Other Lemmings Projects > Loap

Loap Test Releases (current build: V0.0.28.0)

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Current status:
- Not yet considered "stable", but remaining issues are very minor
- Known to have some minor rendering bugs (generally of the kind "something is drawn in front of something it should be drawn behind")
- No dedicated editor yet, but can load custom levels made for DOS L3D

Download: https://www.neolemmix.com/download.php?program=55 (This link always downloads the latest version, older versions here)
Music: https://www.neolemmix.com/download.php?id=530 (You will not need to redownload the music when new versions are released.)
Replays for all official levels: https://www.neolemmix.com/replay/Loap_L3D_Replays.zip

Source code available here: https://bitbucket.org/namida42/loap/
If you are looking for the source of a specific release, look for the branch "release/demo/[version]" eg "release/demo/" for

You do not need a copy of DOS Lemmings 3D in order to play this; all needed files are included to play the official Lemmings 3D levels (including Winterland). My level pack, Lemmings Plus 3D, is also available for Loap.

The binary is only available for Windows at this stage. It has been confirmed that Loap can be compiled from source for Linux, and it likely can for Mac too. I intend to make Linux (but not Mac) binaries once Loap reaches a stable or maybe even just RC version. You can edit resolution settings, including fullscreen mode, in "Loap.ini" (which will be created after the first time you run Loap V0.0.13.0 or higher).

To see (or configure) the hotkeys, go to the Options menu then click Edit Hotkeys. You can also reset them to default here. Some hotkey functions (eg. select skill) are not assigned by default but can be configured.

Some screenshots (taken in V0.0.21.0) (click to show/hide)
Lemmings 3D Practice 20 "Teleporter"

Lemmings 3D Fun 1 "Take A Dive"

Lemmings Plus 3D Fun 3 "Lemmings On A Train"

Lemmings 3D Winterland Level 6 "Arctic Obstical Course"
Custom levels made using L3DEdit can be added to Loap by placing them in a subfolder of "data/levels", which may in turn contain subfolders for ranks. Rank folders are sorted alphabetically in-game; if a rank folder name begins with a number and then a space, the number will not be displayed in game (this can be used to order ranks that aren't in alphabetical order). Level files are likewise sorted within a rank by alphabetical order of file names.

Uploaded V0.0.6.0. Check the commit history on Bitbucket if you want to see every change; but the biggest one is that the Bomber and Builder skills work now. (The Basher, Miner and Digger still don't.)


Uploaded V0.0.7.0. While there are bugs, all nine skills are working now.


Uploaded V0.0.8.0. Likely still some bugs, but the skills are a lot more stable now. Additionally, slippery blocks / land is now supported.


Uploaded V0.0.9.0. More fixes to skills, SIGNS.xxx / WALLS.xxx graphics (collectively termed "overlays" in Loap) are now supported, time limits are now enforced, release rate is adjustable, and there's some UI enhancements.


EDIT: First upload was borked for some reason; fixed. However, if it's still not working for you, do make sure you have the music.

By my (very quick) count, Loap should now be fully capable of playing:
- 16 of 20 Practice levels
- 46 of 80 L3D levels
- 5 of 6 L3D Winterland levels
- 61 of 80 LP3D levels

(Some more beyond this will be solvable too, because eg. the missing element is a trap you'd usually just avoid anyway, or because there's a backroute that the missing element doesn't matter for, or in Fun 8's case because all that's missing is a visual effect, etc.)


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