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Topics - WillLem

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From this topic:

Quote from: Strato Incendus
SuperLem: The only skill that directly follows your mouse. Yes, it does add execution difficulty without requiring the fan. But if a player is good at handling this, especially with pausing / framestepping etc., it can single-handedly break a lot of levels, I would assume. Probably too overpowered. Keep in mind it can also be used like a Walker / Jumper / Shimmier to cancel other skills. That alone is enough to make Walkers one of the most powerful skills.

Closed SuperLemmix Bugs / Suggestions / [SUG] New skill - Surfer
« on: July 10, 2023, 10:13:49 AM »
From this topic:

Quote from: Strato Incendus
Surfer: We have previously discussed the utility of “one-time use” skills, which can create an interesting restriction to design levels around. Much like the “non-permanent skills” gimmick used to do, in NeoLemmix 1.43, where Climbers / Floaters etc. would lose their skills after a single use. The Surfer would be a non-permanent Swimmer. Alternatively, the same role could be given to the Kayaker. Obviously, that makes the respective other skill redundant. So if we decide we might want this, there should only be either the Surfer OR the Kayaker.
Note that neither the Surfer nor the Kayaker would be able to dive, which is a mechanic that does come up with Swimmers every now and then.

SuperLemmix Bugs & Suggestions / [SUG] Swimmer skill upgrades
« on: July 10, 2023, 10:10:50 AM »
From this topic:

Quote from: Strato Incendus
Diver: Basically just a fancy Jumper, if implemented as in L2. What would be a lot more interesting, though, is if it could be assigned to a Swimmer to make him go down in a water pond, without requiring a ceiling of terrain to do so.

When fixing this bug, I noticed that "time taken" is never shown when test-playing a level from the editor (via F12), even if the level is successfully completed in the test-play.

This has now been updated so that the time result is shown in this particular case, but, a question occurs: should we also display time taken when the level is failed? Perhaps not for normal gameplay, but it could be useful information when test-playing.


GigaLem, from Discord:

Quote from: GigaLem
I feel for slx, there should be a file post and preview screens that show what the color of the font for what part changes it to, and you can change it by looking through the text file and changing its color code

SuperLemmix Bugs & Suggestions / [SUG] Sounds for Spearer / Laserer
« on: July 05, 2023, 06:57:20 PM »
From this topic:

the spearer should have some type of "thud" sound when the spear hits its target. This would really make the effect realistic.

From this topic:

a ruler (for the editor) on long timed bombers take to go down a number (this means one would apply to the various means of movement)

From this topic:

Quote from: jkapp76
would it be possible to update just the editor to open lvl files and save as nxlv?

SuperLemmix Bugs & Suggestions / [SUG] Radiation & Slowfreeze Objects
« on: July 04, 2023, 10:40:13 AM »
From various sources:

consider bringing back slowfreeze, which is essentially assigning a stoner countdown to lemmings but in the form of an object, as well as radiation (same as slowfreeze except the lemming turns into a bomber instead).
I saw and have played plenty of excellent puzzles featuring them from both Strato and Gigalems' packs. Not to mention that it would also be possible to clone timed bombers from radiation in addition to those assigned the timed bomber skill ;)

Quote from: jkapp76
I'd like to see ... slowfreeze and radiation back. It would be great to play those old packs with those skills in high-res and the newer bells and whistles. I've recently played some Strato packs with slowfreeze and he's really good at making fun levels with it ... (there's) one level where you assign a cloner in the center of a beam, then both lemmings fall off the edges and the radiation has them blow two exits. It's impressive.
we already have all the slowfreeze and radiation traps designed for most of the styles.
I think the disarmer has much more potential with radiation/slowfreeze traps too. You can let one lemming fall and freeze to save others from splatting, then disarm the trap so the rest don't also freeze.

SuperLemmix / [FEAT] The Freezer Skill
« on: July 02, 2023, 03:03:23 AM »
Introducing the new Freezer skill!

The lem freezes-in-place, chilling for a bit inside an ice cube 8-) It looks like this:

Like the Stoner, it's a terrain-constructive skill that can be assigned in midair and it isn't climbable.

Unlike the Stoner, Freezers can be rescued!

Instead of the lem being removed from the level, they transition to a "Frozen" state. Whilst in this state, they can then transition to Walker or Faller if a reasonable amount of ice is removed from around them.

The explosion particles have now been recoloured to look like ice water (looks better, plus it's a visual cue that the lem itself hasn't exploded).

Freezers can also be assigned to Timebombers during countdown, meaning that they can be used to stop a Timebomber in midair - no other skill can do this!

Whilst Frozen, lems are zombie-proof, and remain uninfected if a zombie bumps into their cube.

More updates to follow, but for now this is looking pretty cool! 8-)

Other Projects / [Audio Tools] MP3/WAV/M4A to OGG Converter
« on: July 01, 2023, 03:12:46 AM »

OGG Converter is a simple audio processing tool that converts most common audio formats (MP3, WAV, M4A, etc) to lossless OGG Vorbis format.

The main benefit of this is reduced file size without losing any audio quality. Ideal for storing large quantities of audio files, and also for processing music/sound for your lemmings level packs! ;P

The program is very simple: just click "Select Files" to choose the files you want to convert, and "Convert" to convert them!

Things to note:

OGG Converter is 32-bit, but should work on both 32 and 64-bit Windows operating systems - let me know if it doesn't.

The conversion process doesn't delete or overwrite the original source file (yet), so this must be done manually unless you wish to keep both files.

Supported formats: Unfortunately, MOD and IT formats currently aren't supported due to either not being able to load, or errors during the conversion process. The most common audio formats, such as WAV, MP3, M4A, AAC and FLAC should all work just fine.

Please let me know if you have any questions or issues.

DISCLAIMER: Whilst I have done my best to fully test this program before releasing it, I cannot make any guarantees about its stability at this early stage in its development. It's best to backup your files first before processing them using this tool, and then check that the resulting files work correctly before deleting the originals (should you wish to do so). I cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever for any loss of data you may experience as a result of using this tool.

SuperLemmix will now look in the level theme's style folder, and then the level's base pack folder, before settling on the default levelinfo_icons.png file.

This means that for custom sprites, these will always be displayed correctly in the Level Select and Talisman info screens (i.e. if the style author has created and provided a customised version of the file). Meanwhile, pack authors can customise these images for their pack even if it doesn't use a custom sprite set at any time.

However, the style path will always be preferred, so if a pack has a random lemminas level in the middle of it (for example), the version of levelinfo_icons.png provided in willlem_lemminas will display instead of the pack's version of the graphic.

NOTE: this only applies if the level's theme is set to willlem_lemminas - if the level simply uses a tile from willlem_lemminas, but has a different theme (i.e. one without a customised levelinfo_icons image), then the pack's graphic will be used instead. Or, if the pack doesn't have one, then the default will be used.

For styles, the alternative graphic goes into a new "levelinfo" folder (alongside lemmings, objects, terrain, grenades, etc.)

For level packs, simply place the alternative graphic into the root folder of your pack.

If you need any help with this, please ask. Editing this graphic can take a bit of time and effort, but it's worth it.

Implemented in Commit 36810d93a

From this topic - the bug being reported is that assigning a new skill in "Blue R" (Replay Insert) mode silently overwrites any other skill assignments to other lems on that frame. I usually get around it by framestepping forwards and backwards to make sure I'm not going to overwrite an assignment, but - when I think about it - that's a pretty naff thing to have to do.

So, my thoughts are that one of 2 things should happen here, and one of them will be added to the SuperLemmix wish list in due course:

1) The old assignment should be detected, and the new assignment shouldn't be allowed. Now that we have the Assign Fail sound, this sound can be used here to signify that there is some reason the assignment can't be performed on that frame. An onscreen graphic saying "there is already an assignment on this frame" could also be helpful.

2) Both assignments should be allowed. Since Namida has described this as a "change of ... magnitude", I imagine that either it's something that will take a lot of time and effort to implement, or something that could open up the engine to a lot of bugs, or something that just isn't easy to figure out how to do. Since I'm now more familiar with the codebase, I know a bit more about how the replay system works, but not enough to take on something like this without a bit of help.

So, it's really a case of - which do we prefer?

If the former, I can't imagine that being too difficult to set up. Create a new flag whenever a successful assignment is made, and then check for that flag when making new assignments in Replay Insert mode - there's likely a bit more to it than that, but I at least have some idea how to get started.

If the latter, then I'll need help looking at it and figuring out what the first step is. Maybe Simon and I can add it to the list of things we may look at together? Mayba Namida won't mind casting a quick eye over it - if you can get me started, I'll figure out the rest?

Meanwhile, I do need to find ways to make some of the game features a bit more prominent. Onscreen graphics is one way to achieve this, but I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out exactly how to do this. Windows "Show Message" is easy enough, but not very video-gamey. I'll keep looking into it, because there are now several aspects of the game which probably need it.

SuperLemmix / [FEAT] "Poison" water object
« on: June 25, 2023, 03:01:35 AM »
"Poison" is now a new water object type which turns lems into zombies! It behaves exactly like water in every other respect. In the next update (2.4), all water types that have been renamed "poison" (e.g. orig_marble and sms_marble, but now also a few custom styles as well) will have this effect.

The idea behind this is to give the Swimmer skill a bit more nuance and interest, whilst also adding another way to create zombies. With the Kill All Zombies talisman as well, there are definitely now a few more possibilies to be explored.

SuperLemmix Bugs & Suggestions / [SUG] Invincibility [POLL]
« on: June 24, 2023, 01:42:38 AM »
An invincible lem would, I imagine:

:lemming: Have cyclic-colour-changing hair and tunic (like objects in Clear Physics Mode)
:lemming: Be able to survive any fall, regardless of distance or whether a splat pad is used
:lemming: Be able to swim in water even if not a swimmer
:lemming: Be immune to traps
:lemming: Be immune to zombies
:lemming: Not reduce the skill count when skills are assigned to them (so, effectively, all skills are infinite for invincible lems)
:lemming: Ascend out of the ice cube if assigned a Freezer

And, things I'm less sure about:

:lemming: Should they basically take on all permanent skills, and so climb/slide when they reach a wall as well as being able to swim? Leaning towards "no" if only because the Slider has its odd physics limitations that ought not be a problem for an invincible lem
:lemming: How should the invincibility state be limited? Time would be one way, but perhaps invincible lems can't exit?
:lemming: Should they ignore blockers?
:lemming: If assigned a (time)bomber, should they "explode" (creating a crater), but not actually explode, and instead carry on walking? Or, should they die? Or, should they be non-bomber-assignable?
:lemming: How should the state begin? A collectible item within the level that only affects the lem who collects it? Assignable by the player after the ability to assign invincibility has been obtained somehow? Assigned via an invincibility-assigning object?
:lemming: Should they be able to destroy steel? (leaning very much towards "yes" for this)

And, any other ideas?

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