Author Topic: PimoLems - Big custom pack for Lemmini  (Read 37321 times)

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Offline Pieuw

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PimoLems - Big custom pack for Lemmini
« on: July 25, 2013, 11:36:32 PM »
Hey everyone :)

I'm happy to announce that the Lemmini Level Pack I've been working on for quite a long time is now ready ! It contains 120 levels divided into 6 ratings and 23 bonus levels. This includes some of the levels I made for my Lemmings 2007 pack (sliiiiiiightly improved though), levels from my 4 previous Lemmini packs and levels I made especially for this new big pack. I also added new tunes that come from The Mod Archive (I did not compose them myself).

If you're wondering about the name ''PimoLems'', it is a matter of first name and last name. I just followed the examples set by MazuLems and DoveLems.


Download link here

The archive contains :
 - The Read Me file
 - The codes list
 - The levels folder
 - The tunes folder
 - The Castle tileset folder

How to Install

 - You need Lemmini to play this pack.
 - Put the "PimoLems" folder into the "levels" folder of Lemmini.
 - Put the content of the "music" folder into the "music" folder of Lemmini.
 - Put the "Castle" folder into the "styles" folder of Lemmini.
 - You're good to go !


1 – Calm

Beginning with the calm rating, you'll find kind levels in terms of difficulty, time and % of Lemmings to save. Don't get used to it though.
Difficulty ~ Fun / Tricky.

Calm 07 - Lemstones
Even if these levels are easy, you won't have to ''Just Dig!''

2 – Windy

The wind is rising, making your hair raising. A sign that puzzling levels are coming ! They are very gentle ones, though you may lose some hair if you don't apprehend them correctly.
Difficulty ~ Tricky to Taxing.

Windy 06 – Diggers Mania
Be warned that strange architectures may occur. Do not let them distress you.

3 - Stormy

There's a storm coming, and it's a serious one. Puzzles are getting tougher, bombers suddenly like to walk and even a few glitches slipped into some levels (see below for more information about glitches).
Difficulty ~ Taxing to Mayhem.

Stormy 15 – So Logical
Some of the Stormy levels may try to make you believe they are piece of cake. Don't trust them.

4 - Hurricane

Abandon all hope ye who enter here. And grab something solid if you don't want to fly away in the wind. We're dealing with harsh levels demanding serious thinking, precision, and they're quite tight on time.
Difficulty ~ Mayhem and beyond.

Hurricane 10 – How To Prevent a Mass Suicide
Well, I'm sure you'll find a way to show them the way. Anyway.

5 - Pickaxe

We're not in the standard ratings anymore. This one is all about miners, miners, miners. Because yes, I love miners. This skill offers so many possibilities and craziness ! So, here are levels where you'll have to execute various tricks involving pickaxe manipulation.
Difficulty ~ Tricky to beyond Mayhem.

Pickaxe 18 – Lemmings on the Road to Ruin
Don't let this one ruin your day, cross your fingers and you'll be on the high road.

6 - One

Another non-standard rating that only contains one-minute-levels. Who likes to be rushed by the clock ? I don't, but I made 20 of these levels anyway.
Difficulty ~ Tricky to beyond Mayhem.

One 08 – Baptised With a Perfect Name
Well, I think it's pretty obvious that you have to HURRY UP here.

7 - Special

This special rating only contains 3 levels I made with the Castle tileset (from the game Nicky Boum) that I created years ago. There may be more of them to come in the future.
Difficulty ~ Tricky / Taxing.

Special 03 – Marble Gallery
Will you be able to get past the marble ?

8 - Extra

Here's the additional rating, containing levels that did not make it into the ''real'' ones. Most of them had too many backroutes or were too lame to fit anywhere else. I included them in this pack anyway as bonus levels, because the more the better !
Difficulty ~ Fun to Mayhem.

Extra 10 – Backward Train
Don't even ask about the title.

A word about the glitches

I know everyone isn't fond of glitches, I personally see them as a way to explore new possibilities and some of them are simply mind-blowing. I consider as a glitch something that is not supposed to happen at all, doesn't make sense or is really obscure. Just to be clear, I didn't use hardcore glitches in these levels. One of them is tricky to figure out but the others are not that bad and most of them are fun to execute. My goal is not to use glitches to make impossible levels, but to make them entertaining. Note that some of the game mechanics are quite strange but are not glitches, though. You'll find in the Read Me file the name of the 6 levels that have a glitchy solution.


If you have anything to say about this pack, please do. It is now ready to be released but faaaar from perfect, and I guess it will be in constant progress forever. So if you have any remarks, suggestions, if you think a level is misplaced in its rating, or if a title sounds incorrect (English is not my native language)... I'm opened to any feedback, good or bad.
You will find many ways to contact me in the Read Me file.

Now there's only one thing to say... have fun ! I hope you will, anyway. :D

Offline Akseli

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Re: PimoLems - Big custom pack for Lemmini
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2013, 12:16:42 AM »
Oh my. :scared:

Wowwow. I was pretty much aware of this, but.. wow.

I'm somewhat speechless now, I'll probably post something more clever later, it's late here anyway.

Downloaded it. Oh yeah.

Offline Gronkling

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Re: PimoLems - Big custom pack for Lemmini
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2013, 10:36:35 PM »
Yay  :D
I downloaded it this morning and i'm up to Windy 18, which is proving difficult. I've liked most of the levels so far and I'll edit this post once I've played more.
E1: Finished Water Storage, I just found a solution that almost worked but not quite and got stuck with it, it's perfectly fine for it's place. Then I got  up to stormy 14 but then lemmini crashed and reset my progress to stormy 2  :'( . I'm away for two weeks tomorrow as well so there won't be much more progress in a while. Also I found a weird and over-complicated solution to Broad Pit which I have attached.

Offline Akseli

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Re: PimoLems - Big custom pack for Lemmini
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2013, 10:54:52 PM »
Haha, that’s one big download archive. Pieuw, I love how you presented your pack here with those pictures and all. I love those music pieces, they fit well in Lemmings. I’ve never seen that thorough 'Read me'-file within any pack. And I love your pack having standard ratings and then these specific ratings, like for miner levels and one-minute levels. :D I also hate how clumsy I’m expressing myself at times, like now. :P

This is truly a wet dream for custom Lemmings players like me, and probably the best thing that could happen in the Level Designing board. Oh man, I love this kind of comprehensive levelpacks, there aren’t certainly many of those. Some people probably have thought or even tried to create one (for example, even I’ve sometimes dreamed about making a full game but I’m never going to have such perseverance to make one (even making one little levelpack is hard :D)), but you actually succeeded to finish it. Moreover, this pack is – without any doubt - one of the very best ones.

Pieuw, I played your levels over a year ago. I remembered that your levels are excellent, but didn’t remember they are THIS excellent. You created your last levelpack 4 years ago I think. Now you came back, and you master your thing probably better than ever.

This levelpack is monumental. This goes right among those classic levelpacks which are almost a must to play for those who are even a little interested in custom Lemmings.

For me now, honestly, you are absolutely in the top-3 best Lemmings level designers in the whole world.

I’m going in Stormy 16 at the moment. : )

Offline mobius

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Re: PimoLems - Big custom pack for Lemmini
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2013, 01:49:04 AM »
I will continue playing this. It was a lot of fun, it's just that I've recently lost interest in Lemmings almost entirely. But I'll play again someday; and will let you know of backroutes if I find any.  :)
I like the decorations of the "stalactites" of the thin vertical pieces in marble and crystal.

my favorites so far were:
Pagoda St.
Break the Ice
For the Greater Good
The Lemming Gallery
It's a Kind Lembourhood
Nick of Time!
Diggers Mania
So Logical
Lemesis* I really love this one particularly

Baptised With a Perfect Name,  I like random funny titles like this.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
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"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain

Offline Pieuw

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Re: PimoLems - Big custom pack for Lemmini
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2013, 09:33:00 AM »
Wow, answers.

Gronkling : Underground Water Storage was originally an early Stormy level, but because of some logistics issues it ended in late Windy. I hope it was not a bad choice.

Akseli : What you said here is really heartwarming and now it's me who is clumsy because I don't know what to answer to this. Just, thanks a bunch of lots my friend !

Möbius : Yes it seems I often use these vertical stick decorations on the ceiling of the levels, it's kind of cheap but the rendering is nice.
Oh, you actually like The Lemming Gallery... I thought this one was a little lame (easy to figure out and very long mining / bashing) so I replaced it with another level and it ended up in the Extra rating. Sorry. :P

Thanks for the nice comments :thumbsup:

Edit, to Gronkling : Well, you can use the codes ! This Broad Pit solution is epic, and more complicated than the intended one so I wouldn't call it a backroute. It suits you anyway :D

Offline KewlioMZX

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Re: PimoLems - Big custom pack for Lemmini
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2013, 09:21:08 PM »
So here I was, watching Roundthewheel playing this Lemmings pack, when suddenly, I heard a tune that sounded REALLY familiar. Kinda hard to hear because of Roundy's sound setup, but distinctly something familiar -- not something only that I'd heard before, but something that I made.

Come to find out, after downloading the pack myself and checking the Readme, this uses not one, but two songs that I made ten to fifteen years ago, being the Chocobo one (that I heard in RTW's video) and the Bomberman one (which I don't yet recall hearing). XD

Just wanna say, it's totally fine that you used these old songs. It made me happy to actually hear them in use, really, and I'm flattered that you decided to use them in your level pack. I'm not much of a Lemmings-head, though, so I'm just gonna keep watching Uncle Roundy play through it instead, if that's okay. XD

Anyway, the levels I've seen so far look really interesting. Nice work on this level pack. Cheers~

Offline Pieuw

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Re: PimoLems - Big custom pack for Lemmini
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2013, 10:24:49 PM »
Hey Kewlio !

Well, it's a small small world... Your tunes are very nice, it was tedious for me to find Lemmings-fitting soundtracks but when I heard these two, I knew I would use them. The Bomberman tune is played in levels Calm 07 and 16, and later in the game.

This is a nice one but it can be a little irritating when playing on hard levels that require intense thinking, because of the crazy flute and piano (which I really like, but I don't want the players to loose their nerves because of it :scared:). So I'm trying to find another tune to replace this one on later levels, but I'll definitely keep it for the first ratings.

If you have any suggestion, it would help me. I've been searching The Mod Archive for a long time now and can't find anything else, though I'm sure there are plenty of awesome soundtracks here.

Thank you for your kind words :)

Offline grams88

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Re: PimoLems - Big custom pack for Lemmini
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2013, 11:57:08 PM »
Hi everyone

I'm slow at getting round to things but I certainly do look forward to playing your levels Pieuw as your levels from the past were challenging and well designed.  I've not been mentally well for a while as I suffer from ocd but things hopefully should get better.

One of the music tunes I remembered was when roundthewheel was playing dovelems was the sonic special stage music and worms 2.

Yes indeed It sure is a small world.   

Offline KewlioMZX

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Re: PimoLems - Big custom pack for Lemmini
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2013, 02:22:23 AM »
I agree that some of my songs from this era are kinda sorta noisy and obnoxious XD I didn't have much goal for my music back then, just making songs for fun. I'm not really much of a composer now, either, instead turning to programming :P

I grew up in a world of MOD music known as MegaZeux, a game creation system which, in the day, relied entirely on MOD and similar formats for its music. I might know a few songs that might be used. I'll look into it.

Offline KewlioMZX

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Re: PimoLems - Big custom pack for Lemmini
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2013, 02:40:28 AM »
Oh, the nostalgia.

I've rounded up a pretty good selection of MODs here. I don't really have any sources or authors on these, though, but some of them should be in the song's instrument details.

Offline Pieuw

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Re: PimoLems - Big custom pack for Lemmini
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2013, 09:38:02 PM »
Thanks for this, most of these tunes are pretty cool but I don't think they would fit in Lemmings. I may be too demanding, I don't know...
I appreciate the help anyway :thumbsup:

Offline mobius

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Re: PimoLems - Big custom pack for Lemmini
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2013, 05:05:58 PM »
Oh, the nostalgia.

I've rounded up a pretty good selection of MODs here. I don't really have any sources or authors on these, though, but some of them should be in the song's instrument details.

this was an awesome find! I loved all of these songs, thanks for the post.  8) I think they'd fit Lemmings fine, personally.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain

Offline KewlioMZX

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Re: PimoLems - Big custom pack for Lemmini
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2013, 04:09:59 AM »
You don't like 'em? Well, fine! I'll make my own Lemmings pack! With blackjack! And hookers! In fact, forget the Lemmings pack!

But really, though, I guess it comes down to opinion. I think those would be nice to have, but not everyone is gonna think like me. We are individuals :3

Offline Pieuw

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Re: PimoLems - Big custom pack for Lemmini
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2013, 09:50:21 AM »
Did I say I don't like them ? :o
I just feel they wouldn't fit on the particular levels I have in mind (brick levels mostly). But I really can be picky when it comes to music... I'll keep them on my computer anyways :)