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Object-oriented design with Simon

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You have NL has manually tabled function pointers, and selects one manually every time during job performance. Tabling the pointers first only moves the manual if-else-if-else into a table elsewhere -- because there's only one place in the code where you dip into the table at runtime.

So, you're doing the current implementation is exactly what I consider problematic in part 1.

I will eventually make a longer post with the drawbacks. The main drawback is that we have to put any job-specific fields into the base class, but I want to argue in detail why that's problematic. Another drawback is that you have to maintain several tables of functions, without compiler help about forgotten maintenance.

-- Simon


--- Quote ---The main drawback is that we have to put any job-specific fields into the base class
--- End quote ---
When implementing the game-mechanics years ago, this was exactly the "philosofical" problem I ran into.
Imagine having different and more mechanics: then new variables / fields must indeed be added to the basic TLemming class.
I choose back then for convenience, simplicity and speed because of the relatively low amount of fields.

I once tried the idea of different classes for each state and came to the conclusion that it was not better. Far from it. "Transforming" a lemming into a new class seems "unnatural" to me.
So what could be a fast and simple and readable solution?

When looking at the original TLemming class, there are actually not so much fields and a lot the fields are used my each state, mostly regarding the animation.
When there would be too much "dedicated state fields" I think I would probably give (allocate) the lemming a "backpack" of specialized fields or maybe use some kind of "delphi cased record" trick.


--- Quote ---"Transforming" a lemming into a new class seems "unnatural" to me.
--- End quote ---

Yes, I agree that the lemmings should not be replaced. Many of their fields are persistent between jobs. Objects should model the real world: if we don't think of lemmings to be replaced, we shouldn't replace them. My proposed solution is to replace the behavior object instead.

This solution is compelling in hindsight. I have described its advantages in parts 2, 3, 4. But a class hierarchy is costly, even though it's idiomatic in OO design. To justify that cost, I will compare alternatives. It's a difficult design problem, and personal preference plays a role, too.

OO with Simon, part 6
Comparison of all-in-base-class, tagged union, and state pattern

Bloated single class: You put special fields for builder, special fields for faller, ..., all into the Lemming class. They're right next to job-independent fields like position or exploder timer. All fields are mutable, and all jobs can access everything.

Widespread access to mutable fields is a concern. Whenever you have a bug, you must inspect lots of code for how it affects the memory. The compiler cannot help.

Dispatching from the monolithic class via manual function pointers (end of part 5) doesn't solve the problem of widely-visible mutable fields.

Tagged union: I assume this is meant by the Delphi cased record trick. You reserve enough memory to hold the job-specific fields for any single job, and put this as a value field (struct, record) into the Lemming class.

Even though the builder variables now sit in the same memory location as the faller variables, you get to name them per job as bricksLeft and pixelsFallen.

This even more type-unsafe than the bloated base class. You can access the builder's fields even when you're a faller. But because they're in a union, not in separate locations, you overwrite the builder's fields when you write to the faller's fields.

A feeble benefit might be speed while making a savestate. You can memcpy the Lemming to save it entirely, and copy fewer bytes in total than with the bloated base.

State pattern: This is my solution explained in part 2. We make an abstract class for the behavior, subclass it many times, then have the lemming carry a dynamically allocated object for the behavior.

A lemming can have only one state at a time. It's not possible to access wrong fields, and the compiler checks that for you.

Old state objects don't cause long-term psychologic damage to the lemming when he gets a new state object of the same type.

Sometimes, you must access fields of different state classes nonetheless, especially during transistion between states. You can use an explicit dynamic cast -- which angers the object-oriented deities --, or write lots of specialized methods. And herein lie the problems of the state pattern.

About that, I would love to ask someone stronger than me at design for ideas.

NL might not get additional skills. In that case, don't trade a debugged design for undebugged theoretical soundness. The point of a design to minimize the cost of changing and maintaining it. If you don't want to change much, keep the existing thing.

-- Simon


--- Quote ---NL might not get additional skills.
--- End quote ---

I can rule out adding any further skills in the near future; both the current level format and the current skill panel code and images would need significant changes to support it. When 7 new skills were added in V1.15n, it was coded in such a way that it left room for one further one, simply because parts of it (eg. the bytes in the level file that signify which skills a level has; which is a 16-bit value with an on/off bit for each skill) were often already well-suited towards adding a 16th. It was only a few versions later that one more was added.

Further down the line, it may be possible, but only if someone offers a very compelling reason to include a new skill. We already have two that very rarely see any use (although there have definitely been some levels that use them to excellent results) - the Disarmer and the Cloner. Even out of the remainder, the only ones that see a lot of use are Walker, Glider and Platformer.

Object-oriented design with Simon, part 7
"Object" must be empty

It is an egregious offense to call a self-defined class Object or Instance.

If you name your own defined classes Object or Instance, you will unnecessarily overload human language. There is always a better name than Object, and almost always a better name for Instance.

The only merit to have a class Object is to have a universal root class. D defines Object as such, which would be no problem if it were an empty class, usable like C++'s void*. But this was before D got powerful templates. Therefore, Object defines opEquals as a hook to override == instead of leaving comparison to templates and duck-typing. I ran into subclassing problems intrinsic to D's Object.

D is still a low-Simon-rant-% language. :>

-- Simon


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