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Topics - WillLem

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Level Design / [POLL] Is 300 Lemmings too many?
« on: March 05, 2020, 12:20:10 AM »
The question's in the title.

Just to give a few thoughts as to why I sometimes put 300 Lemmings in my levels:

1. I just think it's fun to have loooads of Lemmings. Some levels just look really awesome with loads of them swimming, floating or gliding around; it can be artistically pleasing.

2. Further to this, I like the idea of finding a level solution which involves lots of Lemmings. I have found a couple in my new pack! It's still somewhat arbitrary, but I'm definitely closer to finding a good many-Lemmings level.

3. I like the numbers 3, 30, 33 and 300. And 333!

There are probably better reasons I can't think of right now. Let the discussion ensue! I'd really like to know the reasons why it's generally frowned upon.

Closed / [SUG][PLAYER] Improved menu/title/preview/postview screens
« on: March 03, 2020, 08:27:01 PM »
12.8's high resolution mode is not without its teething problems, but it does look great and given the endless possibilities for custom styles which can now look better than ever before, it's an exciting time to be a fan of Lemmings!

Now that the look of the game itself has been improved, and it's already possible to make the panel look however you want it to by editing it yourself (EDIT: I've posted a picture of mine at the bottom of this post), I propose we as a community look at the possibilities of making NeoLemmix's various title screens look and feel as good as they possibly can.

My proposal would be to bring together all the best elements of the various versions (Amiga's colour scheme and text/logo proportions, NeoLemmix/DOS's larger level previews and the size/position of the menu elements, SuperLemmini's higher resolution and enhanced text) and create some really nice looking title screens.

Here is an example of the level-preview screen from each, so you can see the differences:

Amiga's pleasing colour scheme, and perhaps less pleasing level preview size:

SuperLemmini's enhanced resolution and tightened-up text size:

NeoLemmix/DOS's larger level preview and better overall proportion of images/text:

And a reminder of the differences between the Amiga (left) and DOS (right) menu screens. I think the DOS version has better positioning and relative-sizing of the various elements, but - as you can see - the Amiga version has everything in better proportion, albeit perhaps a bit too large:

I'm happy to do the work on the various elements that will need to be produced - backgrounds, text, menu cards, logo, etc., once the community has reached a consensus about how it should look. Hopefully, there'll be some way of assembling everything without having to completely re-write the code.

As for the pre/post-view screens, there has already been discussion about the possibilities of making these more interactive, maybe by including pictures. I think this is a great idea worth re-visiting. At the very least, the text could be improved and made easier to read as a very basic start on things.

So - what do you think, should we look at this? Or not bother. You decide!


P.S. Here's what my custom panel looks like. I edited this using a simple PNG editing program. If you'd like to customise your own, the graphics can be found in NeoLemmix/gfx/panel (or panel-hr for hi-res mode) - just be careful to keep everything the same size. Or, if you like the look of mine and want me to send you the images I'll be more than happy to do so:


Welcome to Lemmings Recurring, a concept remix pack with the following criteria:

All release rates are set to 99.
There are 99 Lemmings in each level, of which 99 must be saved.
There is always 9 of each skill, leading to multiple possible solutions in many cases.

This pack grew out of an idea that I had for bringing back some of the original game's frantic, fast-paced action element within a NeoLemmix setting; and I believe I've succeeded, to some extent. ;P

Be warned, however! These levels are about way more than just frenzied crowd control and delay tactics; they are about that, but there are also some considerably intricate puzzles in here requiring very careful application of skills and a sharp eye for details.

I'd put this pack up there with some of the more difficult challenges here on the forum - not the hardest, by a long way, but certainly a worthy challenge for any master solver. Go ahead, see if you can beat it!

To install, simply unzip the file to your NeoLemmix directory.

Site Discussion / [SUG][NeoLemmix Level Packs] Difficulty Ratings Scale
« on: February 28, 2020, 04:48:30 PM »
Suggested Difficulty Scale for Custom NeoLemmix Levels/Packs

After discussion, the majority of us seem to agree, more or less, that the following scale is appropriate:

(I've placed the various ranks of Lemmings Redux onto this suggested scale).

Beginner - brand new players - Gentle
Easy - begins to stretch the player with basic puzzles - Quirky
Medium - introduces more complex puzzles and level design concepts - Zany / Manic
Hard - expects the player to have a solid grasp of the game, puzzles become particularly challenging - Lunatic
Advanced - requires more in-depth knowledge of a wide range of solving techniques, strategies and tricks
Extreme - challenges even the most accomplished solvers

(Previous OP):

I'd like to propose the following sliding-scale difficulty rating for creators to assign to their packs, which may help to give a more specific idea of what a player can expect based on their ability. It may also help players to identify their ability level, and choose packs accordingly.

If adopted, creators would be encouraged to apply the ratings as part of any level pack upload in the following manner:

Pack Name [Difficulty 0-3] - this would indicate that the pack features levels which range in difficulty from beginner through to advanced, and therefore can be enjoyed by more casual players as well as more experienced players who wish to take a break from more challenging packs! It may also serve as an ability-boosting pack for less experienced players.

Pack Name [Difficulty 3-5] - this would indicate a more difficult pack that is best attempted by advanced players who are looking for further challenges.

Pack Name [Difficulty 4-6] - this would indicate a pack that is best attempted only by very experienced players who have established themselves as master solvers.

Pack Name [Difficulty 0-6] - this would indicate that the pack spans the full range of difficulty ratings.

Here are my proposed difficulty ratings explained:

0) Beginner - this rating indicates that the pack includes tutorial levels for the absolute beginner who has no prior experience of playing the game, and needs to be introduced to the skills, objects and their basic functions, and general gameplay.

Examples of levels in this category: Just Dig!, Only Floaters Can Survive This, You Need Bashers This Time.
Examples of techniques: Basic application of a few skills.
Examples of objects: The levels may feature fire, water and traps, but these will be very easy to avoid and may not even form part of the main route.

1) Novice - this indicates levels which expect that a basic tutorial will have been completed, and the player is able to navigate their way through reasonably easy levels with plenty of available skills and various possible solutions.

Examples of levels in this category: Smile If You Love Lemmings, Keep Your Hair On Mr. Lemming, Don't Let Your Eyes Deceive You.
Examples of techniques: Basic application of a number of different skills.
Examples of objects: The levels may feature fire, water and traps, but these will be very easy to avoid and may not even form part of the main route. The levels may also gently introduce objects such as teleporters and pickup skills.

2) Intermediate - packs with this rating will be generally easygoing packs that players of all ability levels can enjoy; the levels will be easy to solve and fun to play through, serving the purpose of keeping a player's basic skills well exercised. There may be the occasional challenge, but these will be reasonably solvable in the first attempt.

Examples of levels in this category: We Are Now At LEMCON ONE, Konbanwa Lemming San, Lemmingology.
Examples of techniques: Considered application of a number of different skills.
Examples of objects: The levels may feature fire, water and traps that require some thought to avoid. The levels may make use of teleporters and pickup skills to enhance the level, but not necessarily make it more difficult.

3) Advanced - this rating indicates that some of the levels will be more challenging and require above-average ability and a less casual approach to the game; solutions will be less obvious, and will include more advanced tricks, techniques and strategies more familiar with experienced players.

Examples of levels in this category: Turn Around Young Lemmings!, I Have A Cunning Plan, Compression Method 1.
Examples of techniques: Advanced application of a number of different skills, introduction of lateral-thinking puzzles and strategies.
Examples of objects: The levels may feature fire, water and traps that require considered strategy to avoid. The levels may make use of teleporters and pickup skills to enhance the level and increase the difficulty of the puzzle to some degree.

4) Expert - this rating suggest that the levels are of a very high standard of difficulty, requiring much more precise use of multiple skills and combinations of advanced techniques which would not necessarily be obvious to a beginner or a casual player. It will generally take several attempts to complete a level, and the levels will usually have a very limited number of possible solutions.

Examples of levels in this category: The Great Lemming Caper, Save Me, Lemming Tomato Ketchup Facility.
Examples of techniques: Precise application of a number of different skills, increasingly complex puzzles and strategies.
Examples of objects: The levels may feature fire, water and traps that require specific solutions within the puzzle to avoid. The levels may make use of teleporters and pickup skills to make a puzzle more complicated.

5) Master - packs in this rating will include levels of extreme difficulty, requiring established knowledge of most if not all advanced tricks and solution methods; levels will have very complex and precise solutions, and only the very minimum number of skills and time required for the intended solution. The levels will also expect perfect timing, knowing when as well as how to apply a particular skill.

Examples of levels in this category: It's Hero Time!, No Added Colours Or Lemmings, The Race Against Cliches.
Examples of techniques: Very precise application of a number of different skills, complex puzzles and strategies comprising very specific solutions.
Examples of objects: The levels may feature fire, water and traps that require specific solutions within the puzzle to avoid. The levels may make use of teleporters and pickup skills to make a puzzle more complicated.

6) Legend - these levels are only for players of the very highest solving ability. They will normally feature several combinations of extremely complex and painstakingly precise techniques, as well as pixel-perfect timing. These levels will often introduce brand new techniques not seen before, and use them in such a way to increase the difficulty of the puzzle considerably.

