Hopeless 1 -
The Shaft (Part 2) I prefer manually recreating the solution, hence why I didn't load my replay for Peaceful 30. So really, it's just repeat my Peaceful 30 solution, although obviously there's still some differences. In particular, the end part is a lot easier due to the wooden plank at the top being the original long length again. I acknowledge that it was an attempt to dissuade going for the right exit in Peaceful 30, but alas that wasn't enough to prevent me from going for it
Hopeless 2 -
Betcha can't lose just one! Another repeat, except this time you need to save 3 instead of 1! Exact same skillset with the exact same layout, just the challenge is saving 3. Definitely harder. This is one I haven't played before, I think. I've only played the save 1 version, from RotL. This one was difficult for me. Here, the hardest part was timing the Lemmings so that I could use one to block at the end of the builder staircase to turn the builder around at just the right time. Also destroying the triangular slope terrain to get everyone else up, as I think the builder staircase on it has to be pretty precise in order to be able to reach the exit platform with a builder.
Hopeless 3 -
Bowser's Revenge! Difficult one but a favorite of mine! Very good puzzle with a really good solution. There's some tempting red herrings to take that eventually don't work due to taking too many skills. That's super clever with using a faller to bomb to make a hole for another climber to climb into to bash the crowd out. Also with timing the climbers so that the second one turns around in the basher tunnel to clear the path for the crowd. Very well-done here!
The only thing is that the builder to the ceiling on top of the structure at the bottom is precise so that he turns around to mine through it.
Hopeless 4 -
A Matter of Perspective This was a difficult one for me, but that's because I was a really big dummy here for a long time. This level does a great job of making you think that certain skills go in certain locations. However, if you do otherwise from the intended solution, you will always lose at least someone to splatting. Even though the builder is slower than the platformer in sealing off gaps, the correct skill for the first gap the right entrance gets to is a builder. You need to do it in such a way so that the wall is still too high by the time the gap is sealed off so that a lemming and the builder himself turns around. I have used this trick before in some solutions to some other custom levels, but this escaped me for a while here. Once you do that, the rest is easy. This was another great level that I enjoyed when I finally figured and solved it.
Hopeless 5 -
Welcome to the Warp Zone! Very easy. This is just like that one Clammings level near the end of the final rank, as it requires the exact same thing near the exit area. Building to prevent lemmings from splatting, but also a builder wall to turn everyone back towards the exit.
Hopeless 6 -
The Perch (Part 2) Very nice level, although here I had visualizing how the solution should look for a while. I'm already familiar with the level idea, as there is a level that requires nearly the same thing in United, hence why I knew the ideas needed pretty much right away. It just simply took me a while to think about how the solution should look. The fact this level doesn't provide builders increases the difficulty significantly from the original version in the Difficult rank. However, I love builderless levels.
Hopeless 7 -
Having Your Cake... One of my absolute favorites!
I can definitely see this one giving casual players problems. I struggled with solving this only due to how you have two obstacles, so shouldn't you be given two miners? Nope, you simply use the fact that the destruction mask of a miner is quite high so that you can release the top crowd from below! Not only that, I love how the miner uses the builder staircases to mine through the terrain to get to the exit. This is just a really good level that I struggled for some time but had that awesome eureka moment! The athletic skills and top right are complete red herrings.
Hopeless 8 -
Tribute to Benny Hill Not too hard of a level, but still challenging. Somehow I feel there are easier ways to solve the level than the solution I found. I'm very confused by the 30 minute time limit. Since I managed to finish just barely under 30 seconds, perhaps you meant a 30 second time limit instead?
Hopeless 9 -
Razor's Revenge Another great level. As expected, it uses the same level idea of leaving a builder step past a wall. Not only that, it requires it be done from both sides! I thought this one wasn't hard at all.
Hopeless 10 -
Out of Luck Nice level idea where you have to ignore one entrance completely. In this case, the right entrance is ignored. Easy one, although here I was successful in cancelling out the miner so that I saved 1 over the requirement. Guess I got lucky
Hopeless 11 -
Out of Luck Again Almost the same layout. There's a modification around the left entrance area, where they cannot land on the platform before falling into the pit. Instead, they fall off the bottom of the screen. So, the left entrance is ignored this time. It still took me a while to solve this one. Seems the bomber and miner are very precise here in order to make a safe drop for them. Also, I could had made it easier by having a lemming in the pit be a climber to start building to really ensure the staircase doesn't block the other climbers.
Hopeless 12 -
Out of Luck Yet Again This time, it's pretty much combining parts of solutions to the previous two levels, as well as something else that wasn't done in either of them. They all have to use the right exit this time. These 3 all had interesting level concepts and were a great series.
Hopeless 13 -
The Walk-in Closet from Hell I surprisingly struggled so much with this one. In the end, I found a very fiddly solution that has a lot of pixel precision and also needs some really good timing so that you finish on time. This avoids using any of the climbers. I still occasionally hit myself for missing the much easier solutions that I saw both Icho and Swerdis move
I think it's because I kept thinking that more than 10 Lemmings would be trapped at the bottom and hence I would need more than 10 climbers.
Hopeless 14 -
Jumping the Shark I guess easier than the previous one in my case, although if you found the easier solution for that one then this one would be more difficult. Really, the only hard part is making sure that the only builders are used for the gaps and splatform. In other words, one shouldn't use a builder for getting the crowd up to where the water gap is, or you won't have enough to solve the level. Nice level, nevertheless, and one which I remember playing on Dos first.
Hopeless 15 -
Crown Jewel Heist There's the repeat of "Laser Deathroom" where it seems that the main trick is enforced here. I refer to this as "air dropping." Very nice level concept here! The only hard part was working out the top part to fall down from and keep the builder staircases going until the exit can be reached safely.
Hopeless 16 -
Bash and no time This was one of the levels that I couldn't solve when I first played it on Dos. If you take the normal route by bashing into the open windows every time, you're not going to be able to save enough before time runs out. Then, when I came back to this level years later, I was able to figure it out and get it solved. Very nice nuke solution for a level that provides only bashers!
Hopeless 17 -
Watch ye Step! A really great 1-of-everything level that involves blocking a basher midstroke so that only 1 lemming goes on ahead to forge the path. It has to be done at specific spot so as to be able to release the blocker later. I think my solution on the Lemmini version for RotL is different from this one, although if I'm not mistaken, the save requirement is relaxed for it?
Hopeless 18 -
Obscene Polarization Another great level! I absolutely love the solution of connecting the bomber holes together so that the Lemmings from the hatch will splat all the way at the very bottom of the level. Well done here!
Now that I think about it, I might have played this level before, as the layout seems familiar here with the level concept, but I'm not so sure.
Hopeless 19 -
Segmentation Fault Even though this still took me some time, nothing very hard here other than rescuing the left hatch as quickly as possible before you lose too many. Seems that it's absolutely necessary to give a walker to the very first Lemming on the right hatch right away in order to achieve this. Nice puzzle here.
Hopeless 20 -
Empty Space is Hardly a Waste I surprisingly struggled with this one. In earlier attempts, I thought I had the solution, only to find out that I would save 1 less than the requirement. I really love how leaving a builder step past the wall serves as a splatform for the ones on the left side. The bomber is quite precise, but other than that a great level here.
Hopeless 21 -
The duct rise Lemmings Another level I remember playing before. Another favorite of mine as well. The only hard part is cancelling a digger with another digger so that one of the climbers turns around to build over the gap and then bomb from the other side to release the crowd from the other side. Solution is just so awesome!
Hopeless 22 -
Parallel Rotation Another very hard one for me and second level to require more than one video to solve. The biggest problem I had were the climbers, as well as the correct way to go about the level. There were some gaps I have would be sealed before the next Lemming arrives, but unfortunately at least one would always slip by or splat. The eventual solution I found is quite precise, especially with the builder at the very far left to get to the exit. Pretty much the miner to get the crowd out of the pit, as well as the bomber and builder, are precise. Same with the builder on the far right. Still a nice level IMO, I just didn't expect this level to give me so many problems.
Hopeless 23 -
Now that's just silly I really like the level concept of mining and repeatedly blocking to turn the miner around and releasing a blocker each time, but this level would be one of those where I'm generally not a fan of repeatedly spamming the same skill over and over several times in a very short amount of time. At the same time, much easier than the previous level. The only hard part here is building in the right place so that a bomber removes the overhang and still makes it a climber friendly wall for the others that need to get up the wall.
Hopeless 24 -
Mazeochism I have no idea what the level title means. A level that wasn't as bad as I thought, and quite a nice one too. I'm not sure if the second lemming drowning is intended, but that was the only way I found to spare a skill to be able to solve the level.
Hopeless 25 -
Get Hype Another favorite of mine in the rank. I pretty much had the solution down, just had a misconception of which Lemming to bomb. You need to bomb the climber to stop the miner, not the miner gets bombed. I already know this trick from United, just took me some time to realize this.
Hopeless 26 -
The Decent Descent I struggled here for a while. I remember not having as many problems with this level on Lemmini. Indeed, I checked my solution after I solved this, and the biggest reason for why it's somewhat easier is due to how when a miner hits steel or OWAs going in the opposite direction, they keep going in the same direction they were walking before they started mining instead of turning around. The mining to get the crowd down safely without splatting seems very precise, but that's something I brought onto myself. Also took me a while to see that a bomber is enough to have everyone go out to the right but turn back to the right when hitting the left side so that no one walks into the rope trap.
Hopeless 27 -
This is a gate level Another level I remember playing before. This is a really good one. Fortunately, I was able to remember the solution fairly quickly on this one. Very nice trick of bashing away the first thin bar so that climbers can be released to forge the path. The only hard part is timing them so that two of them will turn around while a basher tunnel is in progress, and then the first one going back to the right bombs so that the other climber can fall through to forge the path at the bottom.
Hopeless 28 -
The Top Shelf Another really good one and a favorite of mine!
I figured out the solution very quickly, just had the misconception of sending out climbers to the left instead of going out to the right. Once again, same idea with having two turn to the left at the top. Uses the trick of bombing a faller in midair to release a blocker, which is a trick I first learned in United. I recently saw another a level in Lemmings Plus 3 that would make the level easier but the solution I found doesn't use that. I also love how this is a builderless level. Now that I think about it, I feel as if I've played this level before, as the layout seems familiar. If I have played it before, I don't remember the tileset it's originally in.
Hopeless 29 -
Hey that's not cool guys If I'm not mistaken, this level is found in the NL/Lemmix version of RotL. I think the solution here is different from the one I found when I played through said version of RotL, as I don't remember using this solution for it here. The only hard part here is sealing off the gap on the very far left side before anyone arrives and drowns. Seems that it's necessary to interrupt the basher midstroke early in order to achieve this. Otherwise, nice level and not too hard at all. That is clever to dig down and bash into the wrong direction of the OWAs to turn around to mine to get the crowd to the exit.
Hopeless 30 -
The Mon0lith I was told by Swerdis that this wouldn't be bad at all, but I'll have to disagree here, as I thought this level was difficult, so it's fitting as the final level of the rank/pack. This is the third and final level that needed more than one video to solve. During my break, I thought about using a digger to stop the miner at the top. in this way, I would spare a builder from being used that would help get the level solved. From there, it was all about placing the miners correctly so that it's possible to build up without leaving a gap. The time limit seems generous, but it is surprisingly tight here. I do like how the crowds need to be compressed so that a basher needs to be used to turn everyone around. Seems to be required twice here. I think I would had saved 1 over the requirement had a Lemming had a head start to bash at the top first so that only 1 basher was needed instead of 2 to turn everybody around. Still a cool level to round off the pack.