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Messages - WillLem

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If tribe alignment is a property of the exit: The exit is now responsible for showing tribe alignment, all by itself.
It's possible to solve this by introducing extra tiles conditionally when the game constructs the level from a level file. But this feels unnatural. If you solve it with extra tiles, don't allow another way of adding these tiles; the only way must then be by setting exits' tribe alignment.

This is kind of what I'm aiming for. The Editor auto-draws the tiles when the property is set. It also re-draws them if the property is changed at any time (I still need to make it so that all markers are auto-removed if no Exits are marked as Rival).

Assuming you make tribe alignment a property of the exit (and not a result of overlaying two tiles): Avoid reliance on human-placable marker tiles in the editor. The editor should render the exit as it will appear during play, or show other equivalent information on the exit.

*Ideally, the markers should remain in place, anchored to the Exit, and be non-editable. That way, they appear exactly as they will appear in the Player. This is on the to-do list.

For now, they can be edited and moved around. A band aid would be to simply call the marker-adding method upon saving the level (the method first removes all existing markers), but this obviously isn't ideal.

EDIT: Another possible method would be to add the helper graphics to the Editor and draw these wherever they are relevant, in the same way that placeholders are used for pickup skills in the Editor. This should probably happen anyway, since the Editor currently has no way to visually represent pre-assigned hatches, lemmings, etc. I did take a quick look at this yesterday and found that it would take some doing, but it might ultimately be worth it for more than just the Rivals feature.

Downside of introducing extra tiles conditionally when you render the map: The editor can't naturally show these tiles and not put them into the level.

If I can achieve the above^*, then re-introducing the tiles at map rendering will make them appear exactly as they appear in the Editor: from a user point of view, nothing has changed. We still need to do it simply because the level file can be edited in Notepad; the only way around this would be to somehow bake the animations together in the Editor, which I'm not sure is even possible (and certainly wouldn't be worth the time and effort it would take when we can simply re-draw the markers in the Player, achieving the same result - this is how Secondary Animations are handled).

Do you have deneutralizers? What happens when you neutralize a rival, then deneutralize him: Will he be regular lemming or rival?

This is a good question with no easy answer.

Instinct: they should keep the Rival tag.

Then, I remember that I don't want to have to recolour Rival-Neutrals a different colour to regular Neutrals, so these lemmings become only a source of confusion.

So, I then think that Rivals should simply ignore Neutralizers. This would at least be consistent with code-base behaviour (since Rivals cannot also be Neutral at any other time), but could seem odd to players.

So, I then think that SLX shouldn't feature both Rival lemmings and Neutralizers. The latter is essentially just another trap to be avoided anyway, which makes them mostly uninteresting. De-neutralizers have much more gameplay and puzzle potential, and can play nice with Rival lemmings.

All were fine.

I've also tested a handful of replays in 12.12.5 and the 12.13 Exp (8/4/24) - confirmed, they all run for 1 frame longer in 12.12.5 and produce the same results.

However, I made a level specifically for the purpose of testing replays, and 5 replays each of which should produce a different result (Pass, Talisman, Fail, Undetermined, Level Not Found - not sure how to test for "Error" tbh). The Replay marked "Should Fail" does indeed Fail in 12.12.5, but returns Undetermined in the 12.13 Exp (8/4/24).

I'm not sure why this is happening, and can no longer compile NL in my copy of RAD without accepting the GR32 PR.

Typical :eyeroll:

I guess I'll get my NL repo updated and just hope that it doesn't touch any of the code in the PR, then I can try to find a fix.

SuperLemmix Bugs & Suggestions / Re: [SUG] New Lemming type - Rivals!
« on: April 30, 2024, 07:52:30 PM »
Thanks for the comments, mobius. It's helpful to hear back from others even if it's just a few mostly-on-instinct comments.

I'd say a rival exit/exits should automatically get marked in some fashion. I say don't count on level designers always doing things right ;P but also people can just forget things.

Agreed, this is ideally what should happen.

So far so good: in the Editor, we can add the relevant markers automatically (and even place them over the correct exits) with a single click! Furthermore, the Editor will check the level's theme for custom markers before applying the defaults. If any Exit is changed at any point, the markers are all replaced accordingly - all good.

The only issue is that the custom pieces must be named "exit_marker_normal" and "exit_marker_rival" in order for this to work. This might not seem like such a big deal, but it means that (a) it isn't possible to have more than one of each marker per-style, and (b) if a style does have its own markers, they are placed alongside the existing default ones in the piece selection window rather than replacing them.

Neither of these are necessarily bad things, though: limiting the number of these markers that a style can have might not be the worst idea, and designers may wish to select the default markers even if a style presents custom ones - as it is, it's currently easier to do just that.

Meanwhile, the next step will be for the SLX Player to delete all existing markers and replace them; the idea here is that markers will then only be useful for the level designer whilst in the Editor, and the player whilst in the Player. This is about as much as I can do code-side to make sure that the feature is as clear as possible.

on the matter of creating incorrect/incomplete stats with and unusual number of entrances/exists; solution A seems best to me. Still using the rivals; having them play a part (hindrance in this case) is interesting.

Again, agreed. Solution D, then Solution A, seem best to me personally. Since you're the only person who has replied and you've shown support for A, I'll look at going down that route.

Anyone else?

SuperLemmix Bugs & Suggestions / Re: [SUG] New Lemming type - Rivals!
« on: April 29, 2024, 07:53:44 PM »
Just giving this a bump. Any suggestions/thoughts/comments will be most welcome, having some problems deciding exactly what to do.

Marking the exits is a tough one as well. Do we (a) require an Exit Marker in order to make the Exit a Rival Exit? (b) automatically place a Marker when an Exit is designated as Rival? or (c) hope that level designers place Markers themselves?

SuperLemmix Bugs & Suggestions / Re: [SUG] New Lemming type - Rivals!
« on: April 27, 2024, 09:28:46 PM »
OK, Rival Exits will be assignable in the same way as pre-placed Lemmings/Hatches; simply check the "Rival" checkbox to designate the property to the selected Exit in the Editor.

As for adding flags/markers, for now let's rely on the existing helper graphics system to show when an Exit has been designated as a Rival Exit; this isn't an ideal long-term solution though, because it doesn't help when in Classic Mode.

I'm going to experiment to see if there's a way to detect the presence of an Exit-marker (e.g. the flag), and automatically add one if it isn't found. If this is too difficult though, then other options will need to be explored. That's for another day though.

Some thoughts on this would also be much appreciated if anyone has time to reply.

From a conversation with Simon on Mumble. He suggested that Zombies might un-push Buttons, which I think is a great idea. :thumbsup:

I liked the idea so much that was about to go ahead and implement the change immediately, but he then pointed out that it would mean they shouldn't then interact with Buttons in their regular state, and also asked what should happen if the Exit is already unlocked.

The first of these points does present an interesting issue - Zombies can now exit, so it's in their interest to push buttons to unlock the Exit (it's one of the reasons I implemented Zombie interaction with buttons in the first place). However, their presence in the level is generally negative - they eat pickups, count as -1 towards the save requirement, ignore skill assignments, and zombify other lems. So, it makes sense that their interaction with buttons should also be negative. More discussion is needed on this.

Meanwhile, if the Exit is already unlocked, it should of course be re-locked if a Button is un-pressed. We'd have to display the unlocking animation in reverse (easy enough, hopefully), but it might not be as simple as even that.

Discussion welcome!

SuperLemmix Bugs & Suggestions / Re: [SUG] Visual SFX
« on: April 27, 2024, 11:54:02 AM »
Well, I love a good spreadsheet so here's what we can possibly do for each of the sound cues :lemcat::

N/A means Not Applicable - we won't use a Visual SFX cue here.
TBA means To Be Announced - we either won't use a Visual SFX cue here, or we need to decide on one.

Sound CueText VSFXSymbol VSFXPanel Message (off-screen events only)
Level Start"LET'S GO!" (above entrances/pre-placed lems)TBAN/A (off-screen level start areas shouldn't be formally supported)
Zombie Level Start"BRAAAINS!" (above zombie entrances/pre-placed zombies)TBAN/A
Builder/Stacker/Platformer Warning"CHINK" (above working lems)Frustration lines (above working lems)<- Bricks are running out! ->
(Time)Bomber 'Oh No' State"OH-NO!" (above lem)N/AN/A
(Time)Bomber/Freezer Explosion / Balloon Pop"POP" (above lem)N/AN/A
Hit Steel/OWW"BONK"TBA<- Action interrupted ->
Lemming Death"YIKES!"N/A<- Lemming lost ->
Time Up"TIME UP" (above exits)Clock (above exits)Time is up!
All Collectibles Gathered"WELL DONE"Star (above lem)N/A
Button Click"CLICK"N/A<- Button Pressed ->
Exit UnlockedTBATBA<- Exit Unlocked ->
Lemming Exit"YIPPEE!"N/AN/A

SuperLemmix Bugs & Suggestions / Re: [SUG] Visual SFX
« on: April 26, 2024, 04:26:11 PM »
If it's all going in the panel anyway.

I'd suggest that only the "off-screen and vital" stuff should go in the panel display - everything else can simply be displayed on-screen adjacent to the relevant lemming/item as it is in WinLemm/SLToo.

I prefer a nice bright contrast myself, like a yellow or bright orange for the text.

I dislike the WinLemm ones tbh, but I'm happy to use the same colour scheme and design some new ones. You can always swap the graphics for the WinLemm ones if preferred.

Will the text just stay for a couple seconds and then disappear?

Yes. And, if in the panel, it will be clickable-to-remove.

SuperLemmix Bugs & Suggestions / Re: [SUG] New Lemming type - Rivals!
« on: April 26, 2024, 04:21:10 PM »
Made significant progress with this. The feature is working a treat so far, including recolouring (which took some doing to get everything to line up, but it seems to be playing along nicely).

A few concerns have arisen, which will need to be addressed before I'm happy to release this feature:

1) How should Rival exits be marked?

This is where those decorative flags might finally come in handy for something. It would be fairly arbitrary to design a different-looking exit (which to all intents and purposes would still just look like... an exit!). There are also cases where a Rival exit would need to behave like a normal exit code-side anyway (more on this later). So, how about this for starters (note that these lems are going to their correct exits!)?

For the default ohno/orig Rival Exits, the red flag can be baked in to the animation. This should prompt designers to manually apply the blue flag for Normals.

There may even be a way to detect the presence of the flags within a certain radius of the exit's trigger area, and enforce this code-side if the level contains Rival lemmings. That does seem a bit drastic, though. Let's hope that designers choose to mark the exits appropriately if they're creating a Rivals level, and give them a nudge in the right direction if they choose not to or genuinely don't realise that they should.

2) What should happen when a level has only Rival lemmings but only Normal Exit(s) (or vice-versa)?

This one should be fairly easy to deal with: if there is only one type of lemming (Normal or Rival), then any exits present behave like regular exits for that lemming type. The way that Rivals code has been implemented so far could easily support this, and it would mean that people could make legit levels featuring only Rival lemmings should they wish to do so, whilst also preventing troll levels/genuine mistakes.

In the absence of any better ideas, that's how I'll probably solve this one.

3) What should happen when a level has a mix of Rival & Normal lemmings but only Normal or Rival Exit(s)?

This one is more difficult. At present, it would be possible to create the following level:

20 Normals + 20 Rivals
Save requirement of >20
0 Cloners in skillset
1 Normal exit

Such a level would be impossible to complete, and this is a scenario which could come up fairly innocently. So, it feels like it should be handled code-side. I can see 3 possible solutions:

Solution A would be to default the save requirement to the amount of Normal lems. That way, the Rival lems could still be used as part of the level's solution, it would just be necessary to divert them away from the exit.

Meanwhile, the more complex Solution B would be to subtract the number of Rivals from the current save requirement, and have the resulting figure be the new save requirement. So, for example, in this scenario...

20 Normals + 20 Rivals
Save requirement of 25
0 Cloners in skillset
1 Normal exit

...the save requirement would become 5. This would essentially completely disregard the presence of Rivals in the level. So, if the solution requires that 15 lems be sacrificed, those lems could be either Rivals or Normals and it would still be possible to meet the save requirement.

Meanwhile, Solution C would be to change the Rival lems to Normals. This would be the cleanest code-side, and would at least allow the level to be loaded and played.

Note that in any of the proposed solutions A, B and C, the same logic would apply vice-versa for (mixed lems + Rival exit).

Finally, Solution D would be to not load the level at all unless there is at least 1 Normal and 1 Rival exit, in the case that there is a mixture of Normal and Rival lemmings. This is probably my preferred solution out of all of them as it bypasses Rivals being used for unintended purposes and keeps the feature clean, but it does mean that the potential puzzle benefits of solutions A and B are discarded.

Thoughts? Could do with some feedback on this as either solution requires a fair amount of commitment to that solution before plowing ahead.

Thanks for your kind words @Tygerboi, much appreciated :)

Oh, just one more thing:  will there ever be a port of SLX for the Amiga, so that the Lemmings can return to their ancestral homes?  :laugh:

Good question. It would be great to see SLX running on the Amiga, for sure!

At the very least, ROM hacking the original to add fast-forward, direction select and other more basic features might go down quite well in the Amiga community as long as it doesn't completely break the game like some of the other modern features do.

Then again, a full-fledged modern clone like SuperLemmix on the Amiga would be something to behold! Are the modern ones capable of running Windows programs?

SuperLemmix Bugs & Suggestions / Re: [SUG] Panel hints
« on: April 26, 2024, 03:06:54 PM »
Glad to have approval for this. It'll be present in 2.8 for sure :lemcat:

One thing I am now wondering though is whether the regular status text (athlete info, etc) should also be hue-shifted... this is where I might be overthinking it a bit. Let's leave things as they are for now!

OK, I'll keep the topic open for now. Go ahead and let me know if you notice it again, and I'll also keep my eye out for it as well.

SuperLemmix Bugs & Suggestions / Re: [SUG] Visual SFX
« on: April 26, 2024, 02:57:11 PM »
I didn't think the "chink" text looked too bad.  Maybe if text vfx were implemented, there could be an option to either have them turned off (default), turned on on their own, or turned on with symbol vfx

Text, symbols or none could work, this is a good idea. Of course, it would always be possible to swap out the graphics for whatever you like anyway, but maybe this is one to support at base level for accessibility reasons. It should only be a small handful of files anyway.

That idea for off-screen vfx to the left and right of the screen is fab!  Could be very useful for sound-off/hard-of-hearing situations,  The only thing that could be an issue is the vfx obscuring what is occurring on the viewable screen area.

Definitely worth considering, particularly if it ends up being very difficult (or, not at all possible) for the game to "know" whether something is happening "off-screen", or to draw graphics to an overlaid layer (which doesn't currently exist, and would eat up rendering resources).

Perhaps the hints could be displayed at the top of the game window, in the centre, with an arrow pointing left and right, something like this:

Or, more preferable, we could even use the panel display (this is coming in handy for a lot of things recently!):

Obviously, this would temporarily obscure the display, but the likelihood is that whatever is happening to prompts the hint is more important anyway, and we can always make them clickable-to-stop-showing.

In fact, one very large benefit to using the panel is that we wouldn't need another rendering layer; this might end up being the way to go with it.

It might be pretty cool too if, for the builder vfx, if three bars would appear when three bricks remain, two bars, when two, one when one, then the exclamation mark when the builder is about to give up and walk on.

I like the idea, but let's keep it simple to begin with (i.e. the same graphic each time) and see how necessary this is.

Is there really any point in a "Let's Go" vfx? ...  Still, if it's optional and not too difficult to implement alongside other vfx, then why not, I guess.

The only two that I would consider necessary from an accessibility point of view are the Builder/Stacker/Platformer alert, and a lemming death that might have happened off-screen. All others are purely cosmetic. At some point I'll get a list together of the various sound cues that might need Visual SFX and we can decide what to do about each.

Does having the visual element as well make the timing process much more difficult, then?

Not really, it's essentially the same process of passing a message per-lemming to cue the graphic. I understand a bit better now how things work than when I first attempted to implement this, so my next attempt should be more successful.

In fact, in order to bring this feature closer to something that feels manageable, I'll go ahead and make the call that off-screen hints will be shown in the panel area. This will greatly simplify the feature; we already have code to get the Lemming's position, and we already have code to draw a message to the panel.

Hi Simon, confirming 1700 UTC tomorrow (Friday). Again,  many apologies for missing your earlier message. See you tomorrow, W

OK, I've gone ahead and enabled notifications for this topic so I won't miss another post. Only just realised this is possible!

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