Random level sharing topic!

Started by GigaLem, February 26, 2018, 09:06:24 PM

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While not intended it doesn't break the level, I think that'll make a good talisman for the pack

:tal-silver: "Smart Puppy" - Save 2 walkers and Diggers, and 1 Swimmer and Builder in Temple of Milla


I finished a level today

Name:Bad Pickup Skill
Author(s): GigaLem
Requirements: in the attachment

Bad Apple Remix by MusicKOfficial


Hope this is the right thread to post or upload maps, one off maps.

I've made a hard map using the neolemmix editor and I think it turned out okay. See what you guys think. :) In this level there is a lot of thinghs to explore, don't worry no hidden exits at all in this one. The bubble tileset seems to be a very hard one to use as you have got all the different pipe sizes and stuff like that.

(Update or edit 1) I've found a major backroute which I have changed to stop the backroute hopefully. Made a few changes as well as tidying the level up a little bit.

Thanks to everyone who has given the map a try. :thumbsup:


Hi guys, I noticed Gigalem has a picture of the map he's made, how do you post the picture of the map?


Quote from: grams88 on May 20, 2018, 10:11:45 PM
Hi guys, I noticed Gigalem has a picture of the map he's made, how do you post the picture of the map?

you need to host the picture image on a image hosting site like www.imgur.com and link it using the [ img ][ /img ] tags (no spaces) ;)

to save level images, press "I" when on the level and you can save a picture of it.


Thanks Flopsy, I'll look into that one, I didn't know that about pressing I when you are on the level to save an image of it.


Here's another map I'm sure you guys will like.

(Update or edit 1) A little change with one or two pipes.


Quote from: grams88 on May 22, 2018, 07:30:02 PM
Here's another map I'm sure you guys will like.

I had the liberty to convert the 2 levels to the new format. ;)

I attached my solutions + the updated levelfiles to this post.

I noticed some viual errors like pipes not aligned properly, or an overlapping one. "Pipe Pits" was very fiddly, but otherwise good levels. :)


Thanks IchoTolot for converting to the new format and having a shot at the levels yourself. :thumbsup: Oh yes some of the pipes were placed over other pipes, I tried to hide it as best as possble. I quite like the bubble tileset, the bubble tileset might actually be my favorite out of the non custom lemmings tilesets.

Looking forward to checking your replays IchoTolot. :)


Sorry for asking a noobish question but how do you go about updating to the new format, I think I might have the older version as IchoTolot was saying.

Many thanks


Don't worry I have it sussed now. :)


Quote from: grams88 on June 03, 2018, 10:29:37 AM
Don't worry I have it sussed now. :)

Sorry, I'm only seeing this now. Even you seem to have managed it now here is the method again:

I simply loaded your old format levels with the new format editor and saved them under the new format --- that's it. ;)   


No worries IchoTolot I think I have it now, the new format looks really nice and the layout seems a lot easier as well. Got to give it a try guys. :)


Hi guys :thumbsup:

Here's a level I have made trying something different, it's solvable, this one might trick people up.


@grams88 here is a replay of "Stairway To Death" :)

Haven't solved the other levels on this thread yet.