[NeoLemmix] Resident GigaLems - Public Release Thread!

Started by GigaLem, June 18, 2016, 03:59:56 AM

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After a long hiatus of the pack not being worked, being burned out
and dealing with personal drama
and of course, fixing the level pack up (Which means there are new levels in the build)
I present to you

110 levels filled with zombies
1st Rank "Knee deep in the dead"

Of course the easiest rank first, but the levels arn't boring by any means
"X's will be your answer"
2nd Rank "The shores of hell"

Putting what you know to the test, and thinking about
"Do we need bashers?"
3rd Rank "Hell on Earth"

As the name implies, it only gets harder from here
"Crossing paths"
4th rank "Thy Flesh Consumed"

Think you can get past this rank, good luck!
"The bURns of DrEAD"
5th rank "No rest for the Living"

Now for the hardest rank here, use what you learned in the past 4 ranks to your advantage here
"Then i took a zombie to the knee"
Bonus Rank "A horrible night to have a curse"

This rank right here is based on the castle tileset, the difficulty can vary (but its not easy)
and yes i was inspired by "deciet Lemmings" when making that level"
"But enough talk have at you"


Special Thanks
Namida           For all the tools possible to make this pack
Ichotol0t        For play testing this level pack
Slim               For the Sonic.exe Remix
Hydro Gene   For the Cross your heart Remix



It seems like the "Duke Nukem Forever" of Lemming level packs has finally been released! ;)

I like the reference of the former hidden buttons on the first picture :XD:     Sorry accepted ;)

If my critic points has been taken care of (mostly timers + hidden stuff) I can recommend this pack to anyone who wants some nice Zombie levels.

But don't be afraid of huge levels here! There are quite some big ones where you have to work your way through!

I will 100% give it another go when I finished some stuff of my own projects :)


Promised some replays this week :)

Here is the 1st rank.

Note: The music is still waaay too loud. Especially the boshy track. Also I can hear that it is this loud some heights in the audio track are cut off ----> ugly sounds

Would recommend redownloading the tracks and bring them all to the same (way more quiet) audio level.  + Some level names are a bit too long ---> the last letters are cut off in the preview screen.

Could you also put the music into a seperate music pack? The whole 40 MB is all packed into the nxp.


Alright found some time to play the 2nd rank again.

Also, in the last level of the first rank some steel pieces seem to not function properly as seen in the replay.


I decided to update the Green Hill set more
so DL is in the attachment

+2 new backgrounds (Ordinary and "Ordinary")
+Clouds are now moving objects


Is this level possible?


Quote from: joshescue18 on August 21, 2016, 04:14:41 PM
Is this level possible?

Seems not. I think Giga forgot about the fact that this level relies on the direct drop behavior which was patched out.



Sorry for replying to such an old topic, but attached find the replays of two broken levels for your levelpack. Except for these two, I can confirm the rest of the levels are working and solvable, as I just completed the entire pack, including the bonus rank. The first one is a working solution but fails because both the steel and the exit don't work in the level. The second one is also a solution but since direct drop is disabled in version 1.43 it fails too. Otherwise, nice zombie pack here!
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Hi Gigalem,

I played through this pack many months ago, but I unfortunately didn't have the setting for replays to automatically save if successful. So, in the last few days, I simply came back to revisit this pack to get replays, even if I remember being frustrated by several of the levels, especially in the later ranks, and was therefore very reluctant to do so. Yes, I apparently had the patience and was willing to go through the entire pack a second time. So, here is my entire replay collection for the pack, minus the two levels Hell on Earth 19 and ThyFleshConsumed 4. The former has steel that doesn't work, and the exit trigger doesn't work either, meaning the lemmings don't exit, but it's the 2nd issue that renders the level impossible. I have tried digging lower and building up into the exit, but neither work. The latter doesn't work because the behavior that the intended solution relies on, direct drop, isn't present anymore. These two failed replays of mine are attached in my previous post above, but I have also attached my two replays for both levels here, just to keep everything in one place. The former is a working solution, it just doesn't work due to the exit trigger not working. So, all that's needed is to fix up these two levels so that they're working. Once you do that, I will go back and resolve them and add my replays to the collection. I can confirm that other than these two levels, the rest of the pack is still solvable/possible on v1.43, as shown by my replay collection that's attached to this post

Since this pack is for very old formats NL, the replays will likely not be of interest to anyone but you, although you're probably no longer maintaining this pack just like your ghost pack. Even then, I eventually have plans to post my replays for all the packs I play in the level pack topics themselves for historical and bookkeeping purposes so that the replays for packs are preserved in some way. Hence why I'm still posting replays for very outdated packs.

Pack Feedback

I agree with Icho here that this is a well-done zombie pack. The first rank does a really great job of easing one into the difficulty of the pack by starting easy and then gradually increasing in difficulty through the end of the rank, where the final few levels are difficult. I think the difficulty order in this rank is great, though I feel as if Kneedeadnthedead 6 - Even in the woods we're not safe is a bit hard for its position.

