Author Topic: Pimolems for Superlemmini (In Developement)  (Read 8780 times)

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Online kaywhyn

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Re: Pimolems for Superlemmini (In Developement)
« Reply #30 on: August 15, 2020, 12:05:25 AM »
Exactly. Before I reported it I wanted to make sure my replays were working for you. You mentioned that before my Stormy 16 ones weren't working, but once I sent you my 316.ini file then they were working. The reason for this is because I think it's only an issue when loading external levels. When loading custom packs, the replays seem to work just fine. For example, I download your Reunion pack for Superlemmini and your replays, and they work perfectly fine. So, it seems that replays sometimes don't work when it comes to adding external levels. At the same time, it seems very random. Nevertheless, I'll get right on it and report it to Tsyu.

edit: done! Again, I credited you for finding this, since you were first to encounter the error and encountered it several times, including when you were converting Lemmings Reunion to Superlemmini, while the only time I have encountered the error is for the level The Warehouse for Pimolems.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2020, 12:27:11 AM by kaywhyn » - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Offline ericderkovits

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Re: Pimolems for Superlemmini (In Developement)
« Reply #31 on: August 15, 2020, 12:08:12 AM »
now to come to think of it your right it's only with external levels. I don't think I've seen that with packs. and yes it does seem to be random.

Online kaywhyn

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Re: Pimolems for Superlemmini (In Developement)
« Reply #32 on: August 15, 2020, 05:06:31 AM »
Nope, I can't view your Hurricane 8 replay either. Ok, it looks like for some very odd reason your replays don't work for me, which means you're not the only one experiencing problems. I honestly have no idea why your replays wouldn't work for me, whereas mine will work for you if I send my copy of the ini file. Not sure why that would make a difference. What the heck's going on here? ???

edit: I edited my post in the Superlemmini bug thread to let Tsyu know that you sent me a replay for a different level and that I'm still encountering the error message. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Online kaywhyn

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Re: Pimolems for Superlemmini (In Developement)
« Reply #33 on: August 15, 2020, 05:59:25 PM »
level 10 How to prevent a mass suicide

IMO, the level's solution is really cool when you see it in action or are able to figure it out that of course isn't terribly difficult to do, but it is still a hard level back at the time due to the solution being hard to spot, in particular, mostly because the builder trick in this level is rarely seen or used in any custom levels. Especially when you're playing the level for the first time. Even when you do know about the trick, it'll still generally escape many people. This was another level that managed to stump me for a while from a few years ago, but it certainly didn't take me anywhere near as long as Hurricane 3. I remember the solution eventually came to me. Other than the builder trick, the most difficult part would definitely have to be how to manage the crowd which is coming out at a 99 RR. That alone kind of makes the level already hard. These levels or any with a really high RR AND which don't provide blockers tend to be really difficult. Certainly not the most difficult of the rank, but the entire rank is generally very difficult. I say the few previous levels before this are also hard.

Overall, Pimolems is nowhere near as difficult as Reunion and United, but the level pack is still no pushover. Both Stormy and Hurricane have some pretty difficult, mind-bending levels, and it isn't until Stormy when the difficulty really picks up and kicks in. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Online kaywhyn

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Re: Pimolems for Superlemmini (In Developement)
« Reply #34 on: August 16, 2020, 01:55:17 AM »

level 14 Droll Drill
            OK again I hate this level, hardest one in pack so far for me. Just Like the Frozen Mind was in Reunion. I think those levels are just so difficult, Because every placement
            of the builder steps have to be perfect otherwise basher stops. I noticed I had 5 builders left, Pieuw had 4. So maybe there's a way to get this level to work easier with those extra builders.

At least the setup is easy here. You are correct about the extra builders to make it work more easily.

level 15 Stony Parkour

Oh gosh, I remember this level was really difficult to get right. This level would often take me several attempts. The tricks are pretty much the only real challenge here. After you do get them right, then it's not a really difficult level. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Online kaywhyn

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Re: Pimolems for Superlemmini (In Developement)
« Reply #35 on: August 16, 2020, 08:54:31 PM »
level 19 Balance your Strategy
            ok the issue with trying to release the miner with a basher is just difficult in Superlemmini (I tried several times to do it, it just doesn't work, maybe in Lemmini
            it's easier).

Not only that, Pieuw shows that it's possible to do in Lemmini! This I would say is definitely the hardest of the rank. And if things need to be changed so that levels are possible and solvable in Superlemmini, so be it. It's just the way it is with subtle mechanics differences between the engines that can cause levels to play out differently.

Congrats on getting through all the main ranks, especially Hurricane. Definitely one of the most difficult last main ranks I've ever seen. Now it's onto the special ranks of Pickaxe and One, the former being all about miner tricks, while the latter is all about 1 minute levels. I don't think any changes are required due to Superlemmini mechanics, but we'll see. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Offline ericderkovits

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Re: Pimolems for Superlemmini (In Developement)
« Reply #36 on: August 16, 2020, 09:08:22 PM »
yes I think many of the levels in Hurricane, especially ones near the end are on par with reunion. not because there hard to figure out the solution, but because of execution
and game mechanics(at least in Superlemmini anyways).
also the hurricane rank required more edits I think than any rank even in Reunion. Seemed like at least 80% needed some kind of fix.

