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Re: Lemmings Community Compilation Levelpack
« Reply #105 on: August 06, 2013, 12:49:47 AM »
Unfortunately with my work schedule and an upcoming holiday, I don't have time to go through all the levels for this pack, although I hope it gets completed so it can be enjoyed by others... I'd certainly love roundthewheelrtw to give it a whirl!

One comment I would make about my own level is that I might put "Iron Curtain" on a 'maybe' list, since on Lemmix, Bombers seem to be less forgiving than on Lemmini.  And the same for 'Going Down . . . . .' too, since Bashers, ironically, seem to be less forgiving than on Lemmini due to the way the mesh is structured (and with the intended solution, I think there's a crash risk on Lemmini if you bash too high).

Oh, Tier Drops can be backrouted on Lemmini due to the different behaviour of Bombers on steel areas.  Some of the floor below the one-way wall will have to be made non-steel.

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Re: Lemmings Community Compilation Levelpack
« Reply #106 on: August 15, 2013, 10:36:16 AM »
Hey. Bit late (since I hardly ever come here), but just want to say that you're more than welcome to include any of my levels if you like. I don't have a recent copy of Lemmings Plus DOS Project (does anyone still have a copy of the most recent version, I can only find broken links? EDIT: Nevermind, I found it!), but the majority of levels are unchanged from the versions on the file archive (the only one that's changed *and* notable is Coalburner).

I'd suggest To The End!, Hellfire and No Time To Die (part 1, not part 2) for potential inclusion. Pipeline Problem as well, perhaps, for a slightly lower difficulty one.

EDIT: I found a working copy of the latest version of the project! w00t!

So here's a list of levels I feel are particularly good:
- "Up To Where They Go" (Mild 19) - this is quite an easy level, but it's very fun nonetheless, might be good for Fun-equivalent
- "You Just Lost The Game!" (Mild 30) - same as above, though this would be late-Fun, maybe even early Tricky
- "Russian Rescue" (Wimpy 12*) - This is a low-to-mid difficulty one, probably worthy of Tricky or even *very* early Taxing
- "Fallen" (Medi 6) - Mostly a simple puzzle, but the 100% requirement puts a bit of extra difficulty on it, maybe early-to-mid Taxing
- "As It Burns Away..." (Medi 21*) - Moderate-to-high difficulty, late Taxing-y
- "Lemmingsense" (Medi 29) - Another mid-to-late Taxing one
- "Backdraft" (Danger 3) - Not one of my personal favorites, but it seems to be quite a favorite among other players. Probably early Mayhem difficulty. (Note that this level relies a bit on precisely-placed bombers. LPDOS is modified so that bombers instantly OhNo when you assign them rather than count down; so this level could be quite annoying if you're using the older-style timed bombers.)
- "Alternative Logic" (Danger 6) - Simple but with a clever trick to it. Note that this level doesn't work properly in all versions of the game (varies between game and even between settings for DOS, won't work on Mac, works fine in Lemmix under *any* mechanics setting) due to the level being EXTREMELY precisely adjusted to the time limit.
- "Circular Wavelength" (Danger 15) - Another Mayhemish puzzle.
- "No Salvation IV" (Danger 20) - The earlier No Salvations are too easy, the later one too hard. This one offers a good challenge while still giving some room for variety.
- "Die the Death of the Damned" (Danger 22) - This one is very challenging to work out (but very simple to execute once you know how it's done). As far as I'm aware, only one level in both original and OhNo combined use the mechanic that's required here. Definitely at least late-Mayhem.
- "Pipeline Problem" (Danger 29) - This one's a bit easier than most of those around it, though don't let the simple look and 10-of-everything decieve you; it IS a fairly challenging level. Probably late-Taxing.
- "Variety Day" (Psycho 1) - A one-of-each-skill level! =D I've had mixed responses on how hard this one is, I'd say probably early-to-mid Mayhem.
- "Coalburner" (Psycho 9**) - This is one of those ones that can be quite tricky to work out, but once you know it, isn't that hard to pull off. I'd say late-Mayhem.
- "Three Birds With One Stone" (Psycho 11) - This is a level with several solutions, all of which are fairly difficult to find (some are hard to execute, others are quite easy). Late-Taxing or early-Mayhem.
- "Not gonna work." (Psycho 12) - Another level that looks simple but isn't. This is easily far harder than anything in Mayhem; it's debatable whether some of the ONML levels surpass it. It actually originally was an early-Medi level with a lower required % and had blockers; I thought "I wonder if I can save 100%" and after how much of a challenge that was, it didn't take me long to decide "I'm bumping this one up to Psycho and requiring 100%".
- "Return of the T" (Psycho 18) - Apart from being qutie challenging (definitely late-Mayhem if not harder), this level deserves to be nominated simply for being (in it's first incarnation, as a Cheapo level in Lemmings Plus 1) the first genuinely hard level I ever made - anything before that was a matter of "easy to work out, hard to execute", if hard at all.
- "No Time To Die" (Psycho 20) - A fun and quick level. Can seem like an annoyingly-tight-on-time level at first, but once you work out what you should be doing, there's actually a suprising amount of time to spare - not huge amounts, but a good 10-15 seconds or so. Nonetheless, it's definitely post-Mayhem.
- "To The End!" (Psycho 28) - Probably the hardest level in LP DOS, and at any rate it seems to be one of the favorites of mine among most people who've played it. It starts with the pretty common "make a fairly easy, and long but still fairly fun level with 20 of each skill". It then slaps a 100% requirement on that (out of 30 lemmings, so not everyone can climb/float) - not a huge deal. It then applies a twist that wasn't so common in the PC version, but fairly common in the SMS version - instead of 20 of *every* skill, you have 20 of most skills but there's one you have none of. And then comes the catch - instead of something only moderately useful like floaters, the skill you're missing is builders. In a level full of large drops, edges you need to turn around at (and remember, it's 100%, so blockers won't do much for you), and so on. Good freakin' luck. =P Difficulty? I'd say this level is well harder than anything found in even ONML.
- "Hellfire!" (Psycho 30) - Well, with the unfortunate placement just a couple of levels behind To The End, this level doesn't seem quite as hard as it actually is. It's a pretty fun and challenging level, I'd say it's post-Mayhem though not even close to TTE's difficulty.

