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Messages - grams88

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In Development / Re: Van Clan Lemmings resurrection
« on: August 09, 2013, 02:47:02 PM »
Hi Tim

There's a really good website with a lot of dos games on it which includes your  level pack with the 100 levels Tim Foxy.  Also Martin Zurlinden.

Out of all the custom levels I have to say that your one and Martins one have to be in my top five list (welldone) :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I enjoyed your level pack when I played it a while back, the hero levels were in some cases my favorite ones as I liked the fangorn forest I think it was called (good level)  How To Cook Lemmings was a nightmare level which took me a while to complete espicially trying to dodge the fires arrrgggg.   


Non-Lemmings Gaming / Re: Seeking classics I missed!
« on: August 02, 2013, 09:51:48 PM »
Have you played Rod Land? I didn't get to play many Amiga games before the disk drive decided to die horribly, but that game was probably my favourite outside of Lemmings. It's a single-screen platform game where you can summon ladders and smack enemies silly with your magic wand. You can also collect all the flowers in each level for a chance of an extra life.

I got my dads mate into this game two years ago as I thought it was challenging.  I liked the yellow guys at the start of the game and later on the yellow guys end up multiplying and it ends up they are loads around.  :thumbsup:   

Lemmings Main / Re: What does everyone make of Lemmings Paintball?
« on: August 02, 2013, 09:42:40 PM »
Hi everyone

I never considered making levels in Lemmings Paintball... There are certainty possibilities

That might be something I might consider for the future making levels for lemmings paintball as long as it's not too complicated.

This game also has what I personally think is the most annoying level of any video game in history;

That level was a nightmare especially when the flag is so near but then a wall blocks you off.  (Still not a bad level I thought)

I spent a lot of time playing this game, very fun. 


Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings 2 sprites
« on: August 02, 2013, 09:32:29 PM »
Hi Raymanni

Wellcome to the forum

Sorry I won't be able to help you with that one but I'm sure someone will lead you in the right direction hopefully.  8) 

Lemmings two the tribes was a brilliant game I thought, I really like the music in the Atari st version.  :thumbsup:

Fan Corner / Re: Have you guys seen this guy's Lemmings artwork?
« on: July 25, 2013, 02:15:13 PM »
Hi Prob Lem

I really like a lot MC Escher's artwork especially noticing a lot of his references in video games such as Marble Blaster where there was this one level with the name which I think was called Escher type maze or something like that.   I knew straight away that it was going to be a confusing level which it was.

I was looking through your Plush lemmings thread and something in the thread brought back memories where I used have this similar toy, still have it in the cupboard somewhere.   On the plush lemmings thread it's the third picture down and on the left.

That toy looks so much like one I used to have, he had a hat on and the black eyes (I used to call him baby David)  No way I'm letting my dog touch baby David she would rip him apart then that would be my memories gone.  :thumbsup:

Are you selling any or is it more like a hobby?  They look nice



General Discussion / Re: Read/reading any good books, lately?
« on: July 21, 2013, 12:37:29 PM »
Hi everyone

I know this topic is of the old side but lets keep it alive again. I'm really into my psychological books about personalities and other things relating to psychology.  There was one book I read which was called made to stick by the authors Chip and Dan Heath (Great read)

I wrote a couple of small books for the kindle myself, great hobby.  I hope it's okay to post links here about them.

This is a multiple  general knowledge quiz book,.

This was one I wrote which is of like a psychological thriller I think.
I've got my atari st book just basically about my memories as kid playing the different atari st games.

Levels for other engines / Re: Made my very first levels for lemmini
« on: July 17, 2013, 12:55:04 AM »
I've added an attachment which is the plan carefully intended solution but it was kind of similar to your Akseli.  I checked your reply of the plan carefully level Gronkling, I think the reply went crazy as it was showing you building up on the tree but I liked your solutions to the other levels.

Gronkling comparison to the solutions

Go for life yes pretty much the same as everyone

House Location change, Same way as Akseli, Different to mines as mines was more complicated (Welldone)

Lemming Factory pretty much the same solution, I liked the way this puzzle turned out, still one of my favorites

Ten allowed to die, Exact same as me

Sacrifice (Nice solution) You got to check gronkling's one out here Akseli as he done totally different to borh of us

A tiny problem yes the same as everyone

Mr Havoc has returned (Interesting all three of us did something different but it was a minor difference.

