Author Topic: Best quotes from IRC, Mumble and Discord  (Read 60112 times)

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Offline ccexplore

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Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
« Reply #30 on: January 02, 2012, 08:13:30 PM »
I've given "fan" a run now too, we'll see what the bot says in the next few hours.  Though if past history is any indication, the surest bet is that it will probably continue to willfully ignore me. :XD:

Offline chaos_defrost

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Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2012, 08:27:32 PM »
I also just realised something: It might be broken, you know. I've dropped about a dozen f-bombs in chat so far with under 1000 words but only .5% are counted as swears.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano

Offline ccexplore

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Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
« Reply #32 on: January 03, 2012, 06:22:18 AM »
That's as good a theory as any at this point.  :-\ The bot finally take note of me when I directly cursed at it, as if proudly acknowledging its refusal to yield to my testing and theories.  It's rather freakish how much of its response comes out being consistent with willful defiance of ccx, even though it's just a bot.

ccx has quite a potty mouth. 0.7% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <ccx> oh, and f*** you Nordicbot, I mean it. ;p
insulfrog also makes sailors blush, 0.4% of the time.
I'm running out of ways to make this experiment entertaining or informative.  Since I believe the channel logs only goes up to 18 days, I think I'll just wait a while for the system to flush out the current logs, and then maybe try again once the slate is clean.

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Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
« Reply #33 on: January 03, 2012, 09:00:00 AM »
The channel logs go back to the time we got the nordicbot, I think. I had a quick look at the log for another channel (NordicBots' own channel, which goes back much further than that.

But, there's good news! :) I just realised there are buttons at the top of the stats page to get stats for this week, or just today, so you can have a clean slate for testing every day 8)

Offline ccexplore

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Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2012, 11:26:37 PM »
Hmm.  Well, expect to see some entries from fake-insulfrog, fake-SimonN, fake-geoo and fake-Clam, recreating that fateful conversation that put insulfrog to infamy.  I tried today but real SimonN already dominated the statistic, although it looks like a new day has just kicked in in the bot's timezone......

On another front, I dug around the Nordicbot website a little more, and found some mentionings of "Perl IRC Stats Generator" (PISG) as likely the system currently used by Nordicbots to generate the stats.  A link to the PISG homepage yields downloadable Perl source files as well as some documentation.  Perhaps by examining the source, it may ultimately be possible to get more insight into what happened, but it'll take time, and ultimately some assumptions and unknowns will persist preventing full certainty (eg. I don't know if Nordicbot's servers use the default foulwords list or a customized list, and what format of logs it inputs to PISG, etc.)

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Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
« Reply #35 on: January 04, 2012, 09:12:39 AM »
Late November.
<geoo> why's the lemmings forum so slow?
<SimonN> Did you renew your premium real member member access?
<geoo> Nothing to renew, I'm always premium

Early December.
<geoo> "The rubbish dump" would be an appropriate name for my room right now
<Rubix_> is there 2 people buried beneath all the trash in your room
<SimonN> five alive

Clam is playing around with Lemmings for Windows.
<Clam_Spammer> glitchy wall of text in progress
<Clam_Spammer> what, Tame 17-20 are missing
<Clam_Spammer> how the heck am I supposed to test the Tame 20 glitch when Tame 20 is missing

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Offline ccexplore

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Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
« Reply #36 on: January 05, 2012, 01:04:57 AM »
If I had to guess, I'd go with "fan" being the culprit actually.
Hmm, you might be right! :thumbsup:

I was doing actual, real chatting today with geoo and Clam, and when restricted to today only, the stats pick up one of my sentences involving "big" and "fan" (totally unplanned, I swear promise) as an example of foul language:

ccx_ has quite a potty mouth. 0.2% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <ccx_> to be fair, I'm not that big a fan of that trap anyway
geoo also makes sailors blush, 0.2% of the time.

Offline finlay

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Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2012, 01:36:43 AM »
Fan is a Swedish swear word... but why the bot would be looking for Swedish swear words is beyond me.

Offline chaos_defrost

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Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
« Reply #38 on: January 05, 2012, 01:45:05 AM »
I was thinking most of "fan" as a shortened form of a Euro-English slang for something not quite appropriate, hence the mention.

Weird being the lone American trying to decipher this coming up with that of all theories, hahahahaha

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano

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Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
« Reply #39 on: January 05, 2012, 02:25:31 AM »
Quakenet is a Swedish server, so it kinda makes sense.
An educational video for those with further interest: [Warning! Contains swearing (duh)!]
And why does this faen forum embed the video instead of just linking to it, ffs. Should try to get that css to work in Chrome as well. EDIT: Thanks finlay.

<Insane_Steve> I like how this mystery got solved in chat like that without hours of making fake accounts and shit

Offline finlay

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Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
« Reply #40 on: January 05, 2012, 03:01:28 AM »
If you use the link instead of the link, it doesn't embed.

