Author Topic: Lix Community Level Set  (Read 171767 times)

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Offline geoo

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Re: Lix Community Level Set
« Reply #735 on: April 30, 2014, 06:27:09 PM »
Thanks a lot of testing and commenting on all of these levels, Nepster!

I'll attach an archive of some intended solutions that I remember, mostly of levels of mine, but it's just 50 levels or so. I have a lot of replays lying around, but many of them don't work anymore and would have to be re-recorded. I think there won't be big changes to the physics in the near future, maybe the level authors could post solutions to all of their levels; I hope we can add a solution checker to lix that checks with each update whether a solution still works at some point...
Either way, I encourage you to just send me all of the solutions you have recorded to far, it doesn't actually take a lot of time to check them.

Comments on some individual levels:

Derailed level: Yes, the intended solution is completely different, I think I'll cut some of the skills. Nice solution though!
Trivial Matters/Subversive Activities/Elixir: Thanks for pointing that out, I think one got renamed and I forgot to remove the old version. mobius seems to quite like renaming his levels :P
Logging your Progress: True, they are kinda similar, and the first version allows the solution of the second. So maybe just keep one of them, need to decided which one (obviously the second one is a little harder, but I guess not by too much).
Back(s)lash: The first level was supposed to show the trick with the miner, and the second one steps it up a bit, but I think you're right, I could cut the first of the two, and the other one should still not be that bad as there are not many things you can try.
Roundabout: I remember the gap being there since the first version, though the skillset has changed so indeed I think it's impossible now. Either way, I think this level needs a makeover as it looks quite messy, and then the gap should be taken care of too.

I'll comment some more at some other point. Yes, some of the solutions you posted are (partly very embarrassing) backroutes. Thanks again!

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Re: Lix Community Level Set
« Reply #736 on: April 30, 2014, 08:29:53 PM »
I will try in near future to upload some intended solutions. I don't promise I'll get to all of them. But I'll pick the best and the rest you can get rid of the levels if you'd like.
After making so many other levels, I don't care all that much about Roundabout now, even if it was 'the first level I ever thought of' so it can actually be done away with. It's similar to the Migration level anyway.
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Offline Nepster

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Re: Lix Community Level Set
« Reply #737 on: April 30, 2014, 09:52:27 PM »
@geoo: All my replays so far - but don't say I didn't warn you ;). For some levels (like Recycling Plant) I forgot to save the replay, though most of them are there.

@Proxima: I recorded a slight variant of my solution for Halfway, which doesn't use bombing while climbing. It's included in the attachement. And I am still searching the 100%-solution for Prelude...

@möbius: I really loved Roundabout in the Lemmini version and it should definitely stay (after fixing it). In what way is it similar to Migration (which is another great level btw)?

Online Proxima

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Re: Lix Community Level Set
« Reply #738 on: April 30, 2014, 10:43:43 PM »
Excellent solutions!  8)  For now I'll only comment on my own levels.

Ascending and Descending: Another new (but non-backroute) solution. It's surprising how many ways there are to do this one.
Behind Bars: Slight variation on the intended solution.
Brute Fours: Very nice, new record # saved. It probably works on the Lemmix version too.
Buridan's Lix: Awesome, you found both intended solutions.
Changing of the Guards: Slight variation on the intended solution.
Close to the Edge: Another one with two intended solutions, you found one of them  8)
Come on down to my place: You found both solutions again  :thumbsup:
Down Among the Dead Lix: Slight variation on the intended solution.
Dream the Impossible Dream: Unintended, though it looks difficult enough not to call a backroute. My intention was to enforce worker lemmings going one way round to help the crowd go the other way round, but I don't intend to do more work on this level now.
Finale: Exactly as intended.
Halfway Down the Stairs (second solution): Very nice find. The climber/bomber requires precision so I'm glad it can be avoided.
Path of Wickedness: Unintended. There are already a couple of unintended routes I didn't fix, but now I'm seriously wondering about cutting that small block just above the hatch (or putting fire on it).
Rhapsody in Blue: Exactly as intended. Well done  :thumbsup:#
Rumble to the Bottom: Exactly as intended.
Seven Pillars of Lixdom: Exactly as intended.
Survival of the Craftiest: This wasn't meant to enforce a specific way of doing it, so your solution is fine.
The Circular Ruins: Good solution, you used the last digger in a different but equally good way.
The Crimson Room: Excellent solution, and another level where I'm happy with there being multiple solutions.
This lix is your lix: Very clever unintended solution, I'm inclined to leave it as a challenge for players who like optimising # of skills.
Thomas the Climber: Exactly as intended.
Toccata: Known unintended solution, which I'm leaving as the intended solution requires a bit of precision.
Waltz in C Sharp Miner: Another new solution that I'm okay with. Nice find!

Offline Nepster

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Re: Lix Community Level Set
« Reply #739 on: May 09, 2014, 06:18:41 PM »
Here are six more replays. I am fairly sure I backrouted "Hotel in Hell" (otherwise I would be severly disappointed in this level). All other solutions feel like intended ones.
I would like to add "From the Other Side" to the list which are harder than rated. So far I have only a solution that would work if the big block would be 2 pixels thinner. But I am rather certain, that it cannot be modified into a working solution.

Online Proxima

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Re: Lix Community Level Set
« Reply #740 on: May 09, 2014, 08:59:52 PM »
Hotel in Hell: Yes, this is a backroute. Seems like it's easily fixed by moving the hatch to the right so you don't have space to build that bridge wall.

Labyrinth of Despair: This is another one where any solution is okay. Yours is completely different from mine, but equally ingenious  8)

Offline geoo

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Re: Lix Community Level Set
« Reply #741 on: May 16, 2014, 01:10:40 AM »
Thanks again for your feedback, Nepster!

I fixed the most important backroutes that you discovered, at least for those levels where I know the intended solution. Below is a list of levels that I fixed (the updated version of the level set linked in the first post, as always), and now comments on levels that I didn't fix yet despite backroutes:

Buy on get one free (Part 1): I might remove the jumper in both parts of the level, which should eliminate your solution. I think the first part has multiple solutions anyway, but I don't like yours too much as it's technical.
Can't Reach it: That's a really big discovery there. I mean it's harder than the intended solution, I don't know how to fix it elegantly (though I haven't really tried hard, because I think I might just leave it in as an easter egg and hint at it as a challenge in the hints).
Cornerstone: I have a specific solution in mind, but yours is kinda nice too.
Switchback: Yeah, it seems to have these backroutes. There's a route going all the way to the left, but it's not that exciting; I'm contemplating just scrapping this level.
Hard to Port: I don't actually know the intended solution, but either way it might be hard to fix.
Last Laugh: Need to look at this level to see what's actually intended.

btw, do you want any of the levels from your pack included in the level set? Some might be tricky due to the one-way walls, but there are workarounds in many cases; e.g. level 10 is amazing, but might be tricky (but not impossible) to recreate. I deliberately haven't re-rated levels according to your input yet, I'll do that all at once at some point taking other people's views into account too.

- Roundabout (39): Still needs to be fixed
- Migration (67) and Last Mile (75): Just looking through the levels I saw a few more where the time limit didn't make sense. I'll look over these and contemplate removing them.
- Cold irons bound (78): I always thought hacking away the icicle was the intended solution until noticed the solution that is your second solution. I definitely find the second one more elegant. I don't actually know what the intended solution is. Might remove the floaters or make two versions, have to talk to mobius.
- Too much stepping stones (105): The basher/miner staircase tricks definitely help, but you can do the level without them, by iteratively bombing to get into the ceiling. Takes a bit of precision though.
- Trivial Matters (107), Subversive Activities (152) and Elixir (197): Had another look at them, and cut out the duplicate for now, though really I will probably remove another of the versions, or maybe even the level altogether.
- Logging your Progress (54 + 138): Cut the 'harder' version.
- Backslash (98 + 168): Cut the easier version.
- Impetus (113): I don't remember what the intended solution is, or whether it's intended to have multiple solution. Iirc it was part of Steve's batch of levels of 'Tricky' difficulty.
- Corridor of Death (179): I'll talk about this level next time.

I'm still not done commenting on everything, and I have a list with comments on levels that I'm not 100% satisfied with in the makings too.

Backroute fixes:
 thehotelinhell.txt - Proxima update

Other changes:
 confusingfractals.txt - monochromatic, no wrapping
 juststop.txt - decoration
 laser1.txt - cosmetic change to look more like laser3
 laser2.txt - cosmetic change to look more like laser3
 loggingyourprog.txt - removed "(Part 1)" from the title

Renamed files:
 againstthewall.txt -> alienabduction.txt - Overhauled design, same solution
 hackandslash2.txt  ->  backslash.txt
 sanitythreshold.txt  ->  skulls.txt - NaOH update
 someliketorunpart2.txt -> someliketorun.txt - removed "(Part 1)" from the title


Offline Nepster

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Re: Lix Community Level Set
« Reply #742 on: May 16, 2014, 05:49:04 PM »
I will definitely look at the new version soon (but not right now).