Online kaywhyn

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Re: Pimolems for Superlemmini (In Developement)
« Reply #37 on: August 16, 2020, 09:17:42 PM »
yes I think many of the levels in Hurricane, especially ones near the end are on par with reunion. not because there hard to figure out the solution, but because of execution
and game mechanics(at least in Superlemmini anyways).
also the hurricane rank required more edits I think than any rank even in Reunion. Seemed like at least 80% needed some kind of fix.

Agree with the execution, not so with the figuring out a solution. I remember a lot of the Hurricane levels took me a long time to solve because many of them also had difficult to figure out solutions. Specifically, Hurricane 3 was where I stopped playing the pack for a couple of years because I gave up too quickly in frustration. When I finally did come back to play the pack for real and got past it, Hurricane 10 was another real stumping point for a good while. Then there was Hurricane 19, which often takes so many tries even when you know what to do, but its solution is also somewhat hard to spot. It all goes back to what I said about Pimolems as a whole: It's definitely easier than both Reunion and United, but it's still no pushover, especially once you hit the Stormy rank. The difficulty really picks up there and stays really high until you finish Hurricane. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Offline ericderkovits

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Re: Pimolems for Superlemmini (In Developement)
« Reply #38 on: August 16, 2020, 10:37:17 PM »
ok This post will be for pickaxe, Hopefully this rank will be easier and less editing than the Hurricane Rank. Also I know the rest of the rest of the ranks are not main ranks,
they are more just special ranks, so maybe they are not super hard.


level 1 Zigzag World
           The level was pretty easy just go back and forth with the miner in both spots. main block just keep going with a lemming there. The left block send an athlete to do the
           Back and forth work. nothing really noteworthy about the level.
           Issues: None

level 2 Thunderclap
           ok another easy one. This level's map is similiar to the original game but has a few steel block in the block.
           ok just make the 2nd lemming an athlete. when the first one turns around mine him left the build him to stop mining when his shaft is deep enough. Now when the
           athlete lemming gets to block near exit mine him but not deep(as other lemmings still need to go by). Build him to turn him around. Then mine him again left so other
           lemmings can exit(make sure lemming doesn't mine thru floor. Now when on tall block mine him as soon as he gets on top(left).  Now when he come back, mine him
           right as soon as he get on top of mine shaft. then build small step at mine shaft near exit to turn him around one last time. Now mine him left on 2nd mine shaft
           on block. Now the crowd can follow to exit. And that's it.
           Issues: None

level 3 Out of Salt
           ok this one is just a little bit trickier than the 1st 2. The tricky part is when to send up another climber so he can turn around in the lemming ahead of him to mine left.
           first climb the 1st lemming then build 2nd one on right edge of block where they get hatched to block climbers there. tthen mine with lead lemming and while he
           starts send another climber so he will meet the leading one and turn around to mine down left and get lower to crowd. then repeat 2 more times. Then left miner will
           be low enough to get crowd up there so they can exit.
           Issues: had to lower top left OWW because when 1st miner mined it stopped.

level 4 The Escape Artists
           Ok another easy one. just make 2 lemmings climb when heading left. Then dig 1st one just right of that little stump(he will creat a lip so other climber will turn around).
           Then just mine down right with 2nd one and that's it.
           Issues: had to replace that well again with a different piece of terrain, because the miner(who is a climber) wants to climb the well.

level 5 Triumph For The Magic Picks
           Ok This level is just too difficult for Superlemmini again. Canceling out a miner with another just is way to difficult. So I just added 2 builders to stop them.
           also due to the fact there is 4 steel blocks by the acid water, It makes it next to impossible in Superlemmini to do with this few miners. so I took one steel block away.
           Also if you have neolemmix's replay for this level(which I do) the miner mines thru the left part of the steel. In Superlemmini this can't be done, So this is why I took it

           I'm starting to think that Pimolems in not really suited for Superlemmini as the physics just are meant to work in here. So they need to be adjusted.
           One can also point to the glytch levels. They can't be done in Superlemmini. I think if Pieuw was doing this pack for Superlemmini, I think he would have to make
           many adjustments due to the differences between Regular Lemmini and Superlemmini. I dont even think Reunion had this many issues.
           It's just too bad many levels just don't work in Superlemmini, because Pimolemms really has some nice levels.
           I think the physics in Superlemmini are modeled after Amiga, because Tsyu stated this. Regular lemmini's physics weren't modeled I believe for any particular port.

level 6 Evil Sandglass
           Ok back to an easy one with no issues.
           make 1st lemming a climber when facing right and mine 2nd one on bottom left then stop him with a builder. this makes a spot so lemmings can turn around in it.
           now make climber near exit build over it. now after climber hit wall on the right and turns around, make him mine left down immediatly other he will hit steel
           blocks.Then with miner at end of mine build a small bridge there. Then mine him right down into steel block. now bash the bottom lone lemming facing right.
           Now just build to close mine shaft including top one to exit. and that's it.
           Issues: None

level 7 Have skills, will travel
          ok now this level due to miners turning around, can only be finished on time with only 3 mining actions instead of 6. I noticed lemmini's replay the level was finished with
          11 seconds where mine with doing only 3 mining actions was 1 second, so to match lemmini's I added 10 seconds. but even with this added 10 seconds the level can't be
          finished on time if you use all 6 miner actions. but i left all 6 miners in there to tempt other players to use them. only to find out they can only use 3.
          Issues: just added 10 seconds to level to match Pieuws replay.

