Insane 1 -
Hello, Goodbye Great and somewhat easy level to start off the rank.
Insane 2 -
Dig this! This seems to be a backroute. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be this easy.
Insane 3 -
Bumpy Ride I remember this one was very annoying to pull off, possibly either in RotL, Dos, or both. I don't remember where I have played the level before or if I played it on both if it's also in RotL. The time limit isn't the main problem, the execution with the top entrance is. Very fiddly.
Insane 5 -
Escape from Alcatraz! Ok level, it was pretty boring. Can be a bit difficult, but it's not too hard.
Insane 6 -
Leaky Building Syndrome I remember playing this level before. I think it was RotL. It took me longer than usual due to not remembering the solution. Even then, I was still able to figure it out. Great level, and I somewhat remember solving the level the way seen in the LP.
Insane 7 -
Spiralling Snowstorm My favorite level of the rank up to this point. Very satisfying to figure out the solution and then to see it all come together quite nicely. The only thing I don't like is how it's not clear if the fall is splat height with the fall on the right where the builder staircase is needed.
Insane 8 -
Hall of Stalling The easiest level in the entire rank. It's a completely pointless one, and so it's likely simply filler/breather.
Insane 9 -
Nothing to lose I also remember playing this level before. I remember it being annoying to pull off. It is somewhat of a tough puzzle, especially since it's all about figuring out which lemmings to build with. The hard part is knowing whether or not you can afford to use more than 1 builder in the same place even though one builder is enough for the gap. It will be necessary due to the RR.
Insane 10 -
Urban-ledge-end Nice level, although I wasn't too much of a fan of repeatedly spamming the blocker in the same place over and over so that he doesn't walk into the water. It took me a long time to figure out what the many blockers were for. The level has a problem in that once the music goes quiet it doesn't play again. I thought I had accidentally muted the level when it happened. It's really cool with the background different from the default the shadow tileset uses.
Insane 11 -
Pick Me Up I have never ever played a level in this tileset before. It looks pretty cool. Easy level, with the only hard part being to make sure the builder successfully builds to the ceiling. I already know the trick of using miners to make the builder avoid hitting his head and stopping the builder bridge short.
Insane 12 -
Rounds and Swingabouts This was a pretty difficult level. Builders might seem plentiful, but they run out very fast. Same thing with the destructive skills. Very hard to find solution in several places. I don't recall if I ever played this level before, although I think I remember using compression for the end to get past the sucker traps with minimal losses, so it's possible that I have played the level before.
Insane 13 -
Evacuating a Retirement Home This was also a difficult level. In some of the early attempts, it would had been a working solution had a lemming been able to be contained inside the digger tunnel along with the tunnel, but it's not possible due to the very high RR. However, this was quite satisfying to figure out. Using a builder for a step to appear past the wall was difficult to spot. Seems that the digger must be placed precisely for it to work. Very nice level! I don't recall if I played this level before at all.
Insane 15 -
OH NO! MORE WEE CREATURES! Almost the same as the original, but the biggest difference is no bombers. The level is slightly harder as a result. Here, one cannot hold either crowd back at the top. Also figuring out how to make the exit route available without closing off from either side is difficult.
Insane 16 -
Switchback Symmetry The hardest level of the pack at this point. It took me more than hour to figure out and solve. There were plenty of times where I thought I had the level figured out, only to be 1 skill short in th end. Turns out I had the error of later blocking on the same level as where the lemmings fall out of the entrance was wrong and I failed to realize that for a long time. Not to mention that I had a bunch of other wrong ideas, especially in regards to how to release the blockers or that the blockers on the right side near the wall in the middle being doomed when they're in fact rescuable.
Insane 17 -
Santa's Workshop In my unsuccessful LP attempt, I originally said this level was pure evil due to what I thought was an extremely fiddly trick where one needs to pull it off 3 times in a row on the left side. This would also be the very first time I slightly raged in an LP video. Amazing it even took me that long, after having had finished 7 prior LPs. Of course, I went about the level completely wrong. I remember the solution coming to me while I was taking a 1-2 hour break. It had occurred to me that I was supposed to send a lemming from the bottom entrance to be a climber instead of assign one to a top entrance lemming. I even played a United level that requires catching a climber with platformers, so I'm not sure why this completely escaped me for a long time.
Thus, I take back what I said about the level being pure evil. This is a very good level with a great solution. I definitely figured out the meaning of the huge time limit with getting the lemmings to sync up in my unsuccessful attempt, but I needed to go a bit further than that. Definitely doesn't require anywhere near 25 minutes to complete though.
Insane 18 -
Lemming Recycling Plant I remember playing this level before. I believe this is in RotL. It still took me a while, but didn't take me as long as some of the previous levels to solve. It's definitely great working out and seeing the solution come together.
Insane 20 -
Training Zone Alpha Hard level, but very satisfying to figure out. The only hard part is the beginning/starting area. I really like this level!
Insane 21 -
The Square Root of Lemming Somewhat hard, but it's still an easy level. The only hard part is getting a lemming to block at the end of the first bridge going to the right on the last square at the bottom on the far right and making sure no one slips by. Building up in that area is also a bit difficult, but it does allow the lemmings to be able to get up to the exit. I only thought it wouldn't work due to how it had failed by a pixel or so a few times.
Insane 22 -
Fill the Floor Somewhat difficult, especially since it requires very good timing and the need to mess around with the RR to ensure the platformer gets far enough ahead to completely seal the gap before anyone falls through. I believe I have taken more time than the time limit that's put in the level, and hence my solution would had failed if it was present here. The difference here is that a platformer is used, but in RotL the builder is used due to only being able to use the classic 8 skills.
Insane 23 -
The Floodgates Open Thank you for not making this a 3 minute level, just like the early NL version of RotL. Said version is extremely brutal and hard due to the very strict timer. I did solve it eventually, but it took a very long time. Even with 2 additonal minutes, the level is still pretty hard. Time still came down to the wire, finishing with only 3 seconds left. Working out when to release climbers is not easy at all. Same thing with working out who should be floaters and who shouldn't be. Planning the right sequence of actions is difficult.
Insane 24 -
Builders' Cracks Nice and easy level. I really like this level, as I like how the solution comes together quite nicely. Of the final 3 levels, I figured this one out the quickest. Building in the exit area is probably the most difficult part, especially since it's quite similar to OH NO! MORE WEE CREATURES! with making sure not to block the route to the exit with builders. The builder wall at the end to turn lemmings back towards the exit is quite clever. I think I remember playing this on Dos before.
Insane 25 -
From the Brink Nice partial nuke solution. Took somewhat long to figure out, but that's because I kept having trouble figuring out which lemmings to place as blockers in the middle above the exit and the incorrect assumption of staggering the bomber holes so that the blockers above didn't have that far to fall once the blocker below explodes. Then I realized the floaters and can use them to float the two released blockers into the exit. The very top one has to almost be right on top of the exit, as he'll have no chance to exit before exploding if he isn't. It's all about figuring out the right timing to release both crowds at the top to sync with activating with the nuke. I honestly don't remember if I have played this level before.