* "Russian Rescue" and "As It Burns Away..." were new additions to Version 7, older versions had "Life, the Universe and Everything" and "Ghostly Hall" in these positions instead. (Four other levels were also replaced - Medi 8, Medi 16, Danger 21 and Psycho 27, but none of these other replacements are, IMO, worth nominating. Of course, if other people feel differently, I'm happy for almost any level in this pack to be included.)
** "Coalburner" had some minor modifications - that resulted in an ENTIRELY new solution - as of Version 5. Obviously, I'm nominating the new version (though the old version was pretty fun in itself).

If you want to include any of these, let me know and I'll see what I can do about extracting them from the compiled player. (It *is* possible, I just have to remember *how*.)

I would've liked to nominate Death Row as well, but unfortunately, that level's freaking cursed... no matter what fixes I apply to it, either backroutes don't truly end up fixed, or new ones pop up. Therefore, I don't really think it's fit for inclusion (and as such, I'd rather you didn't include that one - any *other* level is fine to include). At any rate I've long since given up on that one (and plus, V7 is the absolute final version of LPDOS).
My Lemmings projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)

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Re: Lemmings Community Compilation Levelpack
« Reply #107 on: September 11, 2013, 02:50:42 AM »
If it’s not already obvious, I had to take a long break from this and wasn’t able to work on it for a while. But I have not given up on it. About half of the levels or more are ready.

However, I’m unhappy with how the pack is turning out and I’m going to change some of the plans and rules I initially laid out.
Even so, I still thank everybody involved and your participation and work will not go to waste at all.

Thanks to everyone who helped by giving me information and playing levels. It was much appreciated really. I discovered tons of wonderful levels and designers through this.
And of course thanks to everyone who created the levels.

The Lemmini version will be finished first. Then I will work on the Lemmix version.
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Offline mobius

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Re: Lemmings Community Compilation Levelpack
« Reply #108 on: September 20, 2013, 09:18:57 PM »
I'm getting more than half way through saving all the levels now and saving replays for them.

We need to come up with ideas for the name of this pack. Should it just be "The Community Pack" or something more flashy like:

Return of the Lemmings
Revenge of the Lemmings
Curse of the Lemmings
The Lemmings Strike Again
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Offline mobius

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Re: Lemmings Community Compilation Levelpack
« Reply #109 on: September 28, 2013, 05:18:47 PM »
I've pretty much decided that I will be making another pack like this one, after this one is completed. So if a level of yours does not make it in this one, there's a good chance it will be in the next one. I don't know if the next will be with Lemmini however, or what form it will be in.
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Offline mobius

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Re: Lemmings Community Compilation Levelpack
« Reply #110 on: October 04, 2013, 11:14:21 PM »
I'm going to set a somewhat stable deadline for the release of this pack: November 1st. So, hopefully somewhere around the end of October, we'll be done. Big thanks to all the people that helped/ are helping to get it done.