level 8 Miner under control
          Ok another fairly easy level with no issues.
          With the 1st lemming after he turns around mine him down left just past little stub. Now set RR to 99. Then when miner gets to about to end his mine, block a lemming
          there to turn miner around. Note you must let one go by though because he needs to float, build a bridge to exit, turn around and bash thru snow.
          Now when the miner gets near right edge, use another blocker to turn him around to mine down left. his mine shaft will end on bashers one where all the lemmings
          except the 2 blockers and the basher exit. Now either nuke or just let time run out as there isn't that much time left when crowd exits anyways.
          Issues: None

level 09 Hugs & Kisses
            Ok no problem here just mine top left lemming right at a certain spot and other right one left at certain spot, They will cross mines. Level only has 2 miners.
            Piece of a cake level and quick too.
            Issues: None
level 10 At least I can count to 10
            Ok this level was only tricky in 1 spot. that is the builder miner trick. But even then not extremely hard to execute. just pause and use forward framestepping and it
            should be ok.
            ok not terrible hard to solve just build 1st lemming on left ledge 2x to barrier there on upper left. and build right lemming on tiny ledge to the right to hit barrier.
            just had to use pause and framestepping as the ledge is so tiny. at this point a lemming is timed in such a way that the miner up on left ledge is there right when builder
            starts his 2nd build. The miner will continue mining on steps. meanwhile right lemming bash left toward left miner. also just keep on building left builder till he gets to
            barrier before the exit which is timed where his last steps meets wall perfectly then bash him left. lemmings will be walking on a razor thin strip to exit.
            also bomb a lemming when next to miner(but not the miner). this will create a hole before basher on right falls there. bomb the lemming in such a spot so lemmings
            walk left up hole and not right otherwise time will run out. level only has 2 minutes. I finished level with 12 seconds left.
            Issues: again this is the pillar tile set so there was slits in some of the blocks so had to fix. not a big amount of fixes though.

level 11 Descent into hell
            ok this level not too hard either.
            just mine upper right set with 1st lemming at barrier. then when he is just short of breaking thru block with a lemming so miner will turn around.
            now dig with a lemmming from upper left set(just make sure he will release that blocker and keep digging(so there need to be a tad of terrain there).
            Now when the miner is at very edge to the right, use again another blocker to turn the miner left. now the miner will just be below digger, so now use last
            blocker below digger to turn miner again to free bottom right lemmings. also when you place the blocker there that there is a tad of terrain so digger will keep
            digging and freeing that blocker. the digger will dig to exit below. all lemmings will exit. Either nuke the one blocker or just let time run out as level finishes with not
            that much time. And thats it
            Issues: None

level 12 Bricky Madness
            Haven't I played this level before. This one looks familiar. Perhaps maybe Kaywhyn recreated this one, Or did I. I can't remember. All I remember it was glitchy 3 of 6.
            Anyways to solve just make a lemming on bottom climb. and on the top right let one lemming turn left then with the 2nd mine him right and next one who turns around
            mine him left to avoid other lemmings going left. now just before climber finishes climbing block the lemming you let turn left on upper right. now after the climber
            lemming turns around in upper miners shaft. mine a lemming down left to stop that miner so those lemmings can exit at right exit(this part with stopping the miner
            with another was the only part that was tricky.) now the climber will make a short trip and when he hits that blocker you placed he will turn left. Now again after climber
            makes a short trip he will turn right above exit. mine him there right. then he will fall and mine him as soon as he lands so those lemmings below can be freed to exit
            there. Now all the lemmings have exited except the climber. Now the climber will make a short trip to exit right one. Now just bomb the blocker and that's it.
.           Issues: This was neolemmix version recreation of the glitchy level. only thing is in neolemmix there is the blocker pickup skill just high enough on wall where the climber
            Note: for some reason my replay didn't work again. said that message saying level doesn't exist for replay. annoying. So I had to solve over.

level 13 The Drowning Walk
             ok not hard of a level either.
             just mine 3rd lemming when 1/2 way on 1st block after ones with OWW's. then mine next 5 of 6 lemmings that got by first miner 2 blocks away. and with the 6th one
             he will turn around right away then mine him left. The set RR to 99. and that's it.
             Issues: again the pillar tile set so had to fix in just a few spots.

level 14 A Neat Climb-down
            ok in this level that climber thing doesn't work. he just turns around. so for this level I just added another miner so 2nd one can mine with 1st one.
            so although no climber is used, I kept it there.
            ok just mine 1st lemming at small block. 2nd one goes by then mine 3rd one with 1st one. Now let the lemming who got by fall. and just before splatting
            float him. Then build into barrier to turn him around. Then bash left barrier. Then build at edge 2 times to exit. the builder will finish before miners get there.
            Issues: had to add miner due to the climber thing doesn't work in this level. Although I've seen it work in other levels, just not in this one.

