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Lix 0.9.48 released

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Lix 0.9.0 released:

This bumps the middle version number, which means physics change. If you'd like to play tonight, you need this one, or the server won't let you in. :lix-grin: But I've fixed a couple annoyances in multiplayer, I hope it's worth it. All singleplayer levels are still solvable.

* Raymanni's Toy, Lab, and Gore tilesets to v3: Raymanni has drawn Lab monitors, Gore tentacles, eyes, and a bonesaw, a Toy chalkbox, and several more. All tiles have shading from the top-left as normal for Lix tiles. Thanks!

* Added Proxima's and mobius's multiplayer levels, merged geoo's level changes for the tileset update.

* Level search. In the singleplayer or multiplayer level browser, you can search the entire level tree for titles or filenames.

* Fix #230: Frogs ate cubers, and flung cubers reanimated. Now, cubers stay dead.

* Fix #231: Tumblers oscillated in thin walls. Now, tumblers will either move or land. (The tumbler code is not perfect yet, I'm planning to rewrite it, but the rewrite's subtle physics changes would invalidate too many replays still.)

* Fix #214: Players permute correctly in networking games.

* Fix #239: The server sends a permutation of correct size. This fixes wrong hatch/goal distributions in games with many observers and larger teams.

* Fix #217: Skip remaining overtime when everybody has nuked or finished playing.

* Race maps (= maps that have zero overtime) nuke automatically on the first scoring.

* Fix #240: Observers don't have to cancel the end-of-game dialog anymore. I print the game result to the console. This is not beautiful, but it's an acceptable medium-term solution.
-- Simon

A few pieces of miscellaneous feedback....

* If, as an observer in multiplayer, you are on the level selection menu when a round starts, you are stuck there and cannot exit, even when the round finishes. I had to close and re-open the game to continue participating.
* Tab (should change which player's skillset you can see) doesn't do anything.
* Rubix's Going Up? 7p and 8p both appear in both the 7p and 8p folders.

This is old feedback, but now that we're getting 6/7/8 people more regularly, it really needs addressing: while you're in the level select menu, you should receive notification when someone else has selected a level.

Rubix's maps remove duplicates: Done, already on github. Will be in next release.

Tab should choose spectated team but does nothing: Missing feature. I had the button remappable because I populated the options menu in one go. Feature is not high-priority, I'll probably remove the widget in the options menu until feature is done.

Observer in level selection gets stuck: Interesting, I never thought observers would dig for maps, but it's of course possible. Excellent catch.

Notify in map browser when other player selects map: Agree that this is important. I want at least a sound effect for now. A long-term solution must be even clearer than a mere sound.

-- Simon

Lix 0.9.1 released.

* Fix #243: Sounds play in the lobby or browser when somebody joins or when somebody picks a map. When observers browse for maps and others start a game, the observer's browser closes, and the observer will see the game.

* Fix #244: Malformed UTF-8 in files within the level tree (e.g., zip archive) won't crash the Lix level search anymore. The offending file still will not appear as a searchable level; instead, the offending filename is logged. I validate all keyboard input for UTF-8.

* Fix #246: Tiles with coordinates far out-of-bounds crashed the editor once torus wrapping became enabled. Will now torus-wrap these tiles properly.

* Fix #247: The lix under the mouse is lighlighted far brighter and gets a dark outline to its left, right, and above it.

* Fix #248: Multiplayer colors: Purple is lighter. Black is darker. Yellow is darker and has less green hue.

* Added about 40 remakes by Proxima of maps from 2009. I've inserted the maps in their original authors' directories. Thanks a lot for your work!

* Removed a backroute in lemforum's Duality from abusing decoration.

* Removed hidden water in Sharing the Water Supply 4p. Removed duplicate map files for Going Up 7p/8p.
-- Simon

Lix 0.9.2 released.

* Rubix reordered his singleplayer levels and added the Community Collab Project: 4 levels in single/rubix/Extras.

* lemforum: Path to Mahiman, removed indirect jump backroute. Runaround up to Cunning, Rainbow Road down to Quirky.

* Fix #252: Level search queries won't match the prefix 'levels/' in the filenames because all levels would match.

* Fix #256: When you export levels to images or save replays manually, the button replacement will not say "done", but instead tell you the filename.

* Fix #254: When you run out of VRAM during a level, the game won't crash, but instead stop making internal savestates. This won't display a warning, it will merely log. Recalculation due to incoming network packets will take longer, but that's better than crashing. The game remains VRAM-hungry (it allocates up to 10 copies of the entire land VRAM bitmap) and this solution is not ideal.
-- Simon


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