As for including some of my levels: You are free to use my levels in any way you like, but it's for you and Simon (or common vote, but not for me) to decide, which levels to take. If you want to have some levels recreated in Lix, tell me and I will have a try (or simply remake them yourself). The only level I have absolutely no idea how to convert for Lix is level 10.

Some comments on comments on my solutions:
Buy on get one free (Part 1): The solution I attached was not (by far) the first one I found. I recorded this solution (and mainly only for myself) as it is the only one I know which saves 39/40.
Can't Reach it: I don't think you need to change the level. I just have the very bad habit that when told "Don't do this" or "You can't reach it", I will try everything to do just that ;P.
Cornerstone: The solution might be somewhat nice to watch, but getting the timing right was quite annoying.
Hard to Port: If it's a remake of the similar Lemmini level in mobius1 (with the same title), then my solution is not intended. Changing the blocker into a walker would definitely fix it, but it would also make the intended solution obvious. I would suggest making the lowest row of blocks into steel all the way to the hatch and setting the requirement to 49/50.

Offline geoo

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Re: Lix Community Level Set
« Reply #743 on: May 16, 2014, 10:34:38 PM »
Nepster: Which are your favourite levels from your pack, or do you really have no preference? I'll try my hand at recreating 10 at least at some point I think, though that might be quite a challenge.

Ok, finally, here's my long list of comments and criticism of levels, in the aim to figure out which ones to scrap and which ones to keep. It's a bit rambly, and nothing is final yet, I just want some discussion.
Again, I'm not commenting on difficulty level yet. I'll think of that once I start arranging them in order. However, the comments you've made about overly hard/easy levels will help me later. There are also three levels by RubiX which are great, but if we really need to, I asked RubiX and he's fine with moving them to his level set 'Epic Adventure'.

Current amount of levels: 257 (254 if we exclude RubiX')
Number aimed at: 240
Levels maybe (unlikely) to be added: Rush Job (rather just hint at the 1 minute challenge in LIX), Pipey mess
Regarding Brickout: I haven't played your backroute-fix of it yet, Proxima. I just saw it uses a walker, so I suspect you replaced the complicated turning around maneuver from ccx' intended solution with the walker. Seeing what other skills you removed would reveal to me which skills are involved in the maneuver, probably giving a significant hint. I definitely want to include a version of this level, but I still need to ponder this. Again, it'd be nice to have ccx' input, or an attempt at a backroute fix that stays true to the original solution. ccx said about version B8-b[/b]: "That said, given how long it seemed to have taken geoo to solve it even this way, maybe this solution is "good enough" for the community set, even if it wasn't the one I had in mind." Also, once the next version of lix is released, can someone tell me if the intended solution still works?

