Author Topic: [SUG][PLAYER] Improved screen size settings for 2x skill panel display  (Read 3214 times)

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Offline BrokenAce

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While many of the new features in more recent versions of NeoLemmix are welcome additions, I'm personally not too happy with how the widescreen is handled. In older versions with the 4:3 screen, you could comfortably have both the main game and compact skill panel in a consistent 2x zoom, but doing so in the recent versions causes default height levels to not fit and require vertical scrolling.

This can be remedied by manually stretching the window, but this creates unappealing black bars on the menu screen, as well the fact that it's difficult to scale the window manually in general. Personally, I'd really like an option to re-enable the old 4:3 style, to both get rid of the black bars on the menus and allow for easier skill panel access.

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Re: [SUG][PLAYER] Improved screen size settings for 2x skill panel display
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2022, 06:59:31 PM »
You can set the window to any desired dimensions by going into the "settings" file in the settings folder. It helps to know that default level height is 160, and the skill panel is 40 pixels tall, so you will want the play area to be a multiple of 200 tall, or 400 if you use high-res.

Note also that you can tell NL what zoom level you want, for both the level and the skill panel. For example, I have my window at 1600 x 900, so NL would naturally guess that I want a 5x level and a tiny 2x skill panel, but I have overridden this to get a 4x level and 4x panel. (Yes, that totals 800, so default-height levels leave a bit of black space above and below, but I don't mind that.)

If these options aren't enough for you, could you be more specific about your screen resolution, window size, and what zoom options you would prefer to have?

Offline WillLem

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Re: [SUG][PLAYER] Improved screen size settings for 2x skill panel display
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2022, 07:03:51 PM »
Another remedy might be to tile the menu background so that stretching the window doesn't create black bars?

Offline BrokenAce

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Re: [SUG][PLAYER] Improved screen size settings for 2x skill panel display
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2022, 08:29:12 PM »
You can set the window to any desired dimensions by going into the "settings" file in the settings folder. It helps to know that default level height is 160, and the skill panel is 40 pixels tall, so you will want the play area to be a multiple of 200 tall, or 400 if you use high-res.

Thanks; this is actually really useful and I didn't know about this. Setting it to 640x400 clears up the skill panel issue perfectly fine.

The menus, however, still have awkward unused space at the top and bottom of the screen. More of a nitpick on this side of the things, but it'd still be nice if it could be fixed. Perhaps an option to zoom in the menus to prevent unused space from cropping up? I feel like it'd be a nice addition given that the left and right sides of the menu screens have a lot of unused space anyway.

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Re: [SUG][PLAYER] Improved screen size settings for 2x skill panel display
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2022, 08:34:14 PM »
I don't know if your screen is large enough for this, but try 704 x 400 (i.e. keeping the 400 height while having a 16:9 aspect ratio).

Offline BrokenAce

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Re: [SUG][PLAYER] Improved screen size settings for 2x skill panel display
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2022, 08:44:42 PM »
704x400 works like a charm! It does have a different problem of leaving a little bit of unused space at the sides of levels built with the default screen size in mind, but this is a very minor nitpick, and won't really matter at all if I make my levels slightly wider to compensate. Big thanks! :D

Of course, it would still be nice to have the old screen size available as an optional feature, but 704x400 will definitely do for now.