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Messages - Forestidia86

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Lix Levels / Re: Rubix's puzzles, migrating to D Lix
« on: December 20, 2017, 11:30:57 AM »
I have played through all of Perplexing (as of 0.9.4) and attached the replays. "Division Compromise" unfortunately got a 5min-replay. For the one in the zipfolder I deliberately delayed the last action, so that it completely verifies but I've attached my original 5min-replay as well.
The beginning levels were only a soft rise in difficulty but then it got harder and sometimes very trick oriented, sometimes very out of the box. The levels generally seemed more to the point with a more tailored skill set.
The levels were generally enjoyable and interesting as well.

Some remarks (click to show/hide)

Lix Levels / Re: ClamLix
« on: December 17, 2017, 01:25:18 PM »
Only a proposal concerning reordering:

I found "Inside the Fourth Wall" in its non-trampoline variant too easy for Insane but the intended solution to Arcane "Urban Ledge-End" seems quite hard in my eyes. So maybe exchange the two.
But "Urban Ledge-End" had a backroute fix and I don't know if that points better to the solution since I've never played the fixed variant unbiased.

Thanks, geoo.
I personally think, that the non-round ones look most like concrete and not like steel, are therefore the least confusing.
Of the round ones the clearest seem to me the ones to the far right, whereas the ones one the far left still look somehow shiny like steel.

Non-Lemmings Gaming / Re: Simon speedruns Jazz Jackrabbit 1
« on: December 17, 2017, 09:19:12 AM »
I've just played casually blind through HH94 on easy. That last level was quite confusing and scary with our beloved friends the hands (at least you can get rid of them). Apart from that health seems to be scarce in this episode (therefore you get a lot of RF-missiles) and everything felt quite slippery.

Lix Levels / Re: Flopsy plays Lix's lemforum pack
« on: December 16, 2017, 03:49:43 PM »
Flopsy's next Lix video (Quirky 29+30 as of v. 0.9.4), which contains the attempts to "Snowball Battle". The level haunted me as well for quite a while. It's rough in its own way.

Lix Levels / Re: NepsterLix
« on: December 16, 2017, 01:21:04 PM »
So since we put the effort in the calculation, some solutions to Outtakes levels attached, including the three time limit ones.
They should all be (barely) be within:

"Just a quickie" has 30s, i.e. 480 phuys in D-Lix
verifier.txt says 411 phyus for saving the last required lix.

"It's hero time again!" has 60s, i.e. 930 phyus in D-Lix
verifier.txt says 911 phyus for saving the last required lix.

"Time Out" has 180s, i.e. 2730 phyus in D-Lix
verifier.txt says 2710 phyus for saving the last required lix.

Edit: Level file to "Time Out" says actually 210s but title says 3min, I just took the title at the word.

Lix Levels / Re: NepsterLix
« on: December 16, 2017, 12:52:25 PM »
The first lix has always spawned at phyu 60.
Since NepsterLix was well-maintained near the end of C++ Lix's life, assume 2 seconds before spawn. Then D Lix would time-out a solution at phyu ((time limit in seconds) * 15 (phyus/second) - 30). For one minute, this is phyu 870.

Shouldn't the 60 phyus be counted in the calculation for D-Lix or do I have a thinking error?

Lix Levels / Re: NepsterLix
« on: December 16, 2017, 11:10:17 AM »
Maybe it's obvious but only one question concerning the Outtakes:
Are the times given in the name of some of the levels meant as time limits?

Lix Main / Re: About the in-level-replay workings
« on: December 15, 2017, 11:35:24 AM »
Yeah it's basically about discovering that airclick cancels.

Airclick is undocumented except for an annotation in the options menu, to (framestepping back cuts replay yes/no).

I just noticed that it is actually explained for the "Neustart" button in the options menu as well but I started playing with 0.6 and this was not yet translated.
(For framestepping back cuts replay yes/no there was even a German description in 0.6 but it didn't mention it (and still doesn't.) The English description is too long for 800x600 (windowed), so that it doesn't show this information there for me either. But most will probably play with higher resolution. I even chose that framestepping back cancels replay, which was a solution for me for rewinding then. I still think it's the best option for playing levels (though not for watching replays).)

Lix Main / Re: Lix 0.9.5 released
« on: December 15, 2017, 09:50:32 AM »
Restarting a level disables fast-forward or turbo-fast-forward.

I just noticed that it doesn't seem to disable if you lose and chose the menu option for level restart. Is that intended?

Lix Main / Airclick to cancel replay is not discoverable
« on: December 15, 2017, 09:46:45 AM »
This is probably again one of my specific problems and has to do with how I encountered Lix as I started playing it.

The main question is:
Is there any (unobtrusive) way to make the in-level-replay in its working clearer?

In particular:
The fact that and how you can cancel the replay (when using e.g. restart).

As I started playing Lix that really messed with me since I thought I was caught with my former actions forever.
I messed something up or just wanted to restart the level, but then by using restart the replay just repeated all my actions, which I actually wanted to redo. I think I soon realized that it cancelled if you assign a skill but sometimes you want to move an assignment forwards and not backwards and that didn't seem to be possible to me.
Form that experience I have still the habit to just completely quit and enter a level if I want to restart it.

To be clear I don't want to speak against the replay functionality. It's just an experience report from someone who started playing Lix mainly with knowledge of L1 but not of newer engines and I'm not sure if there can be done anything against it.

Edit: It just gets to my mind that I even played Lemmings for Windows (1995), which had already the action replay functionality but I think I never used nor understood it at that time.

Lix Main / Re: Build instructions have dead links (v. 0.9.4)
« on: December 14, 2017, 10:11:41 AM »
Sorry, only a small point; probably you think of it yourself but

in the build instruction you write:

"Download the Allegro DLLs and *.lib files from my website: Extract this into your D installation's windows/ directory." (emphasis by me)

For that it is probably needed that the DLL-files are in a bin-folder and the .lib-files in a lib-folder or does it work out if you just spill the files in the windows subdirectory?

(You explain later though that DLL-files belong to bin and .lib-files to lib but that's connected to the backup strategy if you make own files, hm, and you mention at the beginning that these folders seem to be important.)

Lix Main / Re: Build instructions have dead links (v. 0.9.4)
« on: December 13, 2017, 10:49:09 PM »
and reuploaded the archive with the Allegro .lib and .dll files.

I noticed that it only contains DLL-files. Out of curiosity: Are the .lib-files not necessary anymore?

Lix Main / Splat ruler in 0.9.5 to 0.9.10
« on: December 13, 2017, 04:13:53 PM »
Draw splat ruler even when it doesn't snap to anything.

Does this really improve useability? But if the others get better along with that I have to take it I guess.

Lix Levels / Re: ClamLix
« on: December 13, 2017, 03:27:17 PM »
Sorry, I found a very precise backroute and had to fix that.

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