Offline Simon

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Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
« Reply #41 on: January 05, 2012, 07:54:10 AM »
Right now.
<Clam_Spammer> haha, I found that difficulty curve chart
<Clam_Spammer> skip to 7:20
<SimonN> :D
<Insane_Steve> that video is a lot better with the first 3 minutes of him hawing about his subscriber base asking him about onml
<Insane_Steve> and that chart is god-tier
<Insane_Steve> and I have an interview in 7 hours
<Insane_Steve> shit fuck my life

Earlier today.
<ccx_> anyway, sorry for sidetracking, please go back to whatever you guys were talking about before the grinder
<geoo> we weren't talking about anything of relevance, I think
<geoo> how to use baseball bats against potato monsters :P
<Clam_Spammer> what, that is of great relevance

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Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
« Reply #42 on: January 05, 2012, 09:31:58 AM »
And of course no day's complete without a shower discussion (continuing straight from above):

[07:43:32] <Insane_Steve> s*** f*** my life 
[07:43:51] <SimonN> okay, this is going into the quote topic 
[07:45:38] <SimonN> you should really get some sleep, take a shower to get sleepy 
[07:48:45] <Insane_Steve> shower is wakeup tactic 
[07:49:11] <SimonN> take a long, looong shower 
[07:49:27] <SimonN> imagine how long the nessy is, and take a shower this long 
[07:50:37] <SimonN> I shall now take my time and read through the ancient tales of cc and geoo today. 
[08:43:25] <Clam_Spammer> Steve must have fallen asleep while posting :) 
[08:43:46] <SimonN> Thinking about where the end of the long, long nessy might be 
[08:45:10] <Clam_Spammer> it has no end, it wraps around the toroidal map and swallows its own tail 
[08:46:13] <SimonN> It has no end, it is soo long 
[08:46:49] <SimonN> I don't know whether the nessy will still look like the L1 one if she had to swallow her own tail all the long, long way 
[08:47:15] <Clam_Spammer> Longnessy is longer than Longcat

Offline Simon

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Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
« Reply #43 on: January 09, 2012, 05:30:59 PM »
A few days ago, in the forums, about Windows Lemmings.
Nortaneous: Also, the install dialogue is covered in typos, and the whole thing reeks of one of those bargain-bin games of dubious legal status from Croatia that I used to find lying at the bottom of the game cart at Office Depot.

geoo has switched his avatar to the capybara.
geoo (to Simon): Dang, I got the same issue as Clam: Whenever I see a rodent avatar, I think it's you

I made a level for the Lix community pack. Via Mumble:
geoo: How would you rate your level? My scale is 1.0 to 4.5, with higher numbers for harder levels.
Simon: Hmmm... I estimate a 2 on that scale is late Mayhem?
geoo: Yeah, that fits.
Simon: And a 4 means "easy user-made level"?

Later in IRC.
Simon: I remember I played 'Slipping' from 1tseug back when I first found the level database, and of course I couldn't solve it. I should try it again sometime, it's been a lot of years since.
Simon: That's also where I got my opinion about custom level average difficulty from ;)
geoo: haha ok, yeah, tseug's pack is probably the hardest one

-- Simon

Offline ccexplore

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Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
« Reply #44 on: February 01, 2012, 03:15:34 AM »
Start of a new month, start of more wacky IRC quotes:

[04:00:11] <Clam_Spammer> wtf I was playing this level and my guys suddenly exploded 
[04:00:17] <Clam_Spammer> TIME LIMIT RAGE!!! 
[04:00:45] <Insane_Steve> yea sorry but time limit stays for that level, that's part of the difficulty in it 
[04:01:31] <SimonN> I want huge marquee text in each level with time limit, to warn about the limit and to annoy the player who chosese such a level 
[04:01:50] <Clam_Spammer> hmm, well my 'solution' looked slightly backroutey anyway 
[04:02:17] <Clam_Spammer> but you can see what kind of effect this stuff can have on players 
[04:02:51] <Clam_Spammer> in this case I'd just used the last skill and made a path to the exit, then hit FFF and suddenly got the auto-nuke 
[04:03:12] <Clam_Spammer> and didn't see the time limit until then 
[04:05:05] <SimonN> The game doesn't notify the player properly. Maybe the marquee isn't all that bad 
[04:05:31] <SimonN> And a photo of Steve to pop up on level load. 
[04:05:34] <Clam_Spammer> yes, I recommend it 
[04:05:40] <SimonN> yeah, especially the photo 
[04:07:04] <Clam_Spammer> time limits are so unexpected now that unlimited time is the norm 
[04:07:15] <SimonN> Yes, and that is a very healthy trend. 
[04:07:47] <SimonN> Why was the toilet paper so rough and scratchy in the soviet union? 
[04:08:13] <SimonN> To turn even the most resilient butt red. 
[04:08:28] <SimonN> *ass 
[04:08:35] <SimonN> screw language