Here is, some additional input , about the direct drop topic. First of all , I am not against direct drop by itself. I had used it in the past for various solutions in games and engines , that supported it, like Lemmix. And I have posted also , some of these solutions in my youtube channel , and also, I am completely fine, with the current situation of having engines that support it like Superlemmix , and engines that don't support it, like Neolemmix or Lix. The reason , that I am opposed to this feature , on this thread, is because , I don't want it , to become, the new community standard , for the reasons , that I have mentioned in my previous post , in this thread.
So, the following days , after that post , I did some testing , on various levels from various levelpacks ,and I created , a number of "what If" backroutes, which are practically , how these levels, would be played , and solved, if Neolemmix allowed direct drop. I also saved , the replays of these. Initially , I didn't want to post these replays , but I've decided to post them here, because they cover various types of backroutes, that can become possible , because of direct drop, and also, these replays , will be useful , for anyone , that will decide at the future, to convert a pack , that contains any of these levels to Superlemmix.
Here are the levels. Comments about their backroutes are in the spoiler tags :
Revenge of the Lemmings 2022 - Armaggedon 5 - Getting Stuck in a Cave : Completely different to the , intended solution , and it completely ignores the lemming at the lower part of the level.
Revenge of the Lemmings 2022 - Armaggedon 40 - Stroke at Retiment Age : This is a characteristic example , of the type of backroute , that I don't want to see in custom levels. It commpletely skips , the whole puzzle.
Lemmings Plus IV - Insane 11 - Tower of Confenction : Another characteristic example . It skips the entire puzzle.
Lemmings United - Pasifism 13 - Vertical Voyage : Another backroute , which skips the entire puzzle
Lemmings United - War 21 - Center of Attention : This solution skips , the entire part of the puzzle on the right part of the level.
Lemmings United - Bonus 32 - Shadows of Ourselves : This backroute skips the last part of the intended solution , and also a very clever trick at the beginning of the solution.
Lemmings Plus Omega II - Spiky 6 - Plytime : Another characteristic example . It skips the entire puzzle.
Lemmings Quartet - Quartet 7 - Is the beach day cancelled then ? : It skips the last part of the intended solution.
Lemmings Reunion - Nightmare 11 - The Chosen Lemmings of Ra : It skips entire parts of the intended solution.
Clammings - Insane 13 - Over and Under and Out : This backroute skips the part of the intended solution , that takes place on the lower part of the level.
Casualemmings - Hyper 2 - The joke's on You : This backroute skips the part of the intended solution , that takes place on the lower part of the level.
Links for the packs : Lemmings Plus Series : linked post , also contains links , for the replays of the intended solutions.
Revenge of the Lemmings 2022 : linked post , also contains a link , for the replays of the intended solutions.
Lemmings Reunion : United : Quartet : : zip file of the pack , also contains replays of the intended solutions.
Casualemmings : my pack : When I converted my pack to Superlemmix , I had already , an idea about which levels had even a small possibillity to be affected , and I took the needed meausurements. There is also , a possibility , for these levels , to be impossible to be backrouted with the use of direct drop, even without these measurements , but in practice , you never know!