Author Topic: GigaLem's Blog and Reviews Thread.  (Read 31800 times)

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Offline grams88

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Re: GigaLem's Blog and Reviews Thread.
« Reply #45 on: November 02, 2019, 02:46:02 PM »
Hi Gigalem

Real life can be stressful at the best of times don't want the lemmings part to be stressful as well. It can feel a bit stressful the updates but maybe its the whole thing of moving forward very quick, I feel life is like that in general, think how fast windows 10 came out. The new technology and the speed things go at in relation to keeping on top of things. Try to take a relax approach to the whole thing, try to treat it as fun instead of a chore. I hear you make a lot of good content, I think we can make the greatest content when we are having fun doing it, yes I admit a lot of work does get put into things and we do have to have the motivation to go for things.

If you feel you need a break I know you might hear people say that a lot but it can be one of the best things we do as we take that break we get re-motivated and great things can come from that. Overloading ourselves is not the answer, what I mean is setting ourselves very unrealistic goals not only does it cause us massive stress but its not very good for our mental health.

I have a mental health condition myself and I notice I tend to do a lot better when less stress is applied to the project. Sometimes the job we have usually means we might have to work a lot of hours and I don't think we humans are designed for long hours.  I feel you have set yourself a lot of different goals but now this is not necessary a bad thing I must stress that point, I usually have a lot of ideas myself in things I want to do in life, I'm currently writing a story script about mental illness hoping to get it noticed in someway or another in the future.

We are living in a time where technology is moving very fast, It didn't feel like that a long time ago but it sure does now.

Buy Gigalem a coffee I like that. :) :)  Good on you Gigalem.

Offline GigaLem

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Re: GigaLem's Blog and Reviews Thread.
« Reply #46 on: November 30, 2019, 10:42:39 PM »
It's been a while, now let us begin another let's play

Part 1:Crash Landing

Offline GigaLem

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Re: GigaLem's Blog and Reviews Thread.
« Reply #48 on: January 08, 2021, 09:39:27 PM »
I should really update this topic more often but my activity has been rather quiet lately, I'm more or less taking a bit of a hiatus due to lack of motivation for Levels and such. Given certain events I refuse to bring up here because I don't find it to the be the place for it. I found it hard to create any levels period, the drive I had for making a level is missing and I don't know how long it'll be till I feel like making levels again. I tried making a contest level again but my mind wasn't feeling it, I could push myself to make a real winner and its most likely why I haven't bothered working on the 2018-2019 festival millas fixes yet, I need my mind to be in the right place for it and I deeply apologize for not getting to it right away. So I'll probably be doing things to take my mind off of things until feel that creative drive once more and such. I hope you understand.

PS:If there's any good news I could share, work on the Avian Museum Set is being done.

Offline GigaLem

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Re: GigaLem's Blog and Reviews Thread.
« Reply #49 on: March 22, 2021, 04:53:20 AM »
Time for another update, and it'll be a long one so I recommend clicking a time stamp for why
GigaLem's State of the Channel - Indefinite Hiatus Edition

I apologize for being so quiet, but a lot has kept me in the woodworks

Offline GigaLem

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Re: GigaLem's Blog and Reviews Thread.
« Reply #50 on: November 17, 2021, 10:29:26 PM »
Days ago I posted an update for my 200 subscriber milestone as well talking about plans for LPs and such
Here's the update in case you missed it

As I discussed the choices are

Record a shiny hunt in Sun and Moon - I'll be hunting for Shiny Samurott or Serperior via island scan

Do my second QnA Video - I'll awnser more questions while playing BOTW

Super Smash Bros, SRB2K or CTR:Nitro Fueled, or Mario Party Super Stars with Friends - Self explanatory

Voting ends December 4th

Offline GigaLem

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Re: GigaLem's Blog and Reviews Thread.
« Reply #51 on: November 23, 2021, 04:35:30 AM »
Apologies on the double post but I wanted to post an update to the poll. The straw poll I used initially broke, so I had to find another option, I have updated the link to the one you now see above you, please vote through there instead. Thank you!

Offline GigaLem

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Re: GigaLem's Blog and Reviews Thread.
« Reply #52 on: February 23, 2023, 09:43:41 PM »
I didn't want to make this my 1400th post here, but I received bad news this morning, and of course this had to happen after my birthday as well. so for the third year in the row something wants to crush my soul into dust.

First I will confirm what may happen for sure later once my mom gets an answer from our current landlord

Not even two years into living in this tiny home and already the home's owner wanted to sell the place and lied about my family not paying the rent, My mom even stated that she payed a lot more this month and had to talk to the landlord about it, the landlord will have a stern talk with the owner but in case I have to move again well they're at least gonna try to help us if my mom was asked "how many bedrooms" was something to go by.

This year hasn't been very fun so far for me, having to deal with family issues and not being able to get to stuff I honestly need to finish. I wanted to resume Millas after my 13th Let's play was fully edited and such. I'm still editing Plague of Shadows at the time of this video currently at part 11, and on top of that I was gonna make an update video after editing my Kirby first impression video (which weirdly enough will likely come out after I have the game) but combo that with the uncertainty of moving again and all the stress and issues with the family. and getting self conscious about myself, my personal life outside the forums, and worrying about making or have made mistakes that have made people hate me and wishing to make amends. I'm not exactly in the best state of mind to be able to work on the things I want to do because I can't have another move happen again and so soon, not again.

Why does it feel like every time I wanted to finish Millas something has to get in the way? I wanted to a longer break from recording so I can dedicate a month to working on actually finishing Millas, but my passion gets stripped away from me because of something I can't predict and/or control.

Again, I'll confirm if I have to move or not, but this will be affecting my mood to create and I don't like it. I'm sorry if I so silent about things, im caught in the miasma horrid luck and in the middle of winter too.

Offline GigaLem

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Re: GigaLem's Blog and Reviews Thread.
« Reply #53 on: March 08, 2023, 04:26:53 AM »
Update Video

While things aren't entirely set in stone just yet I have a poll running on my community tab, at the time of me posting it's up to 4 votes. I'm taking the time practice each of my candidates for each of the LPs, Voting for the next two LPs will end on March 31st 2023.

The Choices are

-Metroid Zero Mission (Wii U VC, 100%)
-Katamari Damashi REROLL (Switch)
-Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (Wii U, New Play Control)
-The Legend of Zelda:A Link to the Past (Wii U VC)
-Oh No! More Lemmings (FS-UAE, Amiga)