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Messages - ∫tan x dx

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NeoLemmix Levels / Re: New level pack - All Hallows Eve
« on: September 14, 2020, 07:43:48 PM »
I've finally gotten around to updating this style to work with the new formats!

Both this level pack and its corresponding style have been updated to the latest NeoLemmix version. You'll need to download and install both the level pack and the style.


NeoLemmix Levels / Re: Renaissance Lemmings
« on: September 14, 2020, 07:42:37 PM »
I've finally gotten around to updating this style to work with the new formats!

Both this level pack and its corresponding style have been updated to the latest NeoLemmix version. You'll need to download and install both the level pack and the style.


General Discussion / Re: WillLem's Blog
« on: April 14, 2020, 06:42:28 PM »
First off, I want to apologise again for any insulting statements I made in my previous post. My intention was not to belittle you for not having the same kind of formal training that I or others my have.

It is certainly true that mathematics can be an especially opaque subject, especially regarding topics that have little or no basis in the everyday world around us - such as infinity. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to teach you about some of the concepts involved.

I think what is best here is to start with some explanations of some of the terminologies mentioned in this thread. That way we are all at least talking about the same things.

... what I mean is the distance between any given number and the next number in a pattern or series of numbers
A sequence of numbers is generally given by what is known as a formula, or perhaps a function.

A quick aside, functions are themselves mathematical objects. They are sometimes referred to as mappings, since in a technical sense they map between sets. That is, a function is fed elements from one set, and spits out an element from another set. (Some functions can actually have multiple inputs, but for the sake of argument, we'll restrict ourselves to single input -> single output.)

Now, consider a function called "icecream". This function takes a single input of a person, and outputs a flavour of ice cream which that person thinks is best. So the input set for this function (called the Domain in mathematical terms) is the set of all People (Denoted here as P). Likewise, the output set (the Range in mathematical terms) is the set of all ice cream flavours (Denoted here as F).

Thus we may define:
Code: [Select]
icecream : P -> FSo icecream maps People to Flavours.

Let's plug in a few values:
icecream(tan x dx) = Chocolate.
icecream(Proxima) = Vanilla.
icecream(WillLem) = Mint.
(I apologise in advance for any inaccuracies in the output of this function).

Now this is all very well and good, but it is by no means exhaustive. In order to fully define this icecream function, we would have to poll every single person on earth - or to put it another way, each element of the input set has to be special cased. Which is why we generally prefer true mathematical functions that are given by a formula - we don't have to do a lot of silly work for every possible number, simply plug into the formula and there is the answer.

Let's get back to maths.

For example, the sequence
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...
may be defined as
Code: [Select]
f : N -> N(where in this case, N stands for the Natural numbers: N = {0, 1, 2, 3, ...})
So f is a function (or mapping) from the Naturals to the Naturals. The function can be evaluated using the formula
Code: [Select]
f(n) := n
Let's pick apart this notation. The n in the parenthesis is the parameter - the input to the function. The ':=' bit says 'this is how to calculate the result', and the n at the end is what the output is. In this case, we simply return the input. Thus the zeroth term is 0, the first is 1, and so on.

We may do this since the set of Natural numbers N is in fact a well defined mathematical object. It is an infinite set which contains every single non-negative integer by definition. There are no qualms about compiling an infinite list in a finite universe, because we are working with abstract mathematical objects and not any kind of actual physical object. That's one of the things you can do in mathematics; define something rigorously and you can use it as you please, even if it is an infinite set.

As for your other examples:

0, 2, 4, 6, 8, ...
Code: [Select]
g : N -> Nwhere g(n) := 2n
So this function g doubles the input.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ...
Code: [Select]
fib : N -> N           fib(0) := 1
where{ fib(1) := 1
           fib(n) := fib(n-1) + fib(n-2), for n >=2

Now this one is obviously trickier to define, largely because of its recursive nature. But it is a valid definition; it results in a single unambiguous answer for each of the inputs. Like with the icecream function, the inputs for 0 and 1 are special cased - both are defined to specifically yield a value of 1. But for all other input values, we recursively call the fib function over and over again until it eventually terminates with a fixed answer.

There is obviously more nuance to functions than just this, but as an introduction I think this will do.

Now, let's move onto cardinality.

The cardinality (sometimes called "Size") of a set S is defined as the "number of elements" of S.

