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Topics - grams88

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Lemmings Main / Our very own Adrian Powell interview with the grams88
« on: April 18, 2024, 03:41:30 pm »
Hi Everyone

I've got an e-mail style interview I did with our very own Adrian Powell, the man behind the lemmings art. :thumbsup:

I'll let Adrian know as well that the interview is up on the website now, it will be a very interesting read for many lemmings fans and I thought the atari st community were very big into their lemmings as well. Hope you enjoy reading the interview finding out more information about the man behind the artwork of lemmings. :thumbsup:

I like doing these e-mail style interviews as it lets people know more about the people involved with our retro life so to say.

Lemmings Main / What lemmings games have you completed?
« on: September 23, 2021, 11:48:23 pm »
Hi everyone, I was wondering what lemmings games everyone has completed, I will list the games I have done. :thumbsup:

Lemmings PSP (Completed)
Holiday Lemmings (Completed)
Covox Lemmings (Completed)
Lemmings (Completed)
Oh no more lemmings (Completed)
Lemmings 2 Tribes (Completed)
Lemmings Paintball (Completed)
Lemmings Chronicles (Completed)
Lemmings Revolution (Completed)

Lemmings 3d (Still to Complete)

Lemmings Main / Lemmings Revolution
« on: September 16, 2021, 09:59:00 pm »
Hi everyone

Is there any cheat codes or cheats that you can use to skip by any of the levels, I lost my saves and had to start from the beginning. Any help would be fantanstic. :thumbsup:

Non-Lemmings Gaming / Knowing me knowing you
« on: April 09, 2021, 10:29:59 am »
Hi everyone

I thought of this idea a good while back and might as well put it out there. What basically this idea was is to suggest video games to other users. You suggest the game and then name the person who would be most likely to take up the suggestion. You don't have take up the game or anything but it might be a game you would really like.

There's a game called fitznik which I think Geoo, Simon and maybe Mobius would like. It's a puzzle based balderdash style game which is very fun, maybe not as hard as superplex but one great game.

NeoLemmix Levels / I wonder if we should create a list
« on: December 27, 2020, 05:06:37 am »
Hi everyone

I might leave this one for someone else to be in charge. I wonder if we have made a list of the Neolemmix packs that only contain the original eight skills and original and oh no more level tilesets. The reason for mentioning this one was I usually get that nostalgic feeling when playing those levels and it feels closest to the original lemmings' games as you can get. I think it was Willlem that got me thinking about this idea as he was mentioning playing the Super lemmini and how close it is to the amiga one.

I admit I'm a big fan of things nostalgic. :lemming::lemming::lemming::lemming:

For the person making the list, I might put the Nuked Lems forward as that contains both original, oh no, and eight skills.

If such a list has been created then it would probably be best to delete this topic.

Lemmings Main / Lemmings 3d winterwonderland codes.
« on: November 30, 2019, 11:39:08 pm »
Hi guys

I'm having a bit of trouble trying to find the codes  for the levels, I think this game has six levels and starting from level one again can get a bit annoying.

Many thanks

Non-Lemmings Gaming / Duke3d lets play
« on: November 07, 2019, 10:09:19 pm »
Hi I've been a lets player of duke3d user maps, where I play some of my favorites or ones that have meant something to me in the past. You might like my user name on this youtube. The main reason I posted this was I'm thinking of getting back into doing lets plays of duke3d user maps. I kind of think of myself as a rare kind of guy because I love old maps and with a few friends also in the duke3d community share a similar interest. (It does feel rare sort of)

To be honest the newer maps are probably getting more attention these days which is actually quite good in a way as some of the newer ones are nice also.

Here's my soccer stanley youtube here.

One map which looks cool is this one, the titanic map.

NeoLemmix Levels / New level pack, (Nuked Lemmings)
« on: October 06, 2019, 03:47:45 am »
Hi everyone

I have just made 20 levels which are of varying difficulties hoping to trick the most seasoned lemmings player. Hoping I have done this correctly and everything. I tried to focus on less building levels as my last pack had lots of building in it where you would fast forward then assign a builder then fast forward again. Some of these levels do take a bit of inspiration from some of the later levels of ski sloping lemmings just as in level design and the such.

I put these levels in alphabetical order which you can play any level you want to first. If you get stuck at a level try a different one and see how many of the levels you can complete, this pack only uses the traditional skills but that doesn't mean it won't be hard.

Anyone who has played levels from the random level topic might remember two of the levels which were (pipe pits) and (Down fall lemming). If you remember completing these then you don't have to do them again but I thought they were good enough levels to be put into a pack.

No hidden exit levels, No long building levels,

Well it might have its own problems well I hope not. :)

I hope I did the rank name thing properly, this pack is called Nuked Lemmings, I thought of the name as I was playing some duke3d and duke3d has the nuke symbol as well as lemmings has the mushroom looking one.

Hoping not to find too many backroutes but if it happens I will have a think as to whether it destroys the level in which case I will probably try to block off the backroutes if possible.

Level Design / Reuse of old levels
« on: September 25, 2019, 11:05:57 pm »
Just a quick opinion, maybe this might be the wrong place to post this.

Would it be considered bad practice if I added a level I made a few years ago on this topic to the new level pack i'm making just now? (Downfall lemming) level seems to be considered not bad a few years ago so I thought yeah I might add this to my new level pack.

Forum Games / Ask a question, get a serious answer. (Mk 2)
« on: September 16, 2019, 11:02:04 pm »
Nothing special I was thinking what about the honest game. The rules are simple all you have to do is (Someone on the forum asks a question and whoever answers the question has to answer the question honestly) Like for example I could ask what is your favorite first person shooter video game?

Anyone can answer that question but the person who answers the question will have to ask the next question. Hope I have explained  the rules okay for this game. (Okay I will start)

What is your favorite racing video game?

General Discussion / grams88 Blog
« on: April 08, 2019, 10:58:56 am »
Hi everyone

I thought I would do a blog as I notice others are doing a similar thing.

Going back to when I done a bungee jump I remember thinking to myself what are you crazy. I remember around christmas time my brother got us a Guinness world records book which I found quite magical in a way. It was interesting all the different world records people had, I was thinking to myself that it would be cool having a record myself but anyway that's probably around the time that I started to think about doing a bungee jump.

It was a great day out, I remember looking forward to giving it a go. I prepared myself by looking at youtube videos of others doing a bungee jump and I was trying imagine in that same scenario. When you are about to jump they tell you that you should not look down and you should try not to think about it too much as that is when the worry starts to set in.

It was an achievement I'm quite proud of and the amount of confidence you get when you have achieved it. :thumbsup:

Funny thing that happened the months coming up to the bungee jump was a story came up in the news about a lady who done a bungee jump at the Victoria falls ended up getting injured when her cord snapped, she ended up in the water fighting for her life. This is certainly one thing you have to keep in mind is that there are risks associated with the extreme sport. Before I booked myself up for the bungee jump I sent the team an e-mail asking what there safety record was as I was worried if something was to go wrong. They sent an e-mail back to myself saying that they had an 100% safety record. Maybe when you think about it there are more chances that you could get killed driving to the bungee site rather than the bungee itself but anyway I have not looked too much into that aspect of it.


Non-Lemmings Gaming / LMarbles
« on: April 01, 2019, 11:02:47 pm »
Anyone want to give this game a try, it's a very hard puzzle game. I have almost completed this game, getting close. Here's a website that allows you to download this old game.

It's based on a game called atomix, I think I got the name right hopefully. You have to copy the pattern that you see by moving the marbles around. It's a hard puzzle as I noticed a lot people struggle with this one. :devil::devil:

NeoLemmix Levels / Ski Sloping Lemmings (80 Levels)
« on: March 30, 2019, 11:52:17 pm »
Hi everyone

Your tutorials have been very helpful Flopsy. :thumbsup:

(Ski Sloping lemmings) which probably has not much to do with skiing. This is a pack that uses the original skills and the original and Oh no tilesets, the nine tilesets. :thumbsup: I think I made some decent puzzle type levels. The first eight or nine levels are tutorials but not like your normal tutorial levels, these ones are a bit harder than your standard tutorial levels. The first level is just to do with using the release rate tool, I think it is set to 50 but I could be wrong.

I'm hoping to maybe do some backroute changes but I might do that at a later date, see how it goes as it is at the moment. The first rank which is the (Blue slope) that's your hard tutorial levels and few more straight forward type of levels. The next rank up is the (Red slope)which are slightly harder still these levels might have multiple solutions. The rank after this one the the (Black Slope) these levels get harder as I've hopefully implemented some puzzles within some of the levels. The last rank is the hardest (Orange Slope) where you can't make many mistakes at all as you can lose the level.

I'm hoping that the 80 levels are okay and hopefully some levels might trip up even the masters of the lemmings. There are a few levels that might not go down well but lets hope that there aren't too many of those type of levels. 

I hope I have added the right file.

I'm hoping this also encourages others to make a big level pack. It was actually quite fun making the levels but sometimes you do run dry for ideas and sometimes it can be a bit more difficult to come up with a level.

Thanks Namida and IchoTolot, :) Thanks for helping me out with the last post. hopefully I've added the right one this time.

Should work now the download. :)

In Development / Ski Sloping Lemmings
« on: January 22, 2019, 11:39:40 pm »
Hope everyone is doing well. I thought I would post this topic which will be about the (Ski Sloping lemmings) a level pack with about 80 levels I've made split into four ranks so 20 levels each rank. I'm still to finish off the level pack but I'm very near to completing it. The name ski sloping lemmings might be a bit misleading as it has nothing to do with skiing levels but more to do with the rank names. The easiest rank is the Blue Slope and the hardest rank is the orange slope. Most people might know that the black slope is usually the hardest slope in skiing but I think it is the orange slope that is the hardest but the orange slope is very rare me thinks.

The ranks are as follow.

Blue Slope
Red Slope
Black Slope
Orange Slope

All of the levels I will make only have the eight classic skills as I feel you can still think of many puzzle ideas hopefully. I think I might be a few Neo lemmix versions behind but hoping someone can help us with that one, I wonder if the instant bomber is still the same and if the fall distance is still the same from the version I have.

Some of the levels might be lacking in the design department.

Sorry I won't post the level pack yet but I might ask a question, is there a tool for making level packs, I think Flopsy had a video about it somewhere.

Non-Lemmings Gaming / Video game genre
« on: February 23, 2018, 12:53:29 am »
I thought to ask the question

I thought I ask what is your favorite genre of video game and what is your least favorite?
I'll go first

My favorite genres would probably be the ones such as racing games, sport games like golf or pool. Classic games, I'm not too sure if classic games would itself be a genre but I will throw that out there to see what everyone else thinks. Board and card games could be a genre as well. A lot of my video game collection contains a lot of racing and puzzle games mainly.

Genres that I'm probably not too keen on might be (real time strategies) or maybe (role playing games) My brother has tried to get me into real time strategies but it's probably something I've not been too excited about.

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