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Messages - Forestidia86

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Lix Main / Re: Fullscreen, can't switch to other windows (#262)
« on: January 07, 2018, 05:26:39 AM »
I've tested on the newer laptop (Win 8.1) and there are no Taskbar problems as it seems.
So either it is something with my old laptop or Win 7 that causes this problem, so it is in the end only very specific.

Lix Main / Re: Fullscreen, can't switch to other windows (#262)
« on: January 07, 2018, 04:13:47 AM »
I have attached my modified src/hardware/mouse.d, so that you can look if I did everything right.

It hasn't helped. Clicking on the Taskbar after Win key is really a problem since it even prevents Alt-Tab from working. You have to refocus Lix that it works again. (It is as if clicking on Taskbar after Win key leaves Lix in its always on top state.)

Lix Levels / Re: NepsterLix
« on: January 07, 2018, 01:57:53 AM »
Thanks for your feedback.

I have attached a set of another 5 solutions to the Planet rank. Unfortunately all feel backrouty.

Some remarks (click to show/hide)

Lix Main / Re: Lix 0.9.7 released
« on: January 06, 2018, 11:47:42 PM »
This may be an odd wish but can you tell in the changelog when you update the Allegro libraries? I only took notice of it indirectly through the fullscreen-issue. You even seem to have updated the zipfile from the build instructions, which is nice. But I can't know that I should download it again if it is not documented.

This has occurred to me more often as well recently. I think it was mainly picture-attachments.

Lix Main / Re: About the level editor
« on: January 06, 2018, 04:09:10 PM »
Attached an executable that prints mouse-on-land coordinates when no tile hovered.

This is useful and will go in the next release.

Maybe I'm now just being stupid but what happened to the commit for that? I know I've seen it, I even have the changed file but it doesn't seem to be there anymore.

Lix Main / Re: Fullscreen, can't switch to other windows (#262)
« on: January 06, 2018, 10:03:48 AM »
Thanks for your research, ccexplore.

I'm actually less concern about the fact the "Lix remains in the background" even after you finally successfully switched into another window.  If you think about it, that is no different from the behavior you get when you switch via Alt+Tab or Taskbar away from a maximized window (eg. your browser window, probably) to some other window, the old window doesn't automatically minimize as a result of such an action.  I'm more concern with the report that Lix/Allegro5 may somehow be interfering with usage of the Taskbar (so you can't easily switch to another window without some additional fiddling around) during a switch-away attempt.  It doesn't seem like the current implementation of software fullscreen in Allegro 5 should be leading to such an effect, more investigation will be needed to understand if that specific problem may be caused by Allegro 5 vs something Lix is doing.

I don't want to push it that much further from my side since it is not even my problem and is deemed as minor by the one that is actually hit by it.  (Actually sorry, if I'm taking away energy/attention from other issues that are much more important.)
But the point with minimizing is that there seems to be no good way to minimize software fullscreen-Lix. Even if it looks like that with Alt-Tab+choose Desktop or Win+d it still pushes itself back.
Firefox fullscreen minimizes with Win+m and if you go to the top of the screen with the mouse it even shows the window bar again where you have the option to minimize or restore the window status. Apart from that you can deactivate it with pressing the key that activates it. That is much more mildly than it is with Lix (at least for me).

Lix Main / Re: Fullscreen, can't switch to other windows (#262)
« on: January 06, 2018, 02:06:10 AM »
I think Lix also does mouse capturing which may have some role to play in causing some of the symptoms (eg. maybe that's why clicking on the application icons on the taskbar didn't seem to work, if the input is still being captured and directed to the Lix window), though I thought in Windows it's supposed to release the capture once you switch away to another application.  Unless it doesn't count yet when you bring up the Taskbar via the WIN key?

The capture only seems partly removed when pressing the Win key:
a) You get a duplication of cursor: the Lix crosshair and the normal Win cursor,
but if you move the (Win) cursor, both move simultaneously (at least when on the Lix "plane").
b) It is actually quite hard to click on the Taskbar without refocussing Lix.
c) Clicking on the Taskbar seems to reunite the cursors for (at least) when not over the Taskbar but over the Lix "plane".

(That's actually quite similiar in windowed mode (apart from b) generally) though there it is nevertheless a way to effectively free the mouse.)

- The shortcut Win+m ("Minimize all windows") brings the Taskbar and lets you produce overlapping windows by clicking on the tabs (but Lix remains on background/doesn't minimize).
- The shortcut Win+d ("Show desktop") gets you to the Desktop but if you open another window Lix gets on the background again. (Basically the same as with Alt+Tab and choosing Desktop.)

Lix Main / Re: Fullscreen, can't switch to other windows (#262)
« on: January 05, 2018, 10:29:42 PM »
Well with hardware fullscreen you actually should be able to have the desired results (minimizing), so that would be a workaround for people that absolutely want this behavior at the moment. (I personally don't have this issue since I'm using windowed mode anyways.)

Lix Main / Re: Fullscreen, can't switch to other windows (#262)
« on: January 05, 2018, 08:02:03 PM »
Thanks, ccexplore, for explaining.
Yeah, using the Win key to minimize always felt irregular and seems more like an escape method to get out of the program. (That's why I almost never use fullscreen when I have a choice since I want to be able to change windows easily.)

Reading Simon's question and my answering post again, I think I actually haven't answered the questions. (But they were hard to understand for me since from my viewpoint window (merely) overlapping fullscreen doesn't seem desirable in the first place.)

Alt-Tabbing to another window generally leads to an overlapping of that other window with Lix, i.e. you can use that other window and it gets visible as you can see in lixfull2.png. So insofar you get the desired results with this method.

Using the Win key: Clicking on other tabs on the Taskbar doesn't seem to produce visible/overlapping windows (at least for me). But if you use the Start menu as is activated by the Win key (without clicking on the Taskbar beforehand) then it can be possible to produce visible/overlapping windows. If you have produced such a window, even clicking on the Taskbar seems to work in this respect again.

(You can always start other programs (and see them pop up in the Taskbar as tabs), but their windows are not always visible/are sometimes in the background as explained above.)

I actually don't know how to explain that better. I actually haven't fully understood myself under what conditions exactly you can produce overlapping/visible windows. The general rule seems to be: Using keys in the first place to get to other windows brings you in a state where you can produce overlapping windows generally (even by clicking on the Taskbar) but using in first place the mouse to click on the Taskbar generally denies you such a state.

(But as explained above in almost all cases Lix remains a background image.)

Lix Main / Re: Fullscreen, can't switch to other windows (#262)
« on: January 05, 2018, 03:38:26 PM »
I have attached two pictures for a demonstration what I mean with Lix is like a background screen image.
Background can mean both cases, the ones where you can make windows overlap and where not, that's a point for itself though probably connected from a technical viewpoint.

What often happens if you hit the Win key when a program is in fullscreen is that it just minimizes, vanishes completely to its tab in the task bar (, what happens with hardware fullscreen-Lix). But (software fullscreen-)Lix just stays there fullscreen in the background even in the cases where you can focus/put in the foreground/make visually appear other windows. (As I indicated for the Win key there are even cases where like mobius with the old version windows don't even visually appear if you try to focus them.)

If you press Alt-Tab and choose Desktop it seems to look like Lix has minimized but I'm not even sure if this is really minimizing since Lix appears in the background again once you go to another window. This other window is visible, overlaps.

(I've just noticed that fullscreen Firefox behaves similiar to Lix (stays background image when Win key is hit or Alt-Tabbing to other window than Desktop) though much more mildly: You can make appear other windows by clicking on the task bar and if you've chosen Desktop with Alt-Tab then it doesn't come back by itself when choosing other windows. From my experience nevertheless rather rare behavior (though I generally don't use fullscreen). Maybe that has really to do with the difference between hardware and software fullscreen in general?) 

Lix Main / Fullscreen, can't switch to other windows (#262)
« on: January 05, 2018, 08:52:44 AM »
Issue #262 on github

mobius discovered that (for an older Lix version) on Win when in fullscreen Lix remains on the screen (like a background screen image) when tabbing out and you cannot get to other windows.

My observations concerning v. 0.9.7 (I really hope they are accurate since it really behaves odd and particular):
- Hardware fullscreen seems to behave as expected, i.e. doesn't have this issue, i.e. lets you switch to other windows and minimizes.
- Software fullscreen:
a) If you press Win key you get the task bar but cannot switch to other tabs by clicking on them and Lix remains on the screen in the background. You can though open program windows with the popping up Start menu but only in its activation via Win key but not if you click on the Start menu button (Win 7). If you opened such another window you can actually switch by clicking on tabs until you focus Lix again.
b) If you press Alt+Tab you can get to other open windows and can change to other windows but Lix remains on the screen in the background unless you explicitly choose desktop and clicking on any other window then seems to bring Lix in the background again.

Lix Levels / Re: NepsterLix
« on: January 04, 2018, 10:23:41 PM »
Sorry, that I'm just posting a single solution, but is that intended ("Fourtissimo", v.0.9.7)?
That felt remarkably easy considering what the Moon-difficulty threw at me.

Lix Main / Re: About the level editor
« on: January 04, 2018, 09:22:31 PM »
Is there a possibility to see the coordinates of the cursor position? It seems really nasty to find single tiles from their coordinates. (A workaround though would be to drag a tile around.)

Lix Levels / Re: ClamLix
« on: January 04, 2018, 09:05:14 PM »
I've looked through the n-levels (saved them with the editor) and the ones that could cause problems for maintaining are:

- Big clusters: "Sand me down", "FALL AND DIE", "Polar Pop", "Falling Forever", "Pachinkube"
- Unsure: "No Killer, All Filler", "MORE WEE CREATURES!", "LixBot Lab"

(The rest is divided in groups of a) no tile group created and b) only few minor tile groups created that shouldn't pose a problem for maintaining.)

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