Wait a minute, we can make a function out of this!
Code: [Select]
card : {Sets} -> {Cardinalities}Huh. This is kind of weird, isn't it?
So, the first part of the mapping (the Domain) is
Code: [Select]
{Sets}That is the Set of all sets. Now this is indeed a nebulous concept; sets containing sets??? Whatever next?!1
And as for the output we have
Code: [Select]
{Cardinalities}Which seems even more esoteric.

So... What is a cardinality then?

It's like a natural number. But different. And there are infinite cardinalities.

Well that's not really helpful, is it?

We'll start somewhere simpler. Consider the following set:
Code: [Select]
S1 = {13, 652, 7632411}What is the cardinality of this set? Three, right? Simple.
What about this one:
Code: [Select]
S2 = {Chocolate, Vanilla, Mint}Also three. Easy enough.
This one?
Code: [Select]
S3 = {Hurgle, Blorpo, Snrouse}I have no idea what those things are, but I know there are three of them.

So... What's the point?
Well the point is that even though these sets are all utterly different, they still have something in common with each other - their cardinality. They are the same size.

This gives us a way to compare sets. If we have a set with 100 elements, then that set is larger than a set with 20 elements. We don't necessarily need to compare the sets directly, we can instead compare their cardinalities.

But how can we do this for arbitrary sets? As Proxima suggested, we look for bijections.

Think of an ordinary movie theatre, with some unknown number of seats. Now imagine that a crowd of cinema patrons enters the theatre. (I realise how unrealistic such a thing would be in the modern day COVID-19 world, but bear with me here). Even if we do not know the exact numbers involved, either seats or patrons, we can still make some true statements about whether or not the cinema is full.

Suppose an usher looks into the theatre and makes some observations about the relationships between seats and patrons:
  • If every patron has a seat, but there are seats without patrons, then we know that the theatre is not at max capacity - there are more seats than patrons. That is, the cardinality of seats is greater than the cardinality of patrons.
  • If every seat has a patron, but there are still patrons standing, then we know that the theatre is overloaded. The cardinality of patrons is greater than the cardinality of seats.
  • If every seat has a patron and every patron has a seat, then we are at the exact capacity. The cardinality of patrons is equal to the cardinality of seats.

This is the power of bijections! A bijection between two sets is a pair of mappings (oh hey, these are functions!) which have certain properties.
  • Both mappings must be injective.
  • Both mappings must be surjective.
Uh... more mathematical terminology.

Suppose we have a one-way mapping between two sets f : A -> B.
f is injective if no two elements of A are mapped to the same element in B.
For example, consider the following two functions:
Code: [Select]
g : N -> N, g(n) := 2nand
Code: [Select]
h : Z -> N, h(n) := n*nNote, Z here means the set of all integers, positive and negative. Z = {... -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...}

Now, can you see why g is injective but h is not?
g is a "doubling" function. It simply doubles the input. It is easy to see that no two distinct inputs are mapped to the same output - if you take any two different natural numbers (like 5 and 6) and double them, you ain't going to get the same answer (10 and 12).

Whereas h is a "squaring" function. What's the problem here? Look at the elements +2 and -2:
Code: [Select]
h(-2) = (-2)*(-2) = 4
h(2) = 2*2 = 4
Ah. Two distinct elements are both mapped to the same result. The function h is not injective.

This one is more subtle. Our mapping f : A -> B is surjective if for each element b in B, there is at least one element a in A that is mapped onto it.

For example:
Code: [Select]
k : N -> N, k(n) := n + 50The function k simply adds 50 to each input. Now, both the Domain (the set of valid inputs) and the Range (the set of possible outputs) of k are defined as N. So let's ask a question:
Is there any input which is mapped onto the value 42?

The answer is no, since the input set only contains non-negative integers, and adding 50 to any of those cannot result in a value of 42. Thus k is not surjective.

If you look back to the movie theatre example, we tried to construct simple mappings between patrons and seats.
Remember that there are two mappings, one going each way
Patrons -> Seats (does each patron have a seat?)
Seats -> Patrons (is each seat occupied by a patron?)

It was only when the number of seats and patrons matched that we had a bijection. You can check this against the definitions of injective and surjective as above.

Okay. So... What are we doing again?