Lots of great, challenging puzzles in the second rank, Theshoresofhell. Here, I thought 9 - Mines and Miners is a bit hard for its position, though part of it is due to how I probably overcomplicated the solution. There's probably a much cleaner solution than the one I used. Theshoresofhell 14 - Into a Hellish Journey can also be another difficult one. The following one, Theshoresofhell 15 - Zombies ate my hardware, while not difficult, can be challenging to formulate a solution in your mind. Finally, I was a bit annoyed with both Theshoresofhell 1 - Lets take a climb and Theshoresofhell 2 - Deforestation due to the repetitive and excessive same skill assignment within very short amounts of time. The former is more annoying though, since you have to repeatedly assign the stacker so many times, while the latter isn't as bad, but there's still a lot of it with the digger assignments.

Even more great, challenging puzzles in the third rank, Hellonearth. This is where the difficulty really starts hitting hard. The hardest levels in the rank for me were Hellonearth 4 - Last one dead is...dead? and Hellonearth 15 - Banshee boardwalk. Hellonearth 5 - Wire you doing this? Zombies? isn't difficult, but it's a hard one to pull off. There's probably a much better solution than mine, though. The biggest backroute has got to be Hellonearth 7 - Rho Rho Rho your boat!. I don't even go through the OWWs. Hellonearth 14 - Blazing the method is another not so difficult, just a bit annoying to pull off. The most annoying, though, was Hellonearth 18 - We have weapons and we'll use... (title cuts off after the lone e). Not a hard level, but extremely fiddly due to the radiation at the very end. The following level, Hellonearth 19 - Justice for Zeroes, is broken, as I previously mentioned, where the exit trigger doesn't work. Finall, Hellonearth 20 - Anata no niku ga shohi is a nice rank finisher. Not too difficult, but not trivial either. Skills surprisingly run out fast, especially the builders.

Once again, the excellent puzzles and challenges continue in the 4th rank, Thyfleshconsumed. I had an easier time with Thyfleshconsumed 2 - Until Lacktardo returns the second time around. Also as mentioned previously, Thyfleshconsumed 4 - An all access grass to pain is broken due to direct drop disabled, and so the intended solution doesn't work anymore. Thyfleshconsumed 6 - Unlikely Chemistry can be difficult, although I say the hardest part is figuring out how to get up to the exit, especially since builders are quite tight in this level. Thyfleshconsumed 7 - Despite all my rage... is another level that I had a bit of an easier time this time around, as I remembered it being difficult the first time I played it. Thyfleshconsumed 9 -Pumpkin Hill is notable in that it's the only level in the pack that has singing. I also remember this being a bit difficult the first time, but the only difficult part is knowing where to bomb in order to get rid of the zombies while still keeping the terrain intact for the lemmings to still be able to walk to the exit from the left. The following level, Thyfleshconsumed 10 - Time of discomfort, can be hard, especially since the challenge is figuring out how to use the builders effectively, as well as how to get the left crowd out of the starting area, as well as how to get the right crowd up, all while not wasting builders. This level was a bit harder than I remembered this time around. Thyfleshconsumed 13 - Go for green! is probably the hardest level  in the rank to pull off, and I certainly wasn't looking forward to doing this level again. Again, there's probably a much better solution than mine. Thyfleshconsumed 19 - Electric Rush is probably the hardest or close second for hardest in the rank. Despite the builders being plentiful, they will run out quite fast, and so the challenge is figuring out how to use them effectively, as well as the other resources.

The 5th and final main rank, Norestforthliving, has even more great puzzles/levels. A lot of these levels felt a lot easier than some of the ones in the previous ranks. Norestforthliving 6 - The Hell-tlement was much harder and more annoying this time than I remembered. Took me a while to solve. The right side isn't hard, the left side with the zombies is. Norestforthliving 8 - Plant the Z4s! isn't hard, it's the execution that's hard. Definitely a lot of good timing needed in order to release all the zombies going the right way to use the radiation. I kind of played the waiting game in Norestforthliving 10 - Lemming.EXE: episode 2, where I had to readjust when to start bashing with the climber at the top several times before he wouldn't get infected by the zombies so that he can lead them into the traps. It's a great level, although what I don't like is the end, where there appears to be invisible terrain as the lemmings are climbing up the stairs/steps. Too bad there's no CPM to verify that there is indeed something there. Probably just a drawback of the tileset. I surprisingly got the final builder placement right the first time for that part. Norestforthliving 13 - Redeeming from Karoshi was somewhat a bit easier this time around than the first time I played this level. It's a great, somewhat difficult level. Norestforthliving 15 - The Randeezvous Gate is not a hard level, just a hard one to execute. The save requirement is quite lenient, and I ended up using all builders, so they surprisingly run out fast despite being plentiful. Norestforthliving 17 - It's a Zombie Dance Revolution would be another level that can be difficult to pull off. Not a very hard level, but definitely not trivial either. Perhaps the most challenging is getting rid of the zombies. Norestforthliving 18 - The incineration process is probably the hardest level of the rank. Except for the climbers and floaters, all resources are very tight, so you cannot waste anything at all. I say the hardest part is the exit area, where it's not obvious how to get up there while not using so many builders. Norestforthliving 19 - THE FINAL GATE is a huge builderfest, but it's quite a nice level design-wise. Not a hard level at all, but just like the previous level, resources are tight. Finally, Norestforthliving 20 - THE FINAL ELEVATOR RUSH, is a really excellent final level of the main pack with a great music track that definitely makes this an appropriate pack finisher. While resources aren't as tight as the previous two levels if you play carefully, due to huge size it can be difficult to optimize skill usage in each area for each entrance.

I recently LPed namida's Doomsday Lemmings pack, and because that pack focuses on zombies, that's the primary reason I came back to this zombie pack of yours shortly after solving all of namida's pack. Indeed, I can see there are homages to his pack in some of your levels here. The clearest one would be Theshoresofhell 19 - Honey, I shrunk the Zombies. Since I played this pack way before Doomsday Lemmings, obviously I had no idea this used 4 levels from the latter pack. Luckily, since I came back to your zombie pack shortly after I finished solving Doomsday Lemmings, I was able to recognize the levels from namida's pack here. The two levels on the left are both from the Outbreak rank, the two levels on the right are both from the Plague rank. The top right one took me the longest to figure out in the entire Plague rank.

In the third rank, Hellonearth, you remade some of the levels from the original Lemmings with the zombie gimmick. Hellonearth 2 - Then there we're condemned is a remake of Mayhem 18 - And then there were four, while Hellonearth 13 - Stop the Leaks! is a remake of Cascade from Lemmings. For Hellonearth 10 - WEE THE CREATURES, the title is a clear reference to Taxing 28 - POOR WEE CREATURES.

In the fourth rank, Thyfleshconsumed, Thyfleshconsumed 12 - Yet another Doomsday remake is a clear remake of Mayhem 29 - Save Me, while Thyfleshconsumed 15 - One Cruel Minute! is clearly a remake of the Just a Minute levels from the Mayhem rank of the original Lemmings, although here this seems to resemble part 2 more. I feel this level is harder than either one, as here you only have two bashers.

Finally, for the fifth rank, Norestforthliving, there's one remake of a level from the original Lemmings, while there's another with a level that's a remake from a custom level pack. The first one, Norestforthliving 5 - Digging in the warp zone, appears to be a remake of Poles Apart from the Mayhem rank of the original Lemmings. The second one, Norestforthliving 12 - Motel Kombat, is clearly a remake of a Lemmings Reunion level. I'm not sure, but the title seems to be a reference to Mortal Kombat? I never played it, so I don't know what it's about.

Even the bonus rank, A Horrible Night to have a curse (ahorriblenight) isn't a cakewalk. I felt all the levels were difficult in a way, with probably Ahorriblenight 2 - Burning Passion and Ahorriblenight 8 - Dont mansion it! as the only easy levels of the rank. The rest were either difficult puzzle-wise or difficult execution-wise. I felt Ahorriblenight 3 - Lomax Belmont, Zombie Killer was probably the fiddliest to execute, with Ahorriblenight 1 - But enough talk, have at you! a close second. Finally, the final level, Ahorriblenight 10 - Heated Delay, is a clear remake of yet another level from Lemmings Reunion. I really love the solution here though, where you're not supposed to build up to the higher starting platform at the earliest possible moment. Instead, you need to have the crowd make two trips both ways in the starting area. Despite the difficult puzzles in the rank, this is still quite an excellent rank with its challenging puzzles.

Overall, nice job with this pack. I'm one of the few that don't mind zombies, although some otherwise easy levels are much harder and annoying due to the zombies. Not to mention the very fiddly and clunky controls of the v1.43 can exacerbate the annoyingness even more. In particular, I hate how there's no hotkey for previous skill assigned. Not to mention there's no splat ruler or CPM either, although I generally avoid activating CPM just for the experience of a player as if playing the levels for the very first time for a more authentic playing experience. I don't mind hidden stuff at first, but I will get annoyed quite quickly if it's very excessive after a few times. 
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


...Jeremy Kapp


Quote from: jkapp76 on August 08, 2021, 02:28:11 AM
Can this be updated to work on neo lemmix 12?
This project is deprecated since im not exactly proud of it, I'd rather make a new project that's more representative of my quality, than try to bring this one over. Plus I had this bad habit of copying levels when my mind drew blanks that I wanted stomp out


I really enjoy Zombie levels. I'll be right on in it you make another pack like this.
...Jeremy Kapp


Quote from: jkapp76 on August 10, 2021, 08:22:02 PM
I really enjoy Zombie levels. I'll be right on in it you make another pack like this.

I have ideas, just I'm not sure when I'd make another one, someday, but not today