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Messages - Mobiethian

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In Development / [NeoLemmix] Holiday Lemmings 2024
« on: July 25, 2024, 12:21:39 PM »
Ladies and Gentleman! For "Christmas in July" (today is July 25th, as you may know) it brings me great pleasure to announce a brand-new level pack that is on the way! A collaboration project currently in development with Armani! This is a Christmas level pack completely, and it's called "Holiday Lemmings 2024". Why, you might be wondering? Because this is going to be the 30th year anniversary level pack for Holiday Lemmings 1994!

There will be 50 levels total, and ranks are being sorted out while in-development. I want to proudly say that Armani is working with me equally on this level pack. Special thanks to kaywhyn for the support. Also, thank you to those who have developed NeoLemmix, including namida and Nepster, and especially you for playing. Obviously, NeoLemmix is what we'll be using to develop this level pack. It range from Easy to Hard in difficulty. The release date for it is set for December 1st.

Here are some screenshots of what you'll be getting into:

"Sky Castle" by Mobiethian

"Lems Are Playing Freeze Tag" by Armani

"Amphibious Operations" by Armani

"Your Gifts Are Over There" by Mobiethian

We hope that you'll enjoy this level pack when it's released! It can also be sort of an advent-type thing, so be sure to finish the night ranks by Christmas Day!

Question: So where's a demo of this? Answer: There isn't one being released, sorry. The full game will come out eventually. Don't fret! Merry Christmas in July!

Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings Collectibles Topic
« on: July 18, 2024, 11:16:14 AM »
It's too bad that mine still won't work. You're really good with this though! Excellent work there! :thumbsup:

So, since we've discussed it before, here are are Lemmings CDs with the regular DOS versions on them. I don't remember how I got two of them, but only one fits in the CD case and they both have the same contents. No CD music.

Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings Collectibles Topic
« on: July 15, 2024, 10:09:36 PM »
That's so sweet! I love the bomber with the 5 above its head. And the Christmas lemming of course.

Thank you! I told the maker of these about your compliment, it's very much appreciated! :thumbsup:

Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings Collectibles Topic
« on: July 15, 2024, 04:36:18 PM »
A really good friend of mine made these for me. Amazing cross stitch work! :thumbsup:

There is every type of original lemming there, including a Christmas lemming tree ornament.

Backroute --> added some steel.

"Steel Works" every time. ;) That's what I always say!

Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings Collectibles Topic
« on: July 12, 2024, 05:39:58 PM »
Lemmings for Sega Genesis poster!

Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings Collectibles Topic
« on: July 10, 2024, 05:31:32 PM »
Recently got this nice Lemmings 2 - The Tribes advertisement for Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo. These magazine ads seem to be highly collectable now.

David, I wanted to give you a shout out that you've done an amazing, extraordinary job with your level pack! :thumbsup: I want to thank you for providing these levels to us for figuring out. Very entertaining!

I don't play hard levels often, but I've watched the LPs and you've done so great! Keep up the work, you're really good at it. 8-)

Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings Collectibles Topic
« on: July 03, 2024, 06:20:26 PM »
My latest Lemmings and ONML bundle CD has arrived! :thumbsup:

Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings Collectibles Topic
« on: July 02, 2024, 06:28:55 PM »
I've managed to get my hands on the Video Game series stamps from the UK! 8-) I am actually a major stamp collector, so it's a pleasure to have the Lemmings stamp in the collection.

I'm getting one of these to hang onto my office wall. Adrian wants to make me a floater lemming, which would be perfect! 8-)

It's just a bit stressful to wait for paydays and to keep him waiting, I don't like to keep anybody waiting. But this will be exciting!

I'm really enjoying the videos that you are putting up on YouTube. Excellent! 8-)

NeoLemmix Levels / Re: Fiat Lem! (Let there be Lemmings!)
« on: June 25, 2024, 01:51:30 PM »
Updated levels sounds great! 8-) I really like the ideas and hard work that went into this level pack. It's a beautiful pack that is "packed" with amazing fun! I'm enjoying it now, but shall wait for the updated levels to play more of it. You guys are great with this! Excellent teamwork involved here. ;)

For those who want to see the intended solutions to my levels, here it is :laugh:
youtube link

Lookin' good, Armani! :thumbsup: 8-)

NeoLemmix Levels / Re: Lemmings New Worlds
« on: June 22, 2024, 05:31:21 PM »
Awesome! I really like watching replays, I'll start now. :) Thanks so much for playing!

Sounds like the levels were a relaxing experience for you, very good! :thumbsup: 8-)

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