Author Topic: [Loap / Lemmings 3D] Lemmings Plus 3D - Release topic [V1.05 update]  (Read 42079 times)

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Re: [Lemmings 3D] Lemmings Plus 3D - Release topic [V1.03 update]
« Reply #30 on: April 19, 2020, 08:17:33 PM »
^ While not an actual improvement on the result, I can now make this a glitchless 3 turners. Major oversight on my part yesterday.
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Offline kaywhyn

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Re: [Loap / Lemmings 3D] Lemmings Plus 3D - Release topic [V1.05 update]
« Reply #31 on: December 19, 2023, 11:56:49 PM »
Hello namida,

I have completed up to the Tricky rank, so I'm just going to drop off my replays and provide some feedback. I also have a LP of the pack. Great pack so far btw! :thumbsup:

LP link here: Enjoy! :P

General Feedback

Lemmings Plus 3D is another custom level pack in the series by namida but this time for the game Lemmings 3D, not for NL. There are 80 brand new levels, 20 each in 4 main ranks, with the rank names being the exact same as the ones in the base game: Fun, Tricky, Taxing, and Mayhem. There are actually 100 levels in total, but the other 20 are the exact same ones as the Practice levels you can play in the base game itself. I am fairly new to the game of L3D myself, having never played it until my LP of it 1.5 years ago last summer. Since then, I haven't touched the game itself and therefore my memory of the mechanics is quite hazy.

Same with being completely new to the Loap engine, which is an engine developed by namida to allow you to play L3D and any custom content for the game, similar to NL for custom Lemmings content. It's also similar in that like NL, it has quality of life features, such as time skipping, frame stepping, and rewinding. Even without these features, Lemmings 3D isn't as bad or frustrating in the execution due to it being block-based, but they're still very nice to have, as they certainly beat having to fully restart the level and then watching the replay and then making sure to interrupt the game before the point of the screw-up.

To familiarize myself with Loap, I used the Lemmings 3D Winterland levels as a warm-up to get myself comfortable with the Loap controls. Though it's only 6 levels long, it was enough to get myself quickly in tune with the engine in preparation for LP3D. I can also say that it's a great engine, even if I still occasionally have a lot of hiccups in regards to the fiddly camera controls and movement :laugh:

namida's pack also explores plenty of things that the makers of L3D didn't, particularly the 3D aspect of levels. Hence, his pack has taught me a lot of things I didn't even know was possible with the L3D engine.

Fun Rank Feedback

The first rank of the pack, these should generally be not much problem for anyone, especially as the rank consists mostly of X-of-everythings, with a few that aren't but even those aren't super difficult. Some are harder than the former, yes, but again the pack doesn't reach its true nastiness in the difficulty in this rank.

Some of my replays are a bit different than what is seen in the LP, as I was unfortunate in that I wasn't able to back up my Loap data and my replays for the Fun rank before my hard drive got corrupted. As such, I tried to recreate them as closely as possible, though obviously the details and timings differ slightly.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I must say that I'm quite impressed with this first rank, as I think it's quite well-done and well-rounded, containing a variety of puzzles, some with a few special gimmicks here and there. The variety is certainly what makes the rank really interesting. Now, I haven't yet made any level pack myself, but it tends to be quite difficult to make an interesting first rank. Namida has managed to make the Fun rank interesting throughout the whole ordeal. As he has explained in this thread, he went for a "something for everyone" when making the pack, even if it means there are some designs that won't be too popular, eg, hidden exits.

Tricky Rank Feedback

Now things are a bit harder than they were in the Fun rank, though still nothing that isn't manageable. Away go the X-of-everythings that were quite prominent in the Fun rank, so we pretty much had our fun, so to speak :laugh:

Here, my replays for Tricky 2-5 are the same ones that are in the original recording of the video of Tricky 1-5, though in that one there is a point where you won't hear my audio commentary because my mom came into the room and in a blind panic I hit the circle for my headset which mutes the mic and also I pressed the hotkey to pause the recording. Once she left, I unpaused the recording but foolishly forgot to press the circle on my headset control to unmute the mic. I have totally forgotten that it mutes the mic, and it's been a long time since I have had an unfortunate thing happened while recording a video, so as you can see it's gotten to the point where this almost never happens anymore.

In any case, the video I did upload is the one where I simply recorded the final 22 minutes or so to the best of my ability but you will hear my entire audio commentary, just not the original. As such, what's seen for Tricky 2-5 is different than the replays I've attached here.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

All rightie, halfway through the pack already and am enjoying it a lot! :thumbsup: I definitely look forward to the second half, though I'm already getting stumped pretty badly with the Taxing rank. I'm only on Taxing 2 and it's already kicking my behind. As usual, I'll persevere through the remaining challenges and will get it completed or get as far as I can :) - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Re: [Loap / Lemmings 3D] Lemmings Plus 3D - Release topic [V1.05 update]
« Reply #32 on: December 23, 2023, 01:17:40 PM »
Taxing rank completed and so back with more replays and feedback :)

Taxing Rank Feedback

Similar to L1, this is where the levels really start getting difficult. I consider the first few to be huge steps up in difficulty, with the next several after being easier and a few near the end which are quite difficult. As a matter of fact, Taxing 2, Taxing 3, and Taxing 17 all stumped me pretty bad, with Taxing 9 being another, though namida told me it's one of the very fiddly ones, but I have seen Ryemanni's and Kieran's solutions and there's a really easy way to do the level so that it doesn't rely on luck or anything at all.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Only the Mayhem rank left! :thumbsup: So far I have solved the first 5 levels of the Mayhem rank and had an attempt at Mayhem 6 on-camera with no luck. It will require some more time off-camera to get solved. Let's see how far I can get with the final rank or if I can get through the entire pack just like Pooty, Direkrow, Kieran, and Ryemanni. I'm sure it'll be quite tough, especially if the Taxing rank was any indication where several managed to stump me for a long time, but I'll certainly do my best here! I don't intend to give up now, not with how far I've gotten with the pack! ;) Which honestly is much farther than I thought, so yes, I am surprised at how well I'm doing, even though I at one point thought of putting the LP aside and coming back to it later because I got stuck badly very early in the Taxing rank. Nope, looks like my determination and perseverance are strong :) - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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Offline kaywhyn

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Re: [Loap / Lemmings 3D] Lemmings Plus 3D - Release topic [V1.05 update]
« Reply #33 on: December 27, 2023, 11:49:21 AM »
Mayhem rank completed and thus I have solved the entire pack and therefore join the likes of Pooty, Direkrow, and Ryemanni to have done the same, being the 4th person to do so :thumbsup: My entire replay collection is attached and of course more feedback :)

Mayhem Rank Feedback

As this is the final rank of the pack, the hardest levels of the pack are all here. At the same time, the rank is a wild card in terms of roadblocks and hence there isn't much of a consensus on what the hardest level of the pack is. For example, Direkrow thought Mayhem 16 was the hardest, Pooty thought it's Mayhem 17 instead. I'm not certain about Ryemanni, but it seems that belongs to Mayhem 19? As the creator of the pack, namida also thinks it's Mayhem 19. My guess for Ryemanni is that I saw from his LP that the level took about 4 hours total on-camera before he finally got it solved, and that includes the time when he checked the first few seconds of namida's Dos solution for a little tip-off but that was the only portion he saw before he finally got it solved.

As for me, I would most definitely agree that the final 5 levels of the rank are most definitely some of the hardest of the pack. They're pretty much difficult in their own ways, though the final level doesn't come anywhere near as hard as the 4 levels before them. Granted, there are a few hard levels before them earlier in the rank. Overall, the entire rank was slow going, especially once I reached the double digit level numbers, often only being able to attempt just 1 level and either succeeding or not, most often the latter. There's definitely no doubt in my mind that the Mayhem rank of LP3D is far harder than anything the official L3D game throws at the player.

After much thought, I would have to say Mayhem 16 is the hardest of the pack, so same as Direkrow. Yes, Mayhem 16, even though it has the most generous skillset out of all the levels in the final 5 of the pack, being 9-of-everything, including turners. Maybe either Mayhem 4 or Mayhem 9 as being close seconds. At the same time, I can definitely understand namida's assessment of Mayhem 19 being the hardest instead, and Ryemanni's LP of the level is definitely good evidence of that. However, I guess I was fortunate enough to spot the solution and main trick of Mayhem 19 fairly quick, getting the level solved in far less than half the time it took Ryemanni. Even then, that doesn't mean I found the level easy by any means. I had much more trouble with the main trick than the solution itself, but the former is quite clever, though.

Whereas for namida's assessment that hardest is either Mayhem 18 or 19, for the former I found the level much harder to do than with the very tight time limit. Though, that is because I ended up really overcomplicating the solution. I kind of overcomplicated all of the 4 levels before the final level :XD:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

With the completion of LP3D, I have officially completed all packs of the series! :thumbsup: It was a long road and journey, but I have apparently accomplished the feat in just 3 years. So, for the time being I have finished all of namida's released packs for NL and L3D, which does include Doomsday Lemmings for the former. In fact, this pack of namida's was the very first one I LPed, back at a time when I was completely new to LPing and had far less experience with solving custom Lemmings level packs on NL and roadblocks therefore came up very often for me.

In closing, thank you for this pack and all of your Lemmings Plus packs, namida! :thumbsup: I especially enjoyed your LP3D pack all the way from start to finish, even when I thought about putting aside the LP for a while because I got stumped pretty badly with a few early Taxing levels. The first few of Taxing are definitely a huge step up in difficulty, while the next several after the first 5 or so are easier. Just like L1, the halves of the rank can swap with one another, as, except for a few levels here and there, eg, Taxing 17 and 19, being difficult than most others around it, the second half felt easier than the first half IMO. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: