Clicking the R in status bar: Yes, promising idea. The R is the visible UI element for replaying, it makes a sense to click that to cut the replay. If you animate it -- it doesn't even have to be glaring -- it will pop in the panel area. E.g., a play arrow ▶ that moves through it. It's clearer and less glaring than cheap color-changing the entire R. Let me know if you want me to draw such an animation.
The status panel has been a safe zone for clicks. If you click the panel, you don't misclick buttons yet, and neither you mis-cancel the replay (as clicking into the main map would). Now, we'll sacrifice this safe zone for newbie-friendly UI. Hard to give a final verdict. My hunch: If you want to try this, let's do it. Saving a few newbies' sanity is worth it. Or leave the bottom 10 % of the status panel as safe zone. >_>
Lemmini R: Adding the pulsating R in the main map is similar. Because you'll put it on the map (not in the panel), when we click that R, we have clicked the map, and NL will cancel the replay even if you don't write extra clicking code. It's the same in Lix: The wobbling R is in the corner of the map, and clicks go to what's on the map behind the R -- air, usually, and that cancels the replay.
Here, I'd only warn about making it
too big, because it will appear constantly in pepole's solution videos on youtube. Big enough to attract new players' clicks, but no bigger.
I'm happy to try either idea: Moderate animation to the existing NL panel R, or your Lemmini R in the main map.
Indeed, Saxdude's first guesses in the panel are: Restart, pause, and then
button with the R (which loads replay and doesn't solve his problem). This is promising. Only afterwards, he tries clear-physics and force-direction. He also clicks the status bar (lemmings out, goal flag), even though I haven't seen him explicitly click the red R in the status bar.
Dialogs: Let's try other ideas than dialogs first. Dialogs break the game flow (you accept this), but people still won't read them, and even if they read a one-shot dialog, they'll have forgotten it when they return
in half a year after 10 minutes with a distraction. Don't put important info only in a one-shot dialog.
Option to disable replay: No strong opinion. I'd wait. We have seen people want this, e.g., Dave4 wanted this, but only after he failed to cut the replay. We'll have to see if people still want this after cutting the replay has become obvious for new players.
Cursor: Bug #400 on Lix: Scissors mouse cursor while replaying is an unrealized feature idea. I'd like the ingame cursor (crosshairs) to show scissors. The idea is that you can now click to cut the replay. It's more feedback, but untested. In NL, I'd only try this together with our other ideas.
-- Simon