Quick recap:
  • We want to rigorously talk about sizes of sets, including infinite sets.
  • Cardinalities are ways of comparing sizes of sets without directly caring about the specific contents of each sets.
  • If we can construct a pair of mappings (a bijection) between two sets, we know those sets have the same cardinality (same size).

As Proxima mentioned in their post, this is how one-to-one correspondences work. A bijection between two sets is a one-to-one correspondence!

Proxima also gave an excellent example of a bijection between two distinct infinite sets,
Code: [Select]
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4,  5,  6...}
 |  |  |  |  |   |
 v  v  v  v  v   v
{0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36...}

Here the input set is N, the natural numbers, and the output is the set of square numbers (denoted here as Sq). Both sets are infinite, but they are of the same cardinality.
The bijections involved are to do with squaring/taking square roots. You can check that the functions
Code: [Select]
f1 : N -> Sq, f1(n) = n*n
f2 : Sq -> N, f2(n) = sqrt(n)
Are indeed both valid functions in this context.

So onto the main result - Cantor's diagonal argument.

Cantor's diagonal argument that there is no bijection between the Natural numbers N, and the Real numbers between 0 and 1 - denoted (0,1).
It is certainly possible to create arbitrary mappings between these sets, but the point is that no matter how you do it, the functions involved will fail in at least one of injectivity or surjectivity.

And this is the beauty of the argument: by attempting to list every real number we are implicitly trying to create a mapping between the two sets! We say that the first element is such-and-such, and the second is blah-blah, and so on! But no matter how clever we try to be when listing the reals, we can never create a bijection, there are always an infinite number of Reals still not on the list! No function f : N -> (0,1) can be both injective and surjective! Thus we are forced to conclude that the set (0,1) is in fact, larger than N!

I hope you find this illuminating. Yes, the concepts involved can be tricky to wrap your brain around, but there really is no mystery about infinity or infinite sets. And of course, reality is under no obligation to coincide with your personal interpretations of it.
The fact that infinite sets can be larger than one another is a well established consequence of mathematical logic. Just because you do not fully understand the concepts involved, does not mean that the mathematicians are wrong. In fact, the reverse is almost certainly true. The fact that you made your original post with such blatant misunderstandings suggests to me a great deal of arrogance. This is what I take issue with; this is what irritates me.

Show me a picture of a corridor that seems to go on forever, or a video of an endlessly spinning globe, or even just a picture of a circle, and I'll have a far better, deeper comprehension of what "infinity" is.
I find it ironic that you admit your picture only "seems to go on forever". Even your video of the spinning globe is necessarily finite in length. Even then, with the endlessly spinning globe, what is infinite about this? The number of revolutions? Number. Hmm. That's mathematics, then. Same for the circle. Infinity is an inherently mathematical concept, and your suggestion that mathematics is not the best tool to understand it smacks of willful ignorance. What would be the best tool then?

*** Note 1: Actually it gets worse. The "set of all sets" isn't technically a set; such a collection is too big to be a set! It is instead an example of what is known as a Proper Class, which I'm not going to go into here because that would be opening up a whole other can of worms. That's the thing about mathematics: the more you dig, the worse (or better) it gets.

General Discussion / Re: WillLem's Blog
« on: April 14, 2020, 03:28:43 PM »
I'm sorry bud, but what you've written here is complete nonsense. I'm going to give you a breakdown of what's wrong bit by bit.

In trying to understand infinity, we often use numbers to demonstrate its size and shape.
Nope. Mathematicians generally use set theory to discuss the kind of infinities you are talking about. We use sets of numbers to give examples of the results, so that it is somewhat easier to process.

The problem is, that in attempting to count from 0 to anything, you must first define an arbitrary "counting distance."
First of all, the notion of "counting distance" has no real meaning in terms of actual mathematics. If you want to get technical, when defining what "counting" is, then the Peano axioms ( are a nice way to define the Natural numbers (denoted N = {0,1,2,...}). There are the natural numbers and there is addition, neither are used or defined in the way you are claiming. The Natural number known as "1", "one", "unity" (or whatever other notion you wish to describe it) is most certainly not arbitrary. Its existence is in fact a logical consequence of the axioms by which the Natural numbers are defined. The name we give to it, as well as the symbols we use to denote it are arbitrary, but what these symbols represent in a formal context is not arbitrary.

Because of this tendency towards smaller and smaller decimal numbers, mathematicians claim that there is a larger infinity between 0 and 1 than the size of an "infinite list" of natural numbers.
This is utterly wrong. Mathematicians know that the set of real numbers between 0 and 1 has a greater cardinality than the Natural numbers, but their arguments have nothing to do with what you've written here. In fact, this statement says very little other than saying that there is no smallest real number strictly greater than zero. In fact the sequences that you have given all feature Rational numbers. It is an established fact that the set of Rational numbers (denoted Q) is of the exact same cardinality as N, and both have smaller cardinalities than R.

In fact, they claim that the numbers between 0 and 1 are "unlistable"...
This is true, and I have to say that the term traditionally used to describe this - "Uncountable" - is not exactly the most illuminating. Unlistable is a better word for it in my opinion, since the elements of an unlistable set cannot be put into one-to-one correspondence with the Natural numbers. That is, they cannot be listed in their entirety.

... in that you can always generate a real number that isn't on a given list by simply changing one digit within any real number relative to its position on the list.
What you are referring to here is Cantor's Diagonal Argument ( This is a famous mathematical proof which shows that there can be no bijection (one-to-one correspondence) between the Natural numbers and the Real numbers; the Real numbers have a larger cardinality.

This may be true, but it's a truth that's arbitrary, imposed as it is by the limitations of a digital counting system.
It is true. We've proved it to be true. It's not an arbitrary truth, any more than it is true that 1+1=2. The fact that we use the decimal counting system has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not it is true. I agree that the exact machinations of the proof in its common presentation does rely on base-10 notation, but there are several ways to restate and prove the result without referring to decimal notation. An analogous statement works in binary, ternary, base-67325469253, and indeed any base you care to think of. And if that's still not enough, then I can give a proof that does not rely on any system of "decimally" bits. You can use the continued fraction expansion ( of a real number instead of its decimal expansion, and continued fractions do not require decimal points.

All of this is of course largely meaningless, since the proof still stands regardless of how you wish to represent numbers on paper. The proof simply says that no matter how you try to pair up the Natural numbers with the set (0,1), there will always be an infinite amount of real numbers left out.

In order to define anything using numbers, it's necessary to choose a digital "counting distance," which is always arbitrary and finite when observed from analogous reality.
False. Not that this statement actually has any rigorous meaning anyway. As stated before, mathematicians do not define numbers in this manner, and the term "counting distance" has no meaning in this context whatsoever. It is a term you have invented which bears no resemblance to any terminology used in a formal context. And mathematics is all about formal contexts.

Infinity is an analogous concept, and is therefore incompatible with any digital counting system.
This statement has no real meaning either. Are you trying to say that it is impossible to write down infinity as a number? Of course it is impossible; infinity is not a number. It is not an element of the Naturals, Rationals or Reals. The term "Infinity" is actually much more nuanced than you give it credit, and has various differing meanings based on the context in which it is being used.

For example, in analysis the term "as x tends to infinity" refers to the behaviour when the variable x grows without limit. In systems such as the surreal numbers or hyperreal numbers, infinity is actually used as a number, and you can perform arithmetical operations with it. The context that you are referring to in your post is set theory, however. Specifically the properties of cardinalities of sets.

Either way, your statement is once again meaningless.

Hence, the mathematical notion of "different sized infinities" (such as Aleph 0, Aleph 1, etc) is necessarily and conceptually flawed; defining their "size" in such a way succeeds only in placing yet another arbitrary finite value on the idea of infinity.
Nope. First off, the mathematical notation (denoting cardinalities as Aleph 0, Aleph 1, etc) has nothing to do with whether or not the theory is valid. We could have called them "Zoobie", "Clomb", "Spoozle" for all the difference that it makes. Which is none; the notation that humans assign to them is only a human-readable representation to the underlying mathematical objects.

You also seem to think that such objects are not definable, even though they most certainly are. Aleph 0 is defined as the cardinality of the Natural numbers. Aleph 1is the cardinality of the set of all countable ordinal numbers. These concepts are indeed well defined; mathematicians wouldn't use them otherwise. Furthermore, we have not "placed yet another arbitrary finite value on the idea of infinity". We have simply given names to the different cardinalities. There is a hierarchy amongst these objects, with aleph 0 being the smallest.

Infinity is not finite. It is in-finite.
This is completely redundant... Nobody was even saying this anyway???

Therefore, Mathematics is not the best tool we have for understanding and interacting with the infinite.
Wrong. Completely and utterly wrong. Mathematics is the BEST tool for understanding infinity.

Perhaps Music and Art are better...
Nope. Music and art lack the rigor and preciseness to even come close.

... there could even be something that we as humans can't even conceive that would truly allow us to comprehend the incomprehensible.
And this is where I think the core problem lies. You assume that infinity is this magical, mystical, inconceivable force of reality.

It really isn't.

Infinity is actually completely understandable from a mathematical context, as long as you understand the rules and know how to use them appropriately. It seems that you do not, however. Either way, what you have written here shows a complete lack of understanding of infinity from any formal point of view, as well as a poor understanding of mathematics in general.

Mathematicians have been working on this stuff for centuries. We know what we are doing. You do not.

I apologise if my rant comes off as being confrontational or overly hostile. But I cannot abide when people who clearly have no idea what they are talking about decry well established results in any given area. It's this kind of self assured superiority that causes flat earthers, and other nonsensical beliefs.

Closed / Re: [SUG] New skill: Hookshotter
« on: April 11, 2020, 02:20:40 PM »
Just a thought regarding the ability to kill zombies: if this skill could kill any lemming (not just zombies), then it could serve a role in puzzles without zombies in a very simple way.

Allow the hookshot to kill blockers, thereby freeing crowds of lemmings.

It could also theoretically be used to remove lemmings whose current tasks could spell disaster. Need a builder/platformer/stacker to stop at just the right place? Shoot him!
Does a digger need to stop at a certain height? Hookshot!

Granted, these sort of puzzle elements would likely be very difficult/contrived to set up and pull off. But I think the lemmings community could find some very tricksy things to do with such an ability. ;)

Closed / Re: [DISC][PLAYER] The final new skill
« on: March 13, 2020, 06:58:03 PM »
The topic of new skills has been on my mind for some time recently, and I would like to present a few ideas and thoughts of my own:

Most of these skills are taken directly from Lemmings 2 or other games, with only minor tweaks. If you are familiar with such skills, then you can pretty much guess at what they do.
I've organised them into spoiler tags so as to prevent an overly long post.

The Ballooner
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Archer
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Rock Climber
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Kayaker
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Flamer (name pending)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Rusher
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

So what do you think? I'd love to hear feedback/criticisms/improvements that anybody has.

A thought came to me one day while I was creating a level using the orig_fire tileset. Specifically, I had placed a vertical line of the flamethrower hazards, and while playtesting I thought "Wouldn't it look cool if those flamethrowers were staggered, instead of all firing at once?"

What I am suggesting is an ability to offset the initial frame of constantly animating objects, such as fire hazards, water hazards, traps with animated idle states, and exit animations.
This should have absolutely no impact in gameplay (i.e. clear physics); it would merely be a cosmetic change.

My idea will of course require changes to the level save format, requiring an extra (optional?) piece of information to specify the frame offset.
But I imagine that it should be easily backwards compatible: if an item does not specify this extra piece of info, then it is treated as having no offset - the item plays from frame 0 as usual.

I would love to hear feedback/ideas/criticisms. :)

NeoLemmix Levels / All Hallows Eve (2019)
« on: October 06, 2019, 02:34:45 PM »
Greetings to all you Spooks and Specters!

To accompany the release of Halloween Lemmings, my brother and I have created a level pack using the style.

You can get the style here:

There are two ranks: Child's play and Hellraiser, each with nine levels.
Difficulty ranges from slightly tricksy, to pure evil! :devil:
Some of the levels have talismans. See if you can solve them all!

A set of solutions is also attached.

This pack comes with its own menu screen. Also included is a set of alternate menu graphics, which my brother has created for you to use in your own creations. The files can be found within the level pack folder.
In addition, this level pack comes with its own special music tracks. See the style post for details.

Feedback, criticisms and comments are appreciated as always.

We look forward to seeing the inevitable backroutes to these levels. ;)


NeoLemmix Styles / Halloween Lemmings
« on: October 06, 2019, 02:34:23 PM »
Greetings to all you Ghosts and Ghoulies!

T'is the season for thrills and chills! To honour this month of terror, my brother and I have collaborated on yet another style set for NeoLemmix.

I am please to present Halloween Lemmings: quite possibly the spookiest style yet! :evil:

Haunted houses, ghostly apparitions, spooky skeletons, and of course - pumpkins galore!
This style comes with its own music and sound effects. See installation details below for more info.

Get the style here:

To accompany this style we have created a level pack, which can be found here:

Installation details:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Music/sound credits:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Feedback, criticisms and comments are appreciated as always.

Let's see what ghastly levels you can think of!


EDIT - Updated this style to be compatible with the new pickups!

Closed / [BUG][EDITOR] Teleporters are unlinked by undo
« on: September 30, 2019, 05:42:59 PM »
Teleporters lose their linked status upon using undo.

This occurs on all teleporter types.

Neolemmix editor V1.14

NeoLemmix Main / Bill's tomato game ost for NeoLemmix
« on: September 20, 2019, 03:15:25 PM »
Hi all!

First, some background. Like many of you, I grew up on the Commodore Amiga, and one game in particular (except for lemmings, of course) always stuck in my mind: Bill's Tomato Game.

This peculiarly named game was developed and published by Psygnosis, and released in 1992 for the Amiga and Atari ST. The gameplay revolved around transporting a tomato around a level using platforms and fans placed by the player. It is vaguely reminiscent of lemmings, I suppose?

No doubt some of you are familiar with this game. But for those who aren't, here's a link to a longplay:

Anyway, this game had some pretty decent music. Music that I believe would fit into lemmings with reasonable ease.

So, I've uploaded a bunch of .ogg files of each of the ingame background musics, for your perusal.

Get the tracks here:

The tracks are full of midi goodness, although some tracks may be a little harsh on the ears.

It should be noted that, for some reason, the left/right music channels of each track are completely separate. That is, the left speaker and the right speaker actually play completely different parts of the track. This is completely intentional; the music was created like this. It still sounds good though, with left and right harmonizing nicely.

Each of the tracks are grouped into themes, with two tracks for each theme:

Death - Spooky and chilling. I'm thinking zombies? ;)
Dino - Quite generic really, and probably very versatile. They vaguely remind me of the Oh No Lemmings swamp style.
Egypt - Because one can never have too many Egyptian style musics! Extremely funky as well.
Future - Upbeat and energetic. They fit their themes well, evoking a sense of weird techno stuff.
Jungle - Skulking through caves and forests, anyone?
Machine - Mechanical clankings and dangerous contraptions.
Orient - Heavily inspired by 'oriental' music. These tracks are a bit more niche, but may still suit some levels?
Psych - Somewhat generic and 'odd'. The second track is more energetic while the first is just kind of weird. Still good, though.
Toyland - Light hearted and a bit silly. These might work well with a Lemmings 2 circus level.
Water - Dripping water and whirring turbines. Need I say more?

Let me know what you think! :thumbsup:

NeoLemmix Levels / Re: Renaissance Lemmings
« on: June 07, 2019, 09:21:20 PM »

That's an error on my part. I've corrected the downloads in the OP.

I've had a look at your new solutions and once again it seems I have to be a little craftier...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

NeoLemmix Levels / Re: Renaissance Lemmings
« on: June 04, 2019, 08:08:31 PM »
Update! See the OP for more details and the new downloads.

Quote from: IchoTolot
I think there are fewer backroutes this time, but they are still there. ;P

There certainly are still some backroutes! You're very good at this... ;)

Hopefully there will be resolutions to these issue this time around.

NeoLemmix Levels / Re: Renaissance Lemmings
« on: May 26, 2019, 09:01:55 PM »
Hey IchoTolot!

I'm glad you're enjoying the pack!

... I smell a ton of backroutes. :evil:

You are certainly correct! There are lots of sneaky moves in your solutions!
We've gone back to the levels and tweaked them, updates are in the OP.

A few notes under the spoiler about your solutions:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

NeoLemmix Styles / Re: New Style - Renaissance Lemmings
« on: May 26, 2019, 08:49:44 PM »
Hi all!

We are so thankful and humbled by your responses! Thanks to everybody for their kind words! :thumbsup:

My brother has made a few tweaks to the style as per Icho's suggestions, and I've updated the OP.

By the way Icho, that level is quite puzzling! Neither myself or my brother have managed to figure it out yet!
We're working on it though... ;)

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