Just to reiterate; there will be approximately 200 levels; with 7 ratings. It will be a complete Lemmini game, so you will able to download the file, and play it similar to Dovelems. I will make a separate topic to upload the release in. Discussion of the levels after it's release should go there. Even though me and Akseli went through all of them and the other people that helped with their own levels; there will undoubtedly be issues found after the release, it's the way it is.

There are enough good levels to make a second level pack after this is over, as I already mentioned but the pack will be very different. I'm not even sure if I want to use Lemmini for it, since there's a good number of levels that are incompatible with it. And I may allow anybody to create NEW levels for it.
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Offline Crane

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Re: Lemmings Community Compilation Levelpack
« Reply #111 on: October 12, 2013, 09:46:51 PM »
That's marvellous to hear.  Sorry I've been a little bit absent from the scene - I can't wait to check out the level pack.  I wonder if we can convince RoundTheWheel to do a YouTube walkthrough of it.

I can't think of a good name for the pack as a whole yet, but definitely something that reflects the community nature of it... "coalition" or something.

Have the names of the ratings been decided yet? (200 levels, 7 ratings... 30 levels per rating, but 20 on the last?).  I thought about names like "Fiendish", "Chaos" (a synonym for "Mayhem" and "Havoc"), "Master" and "Challenge" perhaps.

Offline mobius

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Re: Lemmings Community Compilation Levelpack
« Reply #112 on: October 13, 2013, 01:43:05 AM »
I did mention it on their forum a while ago.

Coalition sounds interesting... So far I've been calling it Revenge of the Lemmings (in a similar vain to "oh no more Lemmings") but I'm open to suggestion.

The names of the ratings are: Picnic, Hootenanny, Frenzy, Pain, Carnage, Armageddon, Bonus
Bonus has 22 levels currently but it's likely to be 21.
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Offline grams88

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Re: Lemmings Community Compilation Levelpack
« Reply #113 on: October 17, 2013, 10:26:46 PM »
I might maybe post a couple of name ideas see if any of them sound okay.

Lemming Hell Awaits

Breaking Lemmings (Instead of breaking bad which is a really good TV show)

Lemmings on the rise


Offline mobius

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Re: Lemmings Community Compilation Levelpack
« Reply #114 on: October 17, 2013, 11:39:45 PM »
"Rise of the Lemmings" was an idea of my own as well  :D However, since I'm planning on making the second pack more beginner friendly, this title may be more appropriate for that. or not...
thanks for offering ideas.
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Offline Eymerich

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Re: Lemmings Community Compilation Levelpack
« Reply #115 on: October 23, 2013, 09:49:35 PM »
I downloaded Life as a Worm from this thread but I don't know if it's actually the level you're asking about, as the solution isn't hard at all. I don't even know if it's a finished level...

I can't find One Hot Minute, though.

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Re: Lemmings Community Compilation Levelpack
« Reply #116 on: October 23, 2013, 11:13:39 PM »
my computer crashed and needed a OS reinstall... so yeah, things are kind of hectic right now and I haven't gotten to mess around with this for a few days. But a beta version is complete so far.

Eymerich: I'm aware of this solution actually... but this level was made for Lemmix was it not? At least it was first in your Lemmix levelset. In Lemmix, lemming walk right over the staircase at the top so, much harder (if solvable)
I don't yet have Lemmix or Lemmini set up on my computer.
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Offline mobius

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Re: Lemmings Community Compilation Levelpack
« Reply #117 on: November 01, 2013, 04:04:54 PM »
I sort of forgot until just now that today is November 1.  :-[ I'll work on this most of the day and try to post but I might not get it done. In any case I'll be uploading the finished pack sometime very soon. So stay tuned!

there's a lot of work yet so it may be a few days. Too many other distractions (like the puzzle contest) have got in the way. But don't fret, it will be completed very soon! Only thing that will not be complete when I upload the final pack is there won't be a list of the passwords. That is something that takes a very long time (you have to play through the entire pack) so I will work on that after it's uploaded.
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Offline Crane

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Re: Lemmings Community Compilation Levelpack
« Reply #118 on: November 02, 2013, 02:23:19 AM »
Don't worry möbius - I'm grateful for such a pack being put together, and can't wait to play it.

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Re: Lemmings Community Compilation Levelpack
« Reply #119 on: November 06, 2013, 09:17:07 PM »
We're just about done ordering all the levels and double-checking everything. Also the readme file is almost complete. There's not much remaining to do, so release is getting close.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
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"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain