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Messages - kieranmillar

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Part 13:

It looks like my recording had some framerate issues in places for some reason. Sorry about that.

Levels for other engines / Re: [Lemmings 2] Quest From Kieran 2
« on: July 09, 2022, 12:40:19 PM »
Here are some generic hints about the skills and objects in the Tribe.

Magnobooters can only be cancelled in two ways: You assign a skill when they are right side up, and you remove the ground they are standing on.

Jepacks cannot be turned around when they are on the Jetpack, they maintain the direction they were facing when you assign the skill. You also cannot push them through a 8 pixel tall gap, so if you see small gaps in the walls, it's likely a no-jetpacks-allowed enforcement.

Teleporters have no limit on the number of lemmings that can use them at once, and they maintain their facing direction. Magnobooters persist between teleporters too! Well, only if there's something to stand on at the destination.

Level specific hints:
Level 1: Introducing: Space
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Level 2: Anti-Gravity
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Level 3: Blast Chamber
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Level 4: Space Elevator
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Level 5: Friendly Fire
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Level 6: Gravity Chamber
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Level 7: Satellite Junk
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Level 8: Space Rescue
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Level 9: Space Station Skylem
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Level 10: Alternate Dimension
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Part 12. Will I finish Shadow Tribe in this video? You'll need to watch to find out!

Here's part 10. I didn't look at your comments before recording this, in fact I've only just seen them.

This pack continues to be excellent and a lot of fun. Is it harder than QFK2? I have no idea, I am a poor judge of the difficulty of my own levels, but for sure this pack is quite tough. But I think it's a good difficulty level so far.

Well it's been 9 months but I finally got around to playing this again and recording another video. Hopefully it won't be another 9 months until the next one.

Congratulations on making it all the way to an entire 120 level pack. A huge achievement!

Tech & Research / Re: Lemmings 2 glitches
« on: December 13, 2021, 06:38:41 PM »
Another rock climber glitch - the dangling animation disappears when a steam valve is on the level. (the actual steam vents are fine)

(doesn't affect gameplay as you can still click the lemming, but it has put me off using rock climber -> shimmier combos on the 1 Sports level that has all three things)
I think this is because the steam valve contributes to the sprite memory limit and animations start disappearing when you have a certain number of animations possible in the level. For example, the Builder shrug is usually one that vanishes.

You may be able to salvage this by having less skills on the level, or picking some less sprite-intensive skills. Some skills use little sprite memory but there are some that eat up loads, like Superlem, Magno Booter and Canoer.

And so we reach the halfway point...and not for the first time I have my doubts about the way it's progressing. I know my levels are somewhat bigger than QFK2's with more to do in each one, and that's kinda how I like them...but I also get the impression that sort of design isn't popular. My design philosophy is also different, favouring strong (often unusual) themes (along with the odd gimmick) and designing around those (unless I have a strong puzzle idea).

What do people think - should they be smaller? Fewer skills? Terrain favouring execution rather than theme? Or is it better to be a stark contrast to QFK2 but with more bits that could go wrong?

(sorry for rambling on, it's what goes on in a level designer's head sometimes. Doesn't help that the twister was in the first 2 tribes though...leading to a bad first impression on the execution side)
Apologies for vanishing suddenly and being away for a while. That just happens with me. I still plan to play through this all.

I don't think you should worry about whether or not this is similar to QFK2. I'm not a good judge regardless, but I always was worried that QFK2 was too focused on difficult puzzles where people would just get stuck a lot until they figure out the "trick", a level style that actually only crops up rarely in official Lemmings games. I feel there's definitely an audience for levels more your style, I enjoy them at least. What I've played so far is very good, don't be put off by my griping about the Twister, that's just the Twister being the Twister.

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