            Update: In neolemmix's version there is added basher and no climber so solution is different too. maybe this level should be put as a glitchy level.

level 15 Unwilling Funambulist
            ok this level was easy even with the builder miner trick, because he builds as soon as he lands from climbing block and miner mines at far part before wall on
            anyways to solve just float 1st lemming right before he splats. then as soon as he faces right before steel block climb him(now an athlete). Now when he gets
            to ledge near hatch (left of it) build him to save the other lemmings from splatting(note you will lose some-I managed to save 1 over requiremnt). Now with another
            who falls lands on bridge build to right edge to wall (he turns around and it's a small bridge). Now make another a climber right before that wall after its sealed and
            bomb him high enough so others can get through. Now set RR to 99. Then wait for athlete to get to block near exit where you build him right at that left part of block as
            soon as he lands from climbing it(This is the builder part of the builder miner trick). build him 3 more times to hit block left side of where miner mines.
            Now just mine a lemming in the trapped area at far left edge of that area. the miner will mine over steps on his way to block near where builer started the trick and
            through that block to free lemmings to exit. Note also there will be a couple lemmings trapped in spot where that steel block is just climb them when facing right
            and that's it.
            Issues: Had to raise exit as it was too low. lemmings couldn't exit.

level 16 The Oblique Conundrum
             ok just mine a right hatch lemming to get them into groove to avoid them walking over ledge and dying. Then with 1st 2 lemmings on top hatch mine them
             together maybe about an inch past 2nd small steel part. Then with the 3rd when he turns around in shaft mine him down left. Now only 1 will be mining right
             down to free bottom right lemmings and of course 1 mines down left. Now it's timed where a lemming is at left part just before left miner breaks thru.
             Now just mine that lemming right to stop left one(a little tricky) now that lemming will be stopped with another at a point where another lemming can mining left
             heading to exit. now that miner that mined toward bottom right should be releasing those right hatched lemmings. now once the first lemming lands on floor
             from left miner, climb him and bomb him after he climbs. the 2nd one who was just barely behind him turns around and others are a little distance away.
             now with the lead lemming mine him right on last diagonal block near exit so he can build to exit. He will finish before any other lemmings arrive. And that's it
             Issues: Surprising no edits as this was the Pillar tile set.

level 17 Fish Fry
            Ok glitchy 4 of 6. Now I do remember fixing this one because of the steel.
            anyways just climb 1st lemming and mine him thru barrier after he climbs. he hits steel then turns around. when he comes back mine him right about an inch from steel
            Now after  he falls mine him into barrier there, he will hit steel below(I added the steel), he will now go left. now mine him thru 2 skinny barriers again he will hit steel
            (again I added). then when he comes to next 2 skinny ones, repeat. now when he gets on diagonal slope near green water below hatch mine him there again he will
            stop(because I added steel).repeat at next barrier(again steel added). now climb a crowd lemming(facing left)mine him to get him low then build him 2 times so he
            will hit vertical bar ahead and turn around. Meanwhile bottom lemming build him a little before vertical drop to provide a splat platform for the crowd. Then mine him
            after he falls offs steps. he will mine into groove at bottom left of map. again back to builder lemming after he turns around mine him down right at end of builder
            steps to free crowd. Finally, mine first lemming to exit. and that's it.
            Issues: again had to fix the glitchy level to work in Superlemmini.(used steel to do as the blocker releasing miner trick doesn't work in Superlemmini)
            Note: Replay again didn't work so had to solve over again.

level 18 Lemmings on the Road to Ruin
            ok the only thing tricky about the level is to make sure both miner and digger continue(crossing of skills again)
            I think I remember Kaywhyn saying something about this As I'm lucky Reunion doesn't have crossing of destructive skills unlike Pimolems and Sublems.
            Anyways just mine 1st 1st lemming then just past that dig the next one(note digger has to be placed so it will open a gap on the left side of below barrier.)
            1 lemming will turn around there. where he will build over gap to exit. also 1 lemming
            got by 1st miner and digger. Now float him down before he splats. Then seal the gap off there with a builder. now with the floater build him left to make a bridge onto
            miners shaft. Now when digger hits steel bash him right(again note left side is open). finally build over diggers shaft with non floater so floater can fall there otherwise
            if you build with floater then the non-floater will splat. and that's it.
            Issues: None

Level 19 Topsy-Turvy
             Ok glitchy level 5 of 6.
             I remember I had to add a miner and steel as the glitch with the miner turning at edge of screen and continuing doesn't work in Superlemmini.
             Also added a builder and floater for the part with the builders blocking lemmings from going right. Well in Superlemmini it took 3 builders to work instead of 2. thus
             adding a builder and a floater.
             ok to solve make 3rd lemming when facing left a climber. Then with first 3 lemmings going up diagonal blocks build them at very start of block to make it so no other
             lemmings can go right otherwise they will splat(note here I had to add an extra builder and floater as it took 3 builders to seel where in lemmini only 2.
             also climber lemming. build him over exit. Now when the climber gets to edge before upper left area build him. then with a lemming on other side of barrier above and
             to the right of builder, mine a lemming so he continues over builder steps and thru to wall on left side(kind of tricky but not real tricky) then miner will hit steel.
             Then finally mine a lemming right to exit as soon as he turns around by miner hitting steel. And that's it.
             Issues: had to reacreate level as miner hitting left screen and turning around to mine doesn't work in Superlemmini(thus adding miner)
level 20 Eye of Rambaldi
            ok this one, I thought would be difficult, but it turned out is wasn't too bad. just had to make sure blockers are in exact spots and builder steps two.
            Anyways just make 1st lemming in each direction heading toward block climbers. then make it so each blocker will trap 2 lemming inside blocker and wall. also
            used Youtube video to see exactly where to place blockers and how to place builders. Now just mine the 2 climbers near block at top. They will cross over and continue
            mining over below builder steps and turn around when hitting blockers and continue mining to exit. Now just nuke the bombers. And that's it.
            Issues: None

ok Pickaxe is finished.
        Final note on this rank, outside of level 5 Triumph for the Magic Picks, every level was pretty easy to execute. Also no major issues either except for that level.

 Onto Rank "ONE" for the 1 minute levels.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2020, 07:52:04 PM by ericderkovits »

Online kaywhyn

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Re: Pimolems for Superlemmini (In Developement)
« Reply #39 on: August 17, 2020, 04:51:30 PM »
level 12 Bricky Madness
            Haven't I played this level before. This one looks familiar. Perhaps maybe Kaywhyn recreated this one, Or did I. I can't remember. All I remember it was glitchy 3 of 6.
            Note: for some reason my replay didn't work again. said that message saying level doesn't exist for replay. annoying. So I had to solve over.

You recreated the level. All I did was verify that the climber/blocker trick doesn't work in Superlemmini and the level therefore has to be changed for the engine. Before you underwent the conversion process for the whole pack, you attached recreations of the 6 glitch levels in the OP which I took a look at and said that I thought Pickaxe 12 was a good substitute. Regarding your own replay not working, that's exactly what happened to my own Hurricane 3 replay. I had to solve it again and now my new replay works. The problem definitely seems random, but it's good to know that I'm not the only one experiencing problems with replays. The most jarring problem is how none of your replays work for me. Makes me wonder if my replays work for you. Perhaps if I find another level worth sending you you can try and let me know if it works for you or not.

Indeed, I think this is what you were thinking of in regards to my contribution on the glitch levels. These were just simply my notes on verifying whether or not the glitch that's used on the levels in Lemmini work in Superlemmini. Taken from my post on page 1 (second post of the thread). As for the actual level recreations, they're all your work.

In regards to the 6 glitch levels:

Stormy 17 (very easy to fix, just add a wall which you did) and Stormy 20 have already been taken care of

Pickaxe 12 - I don't think it works in Superlemmini, but I could be wrong. If it doesn't, can probably just use NL version
edit: Just tested. Blocker trick doesn't work

Pickaxe 17 - Does not work in Superlemmini. Can probably either put steel or just add additional builders or just use NL version.

Pickaxe 19 - Does not work in Superlemmini. Can probably put steel and add another miner, or use NL version, but imo it's way too far off.

One 20 - I don't think it works in Superlemmini. Not sure how or if this can be fixed. NL version provides 2 walkers, which Superlemmini doesn't have.
edit: just tested. Doesn't work at all. Hmm, probably the easiest fix, although I'm not sure if Superlemmini allows it, is to have 4 entrances, 3 of which have lemmings coming out to the left. If it doesn't, then maybe provide another builder and a blocker so it can be released with a basher.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2020, 04:57:38 PM by kaywhyn » - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:

Offline ericderkovits

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Re: Pimolems for Superlemmini (In Developement)
« Reply #40 on: August 17, 2020, 08:27:33 PM »
ok This post will be for the "ONE" levels - 1 minute levels. also see previous notes about the Pickaxe levels for those levels in the post of those levels.

Rank ONE

level 1 Swallowing lemmings
          ok I had to change save requirement from 28 to 20 due to Superlemmini's traps are faster than Lemmini's. Also Nl's same thing is 20 out of 50. so traps are slower
          in Lemmini compared to Superlemmini and Neolemmix.
          Issues: had to change Save Requirement from 28 to 20 due to Superlemmi's suckers are faster than Lemmini's

level 2 Off-Centered
          ok easy level. After seeing 3rd lemming hatch set RR to 99. Now bomb 1st lemming on platform near diagonal blocks. Then Bomb 2nd one on right diagonal block
          to make other lemmings turn around in explosion hole. Then bomb 3rd lemming on 2nd from top white ledge. And that's it.
          Issues: None

level 3 Square Dealing
          ok another easy one. just bash with 2nd lemming(note: just make sure lemming will stop bashing when he gets to 1st lemmings steps)
          Then bash another lemming left into small square holes to keep left ones from continuing left. Set RR to 99. Then just build 1st lemming 2x to go over gap to exit. And             
          that's it.
          Issues: had to make square terrain more solid as basher would stop.
          Edit: thanks to Kaywhyns replay it can be done with the original, so I put back 603.ini

level 4 Extremely Lem & Incredibly Close
           ok in this level just build our famous 3 builder wall and 4th lemming dig a tad up on 1st builder steps. the will make it so the rest of the lemmings will turn around and
           Issues: had to slightly fix steel blocks as they had small slits. kinda like with the Pillar style.tiles.

level 5 Temple ruins
           First off I had to modify the 605.ini to match Youtubes as the basher wouldn't finish for the first floater lemming in time. so I changed it to Youtubes. So now level works.
           I think Pieuw did this because he found out that the 1st floater lemming would get through.
           Anyways with the first lemming going right, let him fall and float him right before splatting. then block the 2nd one near edge there. also build 2x floater lemming on
           the edge of block down there over water. Now with the 1st lemming after hitting blocker and going left dig him so all lemmings except the 2 that will follow the right
           bottom lemming. make sure to dig him so the land on block below. now with the last right facing lemming mine the blocker and float the blocker and miner.
           also basn the 1st floater lemming thru barrier left of exit. and that's it.
           Issues: had to adjust barrier left of exit to match Youtubes for this level.

level 6 The Magic Box
           ok this level was a little tricky had to use pause and framestepping so I could get a digger placed in appropriate spots. The basher has got to keep bashing into he's low
           enough so he can get lemmings home. good thing there is a few climbers because some of the digs left thin walls. so used a couple to fix.
           Issues: None

level 7 Straight Forward
           Ok this level finishes with 1 second left. Last lemmings just made it to exit on time. extremely tight time.
           anyways I put 1st lemming as climber then used pause and put 3rd one as a climber. the 2nd one will bash right thru bricks. Then set RR to 95(not 99 because I can't
           get the left blocker set without a lemming walking past) also the blockers are super close together. now when the 1st lemming gets to 8th steel block below as a marker
           dig him then the other climber will get in diggers shaft. just bash him right. now at this time digger will hit steel turn right, then turns around in right bashers shaft
           and turns around. Now bash him left to meet the leftmost basher. Now when left basher gets to the little 2nd dot on 3rd steel block, bomb the right blocker. The 2
           bashers will finish the bashing an instant before crowd gets there. now the rightmost basher will finish a little bit ahead. Now that's it. don't even have time to Nuke
           the left blocker. also the left basher doesn't get saved as time runs out.
           Issues: None

level 8 Baptised with a Perfect Name
           ok now bash the 2nd lemming thru right barrier that has a tiny hole in it. then when basher bashes 1/2 thru. pause and set RR to 99. now there will be 3 lemming going
           with the 1st one a little distant then the other 2. now with the 2nd lemming going left bash him thru thin barrier. Now with the 1st lemming falling in shaft by right OWW
           make him a floater just before splatting. when he faces left bash him thru middle area.  Now with the 2nd lemming bash him right thru middle area while the 3rd
           lemming just builds to exit. Now the basher bashing right will free the crowd but he dies on right side. And that's it.
           Issues: None

level 9 Lemmings will be Lemmings...
           ok this level was easy. with 1st lemming build him(will build 3 steps and 3rd lemming will block on steps). put 2nd one on float before he falls to stall for the 1st lemming 
           to dig. but before that make the 1st lemming a climber. now with the 2nd lemming on lower level bash him right. Now with 1st lemming dig him next to green barrier
           with OWW below. the digger will create a lip on the right side. now just mine the blocker away. and that's it.
           This was a level with 1 of everything. only one not used was the bomber since the save requirement is 100%,
           Issues: None

level 10 Bombing the Whole way Home
           This level is a nightmare to solve. Not only is the time next to impossible. but everything must be precise. Not only the placement of the skills but also the RR.
           This level took me forever to do. I kept on not getting credit for the last lemming even though it made the exit sound. so what I did is just move slightly the exit left,
           so it would give me credit. I'm thinking in Superlemmni the clock is faster. Anyways now it's at least solvable even though it's still a nightmare to do.
           Issues: the trap over where a lemming is supposed to bomb so no other climbers can die in trap, I had to make it higher on another block because climbers kept
                      climbing it.e
                      Also due to Superlemminis's clock being faster, I believe, I moved the exit a few pixels left, so now you can actually get credit for the last lemming exiting.

level 11 Ice to Meet You
            ok dig with the 2nd lemming right there at hatch the build him fast so he will turn around. Now dig the 1st lemming that gets to next area above pole slightly to
            the left of it. now with the lemming you turned left with the dig-builder float him on left before splatting. the build him into snow to againg turn him around. Now
            pause and set RR to 99(all the rest of the lemmings will be in diggers shaft.) Now mine him down right through left pole with OWW. then build him over small
            water gap and finally on elevated part of snow mine him so he just puts an opening on left side of diggers shaft to free lemmings(except digger who is the one
            you can lose) and doesn't mine other than that. And all but the digger will exit.
            Issues: None

level 12 I see Led People
            ok This level is easy.
            just block with 1st lemming slightly to the right of hatch. (note passthrough blockers turning lemmings don't work so had to put slightly right)
            now with last lemming dig right at blockers feet releasing blocker who goes right. and digger turns left after digging for a small time. now with a left lemming
            build at edge to make a platform for the crowd and with the lemming going right build him to right wall where exit is. just bash that wall when done building
            And that's it.
            Issues: None

level 13 Lems on the Lam
            ok this one is also easy. just climb first lemming right, then when next lemming hatches, mine so it will remove small ledge so climber can go on other side.
            Now with that climber bomb him on other side. and climb the lemming who mined climb when facing left. now with next lemming just build over small gap. Pause and
            put RR to 99. then finally just bash with lead lemming left of exit thru barrier. And that it.
            Issues: None

level 14 Eroding Time Switch
            ok another easy one.
            just dig on right skinny pole so digger is slightly of center. a 2nd lemming will barely make it over past digger. build that lemming over to the ball on the right.
            Now set RR to 99. Now bash lead lemming thru barrier left of exit. Now when the digger is low enough and other lemmings can get by, release the digger with
            a blocker. finally just bomb lead lemming just left of exit on terrain. Now all the other lemmings can exit. and that's it.
            Issues: None

