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Messages - NieSch

Here's my solution to Crane's level 'Paradox'.
Contests / Re: Level Design Contest #31
October 01, 2024, 07:34:22 AM
Quote from: IchoTolot on September 29, 2024, 01:53:12 PMRule 1: Dr Lemminggood's Latest Inventions

Congratulations Simon and Icho! :thumbsup:
Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings Collectibles Topic
July 15, 2024, 08:48:25 PM
That's so sweet! I love the bomber with the 5 above its head. And the Christmas lemming of course.
I stumbled upon a Twitch account (here) playing these levels. It was fun to watch and I also learned from it that the pack isn't "easy" at all so I changed the difficulty to "medium-hard". ;)
Contests / Re: Level of the Year: 2023!
January 30, 2024, 12:17:07 PM
I released them a few years ago in the random level sharing topic. They were earlier versions that I later removed from the topic.
Contests / Re: Level of the Year: 2023!
January 30, 2024, 07:51:16 AM
There's more levels from "All You Need Is Lemmings" that are also not eligible:

Giant Leaps for Lemkind
Let's Go for Gold
Please Keep Your Distance
Have a Blast
Aerial Antics
V4.2 Level 7: Again an update to the final level thanks to ericderkovits's latest replay. There's one more zombie now.

I realize the level is quite hard now. But hey, Tomb Raider can be really hard too and it is the final level of the pack after all.

Good luck! 8-)

There's 2 (intended) solutions to this level now. Curious? I attached them below. (See first post for latest update of the pack.)
V4.1 Level 7: I watched ericderkovits's latest replays and changed the skillset of the final level.


Update (see first post for attachment)
V4.0 for SuperLemmix 2.6 is out.

- 2 levels added (level 2 and 3 in the pack, for a better difficulty curve)
- Change to the last level ("Final Encounter") due to the changed shimmier/climber behavior. Adding a pick-up ballooner (:thumbsup:) turned out to be enough to keep the rest of the intended solution working.
SuperLemmix / Re: [DISC] SuperLemmix Discussion Topic
November 29, 2023, 05:28:26 PM
Congratz WillLem on the release of SuperLemmix 2.6! Impressive job you've done. The ballooner is gonna be lots of fun. :)
Level 5 is intended, well done! Level 9 is not intended but I would never think of a solution like that so I think my intended solution is easier to find. In other words: perfectly fine solution, no backroute, you can keep your clever trick. ;)

Quote from: kaywhyn on November 15, 2023, 07:34:28 AM
Out of the new levels, I officially declare "Who Wants to Be A Pioneer?" my favorite and the best one of the pack which most certainly earns my nomination for LOTY2023! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: The close second for my favorite would be "A Silly Place Called Lemlot." Both are quite difficult levels IMO, but they're excellent. Well done on these! :)

Thanks for this! I'm afraid you can't nominate "Who Wants to Be A Pioneer?" for LOTY2023 because I released it some years earlier in the random level sharing topic. No problem of course, I'm glad you like the level.
Fixed! Level 5: spike trap added. Level 9: 1 pixel more between the white bars so that you can't do that clever trick of yours. ;)

Just Keep on Digging
Thanks a lot for your replays and feedback kaywhyn! :thumbsup:

You found two solutions that I consider backroutes. I updated these levels in V2.0:


Level 5. This area is wider now.

Level 9. I changed the white bars here so that you can't move a level lower without using a swimmer like you did.

I also added a "thanks to Armani and kaywhyn for finding backroutes" credit and updated the solutions file. :)
Added to the first post is an attachment with intended solutions for the pack.

Edit: I updated the solutions zip file. Snakes & Lemmings didn't work in the previous file.