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Topics - NieSch

No one you can save that can't be saved...

All You Need Is Lemmings

- For NeoLemmix v12.12 (or higher)
- 22 levels (no ranks) and 5 gold talismans for extra challenges
- Styles and music: Lemmings 2, original and SMS
- Difficulty: medium - hard

Beachcombing/Season's Greetings

Splash or Splat

Snakes & Lemmings

Wee Walk in Winter Wonderland

Thanks to everyone who played the (contest) levels that I released earlier. :)

Enjoy! :laugh:

Latest update: April 8th, 2024:
In Development / [WIP] All You Need Is Lemmings
July 04, 2023, 12:08:02 PM
I'm working on my third level pack for NeoLemmix with the title...

All You Need Is Lemmings

It will contain my contest levels that have not yet been released in a pack plus some new levels.

Release date: unknown. But February the 14th seems like a good option. ;)
Quote from: jkapp76 on April 28, 2023, 03:59:54 PM
Very fun pack!

Thanks! :)

Quote from: WillLem on April 27, 2023, 11:47:51 PM
It's now ready! Please feel free to use the Lemmina Croft sprites if you wish; they should now work, unless I've missed something.

I love the update! But the sprites don't work yet. The game falls back to the original sprites when I try to use them.

Edit: After updating the styles I can't find willem_lemminas_laracroft in the editor anymore. Instead there's two willem_lemminas_monochrome that are the same.
Grenaders, spearers, zombies and... Lemmina Croft! Here's my SuperLemmix mini-pack...

Tomb Rodents

- For SuperLemmix 2.6 or higher
- 7 levels in which you have to rescue only 1 lemming
- Difficulty: for everyone! (who likes a challenge ;))

Thanks to WillLem for Lemminas and SuperLemmix. :thumbsup:

Latest update: January 20th, 2024:
NeoLemmix V12.12.1
Editor: 1.40

Style: SMS Crystal

Problem: Exit object moves up and down

Hurray! My second level pack is here. :)

Long Live Lemmings!

- For NeoLemmix v12.12 (or higher)
- 30 levels equally divided into Fun, Tricky, Taxing, Mayhem and Bonus
- Classic skills + (new) NeoLemmix skills including the jumper and slider
- Original Lemmings, ONML and Xmas Lemmings styles and music + music from the "original original soundtrack" that was found on a Lemmings demo disk
- Difficulty: for everyone!

Tricky 1: Spoilt for Choice

Taxing 1: You Better Watch Out

Taxing 6: All in Good Timing

Mayhem 1: Symmetry for the Devil

Thanks to all who played and gave feedback on the (contest) levels that I released earlier. :)
Lots of thanks to Armani for playtesting all levels and finding backroutes. You've been a great help! :thumbsup:

Latest update: June 18th, 2022:
Editor version: V1.37
NeoLemmix version: V12.12.0-RC2

I haven't figured out what the cause is yet, but I've experienced several times that all the skills are reset to zero (or sometimes some other number) in a level that I'm editing.

It happens straight after I've opened a level in the editor.

Yippee! My first level pack is here. :)

Yippee! More Lemmings

- For NeoLemmix v12.07 or higher
- 20 levels equally divided into Fun, Tricky, Taxing and Mayhem + 2 bonus levels
- Using the original styles and music from Lemmings, Oh No! More Lemmings and Christmas Lemmings
- Using classic and new NeoLemmix skills and features including the shimmier (<- I love that skill)

Tricky 1: Marching in the Moonlight

Taxing 1: Cliff Diving

Mayhem 5: Out of the Frying Pan

Thanks to all who gave me feedback in my development topic. :)
Thanks to Swerdis and IchoTolot for playtesting. :thumbsup:

I had great fun making these levels. I hope you have fun playing them too!

Latest update: 07/12/2020
In Development / [NeoLemmix] Levels by NieSch
June 17, 2019, 06:50:57 PM
Hi all! I'm new to level making using the great NeoLemmix Level Editor and I've made nine levels so far that I'd like to share.

I'm pre-releasing these nine levels, learn from the feedback, then make more levels and release a small pack of them someday.

Level Name: Cliff Diving
Graphic Set: Dirt (Orig)

Level Name: Capture Me
Graphic Set: Pillar (Orig)

Level Name: Liftboy Wanted
Graphic Set: Brick (OhNo)

Level Name: Pythagolem's Theorem
Graphic Set: Marble (Orig)

Level Name: Why Worry?
Graphic Set: Bubble (OhNo)

Level Name: Out of the Frying Pan
Graphic Set: Fire (Orig)

Level Name: Bashing through the Snow
Graphic Set: Christmas + Snow (OhNo)

Level Name: Enjoy Yourself
Graphic Set: Crystal (Orig)

Level Name: The Amazing Rodents
Graphic Set: L2 Circus

See the attachment for the (latest updates of the) levels.
Edit: attachment deleted. The level pack (20 levels) will be released soon. :)