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Messages - Kingshadow3

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Contests / Re: Level Design Contest #24 - Playing Phase (Discussion Topic)
« on: November 09, 2021, 11:41:29 AM »
Solved kaywhyn's "Shimmier Lab Rules" V2. This one looks more intended but it also could still be a backroute...

Contests / Re: Level Design Contest #24 - Playing Phase (Discussion Topic)
« on: November 08, 2021, 08:33:06 PM »
Solved The Tomato Watcher's "What Goes Up..." (Rule 3). This seems like the intended solution.

EDIT: Solved kaywhyn's "Shimmier Lab Rules". If this is the intended solution, it's a great one! :thumbsup:

Contests / Re: Level Design Contest #24 - Playing Phase (Discussion Topic)
« on: November 08, 2021, 11:26:46 AM »
"And Now, the Incredible Shimmier" V2 cleared. This time all skills are used.

Contests / Re: Level Design Contest #24 - Playing Phase (Discussion Topic)
« on: November 07, 2021, 11:07:59 PM »
Already tackled through The Tomato Watcher's Rule 1 "And Now, the Incredible Shimmier!". This could be a backroute as I have a left over shimmier.

EDIT: Solved The Tomato Watcher's "So Near Yet So Far...". Got a basher left over so likely a backroute.

NeoLemmix Styles / Re: Zanzindorf Cloud Style
« on: October 14, 2021, 08:47:24 PM »
Very gorgeous tileset. I'm definitely considering using it in my future levels. :thumbsup:

Contests / Re: Level Design Contest #24
« on: October 10, 2021, 02:15:43 PM »
I slightly modified a contest guideline (no panic this won't negatively affect anybody ;)). It was more of an afterthought:

Pre contest testing: You can choose 1-2 persons who do a bit of pre-testing for you, so that the biggest backroutes and screw-ups of your levels can be detected before the playing phase. I cannot control this so it's only a guideline, but still I would prefer not everyone knows every level before the playing phase starts.

I have thought about a few scenarios where you might want to involve a second person and I don't want to be very strict here as again it is more of a guideline than a rule:

- Your initial tester becomes quite busy and cannot test in time.
- Your initial tester does not respond anymore.
- Your initial tester cannot solve the level and you might want to contact an additional person.
- You want to have different entries be tested by different people.

As my only concern with pre-contest testing is that everybody should not know every level before the contest starts I think it should still be fine overall. :)

Another scenario is that the initial tester you chose lives in a timezone vastly different from your own and thus level feedback can end up being quite slow. The person testing my entries was Armani who lives in South Korea while I live in the UK (That's 8 hours ahead). This meant his testing usually happened while I was sleeping and I wake up in the morning to find backroutes everywhere :XD:. Luckily it wasn't too bad for me this time.

Another idea to make styles more convenient to switch between is that if a terrain piece or object is featured in a level, the style it comes from is bumped to the top of the list in the picker.

Anyway, I approve of this idea! :thumbsup:

Fall distance is measured from the starting point of jump, not the top of a Jumper's arc.
It can be confusing at first I can understand that.

It actually depends on when and where the lemming goes into the fall state (Uninterrupted, the jumper goes into the fall state at the same height as where he jumped from. If a jumper hits his head then Fall distance is calculated from where the lemming hit his head which would be higher.

Lemmings Main / [POLL] Your Favourite Lemmings 2: The Tribes tilesets?
« on: September 23, 2021, 10:11:28 AM »
These tileset polls seem pretty popular so I decided to make one for Lemmings 2: The Tribes.

What are your favourite tilesets in Lemmings 2: The Tribes? I've decided to allow people to choose 3 because there are more options to vote for.

I would say mine are probably Medieval, Egyptian and Space. Although I do like all of them pretty well.

Feel free to share your thoughts and reasons below.

Lemmings Main / Re: [POLL] What is your favourite original tileset?
« on: September 21, 2021, 10:27:13 AM »
My favourite is the Marble tileset.

Here is my list from favourite to least favourite (There is no original tileset I dislike though, I love them all!!):


Contests / Re: Lemmings Forums Level Contest #23 - Results
« on: September 12, 2021, 06:09:22 PM »
Pretty interesting that a Rule 1 entry won for the second contest in a row.

Interestingly, both contest entries that won also used the same tileset, in this case "Dirt (Orig)".


Thanks everyone! Congrats to Armani as well. :thumbsup:
This one was a REALLY close contest! :lem-shocked:

I'd like to choose the rules for Contest #24 as my prize. Thanks again! :D

Forum Games / Re: Count to 1000
« on: September 10, 2021, 07:08:54 PM »
Pokemon Dex Entry #249: Lugia

Diving Pokémon
Height: 17'01"   5.2 m
Weight: 476.2 lbs.   216.0 kg

Lugia's wings pack devastating power — a light fluttering of its wings can blow apart regular houses. As a result, this Pokémon chooses to live out of sight deep under the sea.

Kaywhyn hasn't post the results yet so I'll do it for him. You don't mind me doing it? ???
Two Rule 1's are making it to the finals! (indicated in bold)

Armani's "Cactus Valley" (4 votes)

Kingshadow3's "The Monkey Cave" (4 votes)

IchoTolot's "Retspen's Tomb" (3 votes)

Time for the finals! 8-)

Three levels left! Looks like it will be the Semi-Finals next. One shall be eliminated! :evil:

On 15th August 2021 at 9:30pm BST; My mother had passed away due to Oesophageal Cancer at the age of 57. This is a very disheartening event for both me and the rest of my family. She had been a great inspiration to both me and my sister throughout the years and now that she's gone, I feel that some of my childhood memories had died along with her and that's something that nobody should agree with. :(

The last year and a half has been very despair inducing to us all with Covid-19 and such but I never thought things would come to this on a personal level. She had fought hard to keep our spirits up during this horrible time but lost her battle from a completely different infliction. :'(

I've had a talk with my father, my grandmother and my sister about where our lives will go from here on out and the adjustments we need to take.

This tragedy has affected my ability to create levels for Neolemmix as well as giving me less free time to do so. There is a lot of things that both me and my sister will need to sort out over the next few months as well as giving us some time to heal.

I debated whether this was appropriate for this forum. I would really appreciate your condolences and support below.
Thank you everyone.

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