Hello Everyone!

Started by Nessy, June 28, 2017, 08:00:23 PM

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Hello everybody!

I was really excited to find a community that loves the Lemmings series as much as I do :thumbsup: My experience with Lemmings is actually a funny story. My first experience with Lemmings was a Lemmings 3D demo and I loved it (when I got older I was able to get the full version and beat every level). After that I played the Original Lemmings and found it strange that there was no turner skill available (I was little :P). After that was Oh No! More Lemmings, Lemmings 2, and Lemmings Revolution, although once again I was unable to beat them fully until I got older.

I haven't played in a very long time and decided to get back into it. I downloaded the NeoLemmix player and editor and so far I love it, especially making my own levels (which is a huge dream come true, I remember filling notebooks with drawings of level ideas with skillsets, timelimts, and everything when I was little, but I'm sure lots of people here can relate to that :D). I saw that a lot of people have made entire level packs and I decided to try one of them. I know I'm very, very late to the game, but I started with Lemmings Plus I.

Looking forward to participating in this forum! Have a good day.


Quote from: Nessy on June 28, 2017, 08:00:23 PM
I downloaded the NeoLemmix player and editor and so far I love it, especially making my own levels (which is a huge dream come true, I remember filling notebooks with drawings of level ideas with skillsets, timelimts, and everything when I was little, but I'm sure lots of people here can relate to that :D).

All these drawings....I had tons :XD:      But compared to today sadly most levels were rather garbage and contained mostly just obvious skill excecutions chained after each another. :P

First, welcome to the forum! :)

I see you already found the editor and some nice packs to play and don't worry: You can't be late to a never ending party. ;)

Hope to maybe see a level contest entry made by you in the future, or maybe even a whole new pack! Until then, have fun playing some packs! :)


Yeah, same :) I drew a ton of levels when I was little, and at some point (about ten years ago -- before NeoLemmix, but an earlier incarnation of the forums existed, and we used Cheapo to make levels) I found one of my old notebooks and remade a few of the best levels :) You can play two of them, "Changing of the Guards" and "Behind Bars", in either Revenge of the Lemmings or the Lix community pack. I haven't made any complete packs of my own, but I've enjoyed being part of these community projects.

Good luck with your pack -- I look forward to seeing it! :thumbsup:

Colorful Arty

Welcome to the Forums Nessy! I look forward to seeing your levels! :thumbsup:
My Youtube channel where I let's play games with family-friendly commentary:

My Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/colorfularty

My levelpack: SubLems
For New formats NeoLemmix: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=4942.0
For Old formats NeoLemmix: http://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=2787.0
For SuperLemmini: http://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=2704.0

My levelpack: ArtLems
For New formats NeoLemmix: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=4583.0


I was sad and felt like I missed a lot of the fun too when I joined back in 2012. Lemmings Forums have been around since 2005ish or earlier. But don't feel bad-- there's always new and fun things to explore!
There's even more levelpacks (and better levelpacks too :P ) available than before!
everything by me: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5982.msg96035#msg96035

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain


Hello hello Nessy! :D My first contact with Lemmings was also L3D and it's still my favourite Lemmings game of all time (oddly enough).
I used to draw a lot of Lemmings levels when I was little, I even came up with some new skills too. There was this one skill called "Skeletoner" which caused the lemming to turn into a skeleton and freezed in place as a piece of terrain... Now where have i heard that before...?  *cough* stoner from neolemmix *cough*

I hope you have a fantastic time nessy! :thumbsup:


Thank you everyone for your kind replies! I'm glad I wasn't the only one and that the party never ends :thumbsup:.

It's cool Proxima that some of your drawn levels became good levels today. Sadly, a lot of mine wouldn't make good levels to play today because some of them were either too tedious or too simple, although if I still had those old notebooks I'm sure a lot of them might make decent first difficulty levels ;).

It's funny Raymanni how your skill idea became an actual skill in NeoLemmix! I haven't played around with the new skills too much yet, but I have used them in the NeoLemmix Introduction Pack. So far it seems like the Stoner and some of the other new ones can definitely be used to make some really good puzzle levels.


I actually started drawing Lemmings levels before I had ever seen the game in action... and it turned out I hadn't really interpreted most of the mechanics right. For example, I thought floaters were a one-time use, and I thought Lemmings couldn't fall any distance without being a floater.
How come I was drawing levels without having seen the game? Well, my father told me about Lemmings some day, when he found an old gaming magazine that featured it.
I was intrigued and started drawing, but when he checked out what I had made he pointed out I had understood some of the mechanics wrong.
Then, shortly after, he set up DOSBox, downloaded Lemmings, and wrote a tutorial for me on how to play it. :)
My father has since died (when I was only 15 :(), but this is one of the many, many things I'll always remember him for! :D


Welcome to the forums Nessy :)

Nice to have so many new people on here recently just discovering the still very active Lemmings community :)

Having just discovered NeoLemmix about 18 months ago, I started doing LPs on my YouTube channel. Then I started a Level pack project March last year, I've finished it and made 170 levels for it. It's currently being tested by selected other members on here (who are doing an awesome job might I add!).

Having just started out only 18 months ago, I've achieved a lot and I'd just like to say that it's not as hard to indulge in making levels as it looks. If you're an experienced Lemmings player with lots of ideas going around in your head then you can also make great levels :)

Once you've learned the tools of the trade: Neo Lemmix Editor, Neo Lemmix Player (Flexi Toolkit as well if you intend to make level packs) it is easy to get your ideas going for real!

Hope to see levels from you soon, if you need any help at all, you can always ask on here and everyone on here will always help you out, this community is awesome!

We also have an IRC chat here, drop in to say hi :)
Enter your nickname and the channel is #neolemmix (we also have a #lix channel as well if Lix is interesting to you)


Hello 607 and Flopsy.

Sorry to hear about you father 607, but I'm glad that you made so many good memories with him. I am considering trying out DOSBox in order to play Lemmings 3 and Lemmings 3D again since they don't work at all on modern computers.

It's great you finished your level pack Flopsy and that you achieved a lot. I did start making some levels in NeoLemmix Editor and so far I think I have a few good ones but a lot of so-so or bad ones (but that's inevitable, failed attempts and really learning why they failed is the only way to get better at anything). I am trying to play more than creating to get more of an idea on what makes a good level and what makes a bad level (right now working my way through the end of Medi in Lemmings Plus I, which has some really good levels). By the way, I did run into some of your LP videos on YouTube. The one I remember mostly was your L3D Mayhem playthrough as you pretty much got stumped on the same levels I did back in the day (especially that Hanger level :lem-shocked:).


I'm pleased to hear you are learning the ways of the Neo Lemmix tools.

I think you're right on the money there with playing packs rather than jumping straight into making levels, when you play other people's levels I feel it gets the creative juices flowing. I highly recommend playing the whole Lemmings Plus series, it goes up to LPV and there are spin offs such as Lemmings Plus Omega and Lemmings Plus Omega II.
Other great packs include Revenge of the Lemmings, Geofflems, GigaLems, MobiLems II (it's an update of the first pack), Lemmingbytes, Mazulems and Deceits Lemmings
or if you're feeling particularly brave: Lemmings Reunion or NepsterLems (these packs are extremely hard!)

I'm glad you're enjoying my videos, I enjoy making them although they are a less common occurrence these days. I'm proud to have so many Lemmings LPs on my channel.

It's great that you're making levels, I can't wait to see some of them someday :).
I think it's great that there are so many level creators on here because each person on here I feel makes different types of Lemmings levels, I think each new person who creates levels brings a type of level we haven't seen before. I feel like some of the levels in my level pack fall into that category :).


Quoteor if you're feeling particularly brave: Lemmings Reunion or NepsterLems (these packs are extremely hard!)

Lemmings Plus Omega II is also an "if you're feeling particularly brave" pack (on the other hand, Omega 1 is fairly easy).
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Thanks Flopsy for the list. I completely forgot about the Omega series so thanks for mentioning it, and thanks namida for warning that Omega II is for those feeling brave :P.