Author Topic: [SuperLemmini] NepsterLems (111 Levels)[V1.3 - NEW UPDATE]  (Read 6180 times)

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Offline kaywhyn

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Re: [SuperLemmini] NepsterLems (111 Levels)[V1.3 - NEW UPDATE]
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2021, 03:17:25 AM »
I wanted too to start the conversion of Nepsterlems to SL. But I too was having the initial problem that WillLem was having with able to get the .lvl's to .ini's as it was showing that same error message that WillLem stated in the editors.

Ah, I figured as much. Yea, I couldn't figure how to get around this error as well.

But We should all give a big thanks to Turrican for discovering that SL actually has an external folder that holds the .ini format of the .lvls.

Yes, Turrican's insight was the key! :thumbsup: Apparently he was able to pick up the inner workings of Superlemmini quite quickly, especially since he had many questions about how to get it to work and everything since last year.

Without SL being able to do that, Nepsterlems would not have been able to be converted.

Not entirely accurate. The pack can be converted, the problem were those several levels that loaded fine in SL but for some reason doesn't load in the editor. If there wasn't any good fix or workaround, there's always manually recreating the levels themselves, but we wanted to avoid that at all costs, since we know how big of a pain that is :evil: I, for one, would definitely not be up for that!

This pack is more difficult in my eyes than Lemmings Reunion. Alot of Nepsterlems levels were really difficult escpecially the blackhole rank.

Reunion's difficulty doesn't even come anywhere near Nepsterlems, despite both packs just using the classic 8 skills. Reunion was definitely a difficult pack back in the days, and it still can be to this day, but it's quite tame compared to many of the other packs that came long after it. It's arguable that Nepsterlem's difficulty is up there with United, but the packs are difficult for different reasons. I think what is agreed is that before United came along, Nepsterlems was the most difficult pack, possibly only surpassed by United once it arrived. Nevertheless, there seems to be agreement that they're both the hardest packs currently available. Definitely says a lot that I was able to complete United but haven't been able to do all of Nepsterlems... yet! :( 

Also When I convert packs, I want to have all the replays first before I release the pack to make sure the levels work properly with exits, traps, steel, OWW's and even occasional climber issues.

You and I use the exact same approach when converting packs then. When I did Deceit's Lemmings, I made sure I had a working replay for every level before I released the conversion of the pack. Meaning, I went and played through every level without a guide. Yes, it does take time, but as I myself like to take my time, I don't mind it. I certainly don't mind having to think my way through levels again. This is why I don't ever load replays of levels I have already played before encountering them again in my LPs, as IMO it's a great way to exercise one's brain to think through solving a level again, no matter how much time has passed. Plus, it was good practice for me so that I can see for myself how the conversion process works.

Oh, that was great that you mentioned that the lemmings couldn't use the exit on certain Bubble levels for LPI because it was too high. The same thing happened with a couple of Bubble levels from Deceit's Lemmings when I was converting it. Seems to just be a problem with Bubble levels in general, as I think in all the other tilesets the exits are fine.   

Also I'm more than willing to help convert packs (if Possible) but I prefer to have more help in doing so as it does take time. Perhaps we could each help convert packs by doing a couple ranks each.

That's why I wished I could had been more help to you with Reunion's conversion to Superlemmini, especially in regards to editing. It definitely would had saved you a lot of time and we could had gotten it done faster together. The problem was that at that point in time I had not yet used any kind of level editor and therefore I had absolutely no knowledge of what a level editor could do and everything. If I had known how to use an editor way in advance at the time, I would had been more than happy to help you with the conversion. Also, I was very busy with solving United at the time. Even then, I know you were very grateful for the several Lemmini replays I sent so that you could decide whether to use the Lemmini version or the NL version. You also credited me in your post for my contributions, so thanks for that ;)

That being said, I think that's a great idea of working alongside the author of the Superlemmini conversion, like maybe doing a rank each like you said. I know what I would be doing, and that is you can leave the higher/later rankings to me. No questions asked, since I'm likely the person who would be able to handle the later and much harder levels of the pack. Also, if it comes down to it, I don't mind doing more than one rank ;) - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Offline jkapp76

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Re: [SuperLemmini] NepsterLems (111 Levels)[V1.3 - NEW UPDATE]
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2021, 03:59:43 PM »

I made a music pack for this using the music from Lemmings 2, 3d, and the others.

Just unzip the midi files to your music folder and rename the levelpack file to remove the (bracketed) text.

I just wanted to hear new Lemmings music instead of those same tunes.

...Jeremy Kapp

Offline ericderkovits

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Re: [SuperLemmini] NepsterLems (111 Levels)[V1.3 - NEW UPDATE]
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2021, 08:25:16 PM »
For Nepsterlems I don't see any intended music though in Nepster's Pack (whether v2.00 or old v1.11 ), so it might be ok to use Jkapp76's version. But since I've already started posting the Nepsterlems replays on Youtube, I'll stay with the already standard one.

Offline kaywhyn

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Re: [SuperLemmini] NepsterLems (111 Levels)[V1.3 - NEW UPDATE]
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2021, 08:51:37 PM »
Originally, there was a download link for the custom music Nepster used for the pack, but he later removed it just to be on the safe side when it comes to copyright strikes, as some of the tracks are apparently copyrighted, even ones that have been written a very long time ago. Info here: That's why you don't see a download link for the custom music for the pack. Even if you did have it, it wouldn't be wise to upload video solutions with the custom tracks, and if using them should just be playing the pack in private anyway :P
« Last Edit: June 07, 2021, 08:58:25 PM by kaywhyn » - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Offline ericderkovits

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Re: [SuperLemmini] NepsterLems (111 Levels)[V1.3 - NEW UPDATE]
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2021, 09:05:10 PM »
yeah I see that now. Yeah this sounds familiar, kinda like what I did with the copyrighted music I had for Lemmings Open Air. That's why I also removed it too. But I do still have the link for it, but they would have to P.M. me for it with the understanding it's not to be used on Youtube or any other online recording.

Offline WillLem

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Re: [SuperLemmini] NepsterLems (111 Levels)[V1.3 - NEW UPDATE]
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2021, 02:41:03 AM »
Even I didn't realize SL has an internal way to convert .lvl to .ini. Otherwise I would have started this conversion. So I think Turrican should be mentioned in this.

Agreed. I had already mentioned in the OP that it was Turrican's insight which made completing the conversion process possible. I've now added a credit as well.

Using SL to convert .lvl to .ini is actually so convenient that I used this method for all of the Lemmings Plus I conversion, and will likely do so for any future conversions that I decide to do.

Perhaps we could each help convert packs by doing a couple ranks each.

As you've mentioned, conversion itself is a fairly straightforward process, it's the testing and checking that is the hard part. So yes, absolutely. By all means send levels to me for testing if you want help with that part of the process.

Offline kaywhyn

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Re: [SuperLemmini] NepsterLems (111 Levels)[V1.3 - NEW UPDATE]
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2021, 02:56:43 AM »
yeah I see that now. Yeah this sounds familiar, kinda like what I did with the copyrighted music I had for Lemmings Open Air. That's why I also removed it too. But I do still have the link for it, but they would have to P.M. me for it with the understanding it's not to be used on Youtube or any other online recording.

I can provide via PM, although I would have to do the levelpack.ini file for it first by finding the track that plays on each level, so that will take some time. Not to mention that I haven't listened to any save for Black Hole 1 since I got the custom music quite late long after I started playing the pack.

Using SL to convert .lvl to .ini is actually so convenient that I used this method for all of the Lemmings Plus I conversion, and will likely do so for any future conversions that I decide to do.

Right, that's how I converted Deceit's Lemmings: Taking the .lvl files that I extracted with namida's nxp extractor and mass converting them to .ini ;) - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: