Borders around blue/white tiles in the Sega graphic set

Started by namida, March 30, 2016, 04:12:37 PM

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This is a mistake that I notice people making very often, so I wanted to make a topic to draw attention to it.

The white/gray border pieces that go around the blue/white tiles have one line of solid black! Both to avoid misleading design, and to remain true to how the set is used in the actual Sega levels from the Master System version, this black line should be on the inside of the border.

Correct Usage

(Black line is touching the blue/white tiles.)

Incorrect Usage

(Black line is on the outside, which is also misleading to the user.)

Here is an example in an actual level:
Original Lemmings, Sega Master System version, Fun 20 "SEGA One" (Lemmix remake)

You can argue all you like that "well it shouldn't be solid black in the first place", but the idea was to authentically replicate the actual graphics from the Master System version. And part of that is that there is a solid black line.

So if you're using this graphic set - remember this guideline to avoid misleading (and arguably incorrect) designs. :)

Note: The Lemmini version of this graphic set seems to lack the black lines altogether. So this only really holds for the Lemmix / NeoLemmix version of it. For that reason also, just because this guideline isn't followed may not mean there's an invisible black outline if you're playing a Lemmini, or converted-from-Lemmini pack. It's an unfortunate result of this graphic set being independantly created for two different engines, instead of created for one then converted to the other.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


If I Can make a suggestion about the border at the risk making the tileset less "1:1" to the original, making the black lines a different color like a darker grey to remove problem in a sense
Like the the black lines (Seen below) could use a brighter shade IMO that or remove the black line entirely
Quote from: namida on March 30, 2016, 04:12:37 PM
Correct Usage

(Black line is touching the blue/white tiles.)



Perhaps. I would think that if we were to make such a change, the same change should also be made to the Crystal set too.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Another idea that came to my mind: What about the single-colored custom backrounds?

Let's put a slight blue-tone into the black as a background and we don't have to recolor at all + the hassle to stay 1:1 would also be gone!
Also if this would be natural supported for a tileset, the big objects for shadow and medieval could be finally thrown out aswell (+ I could add some more custom backgrounds for beach an Co).
+ the actual line between game-area/non-game area would be clearer


With Nepster currently working on LemGame.pas, I'm trying to avoid any changes that could affect it. That's also why I've been putting more work into the editor and toolkit lately. I know that theoretically, any changes can just be merged, but merge conflicts are never nice, and probably inevitable if we're both working on stuff that affects LemGame.pas.

Of course, it should be LemRendering.pas that handles this in the first place, but currently LemGame.pas handles a lot of it too, so that'd still need to be stripped out to move all handling of it to LemGame.pas.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Quote from: namida on March 31, 2016, 11:41:04 PM
With Nepster currently working on LemGame.pas, I'm trying to avoid any changes that could affect it. That's also why I've been putting more work into the editor and toolkit lately. I know that theoretically, any changes can just be merged, but merge conflicts are never nice, and probably inevitable if we're both working on stuff that affects LemGame.pas.

Of course, it should be LemRendering.pas that handles this in the first place, but currently LemGame.pas handles a lot of it too, so that'd still need to be stripped out to move all handling of it to LemGame.pas.

No rush, this can still be done in a few months or so, as it's not a real urgent matter. :)

But for this topic, I would still say that custom backgrounds are the easiest method to solve the problen, as out of the same reasons the backrounds in shadow+medieval exist (black tiles/black water).
And all tiles in crystal/sega can stay original aswell. :)

From IRC:
<mobius1>I don't think grey in the crystal set would look real good, but I could be wrong
<IchoTolot>that's where the custom background comes into play ;)
<IchoTolot>it just needs a little change like a slight blue or so
<IchoTolot>but there preview images would show the cases
<IchoTolot>then we could vote