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Messages - Mobiethian

Levels 1, 3, 4 and 5 have been revealed on Discord. At this point, I will no longer be showing anymore levels off until the day of release - To be determined.

Development moves on. 80 planned levels are still a go!

92Dexter11 is currently working on some tiles in the new sets, so I am being patient with him as he does this. Everybody have a good one! :thumbsup:
Quote from: kevinmichael on February 14, 2025, 06:57:40 PMyay! Good for you. I bet it'll be great!  :)

Thank you so much! I am creating some very nice levels for everyone so far. I just want the community to be pleased with my levels when I do these level packs. With kaywhyn cheering me on a lot, my motivation level goes up. The comments mean a lot to me. Many thanks! 8-)

Meanwhile, I'm just trying to be happy and do my Lemmings work accurately.
Quote from: 92Dexter11 on February 18, 2025, 05:36:40 PMHope this helps, and thank you for your kind words!  :thumbsup:

You're very welcome and thank you for the resizing tips! This is going to be more awesome. :thumbsup: I've always admired your work a lot.
I am just curious about something. The Brass tiles, I can't help but to notice that when I try to add some of them, they appear larger, but when placed into the level field, they get smaller. Don't get me wrong, they still look great! For example, some tiles look very detailed and bigger until they're dropped in and then they get much smaller. Example:

Before placement:

After placement:

Is this the way it's supposed to be? Like I said, I am just curious about it. Thanks! :thumbsup:
Oh Wow! More New Worlds is coming to you holiday season this year! Basher, Digger, Miner, Bomber and many more skills to choose from.

A direct sequel to Lemmings New Worlds, this pack will have 80 all new levels, new traps, and five amazing new graphics styles made by 92Dexter11! This level pack will be true gift for the holidays! Oh Wow! More New Worlds is sure to entertain you for as long as it takes to complete the pack. Be prepared to put your thinking caps back on and become a master player!

Graphic styles featured/made by 92Dexter11; Brass, Grotto, Hoard, Jade, and Lush.

Additional help and/or encouragement credits/special thanks to: kaywhyn, kevinmichael, Ritty, Deedlebug, especially namida and Nepster, as well as all of the other developers of NeoLemmix for making this future level pack and all other level packs possible!

Keep watch for future release and thank you for your attention. Take care, folks!
NeoLemmix Levels / Re: Lemmings Heritage
January 31, 2025, 09:19:08 PM
Recently I've encountered some frustration while doing replay recordings. It was looked into - and it turns out that there were two different versions of this level pack floating around. One of them being a later version with some slight level alterations, which in turn, made some replays and levels themselves not work correctly. I apologize for this.

What I have done is updated the download link to correspond with the fully working version of this level pack. Sorry for any inconvenience. I have also corrected the introduction part of this topic to reflect the actual level count and ranks included.

Thank you so much for always appreciating my work here and the excellent feedback as well. Take care, folks!  ;) Also, thanks for your understanding.
Very nice! I shall do another "New Worlds" level pack, if I may? Downloading now. Excellent work here, Dexter!
General Discussion / Re: General Comings and Goings
January 13, 2025, 01:54:23 PM
I want to thank you gentlemen for being so kind to me and making me feel happy. ;)

GigaLem thank you for caring and I appreciate it. You're so talented and I enjoy your level packs a lot. Keep up the amazing work!  8-) Thanks so much for teaching me things about NL!

WillLem, well said, thank you! I will definitely take it easy.  :)

I will be returning to the Forums & Discord soon. I have a lot of things to sort out yet, but I have been coming close. You're all much appreciated! I will also continue level pack work eventually as well. Still on a sort of break. ha

I feel so much better though! Remember, no need to blame yourselves for things, I've seen this coming for quite some time. Pretty much a mental breakdown. But I am okay, thank you fellas! :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: General Comings and Goings
January 11, 2025, 01:35:19 PM
I'll be taking a personal break from the forums for a while. I've already began taking a break from Discord. Some may have already noticed this. (sorry GigaLem)

Pretty much, I haven't felt well with my mind, major depression. An inpatient/hospital stay may happen very soon.. again. I feel like a lot of people don't want to listen to me and may not be interested in the work that I have done so far, unfortunately. :( And I've been doing my best to be nice and fair to everyone. Feelings are hurt, I am a very sensitive person, I'll let everyone know this now.

So I shall return sometime later. Take care always, folks! :lemming:
Excellent announcement! I like "Lemmings Nostalgia" as well. It has a good sound to it. ;)
Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings Collectibles Topic
December 28, 2024, 11:03:10 PM
Quote from: Lehnah on December 25, 2024, 11:06:58 PMThis is a great collection, Mobiethian. I remembers years ago I had a Lemmings choose-your-own-adventure book. No idea how many were made, but I remember it being really cool. These days all I have is the Floater figure (whose stand sadly broke) and the talking plush as well as the Mega Drive games.

Thank you kindly, Lehnah! I like those books but never seen any of them yet. Cool!  :thumbsup:  I should probably show my Lemmings painting from original artist Adrian Powell!  :)

NeoLemmix Levels / Re: Holiday Lemmings 2024
December 18, 2024, 12:40:18 PM
Christmas is just a week away! (as of today in my part of the world) And we hope that you're enjoying the level pack! There hasn't been any feedback lately, which is okay. So I am guessing that things are going smoothly, there haven't been anymore issues reported as well, which makes us happy. :)  And happy for you also!

If anyone can review the level pack in the near future, that would be totally appreciated! Even something short is good. I am also wanting to know if there are any ways to improve the level pack for all players.

kaywhyn is going to do an LP session on this eventually, but I can provide replays of levels by Armani if you're having trouble with solving any of them.

Everything being said, have a nice Christmas, folks! :thumbsup:
NeoLemmix Levels / Re: Holiday Lemmings 2024
December 07, 2024, 08:01:30 PM
I had gotten a report today from a new player that he couldn't get through a lot of the levels in the pack. Including levels that I have made, strangely. :forehead: So now I'd like to leave it up to the community to help us arrange a new level order, from easiest to toughest.

This would allow new players to at least complete a handful of levels and perhaps learn how to do the tougher ones that way. And this would create some community involvement. Feedback? :excited: :thumbsup:
NeoLemmix Levels / Re: Holiday Lemmings 2024
December 03, 2024, 10:49:48 PM
I went ahead and updated it anyway without the sounds. Thanks for the suggestion! I wasn't aware of that issue. :)
NeoLemmix Levels / Re: Holiday Lemmings 2024
December 03, 2024, 10:42:59 PM
Quote from: Flopsy on December 03, 2024, 10:03:01 PMSuggestion, maybe give players a choice to download the DOS sounds separately rather than bundle it into the download.
I've just had to restore all of my sounds to the default sounds as well as my custom success and failure jingles after the download overwritten all of the sound files with the DOS sounds and default NL sounds.  :forehead:

Eeeek! :lem-mindblown: Oh, Flopsy, I am terribly sorry. :'(  See, what it is.. I prefer the DOS sounds, because that's what I've grown up with, DOS, and stuck with through my Lemmings journey. I certainly hope that you didn't have an entirely difficult time restoring everything. Shall I update the download then? Minus the "sounds" folder?

In all honesty, I didn't know it would do that. Sorry again, my bad. :-[