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Messages - WillLem

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Version 2.0 uploaded

Fixed some backroutes from paiy's replays and added a couple of Talismans, details here:

Changelog (click to show/hide)

Download the new version from the OP.

SuperLemmix Bugs & Suggestions / Re: [SUG] Invincibility
« on: May 28, 2024, 11:44:55 AM »
Added a poll.

We've had a chance to sit with invincible lems having free skills for a bit. No levels have been created yet (apart from those in the SuperLemmix Welcome Pack), but I wonder what people's thoughts are on this particular aspect of the invincibility state at this point.

If you haven't already, please do check out the SuperLemmix Welcome Pack for several examples of levels featuring invincible lemmings. I'm in two minds as to whether the levels are actually improved by allowing the lem free skills. My instinct is the state should feel somewhat OP and game-breaking, as it's what I'd expect from invincibility in video games in general.

Maybe free skills is a step too far, though. Perhaps it would be more acceptable if the state had some other limitation (such as a time limit, or inability to exit whilst invincible). This is a possibility.

So far, I don't think anybody who has replied to this agreed that free skills is a good idea, sadly. Now that we've had a chance to play with it for a bit though (and still will until at least version 2.9, I imagine), what do we think now? Do people still feel the same way, or is having free skills not too bad in practice?

SuperLemmix Bugs & Suggestions / Re: [SUG] Invincibility
« on: May 28, 2024, 11:38:29 AM »
Added a poll.

We've had a chance to sit with invincible lems having free skills for a bit. No levels have been created yet (apart from those in the SuperLemmix Welcome Pack), but I wonder what people's thoughts are on this particular aspect of the invincibility state at this point.

If you haven't already, please do check out the SuperLemmix Welcome Pack for several examples of levels featuring invincible lemmings. I'm in two minds as to whether the levels are actually improved by allowing the lem free skills. My instinct is the state should feel somewhat OP and game-breaking, as it's what I'd expect from invincibility in video games in general.

Maybe free skills is a step too far - it could perhaps be more acceptable if the state had some other limitation (such as a time limit, or inability to exit whilst invincible). This is a possibility.

So far, I don't think anybody who has replied to this agreed that free skills is a good idea, sadly. Now that we've had a chance to play with it for a bit though (and still will until at least version 2.9, I imagine), what do we think now?

NeoLemmix Styles / Re: New Styles - Lemmings Faithful
« on: May 28, 2024, 07:24:29 AM »
Just noticed that the Rust set is a junkyard of pieces from some of the OG tilesets. The ketchup machine from Brick and the 10 Tons crusher from Dirt are in there. Nice touch 8-)

SuperLemmix Bugs & Suggestions / Re: [SUG] New Level Select menu
« on: May 26, 2024, 09:48:20 PM »
Here's how it could possibly be done on a single screen (preferable). Very quick mockup, forgive the imperfections:

The list of packs would be dynamically scrollable (I know this is possible from having made the Replay Check screen text scrollable, but making each list item clickable as well might be a considerably more difficult task) and display a maximum of about 15 packs at a time.

The levels list would display a maximum of 30 levels at a time.

The clickables along the bottom would change depending on whether a pack is selected, or a level is selected. The selected item would have a "selected" frame drawn around it to show that it's currently "active".

Icons, records and info would be drawn pretty much the same as they are now, in the space underneath the level preview.

Currently thinking I'll probably go down this route with it rather than making 2 separate browsing screens.

Idea: for showing a "completion" percentage, there are 2 ways to approach this:

1. Number of levels + number of talismans + number of collectibles = 100%
2. Number of levels = 100%, but show the "100%" in yellow if there are still talismans and/or collectibles to achieve

Idea: It should also be possible to "favourite" packs in order to pin them to the top of the list. Maybe even different orders could be specified: alphabetical, in order of completion, etc.


Clickables and UP/DOWN hotkeys added to the MRC output screen. Doesn't really provide any additional value than simply looking at the text file tbf, just wanted to see if it could be done. If nothing else, it's practice working with the menu screens.

SuperLemmix Bugs & Suggestions / [SUG] New Level Select menu
« on: May 25, 2024, 04:00:56 PM »
Dreaming of a new Level Select menu free of Windows dependencies/forms. There might be no going back from these gorgeous mockups, but even if I do make a start on this it will likely take a long time and potentially cause sizing issues; I'd want the text to be at least medium-res, which would mean increasing the minimum size that the SLX window can be.

Even so, let's just enjoy imagining the possibilities for now:

Each pack would have its own preview button, complete with player progress info. Any Talismans would simply be grouped by colour (Bronze, Silver, Gold) and only "lit" once all Talismans of that colour have been achieved for the full pack. Perhaps clicking the Talismans could bring up a list, as per the current default pack display.

Clicking a level pack would select it for Play / MRC / Playback / Cleanse / Shortcut-creation purposes. Clicking an already-selected level pack (or Single-left-clicking the "List" icon (bottom left of each level pack preview)) would open the levels list view:

Each group would be clickable - clicking it displays the list of levels in that group. Info for the currently-selected level would be shown on the right, with options for Play, Screenshot, Cleanse, etc. displayed across the bottom. All very similar to what we have now but built into the game window rather than relying on a popup Level Select form.

Thoughts welcome.

This bug is present in both 12.13-RC and SLX, reporting it here because it'll need to be fixed for both.

The problem lies in the SavePngStream method in PngInterface.Pas - it's one of the methods Anders updated, seemingly making use of an updated PNGWriter.

Best guess: old PNG-saving code needs to be updated. Investigating, I'll post here if I manage to find a fix.

Quote from: WillLem
At present, the plan is to not allow a lemming to be both a Neutral and a Rival.

Do you have deneutralizers? What happens when you neutralize a rival, then deneutralize him: Will he be regular lemming or rival?

Had a bit of a brainwave today regarding this.

Neutrals currently count as +1 in a normal Exit and -1 in a Rival Exit. However, if we allow Neutrals to count as +1 in both Exits, then it might be OK to allow Rivals to become Neutrals. Furthermore, this scenario also makes more sense from a general gameplay point-of-view (i.e. Neutral lems shouldn't care which Exit they're in, because they're Neutral).

So then, assuming the NL 12.XX Neutralizer & De-neutralizer objects work as I imagine they do (I haven't implemented or tested them code-side yet), a Rival that becomes a Neutral and is then De-neutralized will become a Rival again (i.e. we won't remove the Rival tag from the lemming).

If this goes ahead, Neutral will have to be the "preferred" state if a lem is given both tags. This will then render them un-assignable to, save-able in both Exit types, and only potentially a Rival iff the level provides a De-neutralizer.

Given all current mechanics, and what could reasonably be expected from the game as "normal" behaviour, this seems to be the best way to handle the presence of both Rivals and Neutrals in the same level (and, indeed, the same lemming).

NeoLemmix Main / Re: NeoLemmix V12.13.0-RC Released
« on: May 23, 2024, 12:08:47 AM »
Confirmed the first of the bugs that kaywhyn has reported (regarding fullscreen option); additionally, the Windows Taskbar is also visible.

Can't replicate the scrolling bug.


* These bugs are not present in the 12,13 Exp, which is based on NL commit f3d92ea33. So, it's likely they were introduced after this commit
* The bugs are also not present in my working copy of NL. I haven't yet merged the branches 12.13-RC1 and styles-updates into my master branch, so that may help to narrow it down even further (the PNG scans in commit 492a750a8, perhaps?)
* Since Armani's bug is gfx-related, all bugs seem to point to GR32 being the issue; I've noticed a few dodgy ".pas file not found" issues in RAD since updating to V3, but none of them seem to have affected SLX or NL 12.13 Exp and have been either as a result of a missing image or an incorrect PNG interface call by me, so... easy to fix if they do arise
* AV doesn't make a difference with kaywhyn's bug, yet to hear back from Armani if he's tried AV deactivation to help with his

Made some more decisions/progress with Rivals today :lemcat:

Scenario A: The level provides only 1 Lem type (Normals/Rivals), and 2 Exit types (Normals & Rivals).

Resolution: All Exit types are treated as if they're the same as the Lem type, regardless of assignment.

Scenario B: The level provides 2 Lem types (Normals & Rivals), but only 1 Exit type (Normals/Rivals).

Resolution: The save requirement for the level is defaulted to {the total number of Lems that match the Exit type + any Neutrals + any Cloners} or {the existing save requirement}, whichever is lowest.

The save requirement is also adjusted for Exits with Lemming caps. This took a fair bit of doing, and could probably still be optimised further for readability/simplicity, but it's bug-free in every scenario I tested (multiple Exits, multiple Lem types, multiple Lem caps - all behave well).

Meanwhile, I've decided to leave the Exit marker data as it is. So...
  • SLX first looks for an Exit marker in the style's "effects" folder (if the folder exists). If it doesn't find one, if uses the one from the default style's "effects" folder (which, at present, is the blue/red flag)
  • Marker position is tied to the individual Exit's .nxmo - this makes the most sense, since a style may feature multiple Exits, and each one will need its own marker position
  • Marker frames are specified in the style's theme.nxmi file - still fairly unsure about this one, but for now it's better than adding more paperwork in the file system
Not much longer now and this one will be ready for fully showcasing, testing, and implementing as part of a level pack project. Next step is to make sure that the styles with custom sprites have Rival recolouring data. That's a job for tomorrow :sleep:

We now have a fully-implemented and working Playback Mode, with options to play back by Replay, by Level, or in Random order!

It's fairly rudimentary, but works well. No camera movement unfortunately, but simply having auto-play functionality is a huge advantage by itself. Here's a video demo:

EDIT: Incidentally, Playback Mode works just fine when Classic Mode is active, but Replay Insert mode is unavailable (as per the parameters of Classic Mode) - so, despite what I said in the video, Playback Mode probably won't activate Replay Insert mode by default.

I'll get a better demo video out soon :P

Implemented in Commits 80da87c02 - 98d4abdfc (not squashing at present to make it easier to rollback features in case of issues, the commit number may change before the feature goes stable)

Level 4 was another quick one, although I have gone ahead and added some pieces to l2_beach:

As well as the terrain piece mentioned in Reply #16, I've added the chain as a terrain piece (for now) and I've extended the beach umbrellas' handles by 1px; a number of the levels so far have featured slightly longer umbrella handles, so these pieces were probably longer originally.

Skillset replacements so far (click to show/hide)

Level 3 was much quicker, took about 10 minutes as it's only a small level.

I'm fairly sure there's a terrain piece missing from l2_beach. It can be made from an existing piece by placing an erasing piece, this one here:

The one on the left exists in l2_beach | The one on the right can be created by placing an erasing piece and then grouping

It's not a major issue, but if I run into it again I might just go ahead and add the piece.

Finished Level 2. This one took about 20 minutes; some of the terrain arrangements are a little bit unusual, but it was easy enough to figure out. It's a bit like doing a jigsaw puzzle:

Haven't play-tested it yet, that will come after I've finished doing the map work for all 10 levels.

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