level 15 In Odd We Trust
           ok for this level I had to add an extra builder as the 1st builder at top where he puts a step that blocks other lemmings from following. Well the 2nd one doesn't
           he follows the 1st one so by adding this builder I make it so 2nd lemming builds to wall before he climbs(thus stalling for time)
           ok to solve make the first 8 lemmings athletes. Now with the 2nd lemming build him so he will connect with wall but without turning around(this is the added builder)
           now with the 1st lemming on top of barrier build him the instant he gets on top(had to use pause and framestepping). now with the 2nd to last lemming bash him left
           at base of barrier. and last lemming bomb him but let him go into bashing shaft 1st since 2nd lemmings' build is just not quite finished. Now when turns arounds then
           bomb him at that spot where it opens small terrain. at this time the stalling builder is already climbing. and explosion still beats the floaters.
           now just build the basher at the end of his bash into left barrier (small bridge) this allows the 1st lemming to float onto it so he can exit.
           Issues: had to add a builder since 2nd lemming wont fall from 1st lemmings step at top(he follows him). thus by adding the 2nd builder it stalls for time.
           Edit: actually if you use neolemmix's solution it's faster. but 3 builders is still needed.

here is the 615.ini and replay (if it will work)
           try adding this 615.ini as an external level and then doing replays

level 16 For Crystal Sake!
            Ok this level was easy. just make first lemming build at left edge of block. This will make it so only the 2nd lemming will follow(the rest turn around)
            Now make the 2nd lemming who falls an athlete. Now with the 2nd lemming going left bash him thru skinny barrier (while the 1st one turns around)
            Now using pause and framestepping bash the 1st left one thru barrier block and bomb the builder at a height where athlete can bash and walk on skinny ledge.
            So now bash athlete lemming left in explosion hole(he'll walk on skinny ledge after bashing.)  Now when athlete climbs skinny vertical pole next to water, build
            him. This will make a platform for the crowd. also athlete will hit ledge and turn around. And that's it.
            Issues: None

level 17 You'll Make Do
             ok an easy level too. Just let 1st lemming fall and float him right before splatting. Now using pause and framestepping build 2nd lemming over gap, and then
             make the lemming who fell a climber when facing left. Now one more lemming will fall. Make him float right before splatting, and climb him right away so he goes
             right. Also build the bottom left facing one at edge into wood barrier. Then build right facing one at bottom right toward exit(he must be at far right edge, so he will
             be able to finish his last steps). Now with the 2 middle lemmings build each over gap, (bottom one will make a platform for 2 that fall. Now pause and set RR to 99.
             Now the left middle builder will hit his head and turn around. Also build builder 1 more time to exit. Then finally bash lemming who bumped his head and turned
             around bash at right wood logs. Also the builder will be finished on time so lemmings can exit. And That's it.
             Issues: None

level 18 Lines & Curves
             ok now back to Pimolems. Spent a little time on other Issues within superlemmini(ie reunion, other packs styles,etc)
             ok this level is pretty easy too.
             Just bomb 1st lemming a little short of 1/2 way on top. Then pause and bash next lemming quick right before he gets too high in bomber hole. One lemming will get by.
             Now pause again. Now with the 1st lemming who drops down on the left bomb him and bash left in bomber hole with next lemming(again low in hole).
             Now with that lemming who got by going right. float him just before splatting. also bomb with last lemming going right in right bashers spot(this will make
             it so basher falls just left of right block(float him just before splatting). also the other lemming you floated build him to exit. Now with that lemming left of right block
             bash him right. And that's it. also the lemmings you lose are 3 bombers plus leftmost basher(save reg: 6 out of 10).
             Issues: None

level 19 Step on it!
            Now I know why they call it this. you have to hurry and get the RR set to 99 as soon as possible as time is an issue.
            ok to solve block with the first lemming and explode him right away. 2 lemming will hit blocker while he's doing his ohno bomber animation and turn around. Now let the
            first lemming on the right fall and build with the next in such a spot one more lemming will fall. ok now pause and set RR to 99. now with the 1st lemming falling
            on the right bomb him so he will leave a hole at the bottom of the left facing OWW. also on the left bomb 1st one in same spot at bottom of right-facing OWW.
            ok now with the 2nd lemming falling on each side float them at last possible moment before splatting(used pause and framestepping) then climb both when facing
            toward the center. now when both get in the bombers holes bash them toward each other. Then with right basher getting thru build him at edge of block to provide
            a platform for the crowd lemmings. Note this lemming dies. Now with the left basher just build him at left edge over gap to exit. And that's it. I finished level with
            1 second.
            Issues: None