Examples of levels in this category: Anything from the final ranks of Lemmings Plus Alpha or Lemmings United.
Examples of techniques: Precise and unusual application of a number of different skills, extremely complex puzzles and strategies.
Examples of objects: The levels may feature fire, water and traps that require specific solutions within the puzzle to avoid. The levels may make use of teleporters and pickup skills to make a puzzle more complicated.

Closed / [BUG][PLAYER] Counter glitch with 1000+ lemmings
« on: February 26, 2020, 02:53:59 PM »
I've noticed that in levels that have 1000+ lems, there's a glitch in the counter whereby it adds an extra 0 onto the home counter.

So, if 949 lems still need to get home, it shows as 9490 (see image).

Closed / [BUG][EDITOR] limit ______ talismans break level when saving
« on: February 25, 2020, 10:19:13 PM »
This topic is still an issue, I'm getting the following error when attempting to save with a use only shimmiers/platformers talisman:

Closed / [SUG][Level Pack Format] Fully self-contained level packs.
« on: February 24, 2020, 02:37:55 PM »
Just a thought... at the moment, when installing a user-created level pack, music, sound, styles, levels etc must be unpacked to different folders which can be a bit messy, and some people don't bother to unpack music and sound files at all.

Could there be a level pack installation tool within the NeoLemmix player which shows a list of all available level packs, the player simply selects the packs they want and the installation tool unpacks everything to the relevant folders? It could be a two-way thing: level creators could upload a pack via the same tool, and it would then be available for other users to download.

If this seems a bit too radical, then could NL be made able to read music, styles, etc from within a level pack folder, so that all the creator needs to do is include everything in one parent folder? On the player's end, NeoLemmix would always choose to look in that folder first before looking in default folders for any music, spritesets, styles, or any customisable element.

Not sure if either of these things are possible/feasible, but since the online styles download already exists and does a fine job of keeping everything easily organised, could a similar idea be extended to level packs themselves?

Hi all,

As you may be are probably aware, direct drop isn't possible in NeoLemmix. However, I've discovered a way to make it possible using an updraft placed over the exit trigger, even to the extent that the updraft is the same size as the exit trigger.

Therefore, my question is this:

If a level creator wished to make a level where direct drop is possible, and employs the updraft method to facilitate this, should the updraft be clearly visible in front of the exit, or is it ever OK to hide it for aesthetic purposes?

For example, in a level where it's only possible to drop into the exit directly, and there is no other possible route, why shouldn't it be hidden if the level creator wishes?

Conversely, if there are several different route options, one of which involves a direct drop, the level creator could inform the player of the updraft via a pre-screen if they wish to keep it hidden. Otherwise, it should indeed be visible in this particular circumstance.

Some key points...

FOR keeping it visible:

I) Keeping it visible encourages and maintains the everything-visible forum consensus as to what makes for "good" level creation.
II) It allows the player to see that there is something obviously different about the exit, and infer that the updraft will make it possible to drop directly into it, without having to use clear physics.
III) It removes any possible confusion about direct-drop physics; i.e. it keeps it very clear that direct drop has been possible because of the presence of the updraft.

FOR hiding it:

I) It can be good to have the occasional level which subverts the form, or adds to the conversation by being somewhat different, experimental or surprising.
II) Clear physics mode shows the updraft and its position anyway.
III) The level creator could provide a pre-screen informing the player that there is an updraft behind the exit, and they have chosen to hide it for aesthetic purposes, in the interests of acknowledging community preferences.

To be fair, I'll probably decide to make the updrafts visible (in fact, I've already made a custom updraft animation!) because ultimately I want people to play and enjoy my pack. But, I'm interested to at least have the conversation about this. What are everyone's thoughts, on both sides of the dialogue?

All best,

WillLem :lemcat:

Closed / [BUG][EDITOR] Draw Sooner/Draw Later buttons have swapped function
« on: February 17, 2020, 02:10:44 PM »
In the latest download of the editor, I noticed that Draw Sooner/Draw Later have swapped; not their position, but their function!

I moved a previous copy of the editor into the 12.8 folder and it's all fine now, but might be worth double-checking that latest upload.

Side-question: what does "No Overwrite" mean?

Closed / [BUG][ENGINE] Minimap/skill panel overlap in windowed mode
« on: February 15, 2020, 01:06:13 AM »
Decided to put this in a separate topic because it seems to affect all versions of NL that I currently have except 1.43!

I can't remember if this has already been mentioned, but the minimap doesn't stay in place when resizing the NL window, it moves around and overlaps the skill panel (see screenshot; N.B - I'm using my own custom panel but the issue happens with the default panel as well). This happens in both hi and low-res mode, and affects at least versions 12.6, 12.7 and 12.8.

There may already be a way to do this, but I can't seem to figure it out.

If I right click an .nxlv file and choose "Open with" then select the NLEditor, it opens the editor but doesn't load the level. ???

NeoLemmix Main / A Place To Experiment!
« on: January 31, 2020, 05:21:16 AM »
Since NeoLemmix and its wonderful editor makes it possible for us to create and play any Lemmings levels we can imagine (big thanks to all developers), I have started this topic to provide a platform for anyone who enjoys experimenting with the possibilities of the engine and its editor.

To get things rolling, here are some levels which seek to discover ways to make direct drop possible!

The first, Direct Drop Test, uses a regular-sized updraft overlaying the exit, which I believe must stop the Lemming from having standard "faller" physics, thus allowing them to drop into the exit from a great height.

The second, Believe in Yourself, is a variation on this theme made to look more like a standard level. The updraft is still providing the direct drop, but has been resized so that it is no longer visible behind the exit.

Thirdly, Wheeeee! can be seen as a celebration of updrafts, allowing the Lemmings to use an exit that doesn't even have terrain beneath it!

Fourthly, The Wierdest Shop Ever takes this concept and makes it into a (very easy) puzzle.

And finally, Just Float! discovers how floaters can also be used to facilitate direct drop technique.


It's the Tame levels from Oh No! More Lemmings, but not as we know them! In this pack you'll find the 20 original levels with tweaks to the terrain, added objects such as traps, teleporters, one-way arrows, fire and water, a much more puzzle-friendly set of skills for each level, and some attempts at making the level solutions fit their titles (with varying degrees of success)!

If you like the original levels but want to see them in a different light, and you don't mind the odd bit of silliness, this pack is for you!

Thunder-Lemmings are go! gone WILD!

These levels are, for the most part, fairly solvable. There may be the odd head-scratcher, but nothing the average Lemmings forum member can't deal with. This pack is mainly for fun. 8-) :thumbsup:

To install, simply unzip the folder to your NeoLemmix directory.

N.B. A few levels in the pack use terrain/objects from my xmas style set; this can be downloaded via the NeoLemmix style manager (recommended).


This pack has now been incorporated into FestiveLems, a 24-level Christmas themed pack released in December 2021.

Merry Christmas everyone!

I've made this pack as a present to you all for welcoming me to the forum and generally being awesome. It's been very gratifying to find an online community that's so full of support, kindness and patience.

Anyway, with that said - here is my first Christmas pack! I was going to do Reverse Xmas Lemmings, but that might be another project for another time.

Instead, this is 16 original levels (a few of which are re-imaginings of Xmas/Holiday levels), complete with new music, some new terrain/objects and a fresh, exciting visual approach to the Xmas theme, courtesy of NeoLemmix's ability to mix styles!

Many thanks to Armani and IchoTolot for playtesting this pack ready for release. :thumbsup:

The ranks are named as follows:

Cozy - this rank is mostly relatively easy levels with multiple possible solutions and plenty of skills to get players nicely warmed up. There are some challenges here, though...

Marshmallow Land II - which route will you take?

Blissful - slightly more challenging levels now, requiring more precise use of the available skills. A few nice one-screeners leading up to an epic sprawler.

Rebel Without A Claus - it's all in the timing!

Angelic - some more Christmas-flavoured puzzles.

Stage Presents - see what Santa has wrapped up for the Lemmings this year!

Holy - these are the most difficult of the bunch, which isn't saying too much because I've tried to keep this pack at a fairly moderate difficulty level.

Merry Christmas M. C. Escher - featuring the new Christmas teleporter!

The pack is available as a single download containing the following folders:

levels - unpack the contents of this folder into your NeoLemmix>levels directory.

music - unpack the contents of this folder into your NeoLemmix>music directory. Feel free to use these tracks with your own Christmas-themed levels if you wish (do remember to credit me!) ;P

replays - this contains my replays of the intended solutions. By all means refer to these if you need to, or simply use them to perform a Mass Replay Check. I'm sure you'll find your own solutions to a lot of these levels, though, you clever lot!

styles - unpack the contents of this folder into your NeoLemmix>styles directory. This contains some new Christmas-themed objects and terrain pieces which are featured in most of the levels.

UPDATE - I've edited Blissful 2 Rebel Without A Claus and Holy 1 Cindyland II, these are attached separately. Simply copy these into the relevant rank folder within levels>WillLem's Xmas Lemmings 2019.

Any problems/questions/comments, please let me know.

I hope you enjoy this pack, and I wish you all the best to you and your families for Christmas and the New Year! :thumbsup:

-WillLem 8-)

NeoLemmix Main / Clear Levels List...
« on: December 04, 2019, 05:30:07 PM »
Hi all,

Is there a way to refresh the levels list? It's still showing individual levels that I opened using the "Add Content To List" button but that are no longer in the levels folder.

Just want to keep the level selection list a bit tidier is all...

I've tried deleting them from the "userdata" file, but they are still there when I reopen NL.

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