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Messages - Turrican

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16 17 ... 24
Lemmini / Re: [BUG] Weird steel behaviour
« on: January 15, 2021, 10:28:55 PM »
Thanks! I just tried it, and indeed the steel area is fit to the block, but it's the same problem as seen in your video: Bashing away the wooden planks at the top on either side will sometimes cause the basher to stop earlier than it should. This means that the hit box of the steel is larger than it really is. I have already mentioned that the box for autosteel is not checked. Therefore, the basher has to be placed very precisely in order to avoid leaving any of the wooden plank intact.

First of all in the old games/engines , steel works like this: The steel pieces when you first place them in the level "doesn't know" that they are steel , so you need to place steel properties on them ( which are practically their hitboxes ) .

The rule for the steel properties ( hitboxes ) is : their position need to have x and y coordinates that are 4 , or multiples of 4 , and their size also ( x and y ) need to be 4 , or multiples of 4. The reason is that they need to be perfectly alligned to the 4x4 grid , the old engines/games use.

The thing here is , that these rules doesn't apply to the steel terrain pieces , they appy only on their hitboxes. That means that there may exist inconsistences , between the position of a steel piece and the position/size of it's hitbox , becauce the steel piece doesn't need to follow the "everything must be multiples of 4" rule , it's hitbox follows.

But the interesting thing here , is that in that level by Ron Stard , that doesn't seem to be the issue . If you load that level in Lemmix , you will see that the steel properties in that part of the level , are perfectly alligned with the steel pieces.

Another thing that I have found , is that what you describe here , happens also in the Lemmix version of the level , in the same way.

So , the reason that it happens , seems to be ( if I am correct ) the way basher checks works in the old engines/games. The rule they follow in the old games is : The basher , checks for terrain , every second basher stroke.

The wooden piece at that part of the level , needs 6 basher strokes (2x3) , in order to be bashed. So it seems that after the sixth stroke , another basher terrain happens , and recognizes that steel will be encountered in the next stroke? If that's the case , that also explains why if you assign the basher some pixels earlier , you will have a small wood piece remaining not bashed , after the sixth stroke.

Lemmini / Re: Physics differences between SuperLemmini and NeoLemmix
« on: January 02, 2021, 12:10:46 PM »
I've found another one, but I'm not sure exactly what the difference is here. In the Bonus level "Don't Make The Wrong Choice", NeoLemmix makes it possible for a single Builder to bridge the gap near the end, making a 100% save possible:

However, in the SuperLemmini version, it requires 2 Builders to cross the gap no matter where the first Builder is placed (I've tried!), meaning that it's only possible to save 49/50:

The reason for that seems to be a characteristic left-facing builders have in several games/engines. In Superlemmi when a left-facing builder starts building a bridge , it places the first brick , one pixel behind it's feet. That doesn't happen to right-facing builders , and also doesn't happen in Neolemmix in both left-facing and right-facing builders.

The same thing that happens in Superlemmini , happens also in dos. From the "Glitches in Lemmings" thread:

"Right-facing builders place bricks one pixel further in front of them than left-facing builders. This affects the potential length of a bridge that can be made by "stretching" bridges"

I have attached pictures that showcase all these behaviors , by making a climber start building , at the first frame , when it has ended climbing . Pictures are again from Tame 1 from onml ( For Superlemmini , I used again , the conversion of the dos version of onml. )

In the picture you have posted the builder is a left-facing builder , so what I have described here , seems to be the reason for this behavior.

Lemmini / Re: Physics differences between SuperLemmini and NeoLemmix
« on: January 01, 2021, 07:40:39 PM »
Another one:

Load Tame 1 from onml , and try to create a bridge , like the one that is shown at the pictures , that I have attached. How many builders will it take?

It took me 5 builders for the Superlemmini version , and 7 builders for the Neolemmix version. This happens ( if I am correct ) , because of the more relaxed builder checks , the Superlemmini version has , compared to the Neolemmix version.

For Superlemmini , I used the conversion , of the dos version of onml.

In Development / Re: [NeoLemmix] The new NeoLemmix Community Pack Topic
« on: January 01, 2021, 06:49:58 AM »
Simply pm me the levels + a solving replay to each of them and after that I'll add them. :)

I have PM'ed you both the levels and their replays.

In Development / Re: [NeoLemmix] The new NeoLemmix Community Pack Topic
« on: December 31, 2020, 03:26:06 PM »
You can add also my levels : "FC Lems screwed by the refs - VAR edition" , and "Dockside Warehouse" ( from the "levels by Turrican" thread ) , in the Community pack , if you want.

Lemmini / Re: Physics differences between SuperLemmini and NeoLemmix
« on: December 30, 2020, 05:03:42 PM »
Great job ericderkovits! :thumbsup:

We have eric's video now ,  that showcases the basher/miner cancel where both are facing at the same direction , so here is also , a video that showcases the basher/miner cancel where the lemmings are facing at the opposite direction ( from one of the levels that I have converted ) :

Lemmini / Re: Physics differences between SuperLemmini and NeoLemmix
« on: December 30, 2020, 02:51:56 PM »
However, I can't seem to recreate the first of these (i.e. Bashers and Miners cancelling each other). If anyone has a replay which demonstrates this in action, I'd be grateful to see it.

Both tricks are present in the replays of two of the levels that I have converted. These levels are
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Links for these two levels and their replays :

Lemmini / Re: Physics differences between SuperLemmini and NeoLemmix
« on: December 29, 2020, 06:22:07 PM »
This is a topic , that I would really like to participate , but unfortunately I have little time for anything lemmings related , the last months. Also I am doing some "Lemmix to Neolemmix" level conversions , and some of the converted levels , contain some tricks , that are Not possible in Neolemmix ( with more to come ).

So first of all : In Superlemmini , a basher and a miner can cancel each other , if you time them correctly. This applies if the basher and the miner are facing at the opposite direction , and if they are facing at the same direction. In both cases the miner and the basher can cancel each other.

There are two levels that I have converted , that showcase both these tricks ( the second can be solved , without that trick , but the replay of my solution includes the trick ). The converted levels are :
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Another trick: Do you have a lemming , that it needs to cross an area that has a 1-pixel gap at the floor? No problem! When it is at the edge of the 1-pixel gap , assign it a miner at the correct frame , and it will surpass it.

Levels that I have converted , that showcase this trick :
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Also in Superlemmini , a climber can surpass by climbing , objects like a "3 builder wall" for example.

I am sure , I can find more differences between the two engines , but I need to find time to experiment.

Lemmings Main / Re: Why The Tame Levels Failed, or - The Importance of Maps
« on: December 27, 2020, 02:23:33 AM »
However, as Proxima pointed out, that's not really my point here. I'm specifically looking at why the Tame levels failed as easy levels. And, I'd point to it being a lack of real variety in the maps.

Of course, stuff like skillsets, RR and time limits are also a factor, but even if you left all of that the same, could the Tame levels be made more interesting by making the maps themselves provide more stimulating challenges?

I agree here. I think it is very obvious , that the reason  , these levels fail to provide any kind of challenge , is a combination of a very large skillset , combined with maps which are too simple , for that given skillset.

Lemmings Main / Re: Why The Tame Levels Failed, or - The Importance of Maps
« on: December 26, 2020, 12:32:20 PM »
There are two very old packs that prove that the tame maps can become pretty challenging. These are the CSTame packs , that Clam had created for Lemmix. I know you generally don't play Lemmix levels , but I strongly recommend you to take a look at these packs.

Copy-pasting from the Clammings thread:

"The CSTame packs were two packs , Clam made in 2009 , and their purpose were , to make the Tame levels from onml much more challenging. These packs were practically "challenges:The levelpack" , because they contained 20 challenges ( 1 for each Tame level ) , tranformed into custom levels.

The players here had two options: They could load the two packs and try to complete the levels , or they could load the dos version of onml , and try to complete the challenges there.

Because the challenges needed to work the same way in onml , things like what Willlem did in his pack ( like adding additional opening hatches ) , were not allowed in these packs. You are not allowed to make a single change on the terrain , when you design these levels/challenges , because every solution needs to also work on dos onml , exactly the same way. And for that reason , the concept of backroutes doesn't exist for these levels/packs.

As a result some of these Tame-based levels ended to be some of Clam's hardest levels (probably harder comparted to the levels that exist here in Clammings).

And also some of these levels , ended as some of the most high quality glitch levels that have ever appeared in dos/Lemmix ( levels like "Now you're stuck" , "The squares fight back" and "LemmisXVIII" ) .

Also several of the levels had a very strict time limit because they were practically speedrun challenges ( with most notable example the final level , called "Speed run challenge!" , which required you to save 100% in Tame 20 in 30 seconds. you had 1 minute time limit , but you needed to beat it with 30 seconds remaining on the clock ) ."

Also the tame levels had created several other iconic challenges , like the "Tame 20 no builders save 100%" , or Geoo's "Tame 13 , 1 builder save 100% ( link: ) .

In Development / Re: Levels by Turrican
« on: December 26, 2020, 12:05:04 PM »
I have uploaded updated versions for all my levels and level conversions , because I am changing the way music tracks are handled for my levels and my level conversions.

Previously the levels ,  just required you to put the music tracks in your music folder. Now that has changed.

Now you need to create a folder , called "Turrican projects" in your music folder , and put the music tracks inside that folder instead.

Lemmini / Re: Turrican's Superlemmini projects
« on: December 26, 2020, 12:04:01 PM »
I have uploaded updated versions for all my levels and level conversions , because I am changing the way music tracks are handled for my levels and my level conversions.

Previously the levels ,  just required you to put the music tracks in your music folder. Now that has changed.

Now you need to create a folder , called "Turrican projects" in your music folder , and put the music tracks inside that folder instead.

Lemmini / Re: Turrican's Superlemmini projects
« on: December 22, 2020, 10:15:30 PM »
Here's my replay for Everything You Don't Need. I'm still working on Trading and Co-operating, that one's a tough cookie!

Great job Willlem! :thumbsup: Intended.

Lemmini / Re: Turrican's Superlemmini projects
« on: December 22, 2020, 08:08:34 PM »
This is another "Lemmix to Superlemmini" level conversion . The level is "Trading and Cooperating" by Geoo ( from the geoopk1 pack ) .

I have also attached the replay of the solution!

Link for the music track , that I use with the level :

EDIT : For the music track , create a folder , called "Turrican projects" in your music folder , and put the music track  inside that folder.

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