Author Topic: [NFNL] Insane Steve's World  (Read 11574 times)

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Offline mobius

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[NFNL] Insane Steve's World
« on: December 02, 2018, 05:33:38 PM »
Insane Steve's World

---UPDATED OCTOBER 10, 2021: version 3---

Insane Steve's World is a level pack of 150 levels for up to date NeoLemmix. These levels are all created by InsaneSteve and compiled from Custlem, old Lemmix, Cheapo and Lix, some dating back 10+ years. These levels were compiled by mobius and wafflem.
See us for questions about this pack.

I want to thank wafflem for working with me on this pack and doing a lot to make it possible. Also big thanks to all the testers.

wafflem; level updates/fixes, graphics, menu and title creation, backroute testing, music selection and level order.
Nessy, IchoTolot & joshescue: backroute testing, fixes and suggestions

Current version number is: 2 Jan 1, 2019

DOWNLOAD: see attachment:


-extract "InsaneSteve'sWorld" into a folder called "Insane_Steve's_World" in your levels folder. *I zipped the individual files instead of the whole folder*
-Dump the music files into your music folder.

everything else should be included with NeoLemmix by default. If there are any problems please report them here.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2021, 03:42:16 PM by mobius »
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Offline Akseli

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Re: [NFNL] Insane Steve's World
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2018, 11:10:41 PM »
Ohhoh. Time to get hyped yet again. You people did so good job with Clammings so I expect A LOT. It's lovely to see the legendary content of these old level makers for the modern engines these days! I'm very much fearing how much time playing this would consume from my schoolwork...

Offline Proxima

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Re: [NFNL] Insane Steve's World
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2018, 01:04:22 AM »
Comments and a few replays for the Peaceful rank:

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Offline Proxima

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Re: [NFNL] Insane Steve's World
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2018, 02:39:08 AM »
Comments and more replays for Difficult:

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Offline Proxima

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Re: [NFNL] Insane Steve's World
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2018, 09:11:05 PM »
A couple of minor points:

D19 The Nifty Fifty has the author set to "InsaneSteve" with no space.
M4 Level F. Random Terrain Pieces, now that NL allows titles up to 40 characters, "Featuring" could be written in full.
C8 Obevat Yriy should presumably be Obevat Yriry to match the writing on the level.
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C20 Phone Call from Outer Spac, is the missing "e" deliberate or a typo?
H15 Crown Jewel Heist is credited to "I.S. / geoo", H20 Empty space is hardly a waste to "ISteve and geoo". geoo is okay with including these levels (I asked in chat), but the credits should be written the same way (probably the first way, for consistency with Lix).

Offline Proxima

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Re: [NFNL] Insane Steve's World
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2018, 02:45:04 AM »
As I'm not happy with my solution to Twin Paradox (part 1), I had another look to see if there was a "cleaner" solution. I haven't found one yet, but I found an alternative solution that works and is even more fiddly -- instead of stretching bridges to the max, you now have to stretch them exactly the right amount but not too much (or you won't get high enough).

If there is an intended solution that's less fiddly, these solutions should be eliminated -- though hopefully without making them fail by only one pixel, which is, if anything, even worse.

EDIT: Found clean solutions to both parts. :thumbsup: These solutions still work if the exit platform is moved further away from the vertical wall, which would prevent my fiddly solutions.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2018, 03:04:39 AM by Proxima »

Offline Akseli

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Re: [NFNL] Insane Steve's World
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2018, 08:52:04 PM »
Insane Steve's levels were some of the first ones I ever played from Lemmings Level Database in summer 2012, so early that I didn't even realize to save replays for them at first. In addition to Lemmix levels, I had played the notebook sets from Cheapo, and Lix Community Level Set, so most of the levels I remembered well. My replays for all the 150 levels are attached.

Here's Insane Steve's packs from Lemmings level database. Levels from ISteve01-10 Lemmix packs that are not on the NeoLemmix pack:

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Lix Community Level Pack levels that are not on the NeoLemmix pack:

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Somehow level previews didn't work when I ran my Cheapo, and it takes loads of times to load a level there, so I didn't look at all 90 or so
Steve's notebook levels there which were included in NeoLemmix pack and which were not.



