the middle crowd setup in this level is absolutely meant to cause these problems. Admittedly, releasing the crowd at the end requires at least a certain amount of luck, but that adds to the build-and-release atmosphere of the level and gives it an edge it otherwise wouldn't have in a more strategy-based environment. Whilst playing it can be a nightmare, beating it brings on the good feels! ;P

Ultimately, I'm really glad that you have taken the time to play through this pack, it's great to have some feedback on it and to watch others' playthroughs of it. Thank you for this, and I hope you enjoy the next one! :thumbsup:

Offline Forestidia86

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Re: [SuperLemmini] WillLem's SUPERLEMMINGS & Xmas SUPERLEMMINGS!
« Reply #22 on: October 13, 2021, 07:01:01 PM »
Pressing pause allows the player to stop-start the level, and give extra thinking time not just for planning a route but for making assignments which must be performed quickly. It's about more than just figuring out a strategy, the challenge is to then execute it at speed. However...

Actually I paused once per level at the beginning to get an overview of the level (no assignments), but restarted then after having a look for the actual attempts, which were done without pause. I didn't see it against the spirit of the challenge or as pausing in this sense since one has the small preview picture before the start of the level anyways and no assignments were made with pause. For SUPERLEMMINAS I only used the preview picture for planning and didn't pause at all.

One point which could be unclear with the rules of the challenge: I assumed that using replays of previous attempts is not allowed though you don't state it explicitly. So I always started freshly over from the beginning after a failed attempt.

Thanks for the feedback.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2021, 07:14:56 PM by Forestidia86 »

Offline WillLem

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Re: [SuperLemmini] WillLem's SUPERLEMMINGS & Xmas SUPERLEMMINGS!
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2021, 07:25:27 PM »
Quote from: Forestidia86
Actually I paused once per level at the beginning to get an overview of the level (no assignments)

Of course, this is fine :thumbsup:

Quote from: Forestidia86
One point which could be unclear with the rules of the challenge: I assumed that using replays of previous attempts is not allowed though you don't state it explicitly

Good shout. I've made the challenge rules a bit more clear.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2021, 07:31:28 PM by WillLem »

Offline Forestidia86

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Re: [SuperLemmini] WillLem's SUPERLEMMINGS & Xmas SUPERLEMMINGS!
« Reply #24 on: October 15, 2021, 09:09:25 PM »
Solved the Xmas pack without using pause etc.. Used no directional select for consistency with the other pack solutions.

I think this is the easiest of the three current packs though it had tough levels as well. Again strongly inspired by the original levels. The animated snowmans etc. gave me at first the impression they were traps since in Lix animation generally means trap. I remember as well being fearful of the snowman as a child since I thought it will squish you.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Bashing Through The Snow/y4.rpl (click to show/hide)

We All Fall Down/y7.rpl (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: October 15, 2021, 10:39:17 PM by Forestidia86 »

Offline WillLem

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[SuperLemmini] Xmas SUPERLEMMINGS! V1.01
« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2021, 07:15:32 AM »
Important update for Xmas SUPERLEMMINGS

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, BLITZEN!!!
The exploder was unusable

This is a genuine mistake. The save requirement is supposed to be 3 out of 4 lems; thankfully, the level is 100%able (as you've managed - well played!)

Here is the fixed level. I've also updated the pack to include this fix.

Offline kaywhyn

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Re: [SuperLemmini] WillLem's SUPERLEMMINGS & Xmas SUPERLEMMINGS!
« Reply #26 on: June 16, 2022, 12:11:50 PM »
Hello WillLem,

I accepted your pause free challenge for SUPERLEMMINGS and after plenty of struggling with the no pause rule, I managed success on all 10 levels in a little under 2 hours. My replays are attached. Note that the first 7 of these replays are solutions that are different than the ones you see in my LP, because I forgot to save the replays as I went along. It was only when I got to the 7th level was where I realized I haven't been manually saving them.

You can also see my live LP where I followed the rule of no pause so that you know that I didn't violate anything. I use Charles' SuperlemminiToo. I initially tried the pack with timed bombers, but after a while to prevent the video from dragging out, as well as to reduce frustration, I proceeded to turn them off. You got to give me props for at least trying with timed bombers while under the no pause rule :P

Link to my LP: Enjoy! :P

General Feedback

WillLem's SUPERLEMMINGS pack is a pack for Superlemmini where the challenge is to complete all levels without using pause. That being said, with pause all these levels are very easy due to extremely generous skillsets on all levels. Therefore, there's generally no worry that you'll run out of skills at any time while attempting the pause free challenge, although I think the only time the skillset would be a problem is on the very first level, but even then there's still some spare if you manage to misplace/misassign a skill or two.

Most of the levels in this pack are remixes of OL and ONML levels. I certainly don't mind them at all, especially if they manage to do more than just be a mere repeat in terms of level layout. At the same time, it's generally WillLem's style when it comes to level designing, as he's huge on remixes. Every level designer has his/her preferences, and there's nothing wrong with doing the occasional remix pack, where the content is mostly or completely all remixes.

I got to say I really enjoyed this challenge! It should be clear that my natural reflexes aren't as quick as they used to be (I'm an old man, although perhaps I shouldn't be saying that as I'm still not as old as some others, but I'm definitely up there with them :8():), but it's still a lot of fun to at least challenge oneself and satisfy certain goals while playing. It's also a very short pack, 10 levels just like the various 10-level Dos packs for Custlemm.

Of these levels, I would have to say that both SUPERLEMMINGS 2 and SUPERLEMMINGS 6 both gave me a lot of problems. However, I am in agreement that the former is quite a challenge when attempting the level pause free. In the latter, the part in the middle with the bear traps was pretty difficult to do, although that's because I avoided mining and then simply bashing for a while and instead attempted to simply build over the triggers.

Also, for SUPERLMMINGS 7 it's not so bad once you 're able to do the start successfully, but the very thick wall to bomb through is way too repetitive for my liking. I guess the same can be said about SUPERLEMMINGS 4, but that's just me, as I personally am not a fan of levels where you have to repeatedly spam the same skill in a very short amount of time. That doesn't mean those levels are bad. Quite the contrary. Rather, levels with excessive and repetitive skill assignments tend to be quite dull and boring for me.

1 - SUPERLEMMING Returns (click to show/hide)

2 - The Bubble Run (click to show/hide)

4 - IcE PoPs! (click to show/hide)

5 - Cristiano Lemnaldo (click to show/hide)

6 - The SUPERLEMMING Lovers (click to show/hide)

7 - Scary Poppins Land (click to show/hide)

8 - Mind The Soup(ERLEMMING (click to show/hide)

9 - GERONIMO!!! (click to show/hide)

Thank you for this pack WillLem, and next up will be your SUPERLEMMINAS pack! :) - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:

Offline kaywhyn

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Re: [SuperLemmini] WillLem's SUPERLEMMINGS & Xmas SUPERLEMMINGS!
« Reply #27 on: June 17, 2022, 07:37:09 AM »
Hello WillLem,

I have also solved all of Xmas SUPERLEMMINGS pause free, so here are my replays/feedback. Also, the link to the LP is in the previous post, as like you I decided to stick all of the LP of the SUPERLEMMINGS packs in the same playlist ;)

General Feedback

Most of these levels are either from the Holiday Lemmings games or from WillLem's Neolemmix pack FestiveLems. The major difference being that you are playing the levels with the Superlemming speed gimmick on at all times, even with FF not engaged. I think I will have to agree with Forestidia on this one possibly being your easiest of your SUPERLEMMINGS packs. The levels I really struggled with here were levels 4 and 9. They really got my heart racing while making sure I don't press pause at any time. Of course, the WAFD can be too, but if you know the trick behind it it can really make your life much easier :P

3 - Clouds of SUPERLEMMINGS (click to show/hide)

8 - Check Your SUPERHINTS!!! (click to show/hide)

9 - Running Home For Christmas (click to show/hide)

10 - Ready, Set, SNOW!!! (click to show/hide)

Thanks for this pack as well! :) - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: