Stacey-Jamieson Interview coming up soon

Started by grams88, October 01, 2024, 12:32:41 AM

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Hi Everyone

It's me again, I done an e-mail style interview with Stacey-Jamieson who was part of the oh no more lemmings team if I have that right, many of the levels designed or named by Stacey may of had some interesting titles, (Temple of Love) was a sisters of mercy song, (this Corrosion) was a Sisters of Mercy one as well.  (Suicidal Tendencies) was a band in the 1980s, I don't know if they still perform but you never know. I hope you find the interview interesting, I found it very interesting and learned a few more lemming facts or maybe Oh no more lemmings facts.  :thumbsup:

I think the interview will be put up soon on the atari legends website, I tried to think of interesting questions to ask for the interview, I had asked 16 questions roughly.

It's interesting when you find out more information especially from the old team that were involved with the oh no more lemmings and the original lemmings.

I'll post the interview here once it gets put up on the atari legends website.


Here is the interview.

I like doing an e-mail style interview, usually prepare the questions beforehand.  Lots of the answers here were very interesting and some of the levels from the oh no more lemmings, the names of the levels make more sense, such as the level (Temple of love) and many other levels, Suicidal tendencies.

Feel free to check my other interviews out on the atari legends website, I have enjoyed doing the interviews and the information you learn from them is really good. I think I've done five interviews for their website now, I've done a few interviews for magazines as well.  They usually think magazines don't seem to exist anymore but there are a few more amiga magazines still going on. I don't think there are many atari st ones around anymore but I could be wrong, I hope I'm wrong to be honest as the atari st was something I really enjoyed as a kid.

I think the amiga lemmings actually did make it into the Guinness world records for the two player ability. Here's a copy and paste of information I found on google.

Lemmings was the first Amiga game to offer simultaneous two-player action on a split screen ,on the same computer, with both players using separate mice. Although the multiplayer mode was fun, the two-player head-to-head option has been missing from every version since. Guinness World Records Gamers' Edition 2009.


Thanks for your contributions to the community. Interviews like this are easier to digest and remember.


Thank you brianrylan, I find them quite interesting and you learn more about the things in the past.   :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  I think Stacey did have involvement with the lemmings 2 the tribes as well, I forgot to ask the questions there but the oh no more lemmings levels were very well designed I thought.   :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:


Thanks for the interview with Stacey!

I had not known that more developers joined DMA for ONML after L1. You found a nice balance between general-audience questions and digging for insider details. Well done!

-- Simon


Thanks Simon  :)  :)

It was interesting finding out who else joined the DMA team for Ohno.  That must of been fun back in the day challenging each other and seeing what levels were going to make it into the oh no more lemmings one.  :thumbsup: