Author Topic: The Lemmings Have Grown Pack (156 levels) [Difficulty : Medium – Hard]  (Read 44790 times)

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Offline Swerdis

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Re: The Lemmings Have Grown Pack (156 levels) [Difficulty : Medium – Hard]
« Reply #135 on: January 29, 2024, 11:49:41 pm »
Hello David,

it was my undertaking for this evening to solve the remaining four levels of your pack and I finally did it - even though it's already past midnight. It feels good as it's more or less the case with every pack, and I think it was a great travel during the last months -  I started August 23th last year and had my breaks now and then. As I already mentioned your pack has been composed with a lot of love for details, I like the visuals as much as most of the puzzles. I also appreciate that you still work on it as you seal backroutes, swap levels and so forth. It's a challenging pack I think, but not among the absolute hardest, the learning curve is quite steep in the beginning, but it's flattening towards the end. I would not say the final rank is much harder compared to the penultimate one. My favourite level, if I had to choose one, is probably Marathon 10 for it's unexpected, very surprising solution - no wonder it's also one of the hardest in my opinion. If you ever want to create new material you can be sure that I will definitely play it - I will find the time despite work and my three little daughters that are already quite interested in papa's games. We'll read from each other ;)

Offline kaywhyn

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Re: The Lemmings Have Grown Pack (156 levels) [Difficulty : Medium – Hard]
« Reply #136 on: January 30, 2024, 12:04:58 am »

Copy/paste my Youtube comment on your final video of David's pack:

Congratulations on finishing David's pack! :thumbsup: My congratulations on finishing David's pack! =) It was a long and difficult journey, but you did it. Happy to hear that you enjoyed it despite the wonky difficulty, at least in the beginning. I absolutely agree with the amazing visual details that David really puts into these levels, they're very eye-pleasing to look at. Also happy to hear that you've gotten some inspiration from Davids' levels! That's why we play custom level packs to get ideas! They can really be very eye-opening to what one can do in Lemmings levels and in the editor.

Now, as promised two packs come to my mind for your next one to play:

- Strato's Lemmings Open Air, a pack which both Armani and I pre-tested. I'm currently pre-testing his Lemmings Hall of Fame pack, but I haven't gotten any new version from him since I last PMed him the rest of my replays a few months ago.

- nin10doadict's Casualemmings v2.0

Strato's pack is harder overall, even from the start, and so I feel like you would enjoy it a bit more. I'm not saying this because I pre-tested his pack :p I honestly do think this pack will be more enjoyable due to the pack's high difficulty, but it is an excellent pack that I absolutely enjoyed pre-testing! :thumbsup:

On the other hand, while nin10doadict's pack does say "casual" in the name and he intended this sequel pack of his to be for beginners, it doesn't stay easy for long. It already gets pretty difficult especially in the second half of the first rank but IMO this pack is definitely of higher quality than his Lemmings Squared pack, but this pack I just mentioned is only available for NL v10.13.18, i.e, Old Formats NL.

Don't worry, I won't be offended if you decide to go for nin10doadict's pack first before Strato's pack :p - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:

Offline David

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Re: The Lemmings Have Grown Pack (156 levels) [Difficulty : Medium – Hard]
« Reply #137 on: January 30, 2024, 10:27:49 pm »
Thank you for playing my level pack, Swerdis, it was a real pleasure to watch your solutions, to read your remarks, your criticisms and your analyses, always relevant. I'm happy that you appreciated the design (I really like spending time making the levels harmonious and original!) as much as the puzzles, and your compliments make me very pleased. And I congratulate you on having successfully completed this challenge (a challenge that lasted 5 months, if I got it right!). :thumbsup:

So, I just updated my pack. ;)

Besides, I'm currently creating another pack (which should total around 50 levels). If I put it on the forum, I would be happy for you to play it, one day. ;P

Here is my feedback on the latest levels :

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Turrican: Thank you very much. :P It’s really nice of you to give me all these links. :lem-shocked: I will add the custom music when I have finished designing all the levels in my next pack.

kaywhyn: Thanks for the link to the level (I downloaded it). I would have had a hard time finding it on my own in this maze... uh, this forum. :D
My level packs:
1) The Lemmings Have Grown [Medium-Hard]
2) DavidLems [Medium-Extreme]