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Messages - Nessy

I got it to work. Thanks everyone for the help! :thumbsup:

So one of my New Year's Resolutions was to make a serious return to programming, but start going beyond just printing stuff to a console. To do this I have decided to follow kieranmillar and clone lem3edit on GitHub to play around with the source code of this Lemmings 3 level editor. It's a bit more of a gentle project to at least start with than some other stuff I tried.

However, despite following this tutorial on how to set up SDL2 on my computer exactly, I can't seem to compile and run the current version of lem3edit (V1.0).

I run the following in the command prompt:

g++ lem3edit.cpp -IC:\Development\SDL2\include\SDL2  -LC:\Development\SDL2\lib -IC:\Development\SDL_ttf\include\SDL2 -LC:\Development\SDL_ttf\lib -w -Wl,-subsystem,windows -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -o lem3edit

But I continue to get the errors that are in the image attached below.

I'm using mingw and have placed the necessary files into the bin folder of mingw, mingw is in my environmental variable paths, and I'm in the correct directories.

I'm still a huge newbie at this so I'm probably doing something really stupid or something considered bad practice. That's okay, I just want to see what others think so that I can start learning (and start this project too :P)

Thank you so much!
I have finally confirmed that I can definitely make this session. Looking forward to it :lix-smile:
Really cool level Crane :thumbsup: I really like the aesthetics of the map and the non-linear layout, and it has a good balance of enemies throughout. I especially liked how the final boss was handled. I like the idea of the darkening hallways to create a feeling of tension to an already terrifying demon :scared:

For me personally I haven't done much outside of custom Lemmings levels. The only thing I have done were some levels in Super Mario Maker. I'm actually in the process of exploring custom content for other stuff for more creative outlet variety. And who knows? Maybe some time in the future I will have my own game.

I know that Colorful Arty is working on a Lemmings-like game for his senior project called Tech Mechs. You should definitely check it out.
General Discussion / Re: General Comings and Goings
January 03, 2018, 05:21:07 PM
I wish Audrey a happy birthday :thumbsup:

I also think that starting a blog is not a bad idea. I know that Simon has one and mobius had one on the forums, and as mentioned earlier in this thread using it to express your thoughts and feelings will be healthy.
Daunting 4 - Over My Head

Just a quick post here to make sure I did this level intentionally because
Similar to "Snowball Battle" I didn't use the climber.

General Discussion / Re: General Comings and Goings
January 01, 2018, 09:00:24 PM
Flopsy I hope that Lucia's surgery goes well and that there are no further complications. You guys are in our thoughts and prayers.
Lix Levels / Lix LemForum, feedback by Nessy
December 29, 2017, 05:10:14 PM
Hi, I've been playing the LemForum Pack on Lix every once in a while and decided to start a topic to share my replays and thoughts.

Snowball Battle

After watching Flopsy attempt "Snowball Battle" I decided to attempt the level myself. I may have backrouted the level because...
I didn't use the climber in my solution.

Regardless, even this solution was tough to find and I agree that this level should be ranked a little higher. Maybe it should be one of the last levels of Quirky or a very early level in Cunning. That's just my opinion. Not sure how others besides Flopsy and I found that level.

Levels for v10 or older / Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings Redux
December 29, 2017, 03:47:07 PM
chrisleec728 I have attached the missing dirt_md.dat file that is causing your error below. Place it in your "styles" folder, and everything should work after that :)
NeoLemmix Levels / Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings Migration
December 26, 2017, 03:58:10 PM
Hi IchoTolot! Sorry for yet another delay in getting back to you :(

Migraine 3 is a backroute, but I already have the fixed version on my computer that hasn't been added to the main pack yet. I attached it below. The same intended solution is present; only the styling is different in places to avoid some precision and backroutes without using a lot of steel (it might also be slightly easier now, but that's fine. Quality is more important to me as I can always move it down a rank).

Migraine 9 is one of the intended solutions, but is now the only intended solution because I don't like the other one anymore.
NeoLemmix Main / Re: New NeoLemmix Website
December 25, 2017, 04:07:24 AM
A "Music Pack" page has been added to the NeoLemmix Website. It contains all music packs found on the old NeoLemmix site plus a brand new one... the SNES music pack. Special thanks to GigaLem for finding those SNES tracks and Yung Gotenks for fixing and converting them.

I am also seriously considering including the 8-bit remixes by Yung Gotenks in the website as well (with his permission of course), and maybe some other official lemming tracks. Any suggestions or links to other fan-made tracks I am not familiar with would be appreciated :thumbsup:

P.S.: Have a save holiday and end of year everyone!
NeoLemmix Main / Re: New NeoLemmix Website
December 24, 2017, 07:27:31 PM
Quote from: Yung Gotenks on December 24, 2017, 06:02:19 PM
Hey Nessy! Why are the Genesis and DOS and other music packs not on the website anymore?

Unfortunately I never remembered about them so it never migrated to the new website (because when I took over not all content from the old website was available in the new website). I must do this. Thank you for bringing this up.

For now please download these tracks in the old NeoLemmix website.
NeoLemmix Levels / Re: [NeoLemmix] NepsterLems
December 23, 2017, 04:01:17 AM
I just want to jump in here and say that Forestidia86's solution was actually the first solution I found to "A Study in Scarlet". I didn't even know the other solution existed to be honest. It's still one of my favorites not only because of the aesthetics but because it's an excellent puzzle level and was my first real head scratcher.
Lix Levels / Re: Nessy's Lix Levels (V0.1.1)
December 23, 2017, 03:37:00 AM
Thanks Forestidia86 for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed these levels. Thank you for all the replies you provided to help fix these levels :lix-smile:
New: L2 Shadow Lemmings

You can now use the night crawling, ninja-like lemmings from the L2 Shadow Tribe in NeoLemmix! See the original post for downloads, previews, and instructions.