Ice Morning Not, This was the same solution for all

High Sand Castle (Everybody's solution was different and yes really interesting solutions, I liked Gronkling's glitch technique)


General Discussion / Re: Forum History
« on: July 16, 2013, 06:59:14 PM »
I think I know a couple of lemmings fans who haven't played  lemmings two the tribe, if you haven't it's a must (Brilliant game)

I probably joined this site around the 2012 time as well even though I've been playing the lemmings for as long as I remember. I managed to complete the original and oh no around the year 2002-2003 I think but that was after years of trial and error especially the second last level on Mayhem, which I think the Amiga and Atari st had shorter time limits for that level compared to the PC one (Save Me I think it was called)

I remember back in the day when I first played Martin Zurlinden's custem levels my dad and I think must of got to the China Syndrome level as we were sort of taking turns, but as of 2008 I think that was the year I completed it once and for all (Really good pack) Oh my they were hard levels.  :evil:

Levels for other engines / Re: Made my very first levels for lemmini
« on: July 16, 2013, 06:19:10 PM »
Hi Akseli

I liked your solution using the glitch in Ice Morning Not.  The solution you done which you never used the glitch that was the intended way I done. it.  I look forward to checking the (Mr Havoc has returned)  The reason I changed it was I wanted to make it slightly harder as the original one I thought was a bit on the easy side.

The High Sand Castle Level is like that level you just need to get onto higher ground.  It's a tricky solution.  (Don't worry I won't give away anything unless you really want me to)  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

How do you work the spoiler tag? It's a cool thing to do when you are hiding the solution.

I hope you enjoyed the level pack.  :thumbsup:

Hi Prob lem, Minimac

That's weird they are working fine with myself, I'm puzzled with that one myself too

I like the lemmings hairstyle when they are walking in a certain way they look different each time.   I've never played that game before Animal Crossing New leaf before is it any good.

Thanks for sharing

General Discussion / Re: Lemmings Forums on Youtube
« on: July 11, 2013, 05:38:27 PM »
Hi everyone

That's true Akseli about round the wheel he mentioned some nice words about the lemmings forum on his channel.   

Luis I noticed you done a level which was in the lemmings 2 the tribes for the PSP, Was that one you made up?

My you tube channel doesn't have anything lemmings related but I did post a few comments about lemmings,  I had a couple of atari st long play videos such as the blues brothers, Psycho pig 2.

<a href="" class="bbc_link" target="_blank"></a>

The video on the top left is my gran who celebrated her 90th birthday back in May 11th. 

Levels for other engines / Re: Made my very first levels for lemmini
« on: July 10, 2013, 12:46:30 AM »
Welldone to yourself Akseli

Here's me comparing the solutions with yourself

Go for life yes pretty much the same solution as me.  I guess it's an easy one to start off with.

House Location change, you done that way different to myself quite impressed with the solution.

Lemming Factory pretty much the same solution, I liked the trick you had to do in this one, One of my favorites

Ten allowed to die, You done it slightly different to me, I liked the way you got them in at the end  :thumbsup:

A tiny problem yes the same as me,

Sacrifice, I like that one nice solution which is a tiny bit different to mines.

Plan carefully, yeah that was a good trick you used, I like it.

Mr Havoc has returned, This is one I want to change slightly but nevertheless welldone to yourself

I might change Mr Havoc has returned as I think I might made the solution a bit too easy.

Sorry to say this but I edited the Mr Havoc has returned level to make it more harder.

Levels for other engines / Re: Made my very first levels for lemmini
« on: July 09, 2013, 11:58:05 PM »
Thanks Akseli

Don't worry the high sand castle level hasn't got a hidden exit or anything like that  :thumbsup: but yes it probably is a hard one to complete especially trying to get up to the exit.  I thought to myself maybe this time I might use the levels from the original and oh no and try and make a really difficult puzzle out of them.   

I will tell you what I'll let you know if it was the intended solution for each level the way you completed them.   (see if you tricked me)

I look forward to seeing the solutions.   

The level pack I played recently was one of the older ones which was mikespak09, really good pack as the levels start off kind of easy then they get difficult especially Alone in the Jungle,

 :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Levels for other engines / I might of overused the bombing skill
« on: July 04, 2013, 02:44:33 PM »
I was thinking to myself that some of the level puzzles I planned in my new level pack might of overused the bombing skill but then again I'm proud of how the puzzle element in my new pack turned out.  I used a lot of the oh no more levels also one of two of the normal ones and sort of made the solution more trickier.

I noticed something which was there was only nine levels showing there, but the only level set it wasn't showing was the bubble tile set ones even in my first pack I made.  Just an observation not to bothered with it anyway.

Levels for other engines / Re: Made my very first levels for lemmini
« on: July 01, 2013, 12:01:25 AM »
One or two of the levels I might have done that but I have changed a lot of the skills.

Here's my second pack which I think is a lot more harder than my first. I hope it's okay

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