Already scrapped:
Decompression Method: doesn't work with the current physics anyway. I found the trick quite neat, but it's also kinda obscure.
No more fun at the beach: Too annoying, and it's somewhat similar to 'Oh No, Not Again' and 'Stroke at Retirement Age' style-wise, and they'll all appear near the end. Even if I fix it to make it less annoying, I don't think I'll include it in the pack.
edit 2014-05-26:
Lixes in Motion (Part 1): Figure out which version(s) we want, there are tons. Only part 2 with mobius intended solution remains.
edit 2014-05-27:
Cuber Replacement (Part 1): Proxima rating C. I don't like it too much either, though I don't know why. Simon likes it. I think the trick should show up at some point in not too hard level or an (almost) builders only level, which I think it does in Too Close for Comfort (a bit trickier though with the slopey terrain), though I think that one also has a spam building solution.
Suicide Attack: Proxima rating C+. The Yellow Bars are placement hints, so you just assign at the position of each bar, making execution pretty easy, though sometimes you're just unlucky when they bump into the yellow bar next to the tractor beam. Still, not one of my best levels. Also, as with torus, I think we don't really need to introduce trampolines if they are pretty much never used.
Riddle me this: Somehow, this level got broken at some point, because Proxima's replays set the spawn interval to 1, but the minimum spawn interval is 4. I didn't actually change the level, and I figured out that back then you could set the SI to 1 by default, before the minimum was changed to 4. So I believe in its current state the level is impossible, or at least extremely hard if there is a solution. I'm sorry if I wasted anyone's time by not noticing that. The glitch allowing the cancel the digger with the miner will be eliminated soon, so if I set the SI to 1 the level will work as intended. But it's not really interesting, and mobius suggested to scrap it too.
Process Management: Proxima rating C+. A bit weird, and nothing special both solution-wise and design-wise.
Almost incommensurable: Don't think this design idea goes anywhere. And if we don't introduce torus anyway, then there's no point for it at all.
Going round in circles: nice idea, but too tedious, and as Proxima said, short-cut possible.
Ground digging: very technical and nothing special
Critical Procedures: I'm fine with the level, but I don't mind just keeping "The Picard Maneuvre".
Crosshairs: I kinda like the underlying idea here, but apart from that it's nothing special, and you also have a basher, not just the bomber. Proxima isn't too fond of it either, so...
The Corridor of Death: The hidden trap isn't too big an issue to me here, rather, I feel like none of the solution I know to this level is elegant. There's Nepster's with the basher staircase, and then the bottom routes which dig into the tiny hill (which is tiny for no particular reason) to turn around. And then there's the second trap at the bottom that is just a pain to find the right spot to build over, again for no good reason. I don't know, but I don't really like this level, and I wouldn't mind getting rid of it.
Switchback: (C&P) Yeah, it seems to have these backroutes. There's a route going all the way to the left, but it's not that exciting. Proxima rating A, not sure whether that takes the backroutes into account?
So Close yet so far away: Quite direct route with a nasty precision move. I think earlier versions had alternative solutions that were nicer. I'm not too fond of this final version.
Too close for comfort: Proxima rating C. Has a spam building solution as well I think. Either way, nothing too exciting, would be fine scrapping this as well.
We'll meet again: Proxima rating C+. Interesting simple riddle with mutliple solutions, but it doesn't stand out from other levels of its kind, would be fine scrapping this as well.
It's time to climb: Proxima rating C+. Has a somewhat interesting 100% challenge though. I don't know whether this one or "You'll get over it" (Steve's intro climber bomb level) is harder though, but it's a bit redundant with Steve's level there.
A long, long way to fall: I'm not too fond of the miner cancelling behaviour, and without it, the level is pretty hard if not impossible.
Cat out of the Bag: Nothing special, Proxima only rated it C+ as well.
edit 2014-05-29:
The Almighty Sawblade: It's not trivial, but I didn't like the solution too much really. The general route is kinda obvious, and you just have to fill in the skills with maybe a few hacks.
Slippery Pete: I don't mind the solution, but the design is just a sloppy mess.

Inclined to scrap:
Leap of the Locust: Yeah, very repetitive, and already uses the basher staircase trick. Proxima rating C. Nepster says it's not too repetitive, and actually you don't need the basher staircase trick.
Confusing Fractals: I like the design, but I can't make anything interesting out of it.
Diggin' the Air: I'm indifferent here. Mobius wants it scrapped, Proxima likes it, I don't know.
Wrong way: Proxima rating C. I don't think it's that similar to Minimalism (Part 1), still nothing really new here. But mobius changed it to "Big Block" it seems which has a completely different solution anyway. Nepster says it's better than Minimalism (Part 1).
Elixir/Subversive Activities: I'm really not very impressed with these, Elixir is kinda bland, and the other one a technical move or two. I'd like to scrap at least one of these. Posted an alternative version of the level that will probably replace these two. Done.
A lix on the Edge: I don't know what to think about it, it's tricky and interesting, so I guess it's a good thing. Again, I don't see much of a point in the time limit.
Walk them golden stairs: Solution is kinda spammy and annoying, and part 2 is similar except that now you have bombers to work with instead of the other terrain removers.
This is a Stickup: A bit technical, and the exit looks a bit weird as it is, but overall an ok level.
Rated A by Proxima:
Escape the Pit: Needs prettifying, as it looks like a sloppy mess right now, all the tiles just placed without any care. Hearing that it is sort of a Lemmings Revolution level remake doesn't sound that good either. It's a decent level for the first rating though.
Three days of the condor: The only thing really is turning the miner with a blocker here, and it's a huge and ugly level for just showing this trick. Proxima rating A, so I don't know though.
Lixology: The bumpy terrain makes the cuber placement more annoying than necessary, and it's based on my ugly design. I first thought the solution was making the basher continue with the cubers, but you don't need that. For a continued basher, I think my variation of ccx' Brickout is nicer anyway, which I could replace this with. Proxima rating A, which solution(s) is that based on?

Needs discussion or modification, for some possibly scrap:
Let's Block and Blow: Proxima rating C+. I quite like it as a very easy puzzle, overcoming the stereotype of bombing blockers, and teaching that blockers can be released in the process. Would rather keep it.
Roundabout: With the one-pixel gap fixed, it's a decent level, even if not that pretty.
6 Gaps, 5 Builders: Quite fond of it (now that I've prettyfied it), had me stumped for a few moments, I think it's an excellent level and I'd actually like to keep it if that's ok.
Ramen Masterchef: Not the prettiest design, but I kinda like its silliness and I guess it can't hurt to mix things up a bit by throwing this level in.
Castles in the Sky: I'm not a big fan of levels like this, but I think it's good to throw some like that in every now and then.
Snowjump: a bit technical, but a couple of things that work and not too many things to do so I think it's ok.
The last mile: I agree, the timelimit seems pointless here.
Cold Iron's bound: which of the two solutions? Or leave no floaters just as a challenge?
3 minus 1: Old version has the digger removing blocker behaviour (see minimalism 3), new version just a miner but low non-steel terrain making execution hard, I'd like a hybrid. Actually it's not required. mobius now made a new version with the title 'Another Funeral'.
A giant leap for lixkind: Not quite fond of the basher cancelling needed at the right. Also should be 99/100 rather than 100/101 as that's less confusing.
Babylon Fading: Move block at the top left up a little bit so there's more leeway with the final builders.
Well OK Then: Proxima rating C+. I don't know something different yet simple, and I quite like it for that. Design could maybe be improved though. Also a bit of a precursor to Chasm.
Tower of Babel: Proxima rating C+. Again, pretty unique so I personally find it to be a good one to throw in the mix. The main idea is obvious, but there are a few details to work out. Execution isn't bad actually, especially considering the kind of level this is.
Go West: Quite like it, though I need left-facing digger cancelling right-facing digger. I guess that's ok with the limited given skill set.
A completely ridiculous level: Like Ramen Masterchef, I think it's nice to have a level or two like this, even if it's kinda weird.
Segmentation Fault: Bit technical, but one of these every now and then is good for the mix.
Soaring: Proxima rating C+. I quite like the idea of it, but similar to Clam's 'Stall Tactics' there's the weird issue that sometimes they don't go straight up.
The Ring of Fnargl: It's pretty unique, but the part at the top is pretty precision heavy and tough to execute.
Thomas the Climber: trick somewhat filigrane, but ok
Play Ball: It's a good level, but the main part is realizing that you have to do synchronization compression. Then it's not so hard, but there are already a few levels that use this, so I wonder if this level is a bit redundant.
Triangle Inequality: I find it elegant, but maybe too obscure, and very detailled stuff at the left entrance?
Alien Invasion: should come up with a prettier backroute fix than lix stuck in the wall.
Metal City Mayhem: I found it kinda annoying back when I solved it, with a few ugly/brute-force moves, and shuffling skills back and forth until things worked. But it feels just as daunting as Mayhem 1, and was quite a good challenge.
Won't get fooled again: I found two solutions to this one, both different from the intended one, and ccx was undecided whether to remove them.
All over the place: Decent level, not too special, but either way it'd need prettifying
Heavenly skies: This one is pretty tricky, though I personally don't like exercises in estimating how far your builders go. The route I found uses a move that's pretty hard to execute.
The Giant Mushroom: Nice and easy, but again it needs a revamp to look better.
Cornerstone: With Nepster's route I realize the level is a bit open ended, and there are probably better open-ended levels around (And even the intended route is a little tricky to execute). What does everyone else think?
Chasm: Very technical, but I love how daunting it looks, and having one of these every now and then is nice.
Just Stop the Bleeding: Definitely staying, just should get Steve's "Hole in the head gang" treatment.
The Italian Job: Definitely staying, great level, just remove black bar of space at the bottom.
Top Gear: Definitely staying, but alternative design with miner placement hints?
Solar Eclipse: I think the idea is ok, but I should probably space out everything so it looks less crammed, and make it bigger and prettier in the process.
Comfort Levels to the Max: rename?
A Soulful Bounding Leap: I think there are various working solutions, not sure if that's intended.
Blocked by a Snowball: It's a decent easy level and you have to take care about a few things without risking killing lix. Depends on what else we'll have at the beginning.
Changing of the Guards (Part 2): Listed for completeness, I like it, but it's up to Proxima to decide I guess.
edit 2014-05-20:
Tribute to Benny Hill: Definitely staying, but should I increase the time limit to 60 minutes, as 30 minutes can be tight, depending on what strategy you use. Changed to 60 minutes now.
It takes time to build: It's kind like an easy version of Erbalunga in that you have diggers and bashers, but you can just kill the first few from the top, start digging, then bash and you're good. I don't know. The new version mobius posted gives even more leeway. Proxima rating A, so I wonder whether there's something I missed. After a bunch of backroute fixes I think this is actually a decent level.
Hard to Port: has the easy backroute with a climber bomb. Proxima's suggested fix with the walker makes use of the fact that the fall is 64x2 pixels high and thus can be made non-lethal with a single builder brick. Either way, I find the level not that interesting. EDIT: ok, now that I read Nepster's post with the suggested fix I don't know anymore, that fix definitely seems better and keep the level more interesting. Now with the fix it's a decent level, but still, I don't find it too special unless I missed something.
Have another try: With just the bricks it looks a bit plain, could do with some twists in the design done.
edit 2014-05-26:
Over the Hump: I found a pretty trivial route when I just replayed it, I don't remember the intended one but with this one it's a bit simple. New version out, still has a backroute.
Bibbidi Bobbidi  Boo: I'm actually not really convinced by this level, it's really just about the trick of a basher and a miner cancelling each other, which is a bit technical to execute and not used in any later level. So I'm in favour of scrapping. Nepster pointed out a better solution to this level.
edit 2014-05-29:
Dances with Lixes: Solution is nothing special and at times technical, has tedious parts, design looks a bit messy. Proxima rated it A, but I don't like it at all. It's basically brute-force. Has been modified and is now back in.

Maybe scrap because they are repeat levels, and thus not as much effort goes to waste.
Let's all go down the strand:
The Borderland:
Minimalism (Part 3): Relies on slightly off-set blocker placement. Not sure whether that's a good trick to teach like that, or a bit too subtle. Either way, I think I'll have to space part 1-3 a bit apart, as their difficulties very too much.
Dr Strangelix: a bit similar to "Follow the Yellow Brick Road"
Will almost certainly stay:
The Road not Taken: Was designed to be one of the first levels.
Go Ahead and Help yourself: Two hatches
Lion, lix and the Wardrobe: First one (I think) to have the splat hatch.
Snowball Battle: Decent puzzle, not super special but decent.

Online Proxima

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Re: Lix Community Level Set
« Reply #744 on: May 17, 2014, 12:41:49 AM »
Thanks for the big list  8)

I may still have a couple of levels to add, but no more than a couple. It now looks like getting down to 240 should be entirely feasible. I suggest we use your list to decide on some levels for definite removal, and then see how many we have and then (if necessary) discuss removing some more.

Of my own levels, I am definitely okay with removing:

Corridor of Death -- This ended up not at all faithful to the Cheapo original, so I don't care about it.
Too close for comfort -- Just building, no interesting puzzle
We'll meet again -- geoo summed this up perfectly
It's time to climb -- Steve's level makes this redundant
A long, long way to fall -- Tutorial level for the miner release trick, no interesting puzzle
Cat out of the Bag -- I made this as an extra easier level when it looked like we were short on easy levels, before Steve released his Fun/Tricky sets

I'll reply to comments on some of the others when I've had time to look back through them and remind myself of the solutions....

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Re: Lix Community Level Set
« Reply #745 on: May 17, 2014, 01:44:56 AM »
I was not aware of backroutes to Hard to Port :o . I thought this level was pretty much an easy/tricky level with only 1 solution. This is the one that was inspired by that no turning around challenge. As for the splat height, it should be moved up so 1 builder brick does not satisfy. I guess I need to watch a replay or something, I don't get a climb bomber trick.  ???
This is one of my levels I really like and would rather keep, it's unique imo.

It takes time to build: intended is supposed to be that you can use builders ONLY on the bridge to the left group. Th left group should be doing a zig-zag dig/bash thing to waste time waiting for builder (hence the title) loosing only 1 lemming (basher) on each zig/zag. It has tons of backroute problems so I'm ok with scrapping it.

Roundabout I don't know how the gap got there, I don't recall it. This was the first lix level I made so I was still getting used to the program at the time. If there is a working version, stick with that one, no matter how easy. It was intended as an easy level.

Escape the Pit: probably should be scrapped unless an opening in fun/tricky whatever is there. It's sort of a copy of a Lemmings Revolution level.

Cold Irons Bound Hacking away the icicle was the intended solution. You can have it any way you want.

Lixes in Motion (Part 1/2) I can't be bothered to sort this one out, has tons of backroutes, I'd say just scrap it.

Tower of Babel: keep the old version I think.

Tribute to Benny Hill: 60 minutes?!?  :o I never solved this level wtf, 60 minutes?  :D

Five for Fighting: has multiple solutions but I'm ok with them.

the rest I didn't mention of my own I don't care about.
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Offline chaos_defrost

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Re: Lix Community Level Set
« Reply #746 on: May 17, 2014, 01:51:35 AM »
Definitely alright with removing Switchback. It takes far too long and there's much better (and better looking) timing-type levels. Will also "fix" Just Stop the Bleeding once I can get Lix up and running again.

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Re: Lix Community Level Set
« Reply #747 on: May 17, 2014, 06:09:51 AM »
I noticed a few of my levels have been remade for this. I'm fine with that as I've said before, though reckon anyone could send me some screenshots? I'd like to see how they turned out, since Lix doesn't work for me. =)

I notice Labyrinth Of Despair and Panic Attack are in there; I think someone mentioned they remade Variety Day at one point too.
My Lemmings projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
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Re: Lix Community Level Set
« Reply #748 on: May 17, 2014, 11:52:20 AM »
Sure thing. Note that Labyrinth of Despair is 3-of-each (including the new skills) rather than 30-of-each, which makes it a very hard puzzle. Panic Attack has slightly more skills as the layout ended up requiring when recreated with Lix's object sizes.

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Re: Lix Community Level Set
« Reply #749 on: May 17, 2014, 02:57:39 PM »
@geoo: My favourite levels are Devil's Right Hand (obviously), Dunes (which is pretty redundant as we have this trick at least as a challange in Cold Iron's Bound), Time Gate (once your backroutes are removed) and Bashing&Building. If noone suggests anything different, I will start recreating Time Gate and Bashing&Building.

@mobius: Hard to Port: The backroute geoo is talking about is attached.

I played the updated levels (with the exception of Stuff in the Way, which seems to use terrain pieces, that are not yet included in Lix). Dilemma and Hotel in Hell have still the same backroutes and the one to Derailed Level got harder, but still exists.

Leap of the Locust: I don't think it is that repetitive and one doesn't have to stop the basher midstroke, so the basher-stair is OK imo.
Solar Eclipse: I like that it (essentially) fits on one screen, even if it is a little bit crammed. Spacing out many hatches over several screens is the main reason why I haven't even tried Think Inside the Box.
Suicide Attack: There are other solutions (cf. replay) which have no hint for bomber timing at all.
Ramen Masterchef: I like this level. Even though it is not that a brilliant puzzle, it gave me a good laugh when seeing it for the first time.
It takes time to build: I vote for keeping it (with modifications). geoo's solution can easily be removed by either requiring 77/80 or reducing the height of the block on the left. I attached another solution to this levels. But I guess if one really wants to enforce mobius' intended solution (as I understand it), one probably has to cut the skills down to the minimum.
3 minus 1: The version in the level pack doesn't require freeing a blocker with a digger (and before reading geoo's post I didn't even consider doing this here). If you want, you may even remove the blocker.
Wrong way: Imo this level is better than Minimalism(1).

There are a few levels not mentioned above, that I think aesthetically improvable: Babylon Fading, It's a long way up, Digging the Air (layout is good, but it doesn't fill one screen), To Destroy is to Construct, Division of Labor.
From the levels that are newly sorted in, I consider Death or Glory slightly harder, Cornerstone harder and Crimson Room much easier than rated now. While I agree that Erbalunga was harder than its previous position, place 120 might be too late imo.
Around place 135, there are now three levels (Ob3lisk, Tower of Babel, Well OK Then) that focus on cubers. Maybe spacing them out a little bit?

Lastly: What is the latest version of this infamous level Brickout?