Author Topic: What are the skills you need for maximum percentage on each level?  (Read 55584 times)

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Offline Minim

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OK, this challenge is similar to the "skills you can't live without" thread, with one slightly more difficult twist: You are now trying to save 100% (or if that is not possible, the maximum percentage known to be attainable).

The maximum number of lemmings saved, if not 100%, is indicated after each level.

Original Lemmings

1: 1 digger
2: 10 floaters
3: 3 blockers (47/50)
4: 10 climbers, 1 miner
5: 3 bashers
6: 2 bombers (48/50)
7: 2 builders
8: none
9: none
10: none
11: none
12: none
13: 3 diggers
14: none
15: 2 builders
16: 4 builders
17: none
18: 5 bombers (65/70)
19: 2 builders
20: 1 builder
21: none
22: none
23: none
24: none
25: none
26: none
27: 1 builder
28: 5 builders
29: none
30: none

1: 1 builder
2: 5 diggers
3: 1 builder
4: 5 builder
5: 3 builders
6: 2 builders
7: 7 builders
8: 15 builders
9: none
10: 4 builders
11: none
12: 2 floaters
13: 3 builders
14: 5 builders
15: 3 bombers (7/10)
16: 4 bombers, 1 basher, 1 miner (46/50)
17: 2 bombers (48/50)
18: 1 digger (9/10)
19: 1 climber, 1 builder
20: none
21: 3 builders
22: 8 builders
23: 9 climbers, 10 floaters, 1 builder, 2 bashers, 1 miner, 1 digger (79/80)
24: 1 blocker, 2 builders
25: 8 builders, 1 digger
26: none
27: 2 builders
28: 1 builder
29: none
30: 2 miners

1: 6 builders, 1 basher
2: 1 builder
3: 6 builders
4: 8 builders
5: 5 builders, 1 basher
6: 3 bashers, 1 digger
7: 1 climber, 1 bomber, 5 builders, 1 basher (79/80)
8: 3 builders, 3 bashers
9: none
10: 2 builders
11: 7 builders
12: 2 builders
13: 1 builder, 2 bashers, 2 miners
14: 17 builders
15: none
16: 1 floater, 16 builders
17: 1 builder
18: 10 builders
19: 5 bombers (65/70)
20: none
21: none
22: 1 builder
23: 15 builders
24: 6 builders
25: 5 builders, 1 basher
26: 5 builders
27: 1 blocker, 7 builders (77/80)
28: 1 climber, 1 floater, 1 bomber, 1 blocker, 8 builders, 3 bashers, 1 miner (70/80)
29: 1 builder
30: 7 diggers

1: 1 floater, 23 builders
2: 15 builders
3: 1 builder, 1 miner, 1 digger
4: 4 bashers
5: 4 blockers, 5 builders, 1 digger (76/80)
6: 6 builders
7: 5 builders, 3 bashers, 3 diggers
8: 3 builders, 1 digger
9: 6 builders, 2 bashers
10: 3 floaters, 1 blocker, 17 builders, 3 bashers, 1 digger (73/75)
11: 9 diggers
12: 1 builder
13: 1 builder
14: 16 builders
15: 4 builders
16: 1 basher, 1 digger
17: 2 builders
18: 13 builders
19: 1 climber, 2 bombers, 18 builders (48/50)
20: 2 climbers, 1 blocker, 1 builder, 1 basher, 2 miners
21: 21 floaters, 3 builders, 1 basher, 1 digger
22: 6 builders
23: 10 builders, 1 basher
24: 3 bashers
25: 7 builders
26: 3 bombers, 1 blocker, 11 builders (76/80)
27: 2 bashers, 1 digger
28: 5 builders, 1 basher
29: 5 blockers, 12 builders, 1 basher, 2 diggers (78/80)
30: 10 builders

Oh No! More Lemmings

13: 1 builder
All others: none

1: 3 blockers, 4 diggers
2: 3 builders, 1 digger
3: 2 bombers (48/50)
4: 4 builders
5: 7 builders
6: 1 climber, 5 builders, 2 diggers
7: 1 climber, 1 floater, 3 builders, 1 basher
8: 4 builders, 2 bashers
9: none
10: 7 builders, 1 basher (79/80)
11: 1 builder (40/80)
12: 2 builders, 3 bashers
13: 1 builder, 2 miners, 1 digger
14: 2 blockers, 4 builders, 2 bashers, 1 digger (48/50)
15: 3 builders, 1 digger
16: 1 builder
17: 1 blocker, 4 builders, 2 bashers, 2 diggers
18: 4 builders, 1 basher, 1 miner
19: 5 builders, 1 basher, 1 digger
20: 10 builders, 1 basher

1: 1 builder, 1 miner
2: 5 builders
3: 6 builders
4: 6 builders, 1 basher
5: 2 bombers, 3 blockers, 4 builders (77/80)
6: 1 builder
7: 3 builders, 2 bashers
8: 10 climbers, 10 floaters, 1 builder
9: none
10: 4 builders, 1 basher, 2 diggers
11: 4 builders
12: 7 builders, 3 bashers
13: 2 climbers, 2 bombers, 2 builders, 2 bashers, 1 miner (77/80)
14: 3 builders, 1 basher, 1 miner, 1 digger
15: 1 bomber, 3 blockers, 2 builders, 3 bashers, 1 digger (48/50)
16: 1 climber, 4 builders
17: 2 builders
18: 2 bombers, 10 builders (78/80)
19: 7 builders, 2 bashers
20: 3 builders, 1 digger

1: 1 bomber, 1 basher, 1 miner, 1 digger (59/60)
2: 5 builders, 1 miner, 5 diggers
3: 3 builders
4: 1 climber, 1 bomber, 15 builders, 1 basher (49/50)
5: 1 builder, 1 basher, 1 digger
6: 8 builders, 4 miners
7: 4 bombers, 2 blockers (76/80)
8: 1 climber, 4 bombers, 1 builder (46/50)
9: 1 floater, 20 builders
10: 1 floater, 1 blocker, 9 builders, 1 digger (49/50)
11: 5 builders, 1 basher, 1 miner
12: 1 bomber, 2 blockers, 7 builders, 1 miner (79/80)
13: 9 builders
14: 1 miner
15: 1 floater, 8 builders, 1 miner (48/50)
16: 1 bomber, 1 builder (5/6)
17: 6 builders
18: 5 builders
19: 6 builders, 2 bashers
20: 1 blocker, 6 builders, 1 digger

1: 6 builders
2: 1 climber, 1 floater, 11 builders, 2 diggers
3: 1 builder, 1 basher
4: 1 builder, 1 basher
5: 2 climbers, 2 bashers, 2 miners
6: 1 miner
7: 1 climber, 9 builders, 2 bashers, 1 miner, 1 digger
8: 1 climber, 4 builders, 4 miners, 1 digger
9: 13 climbers, 5 builders, 3 miners
10: 2 climbers, 2 floaters, 2 bombers, 1 builder, 2 miners, 2 diggers (17/21)
11: 8 builders
12: 9 builders
13: 9 builders, 1 basher, 1 miner
14: 1 climber, 4 builders, 4 bashers, 2 diggers
15: 13 builders, 1 basher, 1 digger
16: 1 climber, 8 builders, 2 miners
17: 1 blocker, 7 builders, 1 basher, 1 miner, 1 digger
18: 9 builders, 1 basher, 2 diggers
19: 2 builders, 1 basher
20: 1 climber, 1 floater, 7 bombers, 2 miners (53/60)

Christmas Lemmings

Xmas 91 (first two levels only)
1: 2 builders
2: 3 builders

Xmas 92
1: 1 basher
2: 1 digger
3: 7 builders
4: 1 climber, 9 builders, 3 diggers

1-7: none
8: 5 builders, 1 basher
9: none
10: 3 builders
11-12: none
13: 2 builders
14: 1 builder
15: 1 builder
16: 3 builders, 2 bashers (49/50)

1: 3 builders
2: 9 builders
3: 1 digger
4: 1 basher, 1 builder
5: 7 builders
6: none
7: 5 builders, 1 basher
8: 2 builders, 1 basher
9: 11 builders
10: 2 builders
11: 8 builders
12: 1 bomber, 1 digger (79/80)
13: 8 builders
14: none
15: 11 climbers, 3 floaters, 1 bomber, 1 basher (10/15)
16: 1 bomber, 1 builder, 1 basher (48/50)

1: none
2: none
3: none
4: 1 builder
5: none
6: 1 blocker, 4 builders (69/70)
7: 8 builders
8: none
9: 2 builders
10: 1 builder, 1 basher, 2 diggers
11: 1 builder
12: 3 builders, 2 bashers, 1 digger
13: 1 builder
14: 4 builders, 3 bashers (45/50)
15: 1 builder, 3 bashers
16: 1 floater, 4 builders

1: 1 climber, 1 floater, 2 builders, 1 basher
2: 4 bombers (76/80)
3: 10 builders
4: 1 builder
5: 8 floaters, 1 blocker, 9 builders, 1 digger
6: none (46/80)
7: 14 builders
8: 5 builders, 1 basher
9: 9 builders, 1 basher
10: 2 builders
11: 3 builders, 2 miners, 1 digger
12: 6 builders
13: 1 builder, 2 bashers, 2 diggers
14: 10 builders
15: 1 basher, 1 digger
16: 10 floaters, 1 builder
« Last Edit: February 08, 2021, 08:59:25 AM by Minim »
Level Solving Contest creator. Anybody bored and looking for a different challenge? Try these levels!

Neolemmix: #1 #4 #5 #6
Lix: #2  #7
Both Engines: #3

Offline Clam

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Re: What are the skills you need for maximum percentage on each level?
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2011, 09:29:24 PM »
You already mentioned levels where 100% is required, but you can also copy straight over any other levels where the maximum % is the same as the required %. These are:

Tricky 17, 18
Crazy 3, 10
Wicked 16
Blitz 16
Frost 6

Also, as ccexplore mentioned recently, this challenge synergises well with the 'fewest skill types' challenge (which includes the one-skill-type challenge), so I'd suggest that as a reference point. For this challenge in particular, you'll mostly have to look for the 100% tags in the results for that challenge.

Offline Minim

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Re: What are the skills you need for maximum percentage on each level?
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2011, 10:03:57 PM »
I've listed the results for all the 100% levels and for the extra ones you included. Thanks for telling me that. :)

Anyway, I am going to sleep soon (I don't usually stay up for very long during my night time hours) so that means I'll update any results that anyone posts tomorrow.
Level Solving Contest creator. Anybody bored and looking for a different challenge? Try these levels!

Neolemmix: #1 #4 #5 #6
Lix: #2  #7
Both Engines: #3

Offline ccexplore

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Re: What are the skills you need for maximum percentage on each level?
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2011, 05:43:48 PM »
Here's a first actual contribution to this topic--Taxing 17.

As I've posted elsewhere, it's possible to achieve 100% with no bashers, using just climbers, builders and miners.  It's fairly straightforward to change that solution into using bashers instead of miners (and dropping the climber in the process), and the 1-builder 100% solution is also not difficult.  Result: 1 builder

Offline Minim

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Re: What are the skills you need for maximum percentage on each level?
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2011, 07:34:30 PM »
Here's a first actual contribution to this topic--Taxing 17.

Oops, I forgot to mention myself that I've been working hard on those OhNo levels and have forgot to mention them out loud. I have worked on what I can do in the Crazy and Wild sets, and have made a few results for Wicked too. On Wild 11 I managed to get just 5 builders. I thought that Wicked 1 was impossible to get 98% on, but I realise that that the one-way arrow doesn't work that well. I managed to dig and bash through that without using the climber. So the skills I did for maximum percentage are 1 bomber, 1 basher, 1 miner and 1 digger.

The levels that I can't seem to get 100% on are Crazy 1, Wild 12 and Wild 15 (well, that one requires 96%). On Wild 12, I learned that you can bash a pixel under a blocker to free him, as well as noticing an invisible wall on the far left edge of the screen but the problem is, I constantly run out of builders. Wild 15 is quite hectic even with a low release rate. For Crazy 1, my guess is to cut through the wall with diggers. Am I right? Some advice would be helpful on these three levels.
Level Solving Contest creator. Anybody bored and looking for a different challenge? Try these levels!

Neolemmix: #1 #4 #5 #6
Lix: #2  #7
Both Engines: #3

Offline Clam

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Re: What are the skills you need for maximum percentage on each level?
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2011, 09:11:51 PM »
Hail 7 and 8 (both 100% required) need to be updated with the recent results from the other topic (I was a bit slow updating the scores :-[). These scores are 14 builders for Hail 7, and 5 builders 1 basher for Hail 8.

Also, since this one is of interest to you, here's Mayhem 4 with 4 bashers.

Offline LemSteven

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Re: What are the skills you need for maximum percentage on each level?
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2011, 09:25:50 PM »
100% on Crazy 1 can be achieved with just blockers and diggers.  You basically need to use diggers to get through the wall and use blockers to stop them.  The blockers are then released by other diggers.  Obviously, one of the diggers must ultimately go all the way down to the steel without blocking, so two of the other diggers are used to make 5-6 pixel steps so the lemmings can step up to the exit.

Wild 12 can be 100%-ed a couple of different ways, because I'm pretty sure that my method differs from the way ccexplore got it back on the old Lemmingswelt forums.  I believe ccexplore's method traps the crowd at the start between a blocker and the left side of the level while the leader bashes underneath the majority of the level.  My method traps the crowd in the pit to the right of the (fake) OWW, and therefore does not require a blocker (it requires just the 9 builders and 3 bashers).  To conserve skills, the final approach to the exit can be done with just 2 builders and a basher, taking advantage of the fact that builders only perform ceiling detection at every other pixel to avoid hitting the hanging icicle.

As for Wild 15, I know that several methods exist for 96%, but I only know one of them.  I think several of us are going to have to get together on this one and figure out what skills all of the methods have in common.  My method requires everything except a blocker and four bombers.

Offline ccexplore

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Re: What are the skills you need for maximum percentage on each level?
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2011, 02:41:37 AM »
Forgot about Fun 23 when I talked about its repeat Taxing 17.  The same solutions apply to Fun 23, except Fun 23 also allows for 100% no-builder solutions (see the "fewest types of skills" thread for examples).  So the result is none.

Offline LemSteven

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Re: What are the skills you need for maximum percentage on each level?
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2011, 03:47:20 AM »
Tame 14 and 20 don't require a builder for 100%, so those two are none.

Also, I'm going to go ahead and get a few of the easy and/or obvious results out of the way:

Fun 8: None
Fun 9: None
Fun 10: None
Fun 11: None
Fun 12: None
Fun 14: None
Fun 22: None
Fun 24: None
Fun 25: None
Fun 30: None
Tricky 1: 1 builder
Tricky 3: 1 builder
Tricky 4: 5 builders
Tricky 5: 3 builders
Tricky 6: 2 builders
Tricky 7: 7 builders
Tricky 9: None
Tricky 11: None
Tricky 16: 4 bombers, 1 basher, 1 miner
Taxing 15: None
Taxing 19: 5 bombers

Offline Clam

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Re: What are the skills you need for maximum percentage on each level?
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2011, 08:02:53 AM »
Fun 15 was already done with 2 builders, here. (Now I'm glad I went for 100% on that run, otherwise I'd have to do it again now :P) In the fewest skill types challenge, it was done 100% with builders+bashers and builders+miners, so the result is 2 builders.

Fun 17 can be done with bashers+diggers (the backroute), and builders+miners by building over the traps. Result: none.

Fun 27 appears to require 1 builder in any 100% solution (one glitch-free solution attached). The other skills can be eliminated easily enough - floaters by going over the top, and everything else by building up from the floor.

I did a 100% no-builder run of Fun 29, here,  which is a good start towards a result on that level.

Offline ccexplore

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Re: What are the skills you need for maximum percentage on each level?
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2011, 09:16:30 PM »
As for Wild 15, I know that several methods exist for 96%, but I only know one of them.  I think several of us are going to have to get together on this one and figure out what skills all of the methods have in common.  My method requires everything except a blocker and four bombers.

Here's one improvement for now, a 1-bomber 96% solution.  I've looked through other solutions and so far I haven't succeeded in any improvements yet, though there might be a slight possibility of using 1 less basher, and I'm also wondering about 1 less blocker.

Offline Clam

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Re: What are the skills you need for maximum percentage on each level?
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2011, 09:51:27 PM »
I did a 100% no-builder run of Fun 29, here,  which is a good start towards a result on that level.

... or I could just refer to the 'fewest skill types' challenge, like I said :P. It's been done 100% with builders+miners and builders+diggers, in addition to my no-builders solution. So the result for Fun 29 is none.

Fun 19 was done 100% with 2 builders by geoo, here. It's also possible with builders only, so the result is just 2 builders.

Fun 21 is easily done with no builders using the Tame 20 trick, and also builders+bashers and builders+miners. Result: none.

Offline ccexplore

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Re: What are the skills you need for maximum percentage on each level?
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2011, 12:35:21 AM »
Wild 12 can be 100%-ed a couple of different ways, because I'm pretty sure that my method differs from the way ccexplore got it back on the old Lemmingswelt forums.  I believe ccexplore's method traps the crowd at the start between a blocker and the left side of the level while the leader bashes underneath the majority of the level.

Yep, I tried it out and it's a 7-builder solution.  I'm not really seeing much other room for improvement, so I'm really thinking the final result would be 7 builders, 3 bashers.

Aside: note that the fakeness of the one-way wall in Wild 12 doesn't work in Lemmix due to a known bug in Lemmix (ie. the same one that affects, eg., the "check your hints" Xmas level that was supposed to only have 1 working exit out of 13).  Get the same effect in Lemmix by deleting both of the OWW objects.

Offline finlay

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Re: What are the skills you need for maximum percentage on each level?
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2011, 02:46:33 AM »
What is the Tame 20 trick? I think I know, but I've never actually seen that level performed without builders.

EDIT: I have nabbed your techniques for completing Taxing 17 and applied them to Tame 14 for a (very haphazard) no-builders 100% solution. I'm not as good at you guys for doing the harder levels, though. I mean half the stuff you do I just look at and go 'wtf??' :P It's a Tame level, yeah, but it's a result I guess, compared to the list in the OP.

Offline Clam

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Re: What are the skills you need for maximum percentage on each level?
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2011, 03:05:42 AM »
Aside: note that the fakeness of the one-way wall in Wild 12 doesn't work in Lemmix due to a known bug in Lemmix (ie. the same one that affects, eg., the "check your hints" Xmas level that was supposed to only have 1 working exit out of 13).  Get the same effect in Lemmix by deleting both of the OWW objects.

The one-way wall is actually fake? I thought it was just poorly placed so you could bash under it. This is what I get for using Lemmix exclusively :XD:

What is the Tame 20 trick? I think I know, but I've never actually seen that level performed without builders.

It's a combination of two glitches: blocking lemmings into walls, and climbing when stuck in walls. You force a lemming into a wall using a blocker, remove the blocker without destroying the wall, and assign climber to the stuck lemming so it climbs up through the wall. When the climber reaches the top, you can then use diggers/miners/bashers to make a ramp for the other lemmings.