Peaceful 1: Any Way You Want It - Basher solution doesn't work (they fall to death unlike in Lix version), see also repeat level (Just Stop the Bleeding).
Peaceful 2: Jus' A Warm Up - I was missing the good cheapo track here, no idea still what's that awesome tune, I even remember asking it from Steve himself and he didn't remember it either if I recall correctly.
Peaceful 4: The Binary Level - Same as Proxima, I haven't seen this level before, where does it and its repeat come from? Actually, where do the levels come if they aren't from ISteve01-10, Lix, Cheapo notebook sets, or forum contests?
Peaceful 10: Snow Really - Just realized, why wasn't the original Snow tileset used in Snow levels in this pack?
Peaceful 23: The Obstacle - This apparently replaces ISteve02-7: "Rip your hair out Mr. Lemming"
Difficult 8: Preventative Maintenance - Like Proxima mentioned already, the trigger area of the fire trap in the right edge of the starting area is so high that lemmings won't die there, I'd think this is not intended?
Difficult 26: Need a Boost? - Yeah this was pretty hard!
Difficult 29: Time is of the Essance - The title should be EssEnce, not EssAnce.
Menacing 1: They just won't climb that wall. - The Lemmix title is "They Just Won't Climb the Wall", is this a cheapo title?
Menacing 14: Fire Exit - This was also hard!
Menacing 25: The Runaround - Hahaha this must be the smallest level I've ever seen. :D Also, a backroute?
Chaotic 18: I Challenge You to a Dual! - Originally meant to be a glitch level, it seems it's possible in an honest manner. :P
Chaotic 25: Just Stop the Bleeding - The only level in this pack I skipped, played the rest through, and came back to solve it as the last level, see the comment in Any Way You Want It.
Hopeless 15: Crown Jewel Heist - This I remember not beating in Lix Community Set, it's quite ferocious!

Spoilery comments:

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« Last Edit: December 09, 2018, 09:11:48 PM by Akseli »

Offline geoo

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Re: [NFNL] Insane Steve's World
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2018, 01:12:48 AM »
I started playing this pack to bring back some nostalgia...
Insane Steve's Cheapo levels were the first big pack I was playing, and I remember it taking me months to complete most of it, with individual levels haunting me for even longer. I still remember my fascination with the Mon0lith, and I'm happy to see it as the final level of the pack.
Thanks a lot for compiling this!

I went through Difficult and Chaotic so far. I forgot a decent amount of solutions, yet at the same time it's surprising that for some levels that I played over 10 years ago I still have a faint memory of some main tricks. Though I think the main reason for being much fast than ~12 years ago is that I also got a lot better since then.

A few comments on individual levels so far:

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Offline mobius

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Re: [NFNL] Insane Steve's World
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2018, 01:40:24 AM »
thanks everyone for all the replays. :thumbsup:

I'll look at them eventually, but it may be a little while as I needed a break from working on this pack and I've been busy with other things like upgrading my PC.
everything by me:

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Offline mobius

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Re: [NFNL] Insane Steve's World
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2019, 07:57:19 PM »
UPDATE on 12/30/2018

See original post for download links. Music pack has also changed.

all changes are listed in the changelog (included in the main folder for download)
Also includes updates to styles needed.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain

Offline mobius

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Re: [NFNL] Insane Steve's World
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2019, 09:51:54 PM »
I just uploaded again to fix two minor issues; the outtakes rank should not have existed (it was only the levels that had gotten replaced) and Nin10do'Addict's style was missing from the folder.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain

Offline Swerdis

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Re: [NFNL] Insane Steve's World
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2020, 10:13:18 PM »
Beat it today. And what can I say? This is my favourite pack so far. The level design is just great - I learned a bunch of new tricks, some that I never encountered in the other packs I played so far. I can't even name all of my favourite levels here - there are too many. Just to name a few:
"The placement is the key" (so elegant and simple if you know how), "No Mas" (great and not so often found idea), The Razor's Edge (maybe 1 or 2 levels too many of this kind, but the first one was a revelation), "Obevat Yriry" (not a boring level as the name suggests), "Crown Jewel Heist (absolutely unique), Having your Cake (brilliant) and "The Top Shelf" (completely new trick for me and therefore hard to figure out)

I also liked the music pack and the fact that there is no loop - you never know which tune is next (though while playing I thought the connection between a specific tune and a specific graphic style was not completely arbitrary)

My solutions can be found here.
I backrouted some: "Hey that's not cool guys" or  "The Decent Descent" for example

Offline mobius

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Re: [NFNL] Insane Steve's World
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2020, 11:40:58 PM »
thanks so much for the videos and feedback! :thumbsup:
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain

Offline jkapp76

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Re: [NFNL] Insane Steve's World
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2021, 01:41:05 AM »
I just found this level pack yesterday and I wanted to say thank you for releasing this!

I also included a Zip file of files to copy into the pack's folder that will fix the Level select sign and add the matching arrows, resize the scroller and fix the background so it doesn't split into four parts.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2021, 02:08:07 AM by jkapp76 »
...Jeremy Kapp

Online kaywhyn

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Re: [NFNL] Insane Steve's World
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2021, 12:51:58 AM »
Hello mobius/Insane Steve,

I have completed the pack up through the Menacing rank. Replays attached.

edit: Forgot to provide the link to the LP: Enjoy! :P

General Feedback

As mentioned in the introduction, I've already played many of these levels of Insane Steve's when I downloaded and played his mini 10-level Dos packs. With some sleuthing around on my hard drive, it appears that I downloaded all 10 of the mini-packs. I thought I had more of the packs fully solved, but it seems I only have two of his packs completely solved. Other than the Dos packs, I have also played several of Insane Steve's levels through the Lemmini version of RotL. Therefore, there's a lot of familiar levels in here, especially since I've also browsed through the Lemmings Database. I don't remember all of them, nor have I played all of them, as there's still many new ones in this pack I haven't played before, but there's a huge handful of ones I've already played before LPing this pack.

