Lemmings Story.

Started by Mike, August 21, 2006, 04:46:22 PM

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I've rewritten the Lemmings story and added some more goodies to it. You can find it online at http://www.dmadesign.org

Also 2 pages from chapter 4 are now up (1991)


Very interesting. A glimpse at the editor! And seeing the original demo was cool  :thumbsup:

Great work, this is all very interesting. But you leave it on quite a cliffhanger. What happens with Stacey?  :tongue:

EDIT: Whoops, seems I only read page 1 of Chapter 4... What a bummer.


Cool!̆ The last time you're around I remembered you saying you have difficulty cracking the copy protection on your own disks containing the level editor!̆ I'm glad that problem has been solved.



There should be a link from the last page of each chapter to the start of the next...... but other than that, good stuff!  :cool:


QuoteOpening the door expectantly, he saw a male teenager in a huge padded jacket. Keeping as straight face as possible, Mike showed him in to see Dave.

:laugh: That made me smile, I guess girls in the industry really were rare in those days.

Very nice read, I especially enjoyed reading about just how successful Lemmings was :wink:


..."Dave told Gary to improved them."
..."they would have happily ripe them off"...
fixed - ta. I can never catch them all, so its good when they get pointed out.

QuoteThere should be a link from the last page of each chapter to the start of the next...... but other than that, good stuff!
Yep...Russell has already bitched at me about that, and since he now sits next to me at work, it doesn't take long for me to agree..... he can be very irritating when he wants to be.

Very nice read, I especially enjoyed reading about just how successful Lemmings was
Well, remember these figures were pre-PSOne, so I guess quite a few numbers have been added. But even beyond that, not many games get that even now. Only games like the Sims... not a lot!


Quote from: ccexplore on August 21, 2006, 07:17:34 PM
Cool!̆ The last time you're around I remembered you saying you have difficulty cracking the copy protection on your own disks containing the level editor!̆ I'm glad that problem has been solved.

Actually no... I haven't. I just ran the demo disk on my A1200 and took a couple of pictures with a digital camera. I have briefly looked at trying to save out the images, but I have no docs on how DMA Dos worked, only the Lemmings source - and it only loads! So, I dont know how to get a directory listing to see whats ON the disk.

Since the editor disk is older than the source I have, all the files have changed since then.


Regardless, awesomesauce. :laugh: