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Messages - WillLem

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Quote from: WillLem
At present, the plan is to not allow a lemming to be both a Neutral and a Rival.

Do you have deneutralizers? What happens when you neutralize a rival, then deneutralize him: Will he be regular lemming or rival?

Had a bit of a brainwave today regarding this.

Neutrals currently count as +1 in a normal Exit and -1 in a Rival Exit. However, if we allow Neutrals to count as +1 in both Exits, then it might be OK to allow Rivals to become Neutrals. Furthermore, this scenario also makes more sense from a general gameplay point-of-view (i.e. Neutral lems shouldn't care which Exit they're in, because they're Neutral).

So then, assuming the NL 12.XX Neutralizer & De-neutralizer objects work as I imagine they do (I haven't implemented or tested them code-side yet), a Rival that becomes a Neutral and is then De-neutralized will become a Rival again (i.e. we won't remove the Rival tag from the lemming).

If this goes ahead, Neutral will have to be the "preferred" state if a lem is given both tags. This will then render them un-assignable to, save-able in both Exit types, and only potentially a Rival iff the level provides a De-neutralizer.

Given all current mechanics, and what could reasonably be expected from the game as "normal" behaviour, this seems to be the best way to handle the presence of both Rivals and Neutrals in the same level (and, indeed, the same lemming).

NeoLemmix Main / Re: NeoLemmix V12.13.0-RC Released
« on: May 23, 2024, 12:08:47 AM »
Confirmed the first of the bugs that kaywhyn has reported (regarding fullscreen option); additionally, the Windows Taskbar is also visible.

Can't replicate the scrolling bug.


* These bugs are not present in the 12,13 Exp, which is based on NL commit f3d92ea33. So, it's likely they were introduced after this commit
* The bugs are also not present in my working copy of NL. I haven't yet merged the branches 12.13-RC1 and styles-updates into my master branch, so that may help to narrow it down even further (the PNG scans in commit 492a750a8, perhaps?)
* Since Armani's bug is gfx-related, all bugs seem to point to GR32 being the issue; I've noticed a few dodgy ".pas file not found" issues in RAD since updating to V3, but none of them seem to have affected SLX or NL 12.13 Exp and have been either as a result of a missing image or an incorrect PNG interface call by me, so... easy to fix if they do arise
* AV doesn't make a difference with kaywhyn's bug, yet to hear back from Armani if he's tried AV deactivation to help with his

Made some more decisions/progress with Rivals today :lemcat:

Scenario A: The level provides only 1 Lem type (Normals/Rivals), and 2 Exit types (Normals & Rivals).

Resolution: All Exit types are treated as if they're the same as the Lem type, regardless of assignment.

Scenario B: The level provides 2 Lem types (Normals & Rivals), but only 1 Exit type (Normals/Rivals).

Resolution: The save requirement for the level is defaulted to {the total number of Lems that match the Exit type + any Neutrals + any Cloners} or {the existing save requirement}, whichever is lowest.

The save requirement is also adjusted for Exits with Lemming caps. This took a fair bit of doing, and could probably still be optimised further for readability/simplicity, but it's bug-free in every scenario I tested (multiple Exits, multiple Lem types, multiple Lem caps - all behave well).

Meanwhile, I've decided to leave the Exit marker data as it is. So...
  • SLX first looks for an Exit marker in the style's "effects" folder (if the folder exists). If it doesn't find one, if uses the one from the default style's "effects" folder (which, at present, is the blue/red flag)
  • Marker position is tied to the individual Exit's .nxmo - this makes the most sense, since a style may feature multiple Exits, and each one will need its own marker position
  • Marker frames are specified in the style's theme.nxmi file - still fairly unsure about this one, but for now it's better than adding more paperwork in the file system
Not much longer now and this one will be ready for fully showcasing, testing, and implementing as part of a level pack project. Next step is to make sure that the styles with custom sprites have Rival recolouring data. That's a job for tomorrow :sleep:

We now have a fully-implemented and working Playback Mode, with options to play back by Replay, by Level, or in Random order!

It's fairly rudimentary, but works well. No camera movement unfortunately, but simply having auto-play functionality is a huge advantage by itself. Here's a video demo:

EDIT: Incidentally, Playback Mode works just fine when Classic Mode is active, but Replay Insert mode is unavailable (as per the parameters of Classic Mode) - so, despite what I said in the video, Playback Mode probably won't activate Replay Insert mode by default.

I'll get a better demo video out soon :P

Implemented in Commits 80da87c02 - 98d4abdfc (not squashing at present to make it easier to rollback features in case of issues, the commit number may change before the feature goes stable)

Level 4 was another quick one, although I have gone ahead and added some pieces to l2_beach:

As well as the terrain piece mentioned in Reply #16, I've added the chain as a terrain piece (for now) and I've extended the beach umbrellas' handles by 1px; a number of the levels so far have featured slightly longer umbrella handles, so these pieces were probably longer originally.

Skillset replacements so far (click to show/hide)

Level 3 was much quicker, took about 10 minutes as it's only a small level.

I'm fairly sure there's a terrain piece missing from l2_beach. It can be made from an existing piece by placing an erasing piece, this one here:

The one on the left exists in l2_beach | The one on the right can be created by placing an erasing piece and then grouping

It's not a major issue, but if I run into it again I might just go ahead and add the piece.

Finished Level 2. This one took about 20 minutes; some of the terrain arrangements are a little bit unusual, but it was easy enough to figure out. It's a bit like doing a jigsaw puzzle:

Haven't play-tested it yet, that will come after I've finished doing the map work for all 10 levels.

Thanks for the effort Jeremy, not sure if the levels are in readable format yet though. When viewing the .DAT files in a text editor, we still have lots of "NUL" and no information that matches up with the format linked to by geoo.

Wrestling with messy data files isn't really my cup of tea anyway. It's actually been quite nice just sitting with the Editor and placing the tiles in manually with some music on, makes a nice change from all the programming tbh. Managed to finish the first level after only another 5 mins of work:

So, it looks like it's going to take about 20-30 minutes per level.

or 10 levels (1 tribe) for 12 people

Eleven. Classic has been done years ago and should be findable with a forum search.


My post was in response to how many levels per tribe you thought there are and letting you know there's 10 levels per tribe ;)

I see. Well, that's either 20 levels (2 tribes) for 6 people to work on, or 10 levels (1 tribe) for 12 people, if my Maths serves me correctly.

I'll start with Beach and see if that generates any interest. Let's continue discussion of this project here for now, since it's more than likely that we'll be using SLX skills and features for these levels (with that said, there's no reason the levelmaps themselves couldn't be used in NL once they're complete).

Began work on the first beach level today. Screenshotted from Amiga Forever, set is as a background image with reduced brightness for ease of use as a template, and began placing the tiles manually. Here's how it's coming along so far. This is about 15 minutes' work:

(With background template image)

(Without background template image)

I anticipate that it would take me several hours to figure out how to work with the original tiles / .dat level files, particularly since they aren't already in some accessible format and I'm getting sass from Windows when I try to even get started, so I'll continue with the manual work for now. It will be slower overall, but at least it will definitely get done.

Fixed the incorrect Preview screen & music loading bug. The important thing was to first update the CurrentLevel in GameParams, and get all subsequent levels having correctly loaded that one (or, more specifically, that one's parent group).

What this does mean is that, at least for now, we won't be able to search the entire level file directory if a match isn't found in the currently-active-pack. I plan to update that in the future if at all possible, but for now it's good to have this feature working solidly.

Commit 6f6ed62bf implements this fix.

OK, I think I know what the problem is.

In SLX, a level exists as 3 different things:

1) The file itself
2) A TNeoLevelEntry, which stores the basic level information (title, levelID, etc)
3) A TLevel, which stores the more complex information (skillset, talismans, plus whether or not the level was successfully passed, etc)

I need to find a way to create a TNeoLevelEntry from the file. I can do that for the purposes of playing back the replay, but not loading the actual information. It's baffling, but nothing I haven't encountered from this codebase many times before. I'll get around to it.

A Rount Tuit (click to show/hide)

OK, I downloaded the Lemmings 2 files from My Abandonware.

I get this error when I try to run any of it, including drag-dropping the .DAT files onto lemzip.exe:

@jkapp76 - Any ideas? You're usually good with this sort of thing

Made a surprising amount of progress with this today. We now have a Playback Mode button in the Level Select Menu:

As well as looking pretty, this button opens up a dialog from which a folder of replays can be selected. Once chosen, SLX will then iterate over each replay in the folder, matching it up with a level from within the currently-active pack (note: at this point, it only looks in the currently-active pack for matches - this could be expanded to it searching the entire levels directory, but this may make loading slower). The "currently-active pack", in this case, is the parent pack of whichever level is currently selected in the Level Select treeview.

Each replay is then played back automatically, one after the other (the preview and postview screens are briefly seen in between each level). If a level has multiple replays associated with it, each one will be played back as and when the replay appears in the Playback list.

Playback Mode can be cancelled by simply cancelling the replay as normal (I might give this a dedicated hotkey if people think it's worth it - it's possible that users might cancel the replay by accident, and also users might want to do something within the current level, but then go ahead with playback again for the next level, which is currently possible if we don't cancel Playback Mode along with a normal replay cancel).

Some issues:

1) The preview screen always shows the first level in the list's info, even though the correct level is loaded when playback itself starts
2) The music is always that of the first level in the list - this is likely part of the same problem, but I'm not sure exactly what's going wrong
3) If a replay doesn't have a definite "end" point (so, if the original player pressed [Esc] rather than nuking at the end of Tailor-made For Blockers, for example), the level will continue to play indefinitely - not sure exactly what to do about this at the moment, but ideas will come
4) Not an issue as such, but randomizing the playback currently isn't possible by any other means than manually mixing up the replay files so they're not in logical order. Let's get the other issues sorted first and get the feature nice and tight, then we can look at expanding functionality to randomization of playback, etc.

If you're interested, check out commit 80da87c02 to see implementation so far. If you can see possible improvements or ways to fix the above bugs, input would be most welcome.

Otherwise, just watch this space!

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