This is a really great pack that I'm enjoying a lot. There's been some hard levels here and there, but nothing super hard yet. I've been told that this is a level pack held in very high regard, so many thanks to mobius and Wafflem for converting this pack to New Formats NL. I'm looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead in the final two ranks of the pack.

I got to say I really love the choice of tilesets used here in this pack. The only thing I'm not sure about is why were some of the levels recreated in another tileset instead of using the original level? mobius can answer this when he gets the chance. There's also a lot of traps that I'm seeing for the very first time. For example, the fire pinwheel spinning trap and like some kind of blood drop trap in the Minimal tileset by Gronkling. I didn't even know about these traps, as I've never seen them before. Also, there was the same fire pinwheel spinning trap in a Circus tileset level, as well as a fire trap with circles on both ends, but I'm thinking it's simply due to tileset mixing here, as these traps seemed to have been taken from another tileset and put in the Circus level, as in my research when I was fixing up my contest level that happens to be in the Circus tileset I'm amazed there's no traps for it other than the water object.

Peaceful Rank Feedback

This is a very solid first rank. The rank is mostly X-of-everythings, with the occasional one that has some at least one skill with more or less than all the other skills. This definitely reminds me of Clammings in a way, as the first rank was more or less the same. I think the difference is that Clammings increased in difficulty in the first rank much faster than the Peaceful rank does, though I think both first ranks already start getting into some puzzly levels around the halfway point. This also reminds me of SEB Lems in a way, where there's still a lot of variety in the X-of-everything levels so that most of them aren't just a few skills and done. In particular, 1-of-everythings tend to be my favorite type of level. Peaceful 18 - The First of Many, Peaceful 19 - Pitfall, and Peaceful 20 - The Obstacle are all pretty good ones, with the last one being somewhat of another twist on "Keep your hair on Mr. Lemming."

Another favorite of mine in the rank was Peaceful 7 - Low Clearance, as well as Peaceful 14 - Waste Not, Want Not. For the latter, I really like how it's a 2-of-everything except for builders, where you only have 1, therefore creating a somewhat difficult level. It's still not too hard.

I would say Peaceful 6 - Four Corners is the first hard level of the pack, though it's an open ended level, so any solution that solves the level goes. The lack of floaters definitely increases the difficulty by a bit. I really like the design of the level in this tileset, though! :) The only other hard level in the rank is Peaceful 30 - The Shaft, but it appears that everything I did in my solution is completely unnecessary

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Another level I seemed to have overcomplicated was Peaceful 12 - Snow Really, as it is possible to finish the level in far less time and not need to take the long way around. Honestly, I think it's simply due to overthinking and for some reason thinking the middle wouldn't work :XD:

Peaceful 15 You'll Get Over It is yet another I did unnecessary work on. Not sure what was on my mind at the time. Even after having LPed so many level packs, I still very much fall victim to overthinking and unnecessary skill assignments :laugh:

I think Peaceful 28 - Give a Little Bit of Help is the only level in the rank that I have played before. There's way more levels I recognized later on in the pack in the other ranks. I remember the level was originally in the Pillar tileset.

Difficult Rank Feedback

Levels are only a bit of a step up in difficulty, but still nothing too hard. The name of the ranking is a bit misleading, as the levels here aren't hard, at least not to the extent of levels in later ranks. Even more great levels in this rank. Still a lot of X-of-everythings in this rank, although levels with very restricted and minimal skillsets are prominent here as well. I like how Difficult 1 - And they're off! and Difficult 2 - Infrastructure Budget Cut are both 1-of-everythings with pretty much the exact same level concepts, which I think is why they're grouped together. Once again, I tend to like these types of levels.

Difficult 3 - ? I wonder if it's due to Insane Steve not being able to come up with a level title here, or if it's intentional. This is the first time I'm seeing the fire pinwheel spinning trap for the tileset, if it does come from the Minimal tileset. Other than getting the crowds down safely, nothing too hard here.

Difficult 4 - It's All a Pipe Dream The only hard part was rescuing the top hatch quickly before you lose too many. Really nice level, though!

Difficult 5 - Exodus Definitely very similar to "I Am A.T" in the solution that needs to be used, just far shorter and way more than enough skills and also can eliminate the timing completely, although I've seen that it's still possible to solve the level without getting the crowd tightly packed together.

Difficult 6 - Bitter-er Lemming Very nice remake of "Bitter Lemming"/"With a Twist of Lemming Please" from the OL.

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Difficult 7 - The Pit Nice 2 Lemmings level that's a 1-of-everything on top of it.

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Difficult 8 - Preventative Maintenance Nice 1-of-everything with 6 skill types. I was a bit of a dummy here, as the level is easier than I made it out to be :crylaugh:

Levels that I remember and have played before: Difficult 9 - The Placement is the Key, Difficult 11 - A Tribute to Flagpole Sitting (original is in the Marble tileset as I recall), Difficult 12 - Flugtag!, Difficult 13 - NO MAS!, and Difficult 22 - The Annoying 1-Pixel Gap. Difficult 9 was a favorite of mine and can be difficult, but it's quite easy once you know how.

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I particularly loved the last 3, Difficult 12 due to being a 1-of-everything, Difficult 13 and Difficult 22 for both being builderless levels, which is another type of level that I tend to like a lot. The latter is especially clever, as providing even 1 builder would render the level way too easy (simply build over the tiny gap before the exit and done)

I think I played Difficult 15 - Bolero (layout somehow seems/feels familiar) before, but I'm not sure. The hardest part is simply being quick enough to rescue the hatches that are over the lava. I think I might had played Difficult 21 - Another Beast of a level before as well, but I don't remember. It simply uses the layout of "A Beast of a level" from the OL. I especially love how this is a builderless level, therefore increasing the difficulty by a lot. For a moment I had trouble thinking about how to turn the climber around, but

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Difficult 14 - The Lobby Another great 1-of-everything level in the Toy tileset! Here I think I made my solution more complicated than it needed to be, as I definitely could had done the level so that no timing was needed at all to make sure everyone survives by swapping the digger and miner. Somewhat hard but really good puzzle.

Difficult 16 - Triple Threat Yet another 1-of-everything. This is pretty good too. Easier than the previous 1-of-everything IMO. Time limit isn't a problem here at all.

Difficult 17 - The Perch I like how it's a 20-of-everything except for builders where you only have 1. That alone increases the difficulty by a bit, but there's still nothing too hard about the level. The builder is usually the skill that you have less of in an otherwise X-of-everything level, or you're not even given any, though on rare occasions you might be given more builders than all the other skills.

Difficult 19 - Wood Puzzle Really nice 1-of-everything level that is also a 2 Lemmings level. I can see how this level can still be a problem for some, but I didn't think this one was too bad at all.

Difficult 20 - Time is of the Essence Indeed it is, as finishing the level on time is the hardest part. It's definitely easy due to the 5-of-everything skillset, but the very strict time limit forces you to be quick. I do like how it's a 1 minute level, as I tend to like these a lot too.

Difficult 23 - The Razor's Edge One of my favorites, as it uses a trick that I first learned in a Pimolems level, although it's not really the best level to teach it, since it's far harder, but that's my history with the trick, which explains why I found this level quite easy. This is also the first of several iterations of levels with the same title but numbered as sequels (part 2, part 3, etc)

Difficult 24 - --> Wrong Way! --> I like how the level has the title outside of the main playing area. This level is a pretty good introduction to getting your way through to the exit when faced with a OWW with arrows pointing in the wrong direction and you cannot go over the top in any way. It's not too hard at all, especially since you far more than enough skills to be able to get through. Also it's easy to save everyone, I simply didn't bother to :P

Difficult 25 - Round Trip Nice puzzle here. The only hard part here was near the exit with clearing a path for the crowd and turning the worker around. Seems a bit precise around that area.

Difficult 26 and Difficult 27 are title Twin Paradox and Twin Paradox (Part 2), respectively. I have watched some other solutions to the former and it seems the trigger area of the fire spinning pinwheel trap being a bit off from the wall so that the climber/floater doesn't die is intentional. The latter was a quicker solve than the former, although both were still quick ones.

Difficult 29 - Beat the Clock Took a totally different route here, as for some reason I didn't think the normal way would work due to thinking it would take too much time.

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Difficult 30 - Rainbow Road This is quite similar to the "Wooden Puzzle" or some level with a similar title from RotL I played with a very similar layout, just not in the Pillar tileset. Easy one, but only because I recently played RotL a few months ago. Also much shorter and about the same difficult as the previous rank finisher (that is, if you decide to take the easy route instead of the challenge route I took :crylaugh:)

Menacing Rank Feedback

Levels start to get more puzzly and gnarly, with solving times slowing considerably starting with this rank.

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Overall, I'm enjoying this pack quite a lot and look forward to continuing on with the final two ranks. Nice work here to Insane Steve and to mobious/Wafflem again for the conversion to New Formats NL :) Cheers!
« Last Edit: August 20, 2021, 07:35:10 AM by kaywhyn » - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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