level 20 There's Rashness in the Method.
            ok this level was the hardest level in the entire pack to solve. At first, I couldn't figure out why there was so many miners.
            But then I remembered this is the final glitchy level. Also I noticed I had it as 1 minute 10 seconds but I changed back to 1 minute, because I found out it is possible to
            do in 1 minute. As long as you float the 3 thats needed to exit as late as possible and the miners mine as early as possible the level can be done. I did it in 57 seconds.
            So 3 seconds left.
            Even though we know the solution already, I'll repeat it.
            Pause and make the 2nd and 3rd climbers, then float the first 3 right at bottom before splatting. Now the 1st lemming who isn't a climber will turn around. now build
            him to exit. meanwhile make last lemming bomb when he first drops so he will bomb high part of brick on the right(this will help the miners have the bottom part
            of bricks to mine) now just go back and forth mining the 2 lemmings who aren't building mine on bottom floor where I added steel but with a tiny piece of terrain.
            each miner will turn around(unlike regular lemmini) then just mine them both again and top, again at bottom and final time at top. also builder will build 2x to exit.
            Also just make sure to mine as soon as possible. This makes it possible to finish level within 1 minute.
            Issues: This is the final glitchy level in the pack. So I figured I would add miners to accomplish the solution. If this was regular lemmini, I would have to come up
            with a different solution as miners don't turn around in steel but then again this level is meant for lemmini, so wouldn't even need to unless I wanted this level without
             a glitch.
Now that takes care of the ONE Levels. Next up: Special levels (only 3 of them). Note also I'll have to use icho's Youtube lemmini ones for the final 2 ranks as Pieuw stopped
                                                                       after the ONE levels.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2020, 12:50:54 AM by ericderkovits »

Online kaywhyn

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Re: Pimolems for Superlemmini (In Developement)
« Reply #41 on: August 17, 2020, 09:03:23 PM »
level 18 Lemmings on the Road to Ruin
            ok the only thing tricky about the level is to make sure both miner and digger continue(crossing of skills again)
            I think I remember Kaywhyn saying something about this As I'm lucky Reunion doesn't have crossing of destructive skills unlike Pimolems and Sublems.

Yup, you remember right. Having those tricks in Reunion would certainly make the pack much harder than it already is. Also, Icho mentioned that he hates tricks like those because they're very fiddly and precise, and I agree. Hence why they're not present in the pack. As a matter of fact, there's one Sublems level that required miners crossing and nothing else but that trick which he ended up using Colorful Arty's replay for because he didn't want to bother to get the positioning and timing of them right. Of course, even with skills crossing one another present in Pimolems, the pack overall is still easier than Reunion, since the difficulty of the latter is already high anyway.

ok Pickaxe is finished.
        Final note on this rank, outside of level 5 Triumph for the Magic Picks, every level was pretty easy to execute. Also no major issues either except for that level.

 Onto Rank "ONE" for the 1 minute levels.

Ok, I agree to an extent about the execution of the levels in the Pickaxe rank. I definitely agree with Level 5, that one's pretty difficult to do. Solution is easy, just executing it is really difficult, in large part because there isn't that much room for leeway due to the steel and how the walls themselves are pretty small. And there's cancelling a miner with another miner on top of it! For any levels that rely on that, the timing is very precise, as you have to have another lemming turn around and assigned a miner just shortly after the miner takes a full swing. Sometimes, it's necessary to fiddle around with the RR to get that situation. So those levels that require a miner to cancel another miner I say can be difficult to execute. And yes, for the Neat Climb Down the trick doesn't work on Superlemmini and NL. Where we are in agreement is that the rank as a whole is much easier than Hurricane. Hence why I said the difficulty picks up in Stormy and stays high until you reach the end of Hurricane. Also, the solutions are easy to find in the Pickaxe rank, just the execution can be somewhat difficult depending on the miner trick required.

The One levels should be really interesting. I especially enjoyed them due to how I love time limits in the game. It's amazing that Pieuw was able to make a full rank of just 1 minute levels. The fact that they're only a minute long probably makes the rank even easier, but even then they can still be tricky/difficult levels. Needless to say, they have the tendency to look easy but in actuality can be more difficult than they appear. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:

Online kaywhyn

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Re: Pimolems for Superlemmini (In Developement)
« Reply #42 on: August 17, 2020, 09:51:11 PM »
Hmm not sure why you needed to make One 3 more solid. I was able to do it without the basher stopping. See if it loads for you. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:

Offline ericderkovits

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Re: Pimolems for Superlemmini (In Developement)
« Reply #43 on: August 17, 2020, 10:13:03 PM »
ok, I played with the original level a bit, i got the basher to bash thru, but it is figidity. but nothing that can't be handled. So I put it back to original and saved my replay.
It will now be the original 603.ini. Yes I saw your replay but I had to add it as an external level.

Also it's good to have you helping with this, so i can get the pack right.

Online kaywhyn

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Re: Pimolems for Superlemmini (In Developement)
« Reply #44 on: August 17, 2020, 10:26:02 PM »
My pleasure. Also, thanks for letting me know that you were able to see my replay. In that case, all this evidence seems to point to that there must be something wrong on my end, because none of your replays work for me. It might be something on your end, but it's probably not. There shouldn't be any differences in the replay files I send vs the replay files you send. If it really is my end, I cannot figure out what is wrong that's causing your replays to not work for me. Like if there are Superlemmini settings for replays, I cannot find them. Or I can't think of anything that I might need to fiddle around with. At the same time, you have mentioned a couple of levels you had to solve again because your own replays didn't work anymore for some reason. In that case, the issue is very random and so the problem doesn't seem to be reproducible every time. In any case, it's probably going to be a long while until we get a response from Tsyu. I just wished other people who have Superlemmini could also verify that it's a problem.

edit: I PM'ed WillLem your Hurricane ini files and replays (3 levels). I would like him to test if your replays work for him or if he will get the same error as I do when I try to view your replays.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2020, 10:54:20 PM by kaywhyn » - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: